
The month begins with Scorpio, the sign of rebirth, regeneration and renewal. This sign also holds the focus for taxes, inheritance, healing, and sexuality, bringing these to the fore in the news and on people's minds. We think about getting ready for winter, refurbishing and restoring dwellings as well as health.  A water sign, Scorpio's energy is emotionally charged. On the 22nd the Sun enters Sagittarius bringing a philosophical tone to the atmosphere. This sign is symbolic of hospitality, generosity, education and spirituality. Thanksgiving falls during this sign as does most of our Christmas shopping. How appropriate!

Astrologically much of this November is relatively quiet. The week of the 23rd to the 29th Holds the most energetic aspects and is punctuated by the Full Moon on the 25th. Much of the activity up to that week comes from the sign changes of Mars, Mercury and Venus. These signal a kind of switch in orientation. For instance, on the 13th Mars goes from being in Virgo a materially focused earth sign to Libra an air sign, intellectually focused. This could symbolize less action of a direct nature and more discussion concerning the actions instead.

Mercury, signifying the mind, communications and transportation begins the month in gentle Libra, seeking equality and balance. However it quickly changes to intense Scorpio on the 2nd, now mysteries intrigue us; we want to get to the bottom of things. On 21st it enters jovial Sagittarius: humor and hospitality are on people's minds. Venus symbolic of choices, likes and dislikes begins the month in picky Virgo; practicality rules purchases as well as preference. Then it changes to balance loving Libra on the 9th, and we are inclined to look for what pleases the eye rather than the mind.

The New Moon in Scorpio is on the 11th. For the next two weeks focus on whatever you can do that is of a healing nature, restore relationships that have faltered or seek out what or who you feel passionate about and find ways to embrace it or them. The full Moon in Sagittarius is on the 25th. For the next two weeks focus your energy on refining your philosophy, pruning your guest list, and eliminating your excess, whatever it may consist of. Be generous with what you can and learn the difference between the truly needy and the greedy.

Be mindful of delusion or illusion on the 18th, too hasty choices on the 20th and the 23rd, serious confusion on the 24th, 25th and 26th, and possibly on the 29th. The 2nd holds good energy potential as does the 10th, the 13th, and the 17th.  The 24th and 29th could bring help to strengthen their efforts to those who are on the right track. The over all theme for this month is discernment. Look carefully at what is before you in order to judge correctly which way to turn or how to act. This is not a month to be impulsive or too quick to move.



Election Day U.S (Super Tuesday) - (Nov 6th 2012) next one is 2016

Veterans Day - (Nov 11th 2015)
- November 2015 -

Day Lights Savings Time - Ends  (Nov 1st 2015 2:00am) Fall Back 1-hr
Day Lights Savings Ends

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Sun 1st Day Lights Savings Time ends (2:00am Fall back 1-Hour) - Hospitable Cancer Moon makes this a nice day to entertain friends.
Mon 2nd Playful Leo Moon enhances fun. Mercury enters investigative Scorpio and no mystery is safe from prying eyes. Venus conjoins Mars for a romp
Tue 3rd Royal Leo Moon sets a regal tone for the day
Wed 4th Expansive Leo Moon makes for smiles today. 9:30 PM Precise Virgo Moon suggests a cleansing before bed
Thur 5th Watchful Virgo Moon oversees potential changes as Sun sextiles Pluto
Fri 6th Calculating Virgo Moon keeps track of the day, Mercury trines Neptune enhancing the imagination. Meditate for insight
Sat 7th Beauty loving Libra Moon suggests prettying up your surroundings
Sun 8th Sweet Libra Moon makes for kindness to all. Venus into Libra means choices go from practical to ethical and artistic
Mon 9th Intense Scorpio Moon starts the week of with a bang
Tue 10th Analytical Scorpio Moon attends to plusses and minuses. Mercury sextile Pluto helps flexible thinking. Sun sextile Jupiter enhances joy.
Wed 11th Veterans Day Nov 11th 2014 and  Armistice Day (Symbolic end of WWI) Nov 11th 2014 - Transformative Scorpio Moon brings positive change. New Moon in Scorpio suggests time to work on healing and regeneration
Thur 12th Expansive Sagittarius suggests sharing joy. Mars moving into Libra brings extra energy to relationships, arbitration and agreements.
Fri 13th Generous Sagittarius Moon invites everyone to share ideas over lunch, Venus sextile Saturn and Mercury sextile Jupiter make this an ideal time for meetings, gatherings, and get-togethers for a purpose
Sat 14th Hospitable Sagittarius Moon entertains friends then at 7 PM with a Businesslike Capricorn Moon practical matters come up.
Sun 15th Organized Capricorn Moon makes this a great day for tidying
Mon 16th Ambitious Capricorn Moon sets goals for the week.
Tue 17th Inventive Aquarius Moon helped by Sun conjoined with Mercury assists with good solutions.
Wed 18th Quirky Aquarius Moon suggests great conversations on unusual subjects. Neptune turns direct suggesting we look carefully before acting
Thur 19th Pisces Moon makes for sensitivity as to how people feel
Fri 20th Vague Pisces Moon makes focus difficult. Mercury into Sagittarius adds wisdom to minds. Venus square Pluto says take care to choose wisely
Sat 21st Energetic Aries Moon helps get chores done efficiently
Sun 22nd Innovative Aries Moon goes for what is new and different. Sun enters Sagittarius bringing generosity and hospitality to the fore.
Mon 23rd Impulsive Aries Moon settles down at 11:30 when steady Taurus Moon takes over. Venus opposing Uranus suggests unexpected choices.
Tue 24th Sensuous Taurus Moon inclines us to seek comfort and satisfaction, Mercury conjunct Saturn indicates emerging mental responsibilities
Wed 25th Glib Gemini Full Moon highlights communication. Mercury squaring Neptune says check things out before committing
Thur 26th Thanksgiving Day U.S - Social Gemini Moon enhances family gatherings. Saturn squaring Neptune suggests we look beyond surface appearances
Fri 27th Black Friday - Motherly Cancer Moon inclines us to take care of one another
Sat 28th Hospitable Cancer Moon loves to entertain
Sun 29th Shy Cancer Moon makes for a quiet day. Sun square Neptune might assist spiritual activities. Sun conjunct Saturn calls for responsible action.
Mon 30th Romantic Leo Moon starts the week off with loving smiles

