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(Jan 2018 Dec)

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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "It's waiting for things
that tests my patience. buses, trains, letters, people, money etc. oh and
being put on hold on the phone by the's not like I'm going to
pay them anyway ha ha.
the train system would test the patience of a saint." - love - Paul.
Sept 2nd 2018 5:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "I enjoyed
your essay on patience. This is a daily spiritual practice for me. I use
centering prayer/meditation and mindfulness. I remember when I was in my 30s
and working in geriatric psych unit. I asked my patients what advice they
would give me for growing old. They said "learn to slow down." Love, -M.P.-
Sept 2nd 2018 4:18PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "Tasha, I really enjoyed
this one my friend. Patience is one of my weakest qualities that needs the
most work. God too seems to keep sending me situations that I have to
exercise my patience on. Thanks for the great tips too. I think love and
compassion are both keys to patience as well." God bless you always. Wishing
you every joy, -J.M.-
Sept 2nd 2018 1:52PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "Tasha Dear, It is always
a challenge to have patience and your assessment of getting along with aging
is certainly a strong point. I love my aging process - it is more
challenging than being very active in business when I was younger. I would
love to finish my book but patience is necessary as the memories are
squashed into a solid bar of information and I must separate the individual
elements of the information in order to communicate well with an unknown
audience. Once I can filter the past and empty the trash I will be able to
enjoy the here and now better. What do you think?" -H.T.-
Sept 2nd 2018 1:46PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "Thank you. I smile at
Aging for Dummies. I’m a fellow traveler with you down this elder path.
Slowliness is holiness! -B.J.-
Sept 2nd 2018 1:44PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "A couple of observations
from the Cayce Readings. First the joke about the minister, well, that is
exactly how the Readings say it happens. I always caution people against
praying for strength, patience, faith and the like. In fact, when they are
seemingly assaulted by life with such situations, I will ask if they have
been praying for patience. The answer is invariably, yes. I think the
indigenous have it right. All their prayers are of gratitude and never
asking for anything! The second is the Reading that says, 'with patience, ye
possess your soul' Sorry, I do not know the number. Thanks for this… While I
do not feel old, I do know there are those who would call me old. I also
find myself holding the door for “older” people, only to realize later that
they are my age! What a hoot! One thing I do know about aging is that we do
not age inside. I do not think we ever change inside except in the case of
emotional trauma that results in illness." -S.G.-
Sept 2nd 2018 1:31PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 843 - Patience Training: "Learning patience for me
was living life itself and what it through at me
As always we eventually stop falling standing firmly on our own two feet!
What’s the secret to entering and staying in the light, never giving up,
patience. That’s my story!! What a beautiful and true read!" Thank you -L.T.-
Sept 2nd 2018 1:20PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Of course,
having spent much of this last year planning my reunion... I loved to read
about yours. I will copy this into my diary, attributed of course to you!
Really beautifully done and inspires me to pick up the pen and quit watching
talking heads." -L.G.-
Aug 26th 2018 9:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Acceptance!"
Hugs, -M.S.-
Aug 26th 2018 7:58PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Thank you for
this one Tasha. As I have been experiencing some physical challenges and
limitations lately, this was a good 'Whack Up the back of the head' for me.'
" Blessings to you. -R.S.-
Aug 26th 2018 7:54PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "This is one of
my favorite articles that you have written. I enjoyed it immensely." Hugs, -A.B.-
Aug 26th 2018 6:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Thinking in
the here and now keeps one from dwelling on what was, which is often a
gentler time in memory." -H.T.-
Aug 26th 2018 5:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Tasha,
Wonderful wisdom in this one my friend. Each day older should be a day
better in our lives." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Aug 26th 2018 5:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Aging, for me,
is about perspective. I look back at my youth with much affection and few
regrets. One of the greatest influences in my life was "Be Here Now" by a
professor who called himself Baba Ram Das. His message was to live life
fully in the present time with appreciation. At 62, I very much appreciate
my present life. The energy continues, the awareness is sharper, my
spiritually grows deeper, my writing skills and musical abilities profit
from years of thought and practice and, best of all, I'm still playing a
damn good game of golf." -R.D.-
Aug 26th 2018 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "When it comes
to aging I find myself having been 33 for many, many years. I was recently
called to show up for a Jury pool. I looked around as I arrived and realized
I was the oldest woman in the building. I also was one of very few people
who do not use assistance to walk or hear. As I age I am gathering more and
more delicious, delightful memories to treasure. I don't feel pressured to
hurry these days because I don't have to answer to a boss for a paycheck and
I get to design my days the way I like. Old age comes to all who hang around
long enough to welcome it. We are blessed beyond measure. Thank you for a
provocative topic!" I LOVE YOU. Hugs -C.B.-
Aug 26th 2018 2:44PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 842 - The Mixed Blessing of Aging: "Thanks Tasha,
Some of my father's wisdom, as he grew old was: 'I do not count how far I
walk, but the time I spend when walking'." Love, hugs and kisses, -E.S.-
Aug 26th 2018 2:24PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 841 - The Delicious, Mystical Peach: "I loved it
and sent it to my friends. My hair dresser is Chinese and has a decorative
peach tree in her salon. Now I understand." -M.P.-
Aug 20th 2018 7:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 841 - The Delicious, Mystical Peach: "Hi Tasha -
My mum, a Mountain Woman from the hills of Virginia (as you may recall from
my past replies) taught me, as her mother taught her, to can all manner of
foods. Peaches were high on the list of wonderful winter treats, as you also
remember. My favorite part of helping mum can peaches was her getting so
exhausted after a full day of canning that she started calling the peaches
(pardon the coarse language) "little yellow bastards". We had such a laugh
over that and I will never forget the beautiful times with her harvesting
and buying produce at the weekly farmer's market where I was raised in
upstate New York, and then canning and freezing all that our family needed
for the winter. How I miss the tastes that came from our cellar shelves!" -T.K.-
Aug 20th 2018 4:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 841 - The Delicious, Mystical Peach: "Dear Tasha,
I read this piece about peaches to Blue and he wanted to share his story
about throwing a peach seed into the back yard when he was seven. It grew
into the most beautiful tree with tons of peaches and it wasn't planted! My
story about peaches is that, growing up in the South, peaches were always a
part of home made ice cream we cranked. When we went to visit my grandmother
in Birmingham we would go to the huge farmer's market and buy lots of
peaches which I would help them put up to freeze. Thanks for sharing your
insights and life with us!" Love, -E.B.-
Aug 20th 2018 2:20PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 841 - The Delicious, Mystical Peach: "Peaches!
Yes, I love to buy boxes of 'seconds' from the Farmer's Market. I eat them
on the spot, at home with yogurt, and I peel and cut them into pie sized
servings to freeze. No sugar. They are already so sweet they run down my
chin. I will definitely notice how they transport me to land of Fae next
time! Loved your stories of peach power! Also love Paul Beryl's books. I'm
so glad he is a favorite of yours as well. -S.F.-
Aug 20th 2018 12:06PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 841 - The Delicious, Mystical Peach: "TY for The
recipes. Love the Amish peaches out here." Hugs xo? -T.M.-
Aug 20th 2018 12:02PM

Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "Sweet article
filled with so much love!" -A.L.-
Aug 13th 2018 5:01PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "As we are in the
moving process, I can definitely relate! I have been sorting, going through,
choosing what to continue to carry and what to let go of!! Big time! I have
let go of some things that I thought I would never let go of and it’s felt
good. Also I am enjoying appreciating the things I am choosing to carry
forward. It’s a deep process." -K.C.-
Aug 13th 2018 6:10PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "Saving boxes was
my fathers thing. You never know when you may have to return something or
need a box! When we cleaned out the attic after his death my mom had reused
many boxes for storing items in like Christmas décor, but many small boxes
had nothing in them, they were just there. It must be genetic, I find myself
doing the same thing!" -D.M.-
Aug 13th 2018 5:01PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "I love reading
your letter about your Mother saving many things I do the same thing - I was
born in France in 1935 and during the second world war we had very little
and almost nothing to eat and I cannot stop buying food sometimes I do not
eat. I do like you keep pretty boxes and nice wrapping paper also. My
children live in America and quick they discard or donate to Goodwill they
cannot understand me and my savings." -F.F.-
Aug 12th 2018 4:43PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "Tasha, I grew up
with savers and recyclers too my friend. I do try to give away anything
useful that I don’t use myself. My house is too small to be a hoarder.
Wishing you every joy. Keep up the great work." - J.M.-
Aug 12th 2018 2:02PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "Hi Tasha - I am
not a "things" person, but I do have a few bits and pieces of my
grandmother's and my mum's. They were Mountain People from the hills of
Virginia - just 10 miles north and east of the North Carolina border. I have
the cast iron skillet that my granny handed down to my mum, which was then
passed to me. I use it all the time and love remembering the many times it
has fed me from childhood to now. I also cherish my granny's water ladle,
from which each of us dipped into her bucket in the kitchen for cool drinks
fresh from the well to quench our thirst. And her gravy bowl that she used
to hold milk gravy - or what Northerners might have called white sauce - to
ladle over her fresh pone bread and biscuits for breakfast. Sometimes, when
she could afford it, she crumbled breakfast sausage meat into it. Ahh, I can
still taste it! Other little gifts from friends are my treasures. It takes
so little to make one happy when there are so many memories in such dear
possessions!" -T.N.-
Aug 12th 2018 2:06PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "I truly enjoyed
this HeartWing Love Note. My dad passed away last year and when we were
cleaning up his things, we found out that he was a collector of so many
things - perhaps not hoarding yet when one has 27 watches and 32 coin purses
you wonder what that is all about. My dad was born in Egypt and grew up
during many wars and was transplanted from one country to another where they
could take nothing when they moved. When I bought my house, I too had a
stash drawer or two of things. Over the years, I find that things have
energy that can either bind you or release you. My rule is something comes
in something has to leave and if I am not using it, I would rather share it.
I do so enjoy your love notes and so appreciate you sharing them. If you
recall, we met at the Peace Within Retreat at Brahma Kumaris in the
Catskills Mountains." -G.L.-
Aug 12th 2018 2:02PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "What an amazing
collection, Tasha, your mother’s wedding treasures... these would be very
hard to release I have a feeling. but I would feel I needed to use the
sheets!!. I do not save much, but have far too many photographs and some
letters... and of course books which touch my soul..." Bless you for
sharing. With much love, -J.S.-
Aug 12th 2018 1:24PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "Tasha, I
certainly can identify with this. I have collections of rocks, shells,
souvenirs from every country we have lived in, including Guatemalan
hand-woven blouses covering a whole wall. I save wrapping paper and string.
My daughter and I went through my linen closet and donated a big collection
of doilies and other linens we don't use." -D.F.-
Aug 12th 2018 1:09PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 840 - Being of a Saving Nature: "Dearest Tasha, I
can see myself, saving in case something goes wrong, fails or breakes and in
case my children or somebody else will need it. My parents lived the war as
well, and had to work hard for everything they needed. I find myself storing
lots of woolen blankets and bedclothes. I find that interesting, and I
believe it has to do with needing to be warm and been able to provide others
with the same. -E.W.-
Aug 12th 2018 1:08PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "So true...and not always easy to implement. Thanks." -R.Z.-
Aug 5th 2018 11:03PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "Hello Tasha,This is a wonderful post. My 85 year old husband has
been having 'gut problems'- your wisdom will be helpful." -M.S.-
Aug 5th 2018 10:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "Good advice!" -L.L.-
Aug 5th 2018 9:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "So true... the hives in my 20s... were quite distinguished. My
solution? Ice packs. The convenience of that when out? The certain blotches
on certain parts of the body key connection to the psyche where challenged.
IBS. Alopecia due to three prescriptions that all in the small print said...
Things we have done to our immune systems and we wonder why we're sick and
trust the medical establishment to do more medicine. Anyway, good piece.
Every time I see nature now it is like you are present. Nice!" -L.G.-
Aug 5th 2018 8:01PM
A good reminder for mindful eating. I am often guilty of the rushed meal and
pay the price. Here’s to slowing down at mealtime! X) L.B.
