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taking vacations best plan to go somewhere they’ve been before as Retrograde
Mercury holds sway from the 4th to the 28th—a bit longer than usual.
As they say on the highway, expect delays when traveling. On the other hand, use
these weeks to do your “re” work—redesign, restructure, restore, reply, etc.
Otherwise this is a pretty mild month. Days to be especially mindful include the
4th and 5th. Days to go full throttle include the 6th,
10th, 26th, 28th, and 30th.
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- July 2006 - |
Today is: ( )
Day | Date |
Astrology |
Sat | 1st | Canada Day Celebrates the creation of the dominion of Canada (Fact The History of Canada Day) - Plan to set things straight whether it’s pictures on the wall or crooked rugs. Take time to notice what is askew and fix it, your vision will be sharper and more accurate now. |
Sun | 2nd | Beauty is in the eye of the beholder; if something does not please you discard it, if it does cherish it. Make your choices today. |
Mon | 3rd | Find balance between work and play, between too much and too little. Prepare for Mercury retrograde tomorrow by making any last minute purchases you might wish to make. |
Tue | 4th | Independence Day - Happy Fourth of July United States (Fact The History of Independence Day (United States) - Mercury turns retrograde as the US celebrates its birthday. This will be an interesting year! Today, expect the unexpected: an old flame might resurface, an old love become new again, or a creative effort from the past suddenly become important. |
Wed | 5th | Independence Day Venezuela (Fact The History of Independence Day (Venezuela) - Be mindful around the potential for illusions that could lead you to act unwisely. Look carefully before taking action or proceeding with any new plans. Instead, make a list of things you have been meaning to do and begin to cross off what you accomplish. |
Thur | 6th | Anything can happen and actually might. Be open to all possibilities and potentials. Blessings might come to you in new or surprising ways. Benefits could be delayed or redirected. Consider this a blessing in disguise. |
Fri | 7th | Thinking big thoughts can lead to making good moves. Travel is recommended. Plan for a fun weekend, possibly with old friends, as the Full Moon approaches. |
Sat | 8th | Pack your suitcase and take some time off, or if you are home, plan to entertain old and new friends. Look around and see what needs doing that you have been putting off and set up a plan to begin finishing up those old projects. |
Sun | 9th | Independence Day Argentina (Fact The History of Independence Day (Argentina) - You might feel rather lazy and lacking is a desire to get much done. Set up your goals for week ahead as well as for the Full Moon day tomorrow. Your energy will improve tomorrow. |
Mon | 10th | Full Moon in Gemini might have us bopping around and feeling very social. Mercury backs into Cancer for a bit, recalling us to household projects, family matters that need finishing up. |
Tue | 11th | Keep going along with what you have already planned. Look for items that need repair or refurbishing and get to work on these. |
Wed | 12th | Altruism brings its own rewards, and what you do for the common good you are also doing for yourself. Volunteer or be of service to others today. |
Thur | 13th | Look around for someone to comfort. There is always someone worse off than you are. Take a friend to the movies or have them over to watch a video that will cheer them up. Healing energy is not only a potential it is in the air for whomever seeks it. Use it well. |
Fri | 14th | Bastille Day France (Fact The History of Bastille Day (France) - You can transform whatever you apply your energy to. Choose what you want to change and go to work on it. You will be amazed. |
Sat | 15th | There might be little tests and trials on tap for today. Rise above them with a joyous heart and they will reveal their purpose to you. You can benefit from turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones. |
Sun | 16th | Begin what you wish to realize during the next (lunar) month. Considering that it’s retrograde Mercury, address an old issue or something you have tried before without success. You will surely succeed this time around! |
Mon | 17th | Initiating action on postponed or delayed projects is featured. The afternoon may seem a bit erratic so plan important tasks for the morning hours. |
Tue | 18th | Venus moves into Cancer today and we are more drawn to parents and home. We may also want to refurbish where we live. Good mental energy is apparent, especially in the early am. |
Wed | 19th | Effort will produce good results, especially when it is directed toward making money or buying and selling what needs to be bought or sold. Read contracts over carefully before signing. |
Thur | 20th | Socialization is easy and tempting. Plan short trips, errands, communications with siblings and others. |
Fri | 21st | Travel is recommended, as is catching up on your communications whether written or otherwise. You might hear from an old friend or family member. |
Sat | 22nd | Sun moves into Leo today for the next few weeks, and the energy around us all becomes more open hearted and expansive. Romance is in the air. Mars moves into Virgo for a while, and we want to organize and cleanse both our living spaces and our schedules. |
Sun | 23rd | Caring for others is uppermost and we find unique and unusual ways to gove of ourselves. Warmth is evident for all. |
Mon | 24th | Attend to any last minute details before the new moon on Tuesday. This is clean up, clear up, get organized for the New Moon time. |
Tue | 25th | The New Moon is a great time to give energy to what you wish to have increase, whether it is your garden or your bank account. Plan what you wish to nurture and go to work. |
Wed | 26th | A most fortunate day for all and a day when blessings may become apparent. The giving and receiving of gifts is featured, and if you feel the urge to shop you might find just what you need. |
Thur | 27th | Things are more down to earth today, though we still feel generous of heart and mind. Getting the last retrograde Mercury efforts tidied up is your task for the day. |
Fri | 28th | Independence Day Peru (Fact The History of Independence Day (Peru) - Mercury turns direct today, and you have until 8:40 to tidy up any last bits of leftover tasks. Begin anew with the turn of the wheel and find yourself in harmony with the universe. |
Sat | 29th | You might feel like visiting an art gallery or creating some art yourself. Grab your camera and see what you can find to appreciate. You might just be feeling lazy, and after all, it is Friday, try to make it a relaxing day. |
Sun | 30th | Almost anything can happen today, try buying a lottery ticket or a surprise gift for your beloved. You will be rewarded for any effort you make for those you love. |
Mon | 31st | Do what you do best today, especially in tandem with a partner or someone you can work with. This is also a good day to pursue any legal action or to visit a museum or art gallery. |
Holidays and Other Cool Events brought to you by Doc D.
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Fire Signs | Earth Signs | Air Signs | Water Signs |
![]() ![]() ARIES March 21-April 19 |
![]() ![]() April 20-May 20
![]() ![]() GEMINI May 21-June 20
![]() ![]() CANCER June 21-July 22
![]() ![]() LEO July 23-Aug. 22
![]() ![]() VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22
![]() ![]() LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22
![]() ![]() SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21
![]() ![]() SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21
![]() ![]() CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19
![]() ![]() AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18
![]() ![]() PISCES Feb. 19-March 20
**For more information on Astrological Signs and what they all mean please (click here).
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