Thanksgiving U.S - 4th Thur of the Month (Nov 26th 2015)

- November 2015 -
Find out more information about November
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Holidays &  Other Interesting events happening in NOVEMBER:
Holidays and Other Cool Events brought to you by Doc Dingley

Month Long October Events: 

November is Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, National Novel Writing Month, Alzheimer's Disease Awareness Month, American Diabetes Month, Lung Cancer Awareness Month, and National Homeless Youth Awareness Month, and the month dedicated to the Holy Souls in Purgatory in the Roman Catholic Church.

It's quite common for some males in Australia (especially in the city of Melbourne), and New Zealand to sport a moustache during the month of November. The custom being known as Movember (Movember is a portmanteau of the words 'Moustache' and 'November'.), and being a fundraising event for men's health issues. One's fashionable appearance often comes second to the calling of Movember. A similar observance in the United States, called No Shave November, involves a full beard as opposed to a mustache.

Moveable Events During the Month: 

First Tuesday
  • In Australia, the Melbourne Cup horse race is held annually on the first Tuesday in November.

Tuesday After the First Monday (Super Tuesday)

  • In the United States, elections are held on the Tuesday after the first Monday of November (between November 2 and November 8). In even-numbered years, members of the House of Representatives are elected to two-year terms, and about one third of the U.S. Senate are elected to six-year terms. The President of the United States is elected in years divisible by four. Most U.S. states, counties, and municipalities have some part of their election cycle coincident with this date.

Third Wednesday

  • GIS Day is held the 3rd Wednesday of November during Geography Awareness Week.

Third Thursday

Fourth Thursday in the USA

  • Americans celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday of November.

The day after Thanksgiving in the USA

Monday immediately following Thanksgiving Day in the USA

In Ireland November 1st is regarded as the first day of Winter

In the United States, elections are held on the Tuesday (aka Super Tuesday - Nov 6th in 2012) after the first Monday of November. They therefore fall between November 2 and November 8. In even numbered years, members of the House of Representatives are elected to two-year terms, and about one third of the U.S. Senate are elected to six-year terms. The President of the United States is elected in years divisible by four. Most U.S. states, counties, and municipalities have some part of their election cycle coincident with this date.

Day Lights Savings Time ends on November 1st 2015 @2:00am (Fall back 1-Hour)

In Indonesia, November 10th is known as National Heroes Day

Veterans' Day in the United States falls on November 11th 2015

Armistice Day is the anniversary of the symbolic end of WWI on November 11th 1918

Remembrance Day is also celebrated on November 11th in the Commonwealth of Nations and various European countries (including France and Belgium) to commemorate World War I and other wars

In the American South, November is known as the "month of the dog"

November is Diabetes Awareness Month

In India, Children's Day is celebrated on November 14th, the birth date of first Indian Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

November 17th, the Leonids Meteor Shower reaches its peak

Discovery of Puerto Rico by Christopher Columbus on November 19, 1493

Third Thursday of the month November 19th (2015) is the 40th Great American Smokeout sponsored by the American Cancer Society. It occurs on the third Thursday of November, one week before Thanksgiving. Smokers are encouraged to quit smoking for these 24 hours, in hopes that they will quit forever .

Americans celebrate the Thanksgiving holiday on the fourth Thursday of November (26th in 2015), with the Friday after being also an unofficial day off from work for many.

Black Friday, is Friday November (27th in 2015)the day after Thanksgiving Day in the United States, one of the busiest shopping days of the year.

November in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to May in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa

November begins on the same day of the week as March every year and February, except in leap years.

November is the eleventh month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four Gregorian months with the length of 30 days. November retained its name (from the Latin novem meaning "nine") when January and February were added to the Roman calendar.

November's flower is the chrysanthemum.

November's birthstone is the citrine or topaz (yellow).
More: Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (November):
ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks


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