Aug 5th 2018 6:24PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "I can live on one meal a day. usually Fae's seafood pizza. though
i do venture in to the world of omelet's and might get egg bound ha ha. but
basically I can eat, or drink anything. good fat. bad fat. who can keep
track. eating a whole bag of peanuts in one go is fun - gave up on
medicines. I eeerrrr self medicate now" - love you kids -P.F-
Aug 5th 2018 6:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "Hi Tasha, Glad to hear from you. I agree will all you said .
Particularly on a part of being constantly , constantly overeating and
taking pills for everything. We do not have just one pill that would help us
to think out of TV and other boxes. My spouse is 96 eating all his life so
small amount of food that people always were amazed how he survive eating so
little ...and he always was amazed how those people were survived by eating
so much food. Being 96 he is shaped physically and mentally, going to gym
every day, living independently with a little help from different sides. He
always believed in slow type of eating and drinking 30 min before eating.
But the most important for him always was a creativity in life. Now when he
can not draw and paint he writes a poems .... In Russian. Just wanted to
share with you my little experience of life with a unique character who is
my best friend for 40 years. Have you heard that in Japan it is a habitual
to drink 640 gram of water in the morning ,before eating and brush teeth .
After this drink people do not eat 45 min. Such beginning of the day cleans
out body ,out of toxic things and brings system to a normal chemistry. It
takes care of blood pressure and a lot of minor disorder .... And major as
well. Search about it and use it . Japan's aged people are the most healthy
elders in a World .
Aug 5th 2018 4:15PM
By the Way I and my spouse never takes pills unless it is urgent emergency
and more .... Doctors want us to take pills .... They want us to be ill ....
It is sooooo obvious .... Being dependent on doctors it works for their
wealth .... it is soooo simple . I enjoy your Summer and Fall and Winter and
the rest. -Y.K.-
Aug 5th 2018 1:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 839 - Don't shoot the Messenger or Ignore the
Message: "And on that note i shall comment. Yes indeed eating 2 meals a day
is sufficient. Even having these meals very light at times. It is not that i
feel tired eating its listening to your body what it wants. ( Sometimes i
feel its my soul telling me stop eating. It knows best. Plus all the heavy
foods for digesting like meats and cheeses are on its way out.)" Tell
Stephen hello! -E.T.-
Aug 5th 2018 1:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 838 - When it's time to say Goodbye: "in the
indigenous community, the only time anyone says good bye is the last time.
Otherwise, it is an equivalent of see you later. -S.G.-
July 31th 2018 3:05PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 838 - When it's time to say Goodbye: "Oh, Tasha,
that's really a nice heart=felt sentiment about your friend and about good
buys to once held goals. It's such a lesson in just staying present in the
now with gratitude. Marg used to say that everyday was a gift. SO true."
Keep me in your prayers as I keep you both in mine. Love a plenty, -M.C.-
July 31th 2018 2:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 838 - When it's time to say Goodbye: "Yeah, this
has been a season of a lot of goodbyes, some of them to parts of myself. -M.P.-
July 30th 2018 6:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 838 - When it's time to say Goodbye: "Said to a
friend of mine 'In my twenties I went to weddings and christenings... in my
fifties, I just go to funerals… -P.F.-
July 30th 2018 6:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 838 - When it's time to say Goodbye: "Beautiful
heartfelt write!" -A.L- .
July 30th 2018 4:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 838 - When it's time to say Goodbye: "Tasha, I
really got this one my friend. That one line you wrote really spoke to my
soul:Still, as I miss all to which I have said goodbye, I am reminded to
cherish all that still remain. God bless you always my friend." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
July 30th 2018 4:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 837 - Keeping the Peace Without Sacrifice: "This
inspired me to teach my grandchildren the talking stick approach to their
conflicts." Thank you! -D.M.-
July 26th 2018 7:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 837 - Keeping the Peace Without Sacrifice: "Good
words, Tasha." -R.H.-
July 26th 2018 5:16PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 837 - Keeping the Peace Without Sacrifice: "I
really liked this one Tasha. I wish everyone could read it. God bless you
always." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
July 26th 2018 3:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 837 - Keeping the Peace Without Sacrifice: "I like
this one! The Talking Stick method sounds like a good thing to try!" -L.L.-
July 24th 2018 2:05PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 837 - Keeping the Peace Without Sacrifice: "Love
this one...It describes succinctly what so many of us need to learn." -R.Z.-
July 24th 2018 1:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 837 - Keeping the Peace Without Sacrifice: "Loved
your piece on the Walking Stick. I used it in my classroom very
successfully. Fifth graders loved it!" -S.D.-
July 24th 2018 1:01PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 836 - The Three Bite Strategy: How Much Is
Enough?: "Hi I admit that I don't always have time to read the entire essay,
but this time I am glad that I did. It made me smile and filled me with
memories of both the mother who forced me to eat all sorts of organ meats,
not just liver, such as heart, tripe, brains,...As well as the child who
until adolescence wouldn't even try chicken! I chose not to engage in
the food battle with my son. It was his friends who came to my home and
loved my cooking that had more influence on his willingness to try all sorts
of foods. Now he eats everything and loves hot sauces as well. T.L.
I liked this one my friend. It does take a lot of discipline, though, to
stop after that 3 bite. I know this from experience." Wishing you every joy,
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 836 - The Three Bite Strategy: How Much Is
Enough?: "This so true! The first three bites are for the enjoyment. The
remaining bites are just shoveling it in absentmindedly." Wonderfully
written. -J.R.-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 833 - The Importance of Cherishing Myself: "Two
things come to my mind. The first is a group leader of Boy Scouts when I was
in India admonishing not to follow the Boy Scout motto of 'Share and share
alike' (paraphrased?) because if they even shared everything they had, it
would only make them become like the destitute they were to help - the
martyrdom you mention. Not sure how I feel abut that. Second image that
comes to me are the Buddhist monks begging for their daily food. Not only to
eat but to offer the chance of giving." -R.Z.-
July 6th 2018 1:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 833 - The Importance of Cherishing Myself: "Again
Tasha good work, I like this article. I keep this in my mind...Please let me
know how I can love you both to myself and others. -C.C.-
July 6th 2018 11:24AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 833 - The Importance of Cherishing Myself: "Thanks
Tasha, this was great. People forget that the second great commandment was
to love our neighbors: AS WE LOVE OURSELVES. God bless you always. Wishing
you every joy, -J.M.-
July 3rd 2018 4:42PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 833 - The Importance of Cherishing Myself: "Thank
you Tasha for these very helpful and insightful messages." -J.S.-
July 3rd 2018 3:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 833 - The Importance of Cherishing Myself: "Thanks
so much for your wonderful post. I need to start taking care of myself."
Hugs & Blessings. -L.N.-
July 3rd 2018 3:24PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 832 - The Many Ways of Cherishing Part 1: "Timely
words, many thanks!" Cherishing you and Stephen .-M.M.-
June 23rd 2018 5:34M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 832 - The Many Ways of Cherishing Part 1: "Dear
Tasha...One of your best articles." Keep up your good work...Blessings &
Love -C.C.-
June 21st 2018 5:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 832 - The Many Ways of Cherishing Part 1: "I
mindfully cherish you and the way you share your thoughts and wisdom." -K.C.-
June 21st 2018 5:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 832 - The Many Ways of Cherishing Part 1: "Thanks
Tasha, I will do my best to be mindful of allthe blessings around me."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
June 19th 2018 10:11AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 832 - The Many Ways of Cherishing Part 1: "When
Karl and I got married 40 years ago it wasn't popular to write your own
vows. The usual ones were to love, honor, and obey or serve. Instead I
promised to love, honor and cherish. The
word cherish has always meant a lot to me." :) Love and hugs, -B.D.-
June 19th 2018 10:02AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "Love this Heartwings
& wonderful message."
Hugs xo, -L.N.-
June 5th 2018 8:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "Yes, you discovered a
great way to get past this, changing what you are
looking for. I can remember my mother, grandmother and aunt eagerly awaiting
the Lawrence Welk show to criticize nearly all the women on it! Luckily, I
thought they were all ridiculous. We all find what we look for, which makes
us miss a thing completely when something is not appearing as what we
expect." Best, -S.H.-
June 5th 2018 7:23PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "Tasha, I simply LOVE
your honesty." -R.S.-
June 5th 2018 5:34PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "Judge not and be not
judged! I am not going to go into how I was a disgruntled
person most of my life and how very opinionated I was, and well, okay, still
can be! While working as a house keeper at the hospital
in the P.I.P. Unit, there was a movie that was played and for the life of me
I can not remember the name of it, but it had to do with
God and positive thinking. Moral of this movie, actually I would not
consider it to be a movie...see there I go again, judging! Positive
begets positive. Ah, heck! why not try this! Example: I meet a woman who has
purple hair (!!!!) but I really like here necklace, and I
comment on it. she smiles and says thank you. A man passes me by and says
hello and I compliment his tie and he too lights up.
But I say nothing about his ugly shirt. Not only did my judgments of
positivity make others feel good, I too started to feel good."
June 5th 2018 5:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "As often happens, I
read your words at the right time in my life! Thanks!"
June 4th 2018 4:56PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "I liked this one Tasha.
I will take that last line to heart too."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
June 4th 2018 4:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "Thanks Tasha,
Definitely some words of wisdom here. I continue to work on
my 'judger' All the best!" -J.G.-
June 4th 2018 12:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "Very nice reflections
to contemplate! Thank you!" -P.I.-
June 4th 2018 12:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 830 - Judge Not, or Else: "A nice reminder to us
all" -P.S.-
June 4th 2018 12:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 824 - Be Careful What You Wish For: "Yep, now that
I pay the family house bills for my dad... which he did all those years it
amazes me how much it costs to keep up a pool no one uses and that you can't
empty out a pool etc etc. I didn't wish to have a pool. In fact, I had quite
an accident in that pool the day before I left for my first day of a certain
camp, skinning my nose so I had to wear a band aid like all the girls who had
had nose jobs that summer. It was fun and the pictures from those days are
great but still... Good job tying it in with wishes granted... so true. If
you get what you wanted you so often found you didn't really want it, or
certainly need it!" -L.G.-
April 24 2018 2:42PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 824 - Be Careful What You Wish For: "Good one!
Hence the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for….” -R.S.-
April 22 2018 10:30PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 824 - Be Careful What You Wish For: "Tasha, I grew
up about 200 yards away from a public pool so most of my summers were spent
there. I haven’t been swimming much at all since adulthood, though. I miss
it sometimes, especially letting the summer sun warm you after your swim."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M-
April 22 2018 4:52PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 824 - Be Careful What You Wish For: "It was a
sweet pool... Yeah ~ I have been wishing for certain elements to change in
my life and upon waking very early in the morning found myself feeling a bit
scared and sad as they are beginning to change as I had wanted." -K.H.-
April 22 2018 1:42PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 -
Everything's Better with Parsley on It: "Good Morning! How I love parsley!
We keep a pot growing near the kitchen for fresh sprigs
when needed. I love it in almost everything! I have never heard of your
parsley tonic, but plan to make some starting today and see how it goes!
Thanks for your emails - I truly enjoy them (when I have time to read
them!)" Best wishes, -P.I.-
18 2018 6:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It:
"Tasha, I am a big fan of Parsley as well my friend. Most Italians are. My
Nana used
to make brown beans for dinner one day and then the next day she would put
the leftovers in some cooked pasta with parsley and we would have Pasta
Fasul. -R.M.- April 18 2018 5:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It:
"Thanks for the reminder - it is on my list!" -H.T.-
April 17 2018 12:20PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It:
"Since I met you, I use parsley in everything!" lots of love, -V.Z- April
16 2018 2:44PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It:
"Parsley and chives on smoked lightly fried haddock...with a large mushroom,
of course. -F.P-
April 16 2018
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It: "Chimichuri
sauce and tabbouleh are my fave ways to use parsley. I find it is good for
digestion too." Blessings, -K.M.-
16 2018 1:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It:
"Yes, Tasha, I love parsley. years ago I would eat the parsley garnish from
plates when at a restaurant, because no one wanted it! I eat it with almost
everything but fruit. I put it in soups, and with eggs too. It just tastes
so earthy and healthy! A+ for parsley! Reading your note reminds me to make
my food for the next few work days. onion soup with lots of parsley...and
other veggies...' Peace and well being to you and Stephen. -S.B.-
April 16 2018 1:05PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 823 - Everything's Better with Parsley on It:
"Dear Tasha, I must tell you how much I enjoyed we eat eggs every
morning and butter, never having bought into the cholesterol myth maligning
them. Also Blue sent me a link to an article. I recently found a patch of
parsley in my kitchen garden I had forgotten about. The chives of course
come back, but unsure when I even planted this parsley! Blue just got over
his natural cure
for kidney stones with Renavive, cranberry juice, cream of celery soup and
parsley thrown in to boot. We are big fans also." -E.B.-
April 16 2018 12:34PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 819 - The Preciousness of Remembering: "Tasha, You
always write straight from the heart my friend and that is the best kind.
