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April presents us with a wonderful Easter Basket of opportunities hidden in colorful wrappings. The Full Moon on the 2nd can inspire wonderful creative opportunities, the New Moon on the 17th initiates an annual cycle that brings an excellent opportunity to begin any large scale efforts. Various daily potentials: April 1st a rabbit could pop out of the hat or an equally interesting surprise arrive in the mail. Full Moon in Libra highlights the arts on the 2nd. The 4th holds some contrary energy—appearances could be deceiving. The 8th, however might bring a delayed reward and the 9th the possibility of a lovely blessing. Mind your tongue on the 10th and avoid problems. New Moon in Aries on the 17th suggests you inaugurate something special on the 17th, 18th, or 19th. The 29th is a marvelous day for the launch of any major effort. The 30th be mindful of misleading offers or advertising. |
- April 2007 - |
Today is: ( )
Day | Date |
Astrology |
Sun | 1st | April Fools Day - The month begins with wonderful energy indicating a special surprise or unusual communication. If you are traveling, be careful not to speed. |
Mon | 2nd | Passover (begins at sun down) - Full Moon in Libra highlights the arts and relationships. Great day to propose—partnership or marriage. When making choices expect the unexpected. |
Tue | 3rd | Full Moon energy carries life along on a high tide. Have fun and spend time pursuing your art. |
Wed | 4th | Be mindful of excess a well as the illusion that everyone is as trustworthy as you think you are. A scam might be in the news. |
Thur | 5th | Jupiter stands still (astrologically) and there might be heavy weather. Look for rewards to be delayed a bit, however if so they will increase incrementally. |
Fri | 6th | Good Friday - Mars moves into Pisces today and sympathy for the destitute and afflicted might increase to the point where soon something is done to alleviate it. |
Sat | 7th | A pleasant day, good for travel, shopping, happy communication or Easter egg hunts. |
Sun | 8th | Easter Sunday - As long as you have worked for it and deserve it, you are likely to get what is coming to you. The Sun shines on a cheerful giver. |
Mon | 9th | More rewards are in store, especially if they have been delayed. You might overspend or overeat and also have a good time. Go out to lunch with an old friend. Stay away from any proposal that looks too good to be true. |
Tue | 10th | Oops! Mind your tongue and be careful not to trip over it. Stick with the truth or you could get in trouble. Mercury moves into Aries and all that is new is in the news. |
Wed | 11th | Venus enters Gemini and it becomes difficult to choose between this or that. There could be spiritual opportunities available so keep your eyes open. |
Thur | 12th | Think of ways to improve society or look for social groups to work with toward the greater good. |
Fri | 13th | Consider helping those less fortunate than you are. Later on you might especially enjoy a movie. |
Sat | 14th | A laid-back weekend with nothing special planned will fill the bill. Kick back and take it easy. |
Sun | 15th | You might feel more energetic as the day passes. Make your plans for the week later this afternoon or this evening. |
Mon | 16th | Patriots Day - (Massachusetts, and Maine) also The Boston Marathon - Finish up all old business, as you prepare for the New Moon tomorrow. Meanwhile, remember that an annual cycle begins now and plan accordingly. |
Tue | 17th | With this New Moon an annual cycle is initiated that will take you through the next 12 months. Plan accordingly and take advantage of the big push available to you. |
Wed | 18th | Continue whatever you have started, attend to any last minute details or glitches. Smooth sailing is ahead. |
Thur | 19th | High Five Day (2nd Fri) - Saturn is stationary today and begins is move forward. Rewards that have been delayed now come due and might even be better than expected. |
Fri | 20th | The Sun moves into Taurus and steady energy is ours for the next 4 weeks. Gardens seek attention, finances can be stabilized. Good day for traveling. |
Sat | 21st | Travel is recommended, communications are clear and concise, and you can inaugurate any communications project with great success. |
Sun | 22nd | Caring for one another and for the Earth is featured. Take time today to see how your family is doing. |
Mon | 23rd | Matters of love might not go smoothly, however, clarifying what is difficult in the relationship will result in smooth sailing. |
Tue | 24th | Romance blossoms and everyone feels playful. Be sure to allow for relaxation, hobbies, and fun. |
Wed | 25th | Administrative Professionals Day (formally Secretaries Day) - Perhaps the children would enjoy some special treat or else treat your inner child to a fun experience. |
Thur | 26th | National - Take your Daughters and Sons to Work Day (fourth Thur in April) - Cleaning up and clearing out will transform your workspace at home or at work. Later be careful not to discard what you will miss later—a personal relationship, a favorite object or an article of clothing. |
Fri | 27th | Arbor Day (In the United States is last Fri of the Month) - Mercury slides into Taurus and begins to settle down. Our thoughts run along practical lines for a bit now. What you buy today will last, so be sure you want to keep it. |
