
There's an unusual focus on Mercury aspects in March.  Pisces Mercury at the start focuses on winding up communications, conversations, discussions. On the 4th conjunct Neptune makes for a potentially confusing day, on the 6th, conjunct the Sun, a bright cheerful day; on the 8th sextile Pluto, revelations or mysteries surface or are solved; on the 12th, squared by Saturn a serious day with a potential for obstacles.

On the 13th Mercury enters Aries and focus is on all things new and trendy. On the 18th Mercury Venus conjunct makes a felicitous day for proposals. On the 23rd, square Pluto could mean bad weather, bad news or both. On the 24th opposing Jupiter: truth or lies revealed; on the 26th, conjunct Uranus potential explosions! on the 29th trine Saturn, responsible reactions, and on the 31st, Mercury enters Taurus for a steady, strong journey forward.  

Venus in Aries all month turns retrograde on the 9th, we may be rethinking choices, redoing wardrobes: going over jewelry and clothing to see what we want to keep and what we what to get rid of. Venus is all about choices, for or against. Some decisions may come up for review and perhaps revision, especially if made impulsively, with Venus in Aries this is always a possibility. Sun conjunct Venus on the 25th makes for a very sweet day.

Mars changes signs this month, beginning the month in Aries, good for initiating action, then on the 9th moving into Taurus, which helps continue what we have begun. Projects begun during Aries Mars , especially if they are innovative or inventive get a good boost. On the other hand when Mars is in Aries it is easier to be careless or impulsive, so be mindful on the road or when handling sharp tools.  On the 5th Mars trines Saturn making for a great day for accomplishment.

The Sun begins the month in Pisces. This is the finishing up time of year so that we can be ready for the initiation of a new season as well sa a new Solar year. Wind up any projects, clear out debris and be ready when the Sun moves into Aries for the Equinox on the 20th, ushering in spring. This is just the beginning, though; we can't expect the warmth of it for a while. At least the days will be of equal length. The hours of daylight advance from that date on until Midsummer in June. 

The Full Moon in Virgo on the 12th is shadowed by a Mercury Saturn square. This could either cramp her expansive style, or enhance the sense of duty and responsibility Virgo brings to the table. The New Moon on the 26th is preceded by a Mercury Uranus conjunction the day before. This makes me wonder if there will be some unusual or mind blowing news, revelations or activity around transportation or communication over the next day or two.




St Patricks Day - (March 17th)

- March 2017 -

Day Lights Savings Time Begins - (March 13th 2016) Spring Ahead 1-Hr !

