Heartwings Love Notes          



Heartwings Love Notes 986 - Do You Take time or Do You Have It?

Heartwings says, "Having no time is one excuse for not taking it."

How often have you said "I'll do it soon," meaning when I have the time? If you are anything like me, you probably say it all too often. I know I have one item on my kitchen to do list (as opposed to my desk to do list) that has been there for weeks, if not months. Somehow, I never seem to get around to it and I'm not sure why. It doesn't take long to make a chocolate sauce—the task in question—yet I haven't done so. Somehow other tasks seem to supersede, and I don't take the time.

Whatever squeaky wheel is current seems to take precedence over the chocolate sauce. Whatever seems immediate gets my attention, and in the time left over there is always email. My goal is to keep the email list under fifty. I don't always succeed, although I do try my best to keep up with anything important. Longer emails that need more time tend to accumulate until I have the time to answer them. Therein lies the conundrum because I probably have the time if and when I am willing to take it.

Taking the time, making the choice to do so, being mindful of what is to be done comes down to fulfilling my own responsibility, which evolves from the real reasons to do or not to do whatever it is. Alas, some things are a mystery. I confess this is a conundrum I have yet to resolve. In the meantime, here's my recipe for Simple Chocolate Sauce, the one I have for no reason I can think of, put off making. Maybe my readers would enjoy trying it. If you do, let me know how you like it.

Ingredients: 1 cup sugar, ½ cup chocolate powder, ½ tsp salt, ¾ cup hot water, 1 tsp vanilla, and an optional sick of cinnamon. To make: mix sugar and chocolate powder in a small to medium pot. Add hot water and cinnamon. Bring to a boil, stirring well, turn down and simmer for ten minutes. Cool and add vanilla. Pour into a jar, cover and store in a cool place.

May you find a way to take the time you need for what you have to do.

PS How about you? Do you suffer from a sense of "to do" overload? Or is your time management perfected? Write and let me know, I'll be so glad to hear from you. My email is tashahal@aol.com, and if you'd like, visit my web pages at www.heartwingsandfriends.com for more love notes and other things too.


I love to hear from readers and would be honored if you would comment and let me know any suggestions or thoughts. If a friend sent you this, you can sign up at my web site, www.heartwingslovenotes.com, where more love notes can be found in the archives.

Blessings and Best Regards,
Tasha Halpert

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