Sat | 28th | Decisions will be difficult because whatever you choose will be equally as good as what you don’t, so enjoy looking before you leap. |
Sun | 29th | The energy is intense. Lots can be accomplished when you direct your attention toward what you are doing. Yet if you are not mindful you could mash your thumb with a hammer! |
Mon | 30th | A combination of excess and a potential for misleading choices could bring difficulties if you let it. Instead, be very mindful and avoid pitfalls. |
- April 2007 -![]() Find out more information about April (Click Here) |
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Holidays & Other Interesting events happening in APRIL: |
Month Long April Events: National Poetry Month, Cancer Control Month, International Guitar Month, National Humor Month, National Smile Month, National Pecan Month, Stress Awareness Month, Occupational Therapy Month, April is Chocolate Eaters Month. April is also National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month |
1st Week of April Events: Medic Alert Week, Cherry Blossom Festival, Publicity Stunt Week, National Birthparents Week, Week of the Young Child, Straw Hat Week, National Bake Week (begins 1st Mon), Consider Christianity Week, National Reading a Road Map Week |
2nd Week of April Events: Be Kind to Animals Week, Masters Golf Tournament, National Medical Laboratory Week, Private Property Week (10th-16th), National Library Week, Harmony Week, National Garden Week, National Guitar Week, National Building Safety Week, National Home Safety Week. |
3rd Week of April Events: Boys and Girls Club Week, National Coin Week, Bike Safety Week, National Bubblegum Week, Pan American Week, National Week of the Ocean, National Crime Victims’ Rights Week, National Volunteer Week. |
4th (Last) Week of April Events: Forest Week, National
Lingerie Week, Canada-U.S. Goodwill Week, Big Brothers/Sisters Appreciation
Week, Consumer Protection Week, National TV-Free Week, Jewish Heritage Week,
Keep America Beautiful Week, National YMCA Week, Professional Secretaries Week, Intergenerational Week, Reading Is Fun Week, Egg Salad Week, Teacher Appreciation Week (begins Last Mon), TV Turn-Off Week, Mattress Turnover Week. |
April Fools Day is April 1st |
Passover (Begins at sun down) is April 2nd |
National Tartan Day is April 6th (United States, Scotland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) |
Good Friday is April 6th |
Easter Sunday - is April 8th |
Patriots Day - (Massachusetts and Maine) is April 16th (3rd Monday of the Month) |
The Boston Marathon is April 16th |
High Five Day (2nd Fri) is April 19th |
International Earth Day is April 22nd |
Administrative Professionals Day (formally Secretaries Day) is April 25th |
National - Take your Daughters and Sons to Work Day is April 26th (fourth Thur in April) |
Arbor Day (In the United States is last Fri of the Month) is April 27th. |
April is the fourth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four with the length of 30 Days. |
April was originally the second month of the Roman calendar, before January and February were added by King Numa Pompilius about 700 BC. It became the fourth month of the calendar year (the year when twelve months are displayed in order) during the time of the decemvirs about 450 BC, when it also was given 29 days. The Julian calendar reform of 46 BC gave April 30 days, effective in 45 BC |
Other events which happened in April: The American Revolution (Started with Paul Revere's Ride: April 18-19 April 1775), The American Civil War (Started April, 1861, ended April, 1865, thus "Across Five Aprils"), President Abraham Lincoln's assassination (April 14, 1865), The 1906 San Francisco Earthquake (April 18, 1906), The sinking of the RMS Titanic (April 14-15 April 1912), Fenway Baseball Park home of the Boston Red Sox opened its doors on (April 20, 1912), Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassination (April 4, 1968), Chernobyl nuclear accident (April 26, 1986), The 1992 Los Angeles Riots after the Rodney King verdict (April 29, 1992), The Oklahoma City Bombing (April 19, 1995). |
April in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to October in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. |
April begins on the same day of the week as July every year, and as January in leap years |
April's birth flowers are the daisy and sweet pea. |
April's birthstone is the diamond |
More: | Bizarre & Unique Holiday Lists for (April): ThinkQuest.Org, Holiday Insights.Com, & Brownie Locks |
Jump to: Astrology this month - Jump to: Other Interesting Events |
Fire Signs | Earth Signs | Air Signs | Water Signs |
![]() ![]() ARIES April 21-April 19 |
![]() ![]() April 20-May 20 |
![]() ![]() GEMINI May 21-June 20 |
![]() ![]() CANCER June 21-July 22 |
![]() ![]() LEO July 23-Aug. 22 |
![]() ![]() VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 |
![]() ![]() LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 |
![]() ![]() SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 |
![]() ![]() SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 |
![]() ![]() CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 |
![]() ![]() AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 |
![]() ![]() PISCES Feb. 19-April 20 |
**For more information on Astrological Signs and what they all mean please (click here).
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