
Change is in the air this month. This grows increasingly obvious and culminates with a strong ending to the month. In the meantime, there is plenty to experience, process and think about. Pluto, the powerful force behind Scorpio grows more an more insistent with every passing day. It is best to anticipate its effect by being mindful of what does need changing and employ the available energies toward that end.

October begins with a sense of adventure. Fall is underway for real. The 2nd and 3rd provide some excitement, expanded energy to put to use for a good purpose. The 6th brings a strong sense of focus, while the 7th is much more relaxed, even spiritual. Venus' journey through Scorpio begins on the 9th and gives the month some opportunities deepen our understanding of our choices or change them. The Full Moon in Aries on the 11th boosts our understanding of how we are doing with the goals and plans we made back at the Vernal Equinox. From now until the spring we need to focus on what is viable from those plans and goals and eliminate what is not.

The 11th and 12th also bring a sense of the mystical or of confusion, depending on where your mind is focused. Toward the end of the 12th be aware of opportunities for transformative change—are you happy with your wardrobe? Your various collections? Do you wish to prune anything away? Now's the time.! On the 13th Mercury moves into Scorpio where it sharpens our senses and encourages us to dig deeper for meaning. This is a good day to reinforce or institute structure and/or take on responsibility. The 14th may bring indecision as to which choice might lead to the best outcome. On the 16th there are positive energies to help with discussions concerning renovation or restoration. The 17th could lead us to question these decisions or implement them for our greater good. On the 21st there are opportunities for spiritual or musical enjoyment.

Sun into Scorpio on the 23rd brings home the rest of the Scorpio energy urging us toward a focus on inner and outer healing. As the last 3 days before the New Moon are best for this kind of work, as we apply ourselves we gain a jump start on the New Moon of the 26th, when the real work begins. Be careful to avoid lovers' quarrels and stick to making careful preparations for the strong energies coming on the 28th when the possibility of a major change is very likely. Be very mindful on that day, as planetary energies indicate that while everything that happens will be ultimately helpful, things could be a bit rocky. On the 31st fun costumes are a must, however, don't be fooled by appearances.



Halloween - (October 31st)

It's FALL - Get out there and see the Foliage (Oct-Nov)
- October 2011 -

Columbus Day U.S - (Oct 10th 2011)

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Sat 1st Moon in Expansive Sagittarius suggests a day for making plans, blue-sky thinking and fun for all.
Sun 2nd Be mindful, as we may be tempted to reach for that unnecessary second helping, or shop extravagantly.
Mon 3rd It's important not to overestimate our strength or capabilities. Take your  time.
Tue 4th Moon in organized Capricorn suggests we focus now on what is important and we will get much done.
Wed 5th International World Teachers Day - Moon in liberal Aquarius gets us thinking about what we can do to be of help in the world.
Thur 6th A grand day for reinforcing structure and remind ourselves of our responsibilities.
Fri 7th Yom Kippur (begins sundown) - Moon in dreamy Pisces suggests that enjoying music, spiritual discussions or meditation will all go well today.
Sat 8th Yom Kippur (Ends sundown) - Taking care of others who need help is a priority today.
Sun 9th Venus into Scorpio for a time takes us deeper into our passions.
Mon 10th Columbus Day (U.S) and  Thanksgiving (Canada) - Moon in Boisterous Aries says have a good time!!!
Tue 11th Full Moon in Ares suggests we let it all hang out and have fun.
Wed 12th Moon into earthy Taurus gets us focused back into the workaday world, however, there is a counter current urging us to dream.
Thur 13th Mercury moves into Scorpio for a stay, intensifying research and challenging minds to release old grudges. Responsibility is the big thrust.
Fri 14th Will we or won't we? Choices between two attractions may keep us puzzled.
Sat 15th Plan visits to friends and relations, or just get errands done.
Sun 16th National Boss Day - Moon in chatty Gemini suggests getting caught up on correspondence. Prune your list with ease and do even better.
Mon 17th Moon in Caring Cancer gets us thinking of how to nurture loved ones. Be generous but not too!
Tue 18th Plan to do some cooking or caring for the home.
Wed 19th Discovering where and how we feel at home might influence our thinking as we go about the day.
Thur 20th Moon in High flying Leo has us all out having fun. Taking the children somewhere enjoyable could have good results.
Fri 21st Take in a play, a concert or a county fair. It's time to enjoy and appreciate whatever is going on.
Sat 22nd Moon in particular Virgo suggests a good day to organize and clean up any accumulated piles or messes.
Sun 23rd Mother-In-Law Day (celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month) - Sun into Scorpio helps enhance and solidify the changes we have been thinking of making. A good day for passionate fun.
Mon 24th Clean up and clear up, beautify surroundings. Finish up all old business today and tomorrow.
Tue 25th Not a good day to begin anything, wait until tomorrow's New Moon. Use the time to make ready.
Wed 26th New Moon in Scorpio suggests we choose what we wish to change in the next 6 months. Beware of taking on too much out of a sense of love.
Thur 27th Moon in Scorpio calls us to make positive changes and work to heal what hurts.
Fri 28th Energy abounds. Avoid arguments, instead, use the energy to accomplish something. There is much to be grateful for, even sometimes what is disruptive or difficult. This could be an intense day.
Sat 29th Moon in generous Sagittarius suggests we help others while enjoying ourselves.
Sun 30th After noon, put organizational skills to work and accomplish much.
Mon 31st Halloween - Moon in practical Capricorn keeps us focused during the day. At night, party and have fun but don't be fooled into believing the fantasy.