Keeping you in my prayers." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
March 23 2018 3:49PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 819 - The Preciousness of Remembering: "Good
morning Tasha, I was having a conversation with a friend on memories of
loved one just yesterday. He lost his son 7 years ago." -R.S.-
March 23 2018 3:48PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 819 - The Preciousness of Remembering: "Dear
Tasha, I’m so sorry for you loss. It is very hard when you loose such a good
friend! Your memories are a God send!" Thinking of you, -L.T.-
March 23 2018 3:47PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 819 - The Preciousness of Remembering: "Hi Tasha,
It's interesting that I read this Heartwings today. My old leather couch
developed a tiny tear in one of the seat cushions, and yesterday I'd been
thinking that one of these days I should get a new couch. Or 'davenport'as
my grandparents would say! At that time I looked around the living room and
realized that, beyond a watercolor and a new set of curtains, I haven't
really changed my decor in almost twenty years! I grew up as you did, in a
home where we used stuff until it wore out, and well made furniture that's
cared for lasts for generations! I don't get tired of things that have
meaning -- Grandma's sewing cabinet, my grandfather's writing desk, the
rocking chair I loved to sit in when I visited Grandma and Grandpa, the
wooden high chair my father sat in as a baby, the oil painting that belonged
to my great-grandparents. My bedroom set was purchased at an antique
warehouse in the 70s and has traveled around the East coast and across
country and back with me. These things have become a part of who I am, and I
dread the inevitable day I am forced to downsize. Today I stopped in to Home
Goods looking for dog shampoo, and found myself tempted by so much of their
shiny new merchandise -- mass produced lamps, furniture, decorative items,
linens, and so on. It's all marketed so beautifully, designed to make you
want to take it home. I satisfied myself with a couple of new washcloths and
the dog shampoo and remembered that nothing there would make me happier than
what I already had. As todays world changes at an accelerating pace,
surrounding yourself with the people and things you love is more important
than ever." Thanks for your writings, -W.R.-
March 23 2018 3:45PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 819 - The Preciousness of Remembering: "I’m sorry
for your loss. Thank you for the reminders to be “present”. -B.W.-
March 23 2018 3:44PM

Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light: "Good article Tasha, I
once wrote a poem that started with these lines 'Hello Darkness My Old
Friend, Ive Come To Visit You Again' -C.C.-
March 14 2018 3:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light: "As you say~ balance in all
things. I certainly enjoy the longer days~ however I also enjoy the rest the
longer nights provide. I am working on dancing with my shadows." -K.F.-
March 14 2018 12:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light: "Thanks Tasha, The Episcopal
Book of Common Prayer has an appropriate prayer which begins, 'O God, the
King Eternal, whose light divides the day from the night and turns the
shadow of death into morning'. Our assistant priest has been lecturing on
renewal with this prayer as the basis. Interesting that your Heartwings is
expressing the same thoughts." -H.T.-
March 12 2018 1:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light: "Wow wow wow wow wow!
glorious!" -V.Z.-
March 12 2018 4:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light: "Lovely!" -L.L.-
March 12 2018 2:34PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light: "Loved it! Tasha! the whole
piece, the message, the paradox... 'Darkness is as necessary to us as
light'. And this is, what I guess, the essence of life: Balance in all
things and the achievement of that balance is one of the important goals of
the natural process of growth and decay. Though I don't claim that I make
the best of the longer hours of light but I feel it as an achievement too
when I feel the loss that I could not avail it." -S.Z.
March 12 2018 1:10PM

Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 816 - Simple, Inexpensive Fish recipes: "Yum! Will
have to try! And I love fish :) xo -J.P.-
February 27 2018 5:16PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 816 - Simple, Inexpensive Fish recipes: "I make
cod the way you described only I use potato chips. I add Greek yogurt to the
mayo, also mustard." Xoxox -B.J.-
February 27 2018 4:10PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 816 - Simple, Inexpensive Fish recipes: "Hi,
TASHA! Your fish recipes look interesting. We eat a fair amount of
fish. Salmon, Swordfish and Haddock. Marilyn is a Salmon fan. I love
Swordfish. Marilyn isn't a Haddock fan. Thinks it's too blah. Tasha, I
don't like "fishy" fish. Probably doesn't make sense. But there you are.
When Marilyn "dresses up" Salmon with spices, it's nice. Otherwise, I just eat
it. Swordfish doesn't taste 'fishy" to me. Neither does Haddock. We eat
scallops when they're not expensive. We also eat Shrimp. Chicken is a
frequent meal. I like it but I think Marilyn is chickened out. I am no
longer a fan of red meat. That's been a dramatic change as I've grown
older. Red meat (Steak) doesn't sit well in my stomach. We're approaching
hot dawgs season. Yay! I love hot dawgs. And, I don't need to know what's in
them. I do have a recipe that I love. The original is with Mahi Mahi, but I
use tilapia and I add zucchini to the casserole in the bottom under the
2 lbs Mahi Mahi or other fish.
1 lemon juiced.
1/4 tsp garlic salt
1/4 tsp pepper
1 cup mayo
1/4 cup diced onion
Bread crumbs
Preheat oven to 425. Place in 9x13 baking dish. Mix mayo, onions, lemon, and
spices and spread over fish (and veggies). Sprinkle with bread crumbs and
bake for 25 minutes. You can always cut back on mayo if you want less fat.
In fact you can just brush it on and add crumbs if you wish." -M.A.-
February 26 2018 2:08PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 816 - Simple, Inexpensive Fish recipes: "Sounds
simple and good!!" -R.O.-
February 26 2018 12:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 815 - The Climate of Violence Around Us: "Thank you. Lots of violent influences on young people these days! I remember doing nuclear bomb drills at my desk at Memorial. Not quite as personal as a shooting!" -L.L.-
February 21 2018 6:19PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 815 - The Climate of Violence Around Us: "Brilliant dear Tasha.... so much that needed to be said – and it is wonderfully encouraging to know the young people are ready beginning to stand up and to give peaceful voice and action towards this goal, especially since the incident in Florida." Bless us all. Much love! -J. S.-
February 21 2018 5:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 815 - The Climate of Violence Around Us: "Beautiful piece here Tasha. Thanks so much my friend." Wishing you peace and joy, -J.M.-
February 20 2018 3:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 815 - The Climate of Violence Around Us: "Ah, the power of words! Watching our language is but one small step in the right direction, but a start." -P.S.-
February 20 2018 2:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 815 - The Climate of Violence Around Us: "So true, Tasha! Thanks for all you do." -B.L.- ." -M.M.-
February 20 2018 1:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 814 - The Many Kinds of Love: "I loved this
one! And I mean that it touched me and I want to pass it on." -M.M.-
February 12 2018 4:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 814 - The Many Kinds of Love: "Really loved this
one. Something I’ve been struggling with for a long time. Especially since
Kevin’s death." Hope you both are well! -S.P.-
February 12 2018 1:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 814 - The Many Kinds of Love: "Tasha, One of your
best yet my friend. Love is everywhere and in everyone. It is just up to us
to live it and to share it. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy,
February 12 2018 11:19AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 814 - The Many Kinds of Love: "Happy Valentine’s
Day Week! Sending you an “unconditional hug. B.W.-
February 12 2018 11:19AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 814 - The Many Kinds of Love: "I love you! When my
kids were little they called Valentines 'Valentizers'. Stop me if you have
heard this before...grin...we had a red laundry basket. There was a 'Valentizer
Fairy' who would come while the children were in school and the fairy left
little gifts for them: red toothbrushes, red pencils, red sox, red licorice,
those kinds of treats. And of course we always made Valentine cards instead
of buying them. Your piece about love took me back to those long gone days.
It's fun to look
back, so long as we keep moving forward. Thanks for all your thoughts and
thank you for your love. Will you be my 'Valentizer' "; Hugs, -C.B.-
February 12 2018 9:17AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 814 - The Many Kinds of Love: "Very Nice Piece,
Tasha". I send you much love, my Dear friend, -M.K.-
February 12 2018 9:08AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "It’s a good
thing you were so suspicious. Sadly, this is happening more and more...
especially to unsuspecting seniors. They keep coming up with new ways to
steal our identities. Good for you! And I’m glad Stephen mentioned this to
you!" -A.B.-
February 5 2018 9:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "This sort
of thing is getting more and more prevalent. People are gullible. You always
hit the nail on the head with your topics! I love it." Hugs, -C.B.-
February 5 2018 4:45PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "It has
happened to me but in a different format. You were smart." -R.Z.-
February 5 2018 4:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "Hi Tasha
and Stephen, Every day we get robo calls. They want donations to this or
that. some are ok, but most are oddball 'charities' which have no standing
and are crooks using familiar well-respected names, but with a minor change.
I answered one once, but like you, was suspicious. When they asked for money
I just shut it off and did not give them anything. We are listed in the
demographics of a mature generation, and so many with numbers of years have
not kept in touch with the reality of the greed of some 'clever' folks who
get away with fleecing people. Needs vs. wants is very important to
discern." Love, -H.T.-
February 5 2018 2:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "Tasha,
You were very wise there my friend. I have seen so many scams like this in
my own emails. If it sounds too good to be true it often is. I only wish all
the people out there were as smart as you. Keeping you in my prayers.
wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
February 5 2018 1:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "Great
message, Tasha. Like the old saying goes, 'If it’s too good to be true…' ".
February 5 2018 1:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 813 - Desire can cloud your Perception: "wow wow
wow wow!!! Fabulous!" -V.Z.-
February 5 2018 1:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 811 - Treats for the Winter Doldrums: "I think my Mom revealed to my
wife in one of her few Mother-DAUGHTER- In-Law chats that she wasn't big on
making pie crusts. Guess it was use stuff from a box. During all those
innocent childhood years, always thought Mom made everything from scratch. I
even have images of her rolling dough and use the bat thingy to pound the
dough into shapes. I guess my mind is doing 'Print the legend' with me."
February 5 2018 12:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 811 - Treats for the Winter Doldrums: "Thank you
Tasha, I will save this recipe. I don’t like making pie crust either. -A.L.-
January 22 2018 6:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 811 - Treats for the Winter Doldrums: "Thanks,
this sounds delicious." -J.M.-
January 22 2018 1:18PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "Thanks for
this good Reminder! -M.F.-
January 17 2018 7:16PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "A very good
reminder. Goodness knows I need them more and more. Thank you Tasha."
Blessings, -D.W.-
January 17 2018 3:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "I went and
washed my hands right after I ready your last column. Good one!" -L.G.-
January 17 2018 2:31PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "Thanks
Tasha. I hope you are feeling better soon my friend." Keeping you in my
prayers. -J.M.-
January 16 2018 6:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "Love this
line: 'Now instead in order to stay awake and aware, I have to out wit
myself. May we go out with the flu!' " -B.W.-
January 16 2018 10:56AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "Hi Tasha,
always write my lists on the back of my hand, as i'm really good at losing
bits of paper with lists and numbers on them. More difficult to lose the
back of my hand ha ha." -P.F.-
January 15 2018 4:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 810 - Intentions versus Resolutions: "Your ideas
are always splendid!" -V.Z.-
January 15 2018 4:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 809 - Prioritizing What Comes First: "Dear Tasha,
Thank you once again for your Heartwings wise words. I am an organizer so I
automatically prioritize and do get the major things out of the way first –
those things that need to be done while other less important things may be
able to be delayed. And you are right, things always do seem to take longer
than we think they are going to! I don’t make any New Year resolutions for I
looking to improve and progress on my spiritual journey all the time. I
simply wish for peace, harmony and brotherhood amongst humankind, the
angels, the nature and animal kingdoms. P.S. I love going to my local
library. I do make a note on the calendar when the books are due back
though." Love and blessings, -S.W.-
January 10 2018 5:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 809 - Prioritizing What Comes First: "Tasha, Your
new year resolution story reminded me of my own memory my friend. I have to
write everything down now to keep track of it. My mind is too old and tired
to keep too much in it at once anymore. Thankfully my notes and calendar
keep me on track most of the time." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
January 10 2018 11:17AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 809 - Prioritizing What Comes First: "I forget
everything. Sometimes I forget things while I'm in the middle of doing
them, so if i don't do stuff when I think of it, it really won't get
done. And the longer I'm retired, the harder it is to remember things by
date and time since I don't even know what day it is a lot of the time."
