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Despite beginning in Retrograde Mercury, our October preview shows a benign month with many opportunities for positive experiences. To help you along I'm sharing what I see as the best use of these aspects as well as the potential for any difficulty. Oct. 1 provides energy for you to access, yet if you don't, you might find yourself tripping or dropping things. The 5th allows for pleasant shopping or art efforts, you might receive compliments. Difficulties could include overspending, eating too much, insincere flattery. The 6th provides similar aspects but about communication. Choose truth, use your best efforts to make contact, and see what you can accomplish. Watch for exaggeration or even outright lies. For best results, strive for accuracy. The 7th suggests a potential for smooth sailing: Enjoy. The 9th PM presents unique choices, adventuresome spirits, sudden attractions. Danger: It would be easy to get carried away and do something you regret later. This carries over to the 10th. The 11th brings confusion, a potential for arrogance, OR a mystical experience carried to extremes. Full Moon on the 14th suggests you bring your best insight to whatever plans you may wish to put in motion as Mercury turns direct on the 15th. Think big. Caution: Not too big! Finally, Mercury makes his station and turns direct on the 15th, and now all the plans you have been postponing can be put in motion. The 21st brings an opportunity for either passion or taking a plunge, or both. Be mindful of sharp edges. The 26th says watch out for exaggeration, tall tales. The opportunity lies in expanding your knowledge. Look for the truth. The 27th suggests opportunities to work for your benefit or the benefit of others. Caution: Don't work too hard. New Moon on the 28th says time to set plans for change and spiritual renewal. Take time to make your intentions for the next two weeks. The 29th PM brings spiritual information with the caution that you check closely for illusions. The 30th offers opportunities for effective and responsible application of energy. The 31st is a great day for letting it all hang out; discover new ways of action, new opportunities to act, on the flip side, be mindful of reckless drivers or aggressive salespeople. |
Today is: ( )
Day | Date |
Astrology |
Wed | 1st | Hard work pays off. Digging into what is hidden may reveal truth. |
Thur | 2nd | Keep up the good work. The evening might bring relaxation, passion. |
Fri | 3rd | Feel adventuresome, explore possibilities, plan for the future. |
Sat | 4th | Mars into Scorpio brings power to dig down and clear out, clean out what has accumulated beneath the surface. |
Sun | 5th | Pleasant aspects today suggest you follow your intuition to happy choices and good luck opportunities. |
Mon | 6th | Busy day! You might feel like a spinning top, yet if you stay grounded you will enjoy the pace and benefit from it. Evening brings deep joy. |
Tue | 7th | Check and discover opportunities you have yet to discover for happiness for you and those you love. |
Wed | 8th | Yom Kippur (begins sundown) - Put some time into being of service for the general good. Plan gatherings and meetings. |
Thur | 9th | Meetings and group gatherings are featured today also; discover what you can do for one another. PM features sudden unusual opportunities. |
Fri | 10th | Prepare for surprises. If you shop for one thing you might discover another! |
Sat | 11th |
Be careful not to deceive yourself or even, inadvertently, others. Check details and look over work to be done for small pitfalls. |
Sun | 12th | Compassionate action is featured. Call or write those who might need comforting. |
Mon | 13th | Columbus Day - Beginning again is sometimes the best way to get what you need to do done. Try that today. |
Tue | 14th | Full Moon energy abounds. Try your hand at art or music and get ready for Mercury to turn direct on the morrow. |
Wed | 15th | Breathe a sigh of relief, Mercury turns direct today at 4:04 PM EDT. Now you can get started on all the things you've been planning and arranging to do since it went retrograde. Full Moon energy still prevails. |
Thur | 16th | National Boss Day - Persevere, whatever you have already started will benefit from steady application of your energy. |
Fri | 17th | Communication is featured and errands. Go on out and have fun later. |
Sat | 18th | Venus moves into Sagittarius and for a few weeks everyone feels like flirting or else wants to take trips. Today, continue to gad about. |
Sun | 19th |
Feeling warm fuzzies? Call Mom and tell her you love her. Or your kids, or anyone you care about. |
Mon | 20th | Start the day with a hug, think about shopping or doing some cooking ahead. You may feel like staying home. |
Tue | 21st | Energy is there when you reach for it, especially if you need it for renewal, regeneration or healing. |
Wed | 22nd | Sun into Scorpio signals a time for personal review, financial overview of investments, work on taxes. Today, plan to play when you can. |
Thur | 23rd | The morning's relaxed and playful atmosphere becomes organized and efficient this afternoon. Plan accordingly. |
Fri | 24th | This is your opportunity to straighten up your desk or your office. Organize closets and drawers. |
Sat | 25th | Plan for straightening up anything that needs it today and you will accomplish a great deal. |
Sun | 26th | Mother-In-Law Day (celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month) - A little of this, a little of that--you might want to enjoy some art or a fine meal out or both. Exaggeration could trip you up so be mindful. |
Mon | 27th | It's the dark of the Moon; finish up projects, meditate, relax. Tomorrow you can think of what more to accomplish. |
Tue | 28th | New Moon in Scorpio signals opportunities for healing, investment, regeneration over the next two weeks. Plan to make your intentions as the energy changes around 7 PM. |
Wed | 29th | Take a new approach to an old problem. Dig deeper for solutions. Mediate in the afternoon or evening. Spirit messages may be evident. |
Thur | 30th | Opportunity knocks and you can answer with a job you feel responsible for doing. |
Fri | 31st | Halloween - Almost anything is possible today. Seek out what is original and untried and experiment. |
- October 2008 - |
Holidays & Other Interesting events happening in OCTOBER: |
Month Long October Events:
Cultural Celebrations
Health Observances
Other Names For October:
Scheduled Events (2008)
October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with 31 days |
In Latin, octo means "eight". October was also the eight month in the Roman calendar until a month less winter period was divided between January and February |
Trivia: |
In the nineteenth century, the month of October was dedication to devotion to the rosary in Roman Catholic countries |
The month October has become famous as "Red October", due to the Russian October revolution of 1917, although in the modern Gregorian calendar, the revolution started in November |
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving (Canada) on the second Monday of October |
October is the most common birth month, along with July |
Yom Kippur begins at sundown on October 8th |
Columbus Day is celebrated October 13th |
National Boss Day is celebrated October 16th |
Mother-In-Law Day is celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month in October |
Halloween is celebrated October 31st. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland (where it originated), the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, Japan, New Zealand, and occasionally in parts of Australia. In Sweden the All Saints' official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November. |
October begins on the same day of the week as January in common years and May in leap years |
October's flower is the calendula or cosmos. |
October's birthstone is the opal or tourmaline |
More: | Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (October): ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks |
Jump to: Astrology this month - Jump to: Other Interesting Events |
Fire Signs | Earth Signs | Air Signs | Water Signs |
![]() ![]() ARIES May 21-May 19 |
![]() ![]() May 20-May 20 |
![]() ![]() GEMINI May 21-June 20 |
![]() ![]() CANCER June 21-July 22 |
![]() ![]() LEO July 23-Aug. 22 |
![]() ![]() VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 |
![]() ![]() LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 |
![]() ![]() SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 |
![]() ![]() SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 |
![]() ![]() CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 |
![]() ![]() AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 |
![]() ![]() PISCES Feb. 19-May 20 |
**For more information on Astrological Signs and what they all mean please (click here).
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