Thanksgiving Canada - (Oct 10th 2011)

- October 2011 -
Find out more information about October
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Holidays &  Other Interesting events happening in OCTOBER:
Holidays and Other Cool Events brought to you by Doc Dingley

Month Long October Events: 

Cultural Celebrations

Health Observances

Other Names For October:
  • In Latin, October is called Octubre, or VIIIber (where VIII is the Roman number 8, in Latin "octo"). The name is due to the fact that it was the 8th month in the early Julian calendar beginning in March.
  • In Albanian, October is called Tetor
  • In Arabic, October is called tashrîn al-awwal in the Middle East and uktűbîr in North-Africa.
  • In Slovak, October is called október.
  • In Czech, October is called říjen. The origin of this name is in the deer's belling in this month.
  • A traditional Dutch name for October is Wijnmaand ("wine month") because the first wines of the year have ripened.
  • In Finnish, October is called lokakuu, meaning "month of dirt".
  • In German, October is called Oktober.
  • In Scottish Gaelic, October is called an Damhar, meaning "rutting time" (of stags).
  • In Hungarian, October is called Október.
  • In Irish, October is called Deireadh Fómhair, meaning "end of harvest-time".
  • In Italian, October is called ottobre.
  • In Turkish, October is called Ekim, meaning "sowing" because of the sowing of wheat.
  • In the old Japanese calendar, the 10th month was called Kannazuki (神無月? also pronounced Kaminazuki), literally meaning the godless month, due to an old belief that in that month, the gods gathered in one spot to discuss the affairs of the world. Thus, in that month, the gods were inaccessible. (It actually means, "month of the gods", however, as the "na" is actually a possessive particle and the 無 character is ateji.)
  • In Croatian, October is called Listopad, meaning leaves list fall pad.
  • In French, October is called "octobre".
  • In Spanish, October is called "octubre".
  • In Polish, October is called "Październik".
  • In Romanian, October is called "Octombrie"
  • In Russian, October is called "Октябрь"
  • In Lithuanian, October is called Spalis.
  • In Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch and German, October is called Oktober.
  • In Portuguese, October is called "Outubro".
  • In Welsh, October is called "Hydref", meaning "autumn".
  • In Icelandic, October is called október.
  • In Korean, it is called "Sib-weol" meaning the tenth month
  • In Chinese, October is called Shíyuč(十月)also meaning the tenth month.
  October Events and Holidays

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with 31 days

In Latin, octo means "eight". October was also the eight month in the Roman calendar until a month less winter period was divided between January and February



In the nineteenth century, the month of October was dedication to devotion to the rosary in Roman Catholic countries

The month October has become famous as "Red October", due to the Russian October revolution of 1917, although in the modern Gregorian calendar, the revolution started in November

Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving (Canada) on the second Monday of October

October is the most common birth month, along with July

International Teachers Day is celebrated October 5th

This year Yom Kippur (begins sundown) (Thursday October 7th 2011) and (ends sundown) (Friday October 8th 2011)

Columbus Day is celebrated October 10th (2011)

National Boss Day is celebrated October 16th

Mother-In-Law Day is celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month, October 23rd (2011)

Halloween is celebrated October 31st. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland (where it originated), the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, Japan, New Zealand, and occasionally in parts of Australia. In Sweden the All Saints' official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November.

October begins on the same day of the week as January in common years and May in leap years

October's flower is the calendula or cosmos.

October's birthstone is the opal or tourmaline
More: Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (October):
ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks


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