presents us with an interesting mix of aspects, as well as the fast pace of
Mercury as it speeds through three signs during the month. A multiplicity of
communications will be featured in a variety of ways, especially on the Full
Moon when Jupiter turns direct. As well, Neptune turns retrograde, mid month,
keeping the ratio of three retrograde planets in force.
- June 2017 - |
Today is: ( )
Day | Date |
Astrology |
Thur | 1st | Efficient Virgo Moon boosts accomplishment; Venus/Saturn Trine guides us to harmony |
Fri | 2nd | Organized Virgo Moon aids tidying, 8 PM relax with musical Libra Moon. Venus/Uranus conjunction makes for unusual choices |
Sat | 3rd | Organized Virgo Moon aids tidying, 8 PM relax with musical Libra Moon. Venus/Uranus conjunction makes for unusual choices |
Sun | 4th | Balanced Libra Moon can harmonize the day. Mars into Cancer assists house building and real estate. Sun/Neptune square could mean confusion to cope with |
Mon | 5th | Intense Scorpio Moon helps us bear down on tasks |
Tue | 6th | D-Day (Fact The History of D-Day) - Systematic Scorpio Moon helps arrangemens. Venus into Taurus steadies choices; Mercury into Gemini helps speed up communication |
Wed | 7th | Philosophical Sagittarius Moon helps with discussions, planning |
Thur | 8th | Travel Loving Sagittarius Moon says check out vacation plans |
Fri | 9th | Cheerful Sagittarius Full Moon brings joy to the day. Jupiter stationary may mean interesting weather, delayed rewards released |
Sat | 10th | Tenacious Capricorn Moon keeps us working hard on projects |
Sun | 11th | King Kamehameha Day (Fact The History of Kamehameha Day) - Stalwart Capricorn Moon for best results try harder |
Mon | 12th | Ambitious Capricorn Moon says helps us challenge ourselves. 8 PM Quirky Aquarius Moon brings fun to the evening |
Tue | 13th | Altruistic Aquarius Moon helps social causes; Mercury/Jupiter trine says think big; Venus/Neptune square says beware trickery |
Wed | 14th | Flag Day (Fact The History of Flag Day U.S) - Friendly Aquarius Moon says take a friend to lunch |
Thur | 15th | Sweet Pisces Moon indicates sympathetic energy. Sun/Saturn opposition helps bring an important task to a head |
Fri | 16th | Tender Pisces Moon says write someone who needs comforting. Neptune Stationary Retrograde may imply deceptive or odd energy |
Sat | 17th | Gentle Pisces Moon gives way at 2 PM to Energetic Aries Moon. Plan accordingly |
Sun | 18th | Fathers Day (Fact The History of Fathers Day) - Active Aries Moon oversees intriguing Sun/Uranus sextile and dutiful Venus/Saturn opposition. Choose wisely |
Mon | 19th | Steady Taurus Moon begins the week with deliberation |
Tue | 20th | Sensuous Taurus Moon suggests shopping for fun items |
Wed | 21st | Summer Solstice (1st Day of Summer) Begins June 21st 2017 (Fact Interesting Facts about Summer / Interesting Facts about Solstices) - Chatty Gemini Moon talks it up with Sun/Mercury conjunction. Sun into Cancer for the Summer Solstice, Mercury into Cancer warms the heart |
Thur | 22nd | Flirty Gemini Moon has a fun day planned |
Fri | 23rd | Motherly New Moon in Cancer embraces family connections. Venus/Pluto Trine deepens and enhances caring |
Sat | 24th | Ramadan (began May 26th 2017 and ends June 24th 2017 at sundown in the Middle East/Europe but starts a day later in North America, see below for details) - Warm Moon in Cancer can help plan a family gathering. Mars/Jupiter square warns against excess |
Sun | 25th | Executive Moon in Cancer helps us care for others efficiently. Mars/Neptune trine says beware self deception. 6 PM Fun loving Leo Moon says relax and play |
Mon | 26th | Royal Leo Moon brings out generosity |
Tue | 27th | Playful Leo Moon brings joy to the day. Mercury/Jupiter square means potential for exaggeration, PM Mercury/Neptune trine suggests evening meditation. 9 PM Virgo Moon increases perceptions |
Wed | 28th | Paul Bunyan Day (Fact The History of Paul Bunyan) - Persnickety Virgo Moon Says attend to details, Mercury/Mars conjunction speeds us along |
Thur | 29th | Efficient Virgo Moon dots "i's" and crosses "t's". Mercury/Pluto opposition helps promote resolutions to mysteries |
Fri | 30th | Artistic Libra Moon makes for a day to seek out beauty |
- June 2017 - Find out more information about June (Click Here) |
Holidays & Other Interesting events happening in JUNE: |
Month Long June Events: National National Rivers Month, established by Tom's of Maine to inspire support and stewardship for America's troubled rivers and waterways. National Safety Month in the United States, created by the National Safety Council. National Rose Month in the United States, National Dairy Month in the United States. In the nineteenth century, June was devoted to the worship of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Roman Catholic countries. June is Caribbean-American Heritage Month, in the United States of America |
Flag Days in June: Sweden is (June 6), United States is (June 14 — see also Flag Day in the United States here), Denmark is (June 15), Argentina is (June 20), and Romania is (June 26). To see Flag Days for other countries click here. |