January 8 2018 1:12PM
(Jan 2017 Dec)

Quick links -
Bottom or jump to Readers Comments
Browse By Selector
Re Heartwings Love Notes 804 - Riding the Time Machine: "Nice
memories. Thank you for sharing. I remember buying my Christmas presents at
the Sacred Heart Catholic Church Christmas Bazaar. One year I bought a lot
of glass things and embellished them with my enamel paints. Grandma kept
hers (it may have been a pitcher) and used it. Purchasing, wrapping, and
hiding those gifts in my closet are among my all-time favorite Christmas
memories. -D.W.-
December 7 201 7:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Note 802 - Thankfully: "A lovely message,
thank you dear Tasha! With so very much love to you and your family from all
of us at this time of Thanksgiving." -J.S.-
November 5 2017 8:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 802 - Thankfully: "Dear Tasha, Thank you. My
sentiments exactly. I always give thanks for the many gifts I am given –
even the ones I don’t particularly like – they are all gifts when viewed
rightly. Wishing you a very Happy Thanksgiving." Love and blessings. -S.P.-
November 23 2017 7:40PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 802 - Thankfully: "Thank you, Tasha." -R.S.-
November 23 2017 5:41PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: " Hi
Tasha! I have heard that saying "God bless you" dates back to the black
plague. If someone sneezed it meant that they had possibly come down with
the disease! -M.L.-
November 5 2017 7::45PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "Thanks Tasha. I am
grateful that I have given up on almost all of my Superstitions over the
years. I think it is necessary to be able to livea life free from fear. I
still pick up pennies, though. They remind me that we are being watched over
from Heaven. God bless you always my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
November 5 2017 5:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "Thank you, Tasha.
Right now I am enjoying the sound of rain falling. -R.S.-
November 5 2017 2:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "Hi Tasha, My idea of
beauty is in the eyes of others. Truly looking into the eyes, not
necessarily noticing the colours of their eyes, but seeing what's deeper.
The beauty of their eyes connects to my soul. I hope you are doing well."
Take care. -J.M-
November 5 2017 2:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "I so enjoyed this
piece. I’ve often thought Queen Anne’s Lace should be upgraded from this
degrading category. Thanks for pointing out the medicinal properties &
history of the everyday weed. Nice article. -P.S.-
November 5 2017 1:26PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "Thank you, Tasha.
Right now I am enjoying the sound of rain falling. -R.S. -
November 5 2017 1:25PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "Hi Tasha, My idea of
beauty is in the eyes of others. Truly looking into the eyes, not
necessarily noticing the colors of their eyes, but seeing what's deeper. The
beauty of their eyes connects to my soul. I hope you are doing well." Take
care. -J.M.-
November 5 2017 11:14AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 799 - Weeds are Flowers Too: "I so enjoyed this
piece. I’ve often thought Queen Anne’s Lace should be upgraded from this
degrading category. Thanks for pointing out the medicinal properties &
history of the everyday weed. Nice article." -P.S.-
November 5 2017 10:43AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 798 - Intoxicated by Beauty: "We truly are similar
souls my friend. I love the glorious beauty of this season too. I found this
guy on my porch this morning. Keep up your wonderful work." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
October 23 2017 12:48PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 796 Walking Through My Mother's Life: "So
interesting going through the old communications. My friend Will found an
old Christmas card which I sent to Donald in the 60s. It brought back the
romance. The memoirs I am writing will be mostly pictures. I remember the TV
program you did with me and Now I am working on many power point
presentations - from Belcourt memories to Ghosts and the new stained
glass efforts of 2014. My first "show" will be at Newport Public Library on
October 21. thanks for the inspiration !" -H.T.-
October 10 2017 11:15AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 796 Walking Through My Mother's Life: "A lovely
piece my dear Tasha... not many years ago I was doing the same and found new
insight into the feelings and thoughts of my own dear mother... How times
change - and how things grow!" Much loving thought and gratitude. -J.S.-
October 10 2017 10:22AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 796 Walking Through My Mother's Life: "Thanks for
sharing your Mom with us my friend. God bless you always." Wishing you every
joy, -J.M.-
October 10 2017 08:12AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 795 - Playing Around on my Harp: "Interesting,
glad you found a way to enjoy something you love again." -B.W.-
October 2 2017 7:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 795 - Playing Around on my Harp: "My recent joy is
yin yoga You are instructed to get in these reclining supported stretch
poses and relax into them for 5 minutes." Meditation and yoga! -B.J.-
October 2 2017 6:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 795 - Playing Around on my Harp: "Tasha, Thanks my
friend. Keep making beautiful music." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
October 2 2017 3:25PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 795 - Playing Around on my Harp: "Most beautiful,
and my answer? Becoming myself again. I’ve been neglecting me." -P.V.-
October 2 2017 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 795 - Playing Around on my Harp: "This certainly
resonated, Tasha!" Love, -C.T.-
October 2 2017 1:27PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 794 - Time for the Harvest: "Ah, Tasha, your
endless wisdom never fails to stir something in me. Your words regarding the
harvesting of ideas is not simply brilliant, but so appropriate for me.
THANK YOU for sharing your wisdom with me and all your readers." HUGS and
Blessings, -J.L.-
September 26 2017 10:17AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 794 - Time for the Harvest: "Tasha, This one was
delightful my friend. It brought back memories of my Nana’s old gardens and
root cellar. I don’t miss the work we put into them but I sure do miss the
food that came out of them. It has a freshness and taste that the stores’
stuff can’t equal. Keep up your great Heartwings." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
September 26 2017 09:31AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 794 - Time for the Harvest: "Your memory of the
canning process is just the same as my own. My parents canned all sorts of
veggies from our large garden but best of all, I remember helping to make
mincemeat. I can still conjure up the wonderful scent of it simmering on the
stove. Worth all the work. Thanks for bringing it back to me." -P.C.-
September 26 2017 09:20AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 794 - Time for the Harvest: "My harvest is Bubba
Tails From the Puppy Nursery At The Seeing Eye Release Date: October, 5
2017. On the full moon!" -P.V.-
September 26 2017 09:13AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "Dear
Tasha, This is a beautiful remembrance of a wonderful friend. You allowed
those of us who read this to know her too a bit. You have such talent."
HUGS. -J.M.-
September 12 2017 09:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor:
"Beautifully written, I'm sorry for your loss! She lives on in you!" - L.G.-
September 12 2017 08:47PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: " This
was very poignant, Tasha. I am sorry for your loss et happy for your
memories. All the more reason we have to always remember to let people know
that they are special and appreciated! Warmly," always. -A.M.-
September 12 2017 08:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "Tasha,
What a beautiful tribute to your neighbor my friend. I too lost a neighbor
and friend this last week. I wrote this tribute to her and sent it to our
local paper. Amazing how our lives intersect so much. Keeping you in my
prayers." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
September 12 2017 07:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "I'm
very moved by this. Teary and smiling." -D.J.-
September 12 2017 07:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor:
"Lovely, Tasha. I have a former neighbor who relocated to Virginia Beach
several years ago. We stay in touch and try to see one another when he is up
this way visiting his family (which, sad to say, is not all that often)." -R.S.-
September 12 2017 06:01PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "My
precious Tasha, I plan to share this gem with our Breakfast Bunch on
Tuesday. We often talk about neighbors and this tidbit will cheer their
hearts and tickle their funny bones! I love you." Forever. -C.B.-
September 12 2017 02:18PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "I love
the dog part. LOL! He said, “I got this, you do not need it!”. Reminds me of
something that happened to me once. I'd moved into this apartment complex,
and had not lived there very long. My daughter took our beagle out to play,
and he got free from his leash, and he introduced himself to the neighbor
upstairs by going into her living room by nosing open her screen door and
taking her sandwich from the coffee table, and slipping back out the door.
She said she was just coming from putting her youngest son down for a nap,
was ready for lunch and rest, and there it went wagging out the door. -P.V.-
September 12 2017 02:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "Lovely
remembrance. Thanks for sharing." -R.R.-
September 12 2017 02:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 792 - Memories of a Very Special Neighbor: "Dear
Tasha, What a remarkable story! I don't think I've ever had a neighbor of
her caliber....more like a member of your family. Also it reminds me of how
different parts of the country are to live in; the mores and values vary so
much in this big country of ours." -E.B.-
September 12 2017 02:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "Very funny
and so well written story." -A.M.-
September 4 2017 07:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "Yup. We
almost never use a GPS anymore. We have had it send us to the wrong road in
the same city ... or a different city ... or a road that ends at a river
without a bridge. At a washed out bridge. On a dirt road in the middle of a
vineyard. In a really BIG cemetery which was supposed to be a motel. I think
we get more stupid by depending on cell phones and GPS's. Garry and I have
made it our business to learn how to get around without one. To know where
the roads go and have a map if we don't already know. Because sometimes --
more often than you imagine -- the GPS is wrong -- and every now and again,
they stop working completely. It's a lot funnier when you aren't several
hundred miles from home without a map." -F.D.-
September 4 2017 05:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "Oh my, what a
funny story! You would think with all of My traveling I would have had a GPS
malfunction but I can't remember one." -R.W.-
September 4 2017 03:25PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "Lovely post
about living in the moment. Thank you, Tasha". -R.S.-
September 4 2017 03:07PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "On one
misadventure, the GPS landed Marilyn and me at a cemetery and announced,
'You have reached your destination'. True! Happy Labor Day!!" -G.A.-
September 4 2017 02:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "We had a
similar experience with setting the GPS for a restaurant called Panka Grill.
Turns out my friend hooked us up to a restaurant in NYC with the same name!
September 4 2017 01:07PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 791 - Adventures and Misadventures: "it was on the
news recently that a guy drove off a cliff, 'cos the GPS told him to keep
going for another 500 meters. he wasn't hurt, but the car wasn't very well
ha ha. I hate machines telling me what to do. it's like the robots have
finally taken over, as asimov, aldiss, wells, herbert and others predicted -
don't trust machines." -P. F-
September 4 2017 01:03PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 790 - A Shift in Perspective Helps Us see Better:
"Tasha and Stephen, So good that you have the correct perspective. My
challenges are to help other folks who are having a hard time helping
themselves. Exercise is such an important part of a daily routine - my
sister is having difficulty walking with no diagnosis of why, except
clinical depression. Why we all stay active is a goal to succeed in
something. I met a 97 year old summer colonist yesterday at the Library
Garden Party. I always felt that she would not talk to me because I was not
in her class. Have I come into that class? Or is she in need of
encouragement since her health is not perfect. She has been a great
supporter of historic preservation in Newport and I plan to accept her
invitation to tea in her beautiful mansion not far from where I lived at
Belcourt Castle. Thank you for your perspectives on the ways we cope with
new situations. Turning a negative situation into a bright moment is a great
opportunity." -H.T.-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 790 - A Shift in Perspective Helps Us see Better:
"Hello Tasha,This last paragraph is great- I am sending it to some friends!