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Wed 1st Ash Wednesday - Lent - Aggressive Aries Moon gets the energy going. Sun/Neptune conjunction may provide confusing energy
Thur 2nd Dr Seuss's Birthday - Steady Taurus Moon says continue with planned actions. Jupiter/Uranus opposition suggests surprises in the offing
Fri 3rd Lazy Taurus Moon says take it easy today, plant seeds
Sat 4th Flirty Gemini Moon says have fun with a date. Venus turns retrograde and choices may be reconsidered. Mercury/Neptune conjunction adds confusion
Sun 5th 5Chatty Gemini Moon suggests communicating. Mars/Saturn trine helps make all activity effective
Mon 6th Caring Cancer Moon seeks to soothe, Sun/Mercury conjunction promotes effective communication.
Tue 7th Motherly Cancer Moon urges us to care for all in need
Wed 8th International Women's Day - Loving Cancer Moon gives way to Romantic Leo Moon at Noon. Hearts and flowers win the day. Mercury/Pluto sextile means deep thoughts surface
Thur 9th Royal Leo Moon helps us feel good. Mars into Taurus steadies the energy. Sun/Pluto sextile can bring light to mysteries
Fri 10th Playful Leo Moon brings fun to the day. Diligent Virgo Moon shines at 5 PM for a work evening
Sat 11th Efficient Virgo Moon shines to help work progress. Looming Mercury/Saturn Square could create misunderstandings
Sun 12th Day Lights Savings Time Change (Spring Ahead 1-Hr) - Persnickety Virgo Full Moon plus Mercury/Saturn Square could make for irritation and arguments
Mon 13th Hard working Virgo Moon morning hours can to be useful before Languid Libra Moon at 2 PM. Mercury into Aries sharpens mind and tongue
Tue 14th Beauty Loving Libra Moon can help with decorating or creating art
Wed 15th Equality seeking Libra Moon starts the day off. Persistent Scorpio Moon takes over at 11 AM.
Thur 16th Observant Scorpio Moon says look well before purchasing
Fri 17th Diligent Scorpio Moon can get lots done today. Sun/Saturn Square could mean obstacles to be dealt with. Mercury/Venus conjunction spreads cheer
Sat 18th Generous Sagittarius Moon shines goodwill for all. Mercury/Venus conjunction enhances.
Sun 19th Philosophical Sagittarius Moon enjoys discussions and observations.
Mon 20th The First Day of Spring (Northern Hemisphere) - Cheerful Sagittarius Moon presides over 6 AM Equinox with Sun into Aries, until Ambitious Capricorn Moon at 11:30 AM helps us get busy
Tue 21st Organized Moon in Capricorn helps keep us on track
Wed 22nd Hardworking Capricorn Moon makes an efficient day
Thur 23rd Quirky Aquarius Moon can mean surprises. Mercury/Pluto square may bring unpleasant hidden agendas
Fri 24th Friendly Aquarius Moon suggests gathering friends. Mercury/Jupiter opposition might indicate a surprise
Sat 25th Sweet Pisces Moon wants us to be kind to all. Sun/Venus conjunction sweetens further
Sun 26th Sweet Pisces Moon wants us to be kind to all. Sun/Venus conjunction sweetens further
Mon 27th Gentle Pisces Moon changes to Energetic Aries Moon at 10AM. Wait until later or tomorrow to act as New Moon in Aries suggests new beginnings of all sorts after 11:PM
Tue 28th Innovative Aries Moon has fun with new beginnings
Wed 29th Impulsive Aries Moon energy is available until Noon when Cautious Taurus Moon takes over.  Mercury/Saturn trine brings effective energy to all
Thur 30th Earthy Taurus Moon sees practical uses, Jupiter/Pluto square suggests something big that was hidden emerges
Fri 31st Plodding Taurus Moon steadies the morning. Bouncy Gemini Moon brightens all from 1 PM on.

1st Day of Spring
Northern Hemisphere

- March 2017 -
Find out more information about March
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Dr Seuss's - Birthday (March 2nd 1904 to Sept 24th 1991)
Dr Seuss's Birthday      
March 2nd 1904 - Sept 24th 1991
  Easter Sunday - (March 27th 2016)

Holidays &  Other Interesting events happening in MARCH:
Holidays and Other Cool Events brought to you by Doc Dingley

Month Long & Week Long Events in March: 

March is Women's History Month (United States)

March is American Red Cross month.

Sea Turtles nesting period begins in Florida

Dr Seuss's Birthday was March 2nd 1904 (Born March 2, 1904 - Passed Sept 24, 1991)

Wikipedia - International Women's Day is March 8th (see also International Women's

World Kidney Day is celebrated usually on the second Thur of March, this year it falls on March 9th in 2017, it is a global health awareness campaign focusing on the importance of the kidneys and reducing the frequency and impact of kidney disease and its associated health problems worldwide. The campaign is celebrated every year on the second Thursday of March in more than 100 countries on 6 continents. )

*Day Lights Savings Time is March 12th in 2017 (Spring Ahead 1-Hour), (see also NIST Nat'l Institute of Standards and Technology). Beginning in 2007, Daylight Savings Time was extended one month and begins for most of the United States at: 2 a.m. on the Second Sunday in March Spring Forward (set clocks forward 1-hour) and DST Ends: 2 a.m. on the First Sunday of November Fall Back (or set clocks back 1-hour). Before 2007, daylight savings time began First Sunday in April and ended Last Sunday in October.