Week Long Events in June: None |
In both common and leap years, no other month begins on the same day of the week as June. June and May are the only two months that have this. |
June is known for the large number of marriages that occur over the course of the month. June is named after, Juno or Hera. Juno was the goddess of marriage and a married couple's household, so some consider it good luck to be married in this month. |
The annual Strolling of the Heifers takes place in Brattleboro, Vermont takes place June 2,3,4th in 2017 |
The first Monday in June is one of the public holidays in the Republic of Ireland; in the Irish Calendar the month is called Meitheamh and is the middle month of the summer season. Secondary schools are off during the month (and also July and August), while June is the last month in primary schools. |
D-Day landings by Allied forces in Normandy, June 6th, 1944. The History of D-Day |
The second Sunday in June is Canadian Rivers Day, this year it is celebrated on June 14th 2015. |
Disney's Donald Duck's "birthday" is June 9th (1934) |
King Kamehameha Day, is celebrated June 11th and is a public holiday of the state of Hawaii in the United States. It honors Kamehameha the Great, the monarch who first established the unified Kingdom of Hawaii — comprised of the Hawaiian Islands of Niihau, Kauai, Oahu, Molokai, Lānai, Kahoolawe, Maui and Hawaii. Kamehameha is known as the Napoleon of the Pacific for his achievements in warfare and diplomacy. Kamehameha Day is the only public holiday in the United States that honors a monarch. Prince Kūhiō Day is the only other holiday in the United States that celebrates the life of a royal. |
Philippine Independence Day is June 12th |
Father's Day in Belgium f is celebrated on the second Sunday in June (June 18th 2017). In the United States, the United Kingdom, Mexico, the Netherlands, Ireland and Canada it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June (June 18th 2017). For celebrations of Fathers Day in other countries click (here) |
Midsummer is celebrated in Sweden on the third Friday in June. |
Most United States schools end for summer break in June. |
Bloomsday is traditionally celebrated on June 16 in Ireland and worldwide among fans of James Joyce's Ulysses. |
Youth Day in South Africa is June 16 |
June 19th (since 1978) is the birthday of Garfield, a comic strip created by Jim Davis. As of 2013, it was syndicated in roughly 2,580 newspapers and journals, and held the Guinness World Record for being the world's most widely syndicated comic strip. |
The Solstice, called the Summer Solstice (1st Day of Summer) in the northern hemisphere and the winter solstice in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from June 21st to June 22nd (in UTC). In the pagan wheel of the year the summer solstice is the time of Litha and the winter solstice is that of Yule. This year in 2017 it begins on June 21st. |
Feast of the birth of Saint John the Baptist (Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day) is celebrated in Quebec Canada on June 24. |
Ramadan (begins sundown) (May 26th 2017). Ramadan started on Friday, 26h of May and continues for 30 days until Saturday, the 24th of June 2017. |
Paul Bunyan Day is celebrated on June 28th |
Ramadan (begins sundown) (June 5th 2016) Ramadan in 2016. Ramadan starts on Sunday, the 5th of June continues for 30 days until Tuesday, the 5th of July. |
Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul, principal patrons of the Church of Rome, June 29th. |
June is the sixth month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, with a length of 30 days. The month is named after the Roman goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and equivalent to the Greek goddess Hera. See:- Months in various calendars |
June in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to December in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. |
June's flower is the rose or honeysuckle as roses and honeysuckles bloom throughout June. June is also sometimes called the "Rose month. |
June's birthstone is the pearl, Alexandrite, or moonstone. |
More: | Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (June): ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks |
Jump to: Astrology this month - Jump to: Other Interesting Events |
Fire Signs | Earth Signs | Air Signs | Water Signs |
ARIES May 21-May 19 |
TAURUS May 20-May 20 |
GEMINI May 21-June 20 |
CANCER June 21-July 22 |
LEO July 23-Aug. 22 |
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 |
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 |
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 |
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 |
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 |
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 |
PISCES Feb. 19-May 20 |
**For more information on Astrological Signs and what they all mean please (click here).
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