Happy end of summer." -M.S.-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 790 - A Shift in Perspective Helps Us see Better:
"Blessings to you on your new adventure. I started exercising years ago when
I got a diagnosis of osteoporosis Now I love it. I do yoga and Pilates each
twice a week. I hike and swim some too. May you be in radiant joy and
health. These bodies do age!" -B.J.-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 790 - A Shift in Perspective Helps Us see Better:
"I'm moved by your words. Best wishes for working on your body. I need to do
the same. I've been getting help on that via a trade for piano lessons. Now
I'm off to do sit ups." -J.P.-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 789 - When Less is More: "Just read and posted
Heartwings. Liked that one." -P. V.-
August 22 2017 03:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 789 - When Less is More: "Thanks Tasha. This is
great." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
August 22 2017 02:41PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 789 - When Less is More: "I savor your lovely
reminders to cherish life." -B.W.-
August 22 2017 02:27PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 789 - When Less is More: "A special experience
need not be large size or amount.” Indeed! Good reminder! -R.S.-
August 22 2017 02:23PM

Re: Heartwings Love Note 788 - Pleasure Can Take Many Forms: "Thanks for
this sharing, Tasha! Well said!" Best wishes and continued good health! -J.S.-
August 14 2017 11:46PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 788 - Pleasure Can Take Many Forms: "Interesting
but sorry to hear you haven’t been feeling well. I think it would serve most
of us well to seek other ways to find pleasure rather than in foods. I know
my waistline would appreciate it!" Be well, -B.W.-
August 14 2017 11:36PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 788 - Pleasure Can Take Many Forms: "Great message,
Tasha. Thank you." -R.S.-
August 14 2017 11:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 788 - Pleasure Can Take Many Forms: "Tasha dear,
Your Heartwings about pleasure is so apropos of all of us who have many life
experiences and need to take a turn into new thinking. My feeling is that
music is definitely the cure for all ills: musicians live forever!!! My
mother the violinist got all her pleasure from her weekly gathering of the
Geriatric trio. She was 91 when she finally put down the violin and said no
more. I knew then that her spirit was ready for the change.
I have not been able to play the organ, because it was in the castle I sold.
I could take lessons from the organist at St. John's where the organ is
similar to the one I was used to. A column on "Musicians live forever" will
be the sequel to this story." -H.T.-
August 14 2017 11:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 788 - Pleasure Can Take Many Forms: "Tasha I am so
sorry this has happened, but you are so full of wisdom." -S.D.-
August 14 2017 11:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Note 788 - Pleasure Can Take Many Forms: "Glad it is
working for you....Yes, pleasure is a necessity." - -
August 14 2017 11:10PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 786 - Smiles and Frowns Can Grow on You: "This one
was great Tasha. It brought a smile to my face just reading. Keep up the
great work. Open-mouthed smile." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
August 1 2017 1:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 786 - Smiles and Frowns Can Grow on You: "Tasha,
I'm going to find my Nat Cole version of "Smile" and play it today. I loved
this piece." HUgs, -G.A.-
August 1 2017 12:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 786 - Smiles and Frowns Can Grow on You: "You
know, I think that this is a big difference between the North and the South.
I got my first job in Arkansas because the director of the school said she
liked my smiling face. Customers will go to specific checkout clerks in the
grocery stores who have big smiles and happy faces even if the lines are
longer. They get to know their names and they'll let other customers know
that they'll wait for these particular employees because of their friendly
attitude. When someone from the South goes north they comment on how
unfriendly folks seem to be. Perhaps it's because those in the North are
afraid to smile." Love and hugs, -B.K.-
August 1 2017 11:46AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 786 - Smiles and Frowns Can Grow on You: "I smile
at your advice. It is good." -A.B.-
August 1 2017 11:41AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 785 - The Only Constant is Change: "Thanks Tasha.
I have already passed this one on my friend. May all of the changes in your
life be beautiful." wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
July 25 2017 9:22AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 785 - The Only Constant is Change: "Another hot
day in Forestville. Just read ur sweet words on change. Recently a dear
friends 13 year old dog reached the end ,after several rebound, we spent
time adding massage, song & many tears watching him shut down. Years ago I
was driving to another euthanasia crying & reached the realization the grief
was for myself. Recalling when in my 30's my own stoic German shepherd
lifted her eyes from my lap. There was complete trust before the life left
her eyes. Sometimes experiencing loss & pain can link us to Truth. Tx so
much for the touch of philosophy u send out." -S.P.-
July 25 2017 9:22AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 784 - Tidying Up the Piles: "Have a great vacation
Mrs. Love Notes. I am forwarding this one to a bunch of people I know with
whom I expect this will resonate." Thank you. -R.Z.-
July 11 2017 7:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 784 - Tidying Up the Piles: "Tasha, Enjoy your
vacation! This is so timely as I've been in 'Organizational' mode, which for
me is sooo difficult and uncomfortable. But I'm working hard at it,
sometimes having to stop to give my worn out mind a rest. :) TV is great for
that mindless entertainment. I've been wanting my husband to help and get
the basement organized. He's as bad or worse than me! To continued
organization! Love, blessings and hugs to you and Stephen, M.M.
July 11 2017 3:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 784 - Tidying Up the Piles: "A reminder for me "
Thanks, -L.S.-
July 11 2017 2:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 783 - Celebrating Special Days with Special
Treats: "Thanks for your message and the recipe! Happy celebrations you
two!" -D.S.-
July 4 2017 4:15PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 782 - It’s the Little Things that Matter: "Thanks
Tasha, Happiness is in the beauty around us, the strains of music, the joys
of worship and the accomplishments in making others happy. I would love to
see you this summer -the schedule of chores is heavy right now, I expect a
respite before summer ends." -H.T.-
June 27 2017 5:59PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 782 - It’s the Little Things that Matter: "Yes,
they say that Happiness is not a destination, but a way to travel." Thanks
for the reminder. -M.P.-
June 27 2017 5:58PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 781 - Fatherhood is more than Begetting: "I loved
this one my friend. I feel so blessed that I have been able to nurture my
own children for all of my days here." God bless you always. Wishing you
every joy, -J.M-
June 20 2017 1:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 779 - The Importance of Self Care: "Sounds like a
good life in the slower lanes." :-) -M.A.-
June 5 2017 10:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 779 - The Importance of Self Care: "Hi Tasha, Oh,
I just loved this one. Being a nurse I can totally relate, and being a nurse
and caregiver it is so easy to put ourselves last. However, I am a big
proponent of self care also; my garden is my balancing place. Like you I
rest or take a break and play with my dog when the digging is becoming a bit
much. Working alone allows us to work at our own pace. I think for me, where
I notice the change in activity the most is when we go up into the
mountains. We used to hike and hike for hours; now it is much more of a
stroll, which is fine with me. I notice the flowers and gather them for my
potions which happens more slowly than plowing up a mountain trail. Always
enjoy your Heartwings and staying in comes Summer!" Hugs, -E.B.-
June 5 2017 9:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 779 - The Importance of Self Care: "Good
reminders, thank you!" -B.W.-
June 5 2017 8:24PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 779 - The Importance of Self Care: "Tasha,
Wonderfully wise advice my friend. I will pass it on and do my best to
follow it myself." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
June 5 2017 8:23PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 779 - The Importance of Self Care: "This is
especially timely for me as I prepare for my hip replacement in July. Thank
you for the reminder." Lots of love, -A.H.-
June 5 2017 8:21PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 778 - A Memorial Day Remembrance: "Beautiful!" -P.V.-
May 31 2017 11:32AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 778 - A Memorial Day Remembrance: "Dear Tasha,
Wonderful Memorial Day piece." -G.A.-
May 31 2017 11:12AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 778 - A Memorial Day Remembrance: "Nice memorial
day column - I enjoyed reading new material about your father!" -L.L.-
May 31 2017 9:06AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 778 - A Memorial Day Remembrance: "Wonderful
remembrance my friend. I know your father and grandfather are proud of you
and watching over you. " Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
May 31 2017 7:42AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 776 - A Thank You to my Mom: "Dear Tasha, Thank
you for sharing your own mother's day experience and your mother's story.
Remembering what our parents went through growing up allows us to give them
latitude for things we think they missed giving us." -E.B.-
May 16 2017 11:54AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 776 - A Thank You to my Mom: "Dear Tasha, Thanks
for your memories of mother. Mine are very pleasant in my earliest years.
She taught me to play "mary had a little Lamb" and Twinkle Twinkle Little
Star on a quarter size violin. I was about three, before my father came back
from the Pacific theater during the war. Again thanks for your memories of
mother and for the opportunity to share your precious recollections of
childhood. H.T.
May 16 2017 10:34AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 776 - A Thank You to my Mom: "Thank you so much
Tasha. Happy, happy Mother's day." Love, R.Z.
May 16 2017 9:17AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 776 - A Thank You to my Mom: "Just wanted to say I
loved your Mother's Day piece. So warm, loving and poignant. It's a joy to
have such memories." -G.A.-
May 16 2017 9:05AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 776 - A Thank You to my Mom: "This was such a
beautiful, loving tribute to your Mom my friend. Thanks for sharing it with
me. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy, - J.M.-
May 16 2017 8:54AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 774 - Good luck Can Be Ours: "Good job of tackling
a very complicated subject! Of course, all things from nature are sacred to
the traditional indigenous person. Did you know that in most languages of
the indigenous there are no words for expressing more or better? That is
because all is equal on the hoop of life. I had someone on FB ask me what is
more important, a person or a tree? I replied that he should see how long he
could hold his breath and then reevaluate his statement." -S.J.-
May 1 2017 4:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 774 - Good luck Can Be Ours: "Hi Tasha, Your piece
struck familiar chords…! When my Aunt Ruthie died I had her bag of remains
in my hand and I was weeping, a feather drifted down in front of me. I
rushed rushed outside to fetch it, and I have kept it. :) It is also true
that certain Native American tribes PARTICULARLY RAVENS AND EAGLES, OF
COURSE … consider feathers from particular birds to be sacred objects." -M.R.-
May 1 2017 8:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 774 - Good luck Can Be Ours: "So very true. Thank
you for this lovely reminder." -R.S.-
May 1 2017 7:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 774 - Good luck Can Be Ours: "Tasha, I have been a
penny picker upper all of my life my friend. Each time I see one on the
sideway I take it as a reminder that God loves me and Heaven is watching
over me. Keep up the great work." God bless you always. -J.M.-
May 1 2017 6:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 774 - Good luck Can Be Ours: "Hi Tasha, Yes, I
read this and liked it! There are some (too many) I haven't read, and I'd
like to make time to read them! Yes, Yes! Maybe soon! Ah, that would be
nice. (I need some more "Ahhhh" time.) -L.M.-
May 1 2017 6:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 773 - April Showers and May Flowers: "Remember the
little he cherished his flower....we are all flowers in the
garden of Life. C.O. Great story my friend. May your gardens forever be in
bloom. -J.M.-
April 25 2017 2:31PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 773 - April Showers and May Flowers: "Lovely
story. It also brought me back to when I’ve had gardens as a child and
adult. Thanks for the reminding memories! I love all your missives, but this
one about gardening is wonderful of course. Being a gardener at last, I
resound deeply with all things gardening and earth." -E.B.-
April 25 2017 2:00PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 772 Easter Eggs are more than just Food: "Thank
you! Nice lesson." -T.C.-
April 11 2017 4:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 772 Easter Eggs are more than just Food: "Thank
you gorgeous Goddess Tasha for this Love Note.
So true that holydays trigger memories of days gone by. Great to remember as
I ready to open my heart this HOLYday season and
take it in - find the gratitude in the moment - and let it go. Thank you for
caring and sharing.
Wishing you, Peace & Love, Just Because, -G.G.-
April 11 2017 2:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 772 Easter Eggs are more than just Food: "Dear
Tasha, I love your Easter memories piece. Dialing the clock back to
childhood Easters, it always seemed to be sunny and mild. We wore our "good"
spring outfits to church. Matching short pants and jacket with an Eaton cap.
Flowers everywhere and people seemed happier than usual. We frequently went
to the big Easter Parade in Manhattan. It was a glorious event of 40's
fashions. Not quite Judy and Fred but still glamorous. Fast forward to the
early 70's. I was a newly minted "TV news celeb" and Grand Marshall of
Boston's Easter Parade. The parade started on Commonwealth Avenue near the
Fenway and wound up on Boston Common, such fun. Nowadays, it's just those
memories of yesterday Easters. -G.A.-
April 11 2017 1:45PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 772 Easter Eggs are more than just Food: "What
wonderful Easter memories you shared my friend." God bless you always.
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
April 11 2017 1:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 770: Spring is a Back and Forth Season: "I loved
your new story my friend. It warmed my heart and made my tummy rumble at the
same time. Have a happy Easter." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
April 4 2017 5:23PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 770: Spring is a Back and Forth Season: "Hi Tasha,
Fried rice and/or homemade soup were my go-to
meals for MANY years during graduate school! People were amazed at how fit
and healthy I could be while living on nearly no
money. The food was wonderful and tasty, too. I did not suffer." Lots of
love, -A.H.-
April 4 2017 1:31PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 770: Spring is a Back and Forth Season: "Your
recipe sounds delicious! I'm hoping to try it at some
time. Thanks for sharing your personal recipes!" Many hugs, -A.H.-
April 2 2017 6:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 770: Spring is a Back and Forth Season: "I love
working in the garden. Spring comes early in Arkansas.