The Ides of March, the anniversary of the assassination of Julius Caesar by Brutus, Cassius, Casca, and others (March 15)

Saint Patrick's Day is celebrated on March 17th

The Equinox or First Day of Spring in (Northern Hemisphere) this year is March 20th 2017, (see also Equinox - Wikipedia) .The equinox named the vernal or spring equinox in the northern hemisphere and the autumnal equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from 19 March to 21 March (in UTC).

World Water Day is March 22nd (click here for more). This day was first formally proposed in Agenda 21 of the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Observance began in 1993 and has grown significantly ever since; for the general public to show support, it is encouraged for the public to not use their taps throughout the whole day, the day has become a popular Facebook trend.

The UN and its member nations devote this day to implementing UN recommendations and promoting concrete activities within their countries regarding the world's water resources. Each year, one of various UN agencies involved in water issues takes the lead in promoting and coordinating international activities for World Water Day. Since its inception in 2003, UN-Water has been responsible for selecting the theme, messages and lead UN agency for the World Day for Water.

In addition to the UN member states, a number of NGOs promoting clean water and sustainable aquatic habitats have used World Day for Water as a time to focus public attention on the critical water issues of our era. Every three years since 1997, for instance, the World Water Council has drawn thousands to participate in its World Water Forum during the week of World Day for Water. Participating agencies and NGOs have highlighted issues such as a billion people being without access to safe water for drinking and the role of gender in family access to safe water...

Norouz: New Year's Day in Iran and several other countries. A holiday in Turkey, Japan, and Central Asian countries celebrating not only the start of the new year but the first day of spring also in the northern hemisphere. (Iran, Northern Iraq, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, Albania, Georgia, the countries of Central Asia such as Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan, as well as among various other Iranian and Turkic people in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, India, Northwestern China, the Caucasus, the Crimea, and the Balkans). It usually occurs on the March 21st or the previous/following day depending on where it is observed.

Hanami, the traditional Japanese custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers starts in late March.

Prince Kūhiō Day, is celebrated March 26: state holiday in the State of Hawaii

Bangladeshi Independence Day, March 26, 1971

The NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Championship, colloquially known as "March Madness," is a 20-day tournament that begins in March (March 17th 2016 Wikipedia) ; however, the Championship Game is played in early April (April 6th 2015). The same holds true for the NCAA Women's Division I Basketball Championship as well. See the the official website of the NCAA Championships for further detail .

March is the third month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 Days. In ancient Rome, March was called Martius, so named after Mars, the Roman god of war.

March was originally the first month of the Roman calendar before the winter months of January and February were added about 700 BC by King Numa Pompilius. It ceased to be the first month of the calendar year (the year when displayed as twelve months) about 450 BC during the time of the decemvirs, when January assumed that position. Roman consuls entered office in March between 222 BC and 153 BC, hence Roman events dated via the consular year began in March during that period. The numbered year began on March 1 in Russia until the end of the fifteenth century. Great Britain and her colonies continued to use March 25 until 1752, the same year they finally adopted the Gregorian calendar.

In Finnish, the month is called maaliskuu, which originates from maallinen kuu meaning earthy month. This is because in maaliskuu earth started to show from under the snow. Historical names for March include the Saxon term Lenctmonat, named for the equinox and eventual lengthening of days and the eventual namesake of Lent. The Saxons also called March Rhed-monat (for their goddess Rhedam); ancient Britons called it hyld-monath (meaning loud or stormy).

There is an adage that March "comes in like a lion, but goes out like a lamb", referring to the weather that some regions experience during the month. This saying is meant to demonstrate the unpredictable weather which often occurs as the seasons change.

March in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to September in the Southern Hemisphere (and vice versa).

March begins on the same day of the week as February, excepting leap years, and as November every year.

March's birth flower is the Jonquil or the Daffodil.

March's birthstone is aquamarine for Pisces and diamond for Aries
More: Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (March):
ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks


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