Karl's grandmother got me interested in growing irises. Mine bloom right
after my daffodils. These are a few of my favorites. Both
are in bloom today." Love and hugs, -B.K.-
April 2 2017 4:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "What a
lovely piece, Tasha! Reminds me of the part of "The Secret Garden," where
Mary is sent out to play in those
at-first-seemingly-desolate-but-later-enchanting Yorkshire gardens. And also
reminds me of those lovely illustrations by Tasha Tudor." Best wishes, -J.S.-
March 28 2017 7:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "I so agree!
And enjoy your notes! Thank you for being Tasha!!! You are a delight of
wisdom and love! It can be felt thru your words !" Xoxo -S.L.-
March 28 2017 3:28PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "Thanks for
this wonderful Hearwings Tasha. I think I will got outside and play just
like I did when I was five on a Spring day." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
March 28 2017 11:04AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "Beautiful!"
March 28 2017 08:21AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "Thanks for
your lovely childhood memories. So many treasures to remember from the past.
I remember the melting snow this time of the year. How wonderful to see the
running water making little rivers here and there, helping to dig way for
the melting. Remembering the smells of the melting snow, looking for little
bare patches on the asphalt or the grass, looking forward to wear knee
stockings and a skirt, skipping with the girls and bicycling with the boys.
Happy times. Now I enjoy the sun coming into my kitchen window when cooking
dinner, going out early morning to listen to the birds. The evenings are
magic too. The blue hour after sunset, when the birds are saying good
night." -E.S.-
March 28 2017 08:09AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "Thank you
Tasha for sharing this !! It brought back sweet memories of growing up in
small Vt town with mountain in back. I was alone a lot like you and climbing
trees and exploring ! My siblings were much older and one much younger. So I
had several yrs there creating my adventures! I treasure many things now
that I took for granted then? Guess my age and experience does that ?! A
note of love back to you Tasha!" Hugs -S.L.- :)
March 27 2017 11:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "I enjoy the
“spring ahead” and getting out of work when it is still daylight." -M.P.-
March 27 2017 10:25PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "Isn’t it
strange how things seem to shrink when we get older? I love this. I’m going
to share it with a group I belong to. I’m on a FB group called Candle Craft
With a Touch of Magic and these folks will love this." Blessid Be. -P.V.-
March 27 2017 8:33PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "I love
sitting in my zero- gravity chair on our deck, staring at the trees and sky
, as mind clears and heart fills. Ah, becoming present!" -B.J.-
March 27 2017 8:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 769 - Spring Is Making Its Way Along: "snowdrops,
bluebirds, redwing blackbirds!" Love, -C.L.-
March 27 2017 8:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 768 - Saving What Is Useful: "Hi, Tasha! Very
interesting use of paper. We use paper towels, mainly because of the dogs.
We try to quickly respond to the dirt to keep things under control. Loved
the family thread to your piece." -G.A.-
March 22 2017 6:23PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 768 - Saving What Is Useful: "I can so relate. I
cut up old t-shirts that are too soft to be good for cleaning to use to blow
my nose in place of paper tissues. They are softer and reusable." -M.P.-
March 22 2017 5:16PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 768 - Saving What Is Useful: "Hi I like this,
however, I am careful of what and how much I save. I don’t ever want saving
to become hoarding. This is good." -P.V.-
March 22 2017 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 768 - Saving What Is Useful: "I made my husband
read this so he’ll see there’s more than one of me out here. He just shakes
his head." -P.C.-
March 21 2017 5:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 768 - Saving What Is Useful: "Once again, it seems
we have similar habits! I’ve never been sorry I saved something and have
always been thankful I’ve had the space to do so. -B.W.-
March 21 2017 2:41PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 768 - Saving What Is Useful: "I grew up in the
same type of household my friend. Nothing was ever wasted." God bless you
always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
March 21 2017 2:34PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 767 - Thoughts from a Thrifty Cook: "What a nice
reminder and a good one for the younger generations. I think cooking and
recreating the leftovers is almost a lost art. Many young people don’t cook
much at all anymore! I was brought up like you and it has served me well,
especially in lean times. -B.W.-
March 14 2017 6:54PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 767 - Thoughts from a Thrifty Cook: "Tasha, Ah,
the memories you brought back to me my friend. Brown beans on Monday, Pasta
Fasul with the left over brown beans on Wednesday. Not to mention home made
cornbread and biscuits. Keep up the great work." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
March 14 2017 6:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 766 - Thrifty Living makes Sense: "Wonderful New
England way. Thrifty is Nifty." -L.S.-
March 7 2017 4:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 766 - Thrifty Living makes Sense: "I love this one
Tasha! As I love my closet of thrift and consignment goodies too. This week
I discovered a shoe repair man in town that will extend the life of some of
my favorite pairs much cheaper than buying new. Thrift on! R. M.March
7 2017 2:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 766 - Thrifty Living makes Sense: "What a great
story! I loved that you had two identical items." -R.S.-
March 7 2017 12:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 766 - Thrifty Living makes Sense: "Tasha, I love
this piece!! I think we have talked about this before. We were LOW middle
income, very low. I was the oldest of 3 sons. Still am. As oldest, I got the
new stuff. My Dad was a tailor among other things. So, all my clothing was
well fitted. These days I am mostly a jeans guy. I have a couple or three
pair of dress pants. I still have the 3 or 4 tweed jackets we bought on our
honeymoon in Ireland back in '90. They still look good." -G.A.-
March 7 2017 12:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 766 - Thrifty Living makes Sense: "As a fellow
thrift store shopper I really enjoyed this one. It amazes me at times how
almost new some of the donated clothes are in these stores. Keep up the good
work my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
March 7 2017 11:14AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 675 - A Lenten Discipline Can Be More Than
Fasting: "I prayed for insight to how to use lent to enhance my spiritual
practice. Just this morning I decided and conscious Kindness would be my
practice. Thank you for the essay to support my answer to prayer." -M.P.-
February 28 2017 9:42AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 675 - A Lenten Discipline Can Be More Than
Fasting: "Thank you for a new way to look at this practice." -R.S.-
February 28 2017 9:26AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 764 - Healthy and Tasty Winter Meals: "Hello
Tasha, Wow! So someone else makes real old-fashioned bread pudding! Remember
those horrid and pretentious concoctions that were appearing a few years ago
as a short-lived foodie fad? The ones made with oven-dried artisan bread,
heavy cream, and bourbon sauce? And that's when I serve it, after a soup
meal. I use a little nutmeg instead of cinnamon, because that's how I
watched my mother's friend make it.If you aren't already doing it, rustle up
some more old-time favorites!" Thanx, -J.D.-
February 21 2017 8:09PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 764 - Healthy and Tasty Winter Meals: "You cook
very much the way I do. I know we are Soul Sisters! I find food prep
relaxing. I'm no prize cook but we eat to maintain health and cabbage is one
of my go to faves. It is so forgiving that if you don't get to it quickly it
will wait patiently. I am careful to wrap unused cabbage tightly in plastic
wrap and/or foil so as to keep it free of any air. I add cabbage to any
other greens for texture and nutrition. Wouldn't it be fun to put our toes
under one another's' tables and feast together and CHAT?" I love you! Hugs,
February 21 2017 6:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 764 - Healthy and Tasty Winter Meals: "Your latest
HEARTWINGS issue made me feel hungry. *big smile* Hope that you and yours
are doing all right, that things are going okay, and that the rest of the
day goes all right for you all." Hugs, take care, and bye, :) -O.S.-
February 21 2017 5:43P
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 764 - Healthy and Tasty Winter Meals: "Thank you
Tasha ! I tried the bread pudding( used my homemade bread) and it came out
delish !! Wrote that one down to keep !" Tanks !! Xoxo -S.L.-
February 21 2017 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 764 - Healthy and Tasty Winter Meals: "Tasha, I
have found a wonderful way to incorporate cabbage into my diet. I use them
as wraps! I heard about this on channel three better living. Make up some
tuna and wrap it on cabbage instead of bread. This evening for supper I
cooked up some leaves in water and vinegar with sliced carrots. I then put
hummus on a leaf with the carrots and that was it! You can make any kind of
salad and roll it." -D.D.-
February 21 2017 3:09PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 763 - A Valentine to Loves Found: "Tasha, This one
was great. It brought back memories of my own first love. She was a redhead
and I have loved redheads ever since. Nerd smile I hope you have a wonderful
week my friend." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
February 14 2017 9:25PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 763 - A Valentine to Loves Found: "Tasha!
Beautiful! AWW!" -P.V.-
February 14 2017 7:26PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 763 - A Valentine to Loves Found: "Oh, I know the
feeling Tasha. I was hopelessly in love with a girl called Lynne Watson when
I was 14. I was terribly shy and would turn bright red every time she spoke
to me. I used to do her math homework for her, just so we could be together.
the irony being, lynne passed her math exam, but I failed, 'cos I put all my
time in to doing her work. -P.F.-
February 14 2017 6:20PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 763 - A Valentine to Loves Found: "Tasha you are
beautiful and Stephen is blessed in many ways. Thank you both for touching
my life." -W.P.-
February 14 2017 5:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 763 - A Valentine to Loves Found: "Hi. So good to
read about your romance memories. My first boyfriend was blonde and so is my
husband, my last. I always figured I’d be with someone dark, but I was meant
to be with a blonde." -M.B.-
February 14 2017 4:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 763 - A Valentine to Loves Found: "Very sweet!
Happy Valentine's day to you and your true love!" -A.M.-
February 14 2017 4:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "Thank you for
this "love Note" Tasha. It helps me be more conscious of the fact that, when
I think of my parents and brother and sister and grand-mother who have gone,
it is often to see them suffering and feel pain. Your sharing encourages me
to refocus, to bring forth the good times we had together and appreciate
them again." With love, -M.F.-
February 6 2017 3:37PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "Really
brilliant. Thanks for sharing this. We wouldn't miss the people unless they
really were that wonderful or connected to us... you know that whole saying,
better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. But I like
how you said it!" Perfect! -L.G.-
February 6 2017 2:53PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "This is
beautiful, and the timing is perfect. I’m going to blog and try to make
certain my sister Mary sees it. She is going through a terrible grieving
spell." -P.V.-
February 6 2017 12:42PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "As always Tasha,
you are right on." -L.T.-
February 6 2017 12:34PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "Today
particularly I love these words of yours, I can take the images of them
together and put them lovingly in a special album I keep in my heart. "
That's exactly what I do, but I've never had such perfect words to say so."
My love and gratitude for sharing.... -S.D.-
February 6 2017 12:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: " What a lovely
piece of writing....and connects so well with me personally at this time. I
appreciated this piece and your personal snapshots of life as a young
person." Thanks for sharing this and everything you share each time! -E.B.-
February 6 2017 11:04AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: " When my mother
made her transition I was convinced that I would never survive my own life
without her. Then it occurred to me that I could HONOR her memory. So I
invited some neighbor kids to a tea party because my mother LOVED our tea
parties. She also LOVED playing Bingo at her nursing home so I gave the
nursing home where she stayed a roll of quarters in her memory. I once
bought someone a pair of shoes because that's what my mother would have
done. I have photos of my mother here and there about the house and it gives
me great pleasure to see her image and remember special times in our lives.
I will never 'get over losing Mom but I think of her lovingly now, not with
sadness. I think grief was a wonderful teacher." I love connecting with you,
my dear Tasha. -C.B.-
February 6 2017 10:02AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "Beautiful and
heart touching my friend. Thank you." -J.M.-
February 6 2017 8:22AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 762 - A Valentine to Lost Loves: "Beautifully
put..." -M.F.-
February 6 2017 8:08AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 761 - The Eyes of Unconditional Love: "Ha-ha, Hi
Tasha your email made me remember a time when I was about 11 and took my
Mom’s girdle and hid it away…she went berserk looking for it and me and my
younger sisters laughed and laughed." -K.M-
January 29 2017 3:04PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 760 - How to Grow your Heart Bigger: "Thanks
Tasha. I have passed this one on to my friends. I often use this same
technique myself. I find too that it brings me more joy than guilt. " God
bless you always my friend. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
January 25 2017 5:10PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 759 A Sip of Spring: "Yes, I too cherish my
childhood memories of circuses etc. and am so grateful to have been born
when I was. I hope everyone can cherish some of their own memories." -S.D.-
January 15 2017 2:08PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 758 - Two Recipes for Comfort Food: "The old Fanny
Farmer cookbooks -- I have 3 of them, the earliest from 1934 (I think) and
the most recent from 1950ish -- are great. Simple recipes that work every
time. I don't use a microwave to cook things. I do use it to boil a cup of
water to make tea or reheat something quickly. Most used setting? The "30
second" automatic setting. But to be honest, it's not a matter of principle,
but rather of taste. Microwaved food tastes either boiled and bland... or is
the consistency of an old rubber tire. It's not really a cooking tool. It
has it's uses, but I can't remember the last time I actually cooked anything
in it. Oh, right -- certain packages of frozen vegetables are designed to
cook in a microwave. Otherwise, we have a little convection oven that is a
much better tool for making food :-) -M.A.-
January 9 2017 4:06PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 758 - Two Recipes for Comfort Food: "I'm sooooo
glad you have no microwave. They are not conducive to good health. Comfort
food? I have navy bean soup in my oven with the remnants of the Christmas
ham. It will cook all day. I was up at 5 AM, draining the beans I soaked
overnight. Yup. You and I ARE soul sisters! -Hugs, -CK-
January 9 2017 4:01PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 757 - A New Year, A New Beginning: "Dear Tasha,
Thank you for the new year message and wishes you have sent us, your
readers. I trust that they have come back to you manifold to surround you
with light, affection and gratitude. And may you have good health and energy
to continue sharing reflections and insights with others! With love, -M.F.-
January 5 2017 5:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 757 - A New Year, A New Beginning: "Very nice way
to begin the new year. -P.V.-
January 4 2017 8:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 757 - A New Year, A New Beginning:
"Beautiful--and, as always, timely for me! Happy New Year! -J.S.-
January 4 2017 6:43PM
(Jan 2016 Dec)

Quick links -
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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 754 - A Wreath of Remembrance: "Tasha, It is
amazing how so many of your memories mirror some of my own. I too am working
on a Christmas story about Christmas memories that I will be sending out
next week. This week’s is about a single memory but one that stays in my
soul to this day." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J. M.-
December 12 2016 9:57PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 754 - A Wreath of Remembrance: "Thank you
sincerely Tasha, for your thoughts and remembrances of Christmas past... and
yet, so very present in our hearts. With loving thoughts as we near the
Christ-Mass...." Thank you! -J.W.-
December 12 2016 8:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 754 - A Wreath of Remembrance: "This is very nice.
Merry Christmas." -P.V.-
December 12 2016 7:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 754 - A Wreath of Remembrance: "Thanks for another
happy trip down Memory Lane!. I love all your pieces, Tasha." -C.B.-
December 12 2016 7:01PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 753: Holiday Customs Make the Time Special: "Good
point. The gift giving has become the least part of the holidays and maybe
that's not such a bad thing!" -M.A.-
December 5 2016 5:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 753: Holiday Customs Make the Time Special: "Thank
you for your Heartwings." Love and hugs, -J.G.-
December 5 2016 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 753: Holiday Customs Make the Time Special: "You
always write the best things my friend. God bless you always." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
December 5 2016 1:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 753: Holiday Customs Make the Time Special:
"Beautiful piece dear Tasha... Thank you ! Love to you from us all and
wishes for peaceful and most happy season of Christmas." Love, -J.G.-
December 5 2016 1:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 752 Christmas Expectations: "Hi, Tasha!, I love (I
say that a lot about your pieces) your Christmas offering. I abhor the
Christmas commercials that actually began as they played the World Series
this year. I mentally erase them if we're watching television in real time.
It must be hard for kids to really enjoy the holiday season, the SPIRIT of
the season. Marilyn and I now keep things very simple. We have our memories
of all those past seasons." -G.A.-
November 28 2016 04:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 752 Christmas Expectations: "Tasha,What a
fantastic message for us my friend. I will be passing it on." God bless you
always. -J.M.-
November 28 2016 01:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 752 Christmas Expectations: "Tasha You are so
right about all the gifts. Black Friday was horrible here." -L.S-
November 28 2016 10:11AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 751: Full of Thanks and Grateful for It: "I am
grateful for you and the gentle way you make wisdom accessible." -B.J.-
November 22 2016 04:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 751: Full of Thanks and Grateful for It: "Well
said!" -K.M.-
November 22 2016 03:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 751: Full of Thanks and Grateful for It: "Tasha,
Your writings are one of the things I am thankful for my friend." Have a
joyous day. -J.M.-
November 22 2016 03:10PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Thank
you for the recipes. I always make my cranberry sauce and sometimes add a
little wine and cinnamon. The cornbread sounds like a winner." -M.M-
November 15 2016 07:16PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Thanks
for the recipe have an awesome." -P.V-
November 15 2016 06:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Thank
you, dear Tasha! With our new diagnoses of celiac disease, I'm so grateful
for the gluten free stuffing recipe. Was worried about Thanksgiving and how
to make it home-y and nice with the new dietary restrictions, and this is
such a beautiful way to make stuffing." Sending so much love to you, -O.G-
November 15 2016 08:22AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Thank
you for sharing you delicious recipes! This is the first time I'm making my
own cranberry sauce....I hope it turns out half as good as yours!" Hugs to
you both for a wonderful Thanksgiving season." Love, -A.K-
November 15 2016 08:14AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Tasha,
I am quite hungry after reading this. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving
my friend." -J. M-
November 13 2016 02:03AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Hi
Tasha! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE your recipes!!!" -L.T-
November 13 2016 12:11AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "MMMMmmmmm!
Thank you so much." -S.D-
November 12 2016 11:13AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 750 - My Recipes for Thanksgiving Fixings: "Sounds
yummy" -J.L.-
November 12 2016 09:12AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 748 - Cherish the Moment: "Another treasure Tasha.
Enjoy every moment my friend." - Joe
October 31 2016 11:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 748 - Cherish the Moment: "What a lovely reminder!
Thank you," -Barbara-
October 31 2016 11:31PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 747 - An Appropriate Costume: "Thank you for this
thoughtful analogy!" -B.W.-
October 25 2016 1:23PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 747 - An Appropriate Costume: "Nice wisdom for
Halloween my friend. Keep up the fine work". Wishing you every joy. -J.M-
October 25 2016 10:14AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 746 - The Importance of Responsibility: "Tasha, I
really enjoyed this one my friend. You have a way with words and a way with
wisdom. I will send this on to my friends." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
October 18 2016 11:24AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 746 - The Importance of Responsibility: " Hello
hope all is well! I do pick up after others. For me it is fine. Don't feel
like I'm being abused, just doing the right thing for me! Again this is a
personal choice. Just know when a line is crossed and too much is too much.
Just my opinion. Thank you once again for your heartfelt and wonderful
articles!!." -A.L.-
October 16 2016 10:24PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 746 - The Importance of Responsibility: " Ah,
another really good one. Thanks you, dear lady! " -A.S.-
October 16 2016 10:17PM

Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 745 - Where Does the Time Go?: "Was just having a
discussion on time here today. From Stephen Hawkins to the creation of the
world (was discussing it with Baptists who have a very set view of the days
of creation.) And here comes your Heartwings that speaks to me in terms I
understand." Thank you. Love, -R.G.-
October 11 2016 9:18PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 745 - Where Does the Time Go?: "A positive
delight! Now that I know there is no such thing as time, I'm forgetting it
and just continue being." Lots of love -V.S.-
October 11 2016 9:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 745: Where Does the Time Go: "Wise words Tasha. God bless you my friend.
October 11 2016 8:52PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 745: Where Does the Time Go: "Yet another awesome story. One that makes us think. This one has a place in Campbell's world too."
October 11 2016 8:46PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 744 - Muffins for Fall Munching: "Much love to you
Dear One and a hug, Thanks, Tasha
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 744 - Muffins for Fall Munching: "I enjoyed this,
as well as Steven's tale. Since they were both found in the Weekly Feast and
I blogged that I did not blog individually. Have a great week." -P.V.-
October 4 2016 6:40PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 744 - Muffins for Fall Munching: "Tasha! Thank you
for that muffin recipe !!! Oh gosh, I made them and they are to die for, I
put some choc chips in them. They didn't rise real high but soo moist and
light ! ( might be my muffin tins?). Also, a little tip for you making them
or banana bread. Put a tbsp lemon juice in your bananas. From an old recipe
and it enhances the banana flavor ! Best muffins I've ever had and all
tasting them says wow!" Thank you dear heart, Love to you! -S.M.-
October 4 2016 3:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 744 - Muffins for Fall Munching: "Thanks for the
recipe, Tasha!. I'll send it to my daughter, I know she'll
love it. Feeling like autumn the days - my favorite season!" Hope you are
well - fondly, -M.P.-
October 4 2016 2:22PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "I so enjoyed
your Airport adventure. A similar thing happened to me while getting my
Wheelchair assist on the the plane for my return Sonoma trip. I, too,
laughed inside." Pretty comical, tho not. -M.R.-
September 28 2016 4:47PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "What a great
story to tell." Lots of love, -A.B.-
September 28 2016 4:05PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "Amazing story,
Tasha!" -R.S-
September 28 2016 2:25PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "What an
experience. We were traveling to New York for our son's wedding and the
wedding cake cutting knife from our own wedding reception was in my
suitcase. The kids wanted to use something that was ours. We were delighted.
This was in 1999 before the attack on the world trade center. At the airport
I was pulled over because I had a knife in my luggage. I took it out to show
them...that it wasn't sharp...and it was for our son's wedding. It took two
supervisors to look at it before it was determined safe" -A.N.-
September 28 2016 2:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "I could use an
adventure or two these days." -M.P.-
September 28 2016 1:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "I enjoyed your
story at the airport as well as the artwork in the storage. It's nice your
daughter wants to make and exhibit." -J.K.-
September 26 2016 6:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "That is
incredible! Way awesome! Just goes to show you life is a huge wheel! Way
cool." -P.V.-
September 26 2016 4:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "Yes, I did love
reading this and laughed; but then it's easier to laugh at another than at
oneself. How neat to have an artist in your family, but then you are One,
TOO! Yours is with words for sure!" -S.D.-
September 26 2016 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 743 - An Unanticipated Adventure: "Tasha, I think
your Mom had a million angels smiling over ever exhibit she created my
friend. Often our work here isn’t truly appreciated until we are there." God
bless you always. -J.M.-
September 26 2016 10:45AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 742 Driving Through the Past to the Future:
"Thank you for the lovely and inspirational reading. I treasure the memories
of our time together." -M.P.-
September 26 2016 10:44AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 742 Driving Through the Past to the Future:
"Well, you are welcome. I never fail to enjoy your heart wings. I try and
share them as often as I can. I will be ever so glad when I can do my
newsletter again. Thanks so much for staying in touch." -P.V.-September
26 2016 10:22AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 742 Driving Through the Past to the Future:
"Tasha, this is a great story my friend. I am going to be sharing it with
all who need its wisdom." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
September 26 2016 10:14AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 740 - Summer through Years: "Another great one
Tasha. thanks for sharing all the wonderful memories." -J.M.-
September 5 2016 10:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 740 - Summer through Years: "This, like you--is
beautiful, sensitive and uplifting!" -V.Z.-
September 5 2016 10:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 740 - Summer through Years: "Your writing is just
beautiful. We were so lucky to grow up when we did." -S.D.-
September 5 2016 9:56PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "This is extremely
good. I am going to see if I can get it on my blog. I really like it. Speaks
truth." -P.L.-
August 29 2016 6:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "You are truly
amazing!" Love, -S.D.-
August 29 2016 6:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "Tasha, Just what I
needed right now." -J.K.-
August 29 2016 5:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "I love this. Thank
you!" -R.H.-
August 29 2016 4:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "Beautiful writing!
Yes being human is and can be quiet a challenge. I will pray for you and
hopefully your road will become as smooth as silk as you walk upon your road
of life!" Take care!! -A.J.-
August 29 2016 4:01PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "Your thoughts are
always a pleasure to read and ponder as wisdom is gained through experience.
I remember a prayer Thanks for the help to change what I can change and
accept the things I cannot change and the WISDOM to know the difference. You
told the story." -H.T.-
August 29 2016 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "A most beautiful
article Tasha… such profound truth which echoes through all levels of life..
To accept and allow as White Eagle says, brings the great peace into the
heart – then we can be useful by quietly radiating this peace from the
heart." Loving thoughts to you in this new week! Blessings, -J.S.-
August 29 2016 2:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 739 - Acceptance Of What Is: "This was truly one
of your best Tasha. I have shared it with my friends. Keep up the great
work." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
August 29 2016 2:06PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 737 - Assumptions are Deceiving: "What a sweet
story. I enjoyed it so much. I too had a lot of moments like that in my
childhood and throughout my life. Keep up the good work." Wishing you every
joy, -J.M.-
August 15 2016 6:03PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 737 - Assumptions are Deceiving: "Nice, good food
for thought! What a nice way to start my Monday!
Thank you," -B.W.-
August 15 2016 4:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 737 - Assumptions are Deceiving: "He who waits can
see straight. I also used to jump to conclusions. It
took discipline to sit back, listen and wait for it to become clear… which
it eventually 9 out of 10 times will do. Keep up the great
writing and wisdom sharing!" Hugs, -J.R.-
August 15 2016 10:36AM
Love your memory.... we know so much at the first grade level, don't we? -A.N.-
August 15 2016 9:03AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 736 - Pennies from Heaven: "Dear Sister Goddess
Tasha, This email really touched my heart. Such love from your grandmother
created such BeYOUtifull memories for pennies. And leaving pennies in
purses. Thank you for sharing."
Wishing you, Peace & Love Just because, -M.L.-
August 10 2016 2:18PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 736 - Pennies from Heaven: "My paternal
grandmother, Bubbie, God rest her soul, also saved her pennies
for us. Still to this day the girls and I pick up coins from parking lots
and put them in our assorted charity boxes. Thank you for
reminding me that others do this, too." Loads of hugs, -A.S.-
August 10 2016 2:03PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 736 - Pennies from Heaven: "Tasha, Your pennies
are true treasures of the heart my friend. Thanks for
the precious and priceless memories." -J.M.-
August 10 2016 12:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 736 - Pennies from Heaven: "Hi Tasha, thanks for
the memories and smiles this morning. I remember the
custom of always putting money in a wallet or purse when given as a gift,
from my grandmother! I think of pennies as good luck too
and pick them up when I find them, even though my husband chuckles at me. If
I find them face down, I re-toss them, hoping they
will turn face up and leave them for the next lucky person." -B.W.-
August 10 2016 11:00AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 736 - Pennies from Heaven: "They are pennies from
heaven... filled with endless possibilities." Hugs,
G.A. (Garry / Barbara J)
August 10 2016 9:04AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 735 - Time is a Strange Accordion: "Hello once
again, Tasha. Virginia Wolfe firmly believed that no two days are ever
alike. It's in the tiniest details: look at the sky, listen to music that is
new to you or that you've never heard before, re-read a book you read in
your youth and realize what you see in it now, from the perspective of age
and experience. These are some of the ways I savor life's small pleasures
and discoveries. Geographically my life is small, but my perspective is vast
and ever-growing. It all depends... " -J.A.-
August 1 2016 12:37PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 735 - Time is a Strange Accordion: "Tasha, I
enjoyed this one my friend. You are right our lives run in patterns, but
time here is too short. I guess it is true. Our days here are just a moment
of our real lives. We are Children of Eternity." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
August 1 2016 12:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 735 - Time is a Strange Accordion: "Hi Tash. days
seemed to last forever when I was a child. nowadays I get a couple of things
done , then go " what! it's dark already? ". I keep having those going out
for something moments, then can't remember what I went out for, until I'm on
the toilet and remember it was toilet paper I went out for ha ha" - Take
care kid -P.F-
August 1 2016 11:33AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 735 - Time is a Strange Accordion: "Dear Tasha,
Like an accordion, time shrinks or expands/ to fit the feeling of the
memory. This line made me shivering feelings and it is all good!
I really liked your column due it made me to stop and think. Routine, hhhmm.....What
could I change in it to make my life's run not so promptly flying ?! Maybe I
could make more thoughtful decisions on the activities I am spending my time
on? Maybe I need to pay more attention on the quality of feelings when I am
within these activities? Do I have my time to reread books I loved 40 years
ago? When was my last time being alone, barefooted under the rain? I know
that divine music makes my time to run slower.... and the running water
makes the moment to stop. From 9-5 my time runs away as a water. You brought
me a lot of questions!!! Thank you very much, Tasha." Huge hug to both, you
and Stephen -L.R-
August 1 2016 11:10AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 732 - Keeping the Peace: "You speak to my concerns
again and again sorting through my conflicts. This one gives me more peace."
Thank you. -R.Z.-
July 12 2016 10:14AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 732 - Keeping the Peace: "Hi, Tasha!, What a very
thoughtful piece!! I'm just happy I don't have to be out
there covering these stories anymore. I used to carry a lot if it around
internally over the years. It's so sad to see what's happening in our
country, our world. We need more positive pieces like yours out there for
the all too clueless public to read." Hugs, -G.A.-
July 12 2016 09:07AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 732 - Keeping the Peace: "Your last paragraph says
it all Tasha. Thanks for this one." Wishing you every joy, -J.M-
July 12 2016 09:00AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 732 - Keeping the Peace: "Once again, thank you
for your thoughts. I have been distressed about the amount of disrespect for
others and the grandiose feelings of other people. I can pray." Love you, -A.N.-
July 10 2016 6:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 732 - Keeping the Peace: "What a wonderful
message, I appreciated it." -P.G-
July 10 2016 3:10PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 730 - Summer Celebration Food: "This one went into
my recipe file. I've tasted this. It was GOOD." :-) -M.A.-
June 26 2016 5:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "Love definitely helps
heal. Another war over religion. Ugh." -K.L.-
June 21 2016 4:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "This is just what we all
need to hear right now. Thank you my friend. " Wishing you every joy, -J M.-
June 21 2016 3:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "Tasha, lighting candles
both literally and symbolically is great to promote
peace. Today I am giving tours of historic Trinity Church, which I hope
gives the visitors a way to appreciate God' s gifts every day.
The forces of nature exhibit beauty as well as violent winds and
uncontrollable fires. As we mature we are more appreciative of life, I
think." Love, -H.T.-
June 21 2016 2:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "Dear Tasha I really
enjoyed reading this love note and I entirely agree with you." -F.F.-
June 21 2016 12:19PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "I just lit our candles;
thanks for the reminders." Love and Peace, -S.D.-
June 21 2016 12:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "As always Tasha, you are
spot on and your column reminded me of the beautiful poem you wrote for
Lucy. If you still have a copy, I would love to have it as the original has
disappeared with all my moves." Thanks and love -L.S.-
June 21 2016 11:47AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "I love this so much. I
recently went on a two week, silent, Buddhist meditation retreat. I hadn't
done much meditation before this, so it was intense. It was an invaluable
experience, and just when I was ready for it. I feel more open than I have
in many years. There is such bitter badness in this world; for sure this is
true. Knowing that we can remain good, and loving and kind in the face of
it, means everything. Just because I can't turn the world on its head all on
my own doesn't mean I can't make a difference. We have to do our best and
let go of the rest. The vibration of localized love and compassion moves
through. Like you, I believe we can spread the love. There really is no
other choice." Loving kindness, -S.S.-June
21 2016 11:27AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "Thanks for your
comforting, wise words." -D.F.-
June 21 2016 11:22AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "Hi Tasha, You and I are
products of the 60s where and love, kindness, hope etc. were real
possibilities inside of us and with our actions. We lived in a nation where
there was a sense of empowerment for change, for making a difference. It was
marginally global. Geography was not part of our vocabulary. Now our 60s
make love not war ends up hurting us. A "refusal to cooperate by 12 sex
slaves" with ideals ends up in their death in vats of acid. Showing
compassion is taken as weakness. Respect for human life individualism and
freedom of choice is looked at as unpatriotic. You and I will live our lives
within our spectrum. However, world cultures are not necessarily part of
this paradigm ad we as a nation are succumbing to the tides of chaos. Time
for another planet for us. Somebody on TV this morning pointed out that
there have been so many of these shootings that we stand in real danger of
accepting this as "normal." We express our outrage, everyone agrees that we
should do something about the guns, and then we move on. Until the next
time." -M.A.-
June 21 2016 10:29AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 729 - Lighting Candles: "Yes, I did enjoy your
write!" Blessings of light to you and Stephen! -A.L-
June 21 2016 10:27AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "I’m so glad that you
are hearing the world in stereo now. My mom had a hearing deficiency and
used a hearing aid. It helped her a lot. However, her hearing worsened as
time went by and she had trouble hearing things. Maybe, she needed a new
aid. I love this sentence that you wrote: “May you recognize your needs and
address them joyfully". Simply put but so important. Staying positive. Hugs
-J. R.-
June 7 2016 9:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "I can definitely
relate to this. Now that I finally have insurance that covers hearing aids,
am getting mine in August, I think. Everyone in my family and at the center
is so excited because they all know how much of a struggle it is! And they
will not have to repeat everything on end!" -J.-
June 7 2016 7:18PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "My father has just
gotten hearing a. He has had a bit of a hard time adjusting to lots of
sound. He had The same reaction as your grandmother concerning the birds. He
enjoys learning what new sounds are. Someday I hope for he and I to go to a
quiet wooded area so he can hear lots of sounds of nature." -P.V.-
June 7 2016 7:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "Thanks Tasha. Enjoy
the sweet music of this world my friend." -J.M.-
June 7 2016 1:20PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "Maybe-- just maybe--
I'll pass this onto P. !! He surely needs hearing aids, too." Hugs to you,
June 7 2016 12:46PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "What a wonderful role
model you are, Tasha." -S.D.-
June 7 2016 12:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 728 - A New World to Hear: "Dear Tasha, I am sorry
to learn of your hearing problem. But your newly (intense?) awareness of
even small sounds (like the crackling of paper when opening a gift) could be
some good prompts for future poetry." -J.A.-
June 7 2016 12:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 727 - The Wisdom of Waiting: "Yep! This is what we
call allowing things to unfold rather than directing them! We are on the
same page with so many things! -S.L.-
June 7 2016 6:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 727 - The Wisdom of Waiting: "So true my friend. I
tend to be impatient and wish to complete the tasks at hand and make hasty
decisions. Most come out OK because I waited until an opportunity arose.
However procrastination is my other word for waiting - and that is surely
not the wisdom of waiting! Wish I could always be both ready to do and ready
to wait. Thank you for the words of wisdom as usual. These periods of
multiple choices of how to invest my time are often the conflict between
procrastination and patience! The outcome requires wisdom." God bless you
both. Love, -H.H.-
June 7 2016 2:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 727 - The Wisdom of Waiting: "How true dear
Tasha... I was expecting your email to say you had the exercise machine
assembled, but never had time to use it! Blessings and hugs from Phoenix..
On route back to the center after visiting our groups in Sedona and Tucson.
Lots of love... -J.W.-
June 7 2016 1:30PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 726 - Remembering on Memorial Day: "Thank you
Tasha for a beautiful remembrance. I too know some of the worlds "Eddys" and
how their love and simplicity I have found to be much like angels on the
earth. Love to you, -M.K.-
June 1 2016 5:44PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 726 - Remembering on Memorial Day: "Thanks my
friend. What a wonderful piece." -J.M.-
May 31 2016 2:12PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Thank you Tasha for
a beautiful remembrance. I too know some of the worlds "Eddys" and how their
love and simplicity I have found to be much like angels on the earth." Love
to you,
June 1 2016 11:14AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Thanks my friend.
What a wonderful piece." -J.M.-
May 31 2016 9:36AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Tasha, What a fine
bit of wisdom there my friend. Congratulations to your granddaughter. I hope
too that your own final graduation is a long way off, but I know it will be
a great one. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
May 24 2016 09:11AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Dear Tasha, I love
this piece. Reminds me of high school graduation, June '59. I recall being
told we were on the brink of the 60's and a bright new era of change. My
dreams were fueled. Hugs, -G.A.-
May 24 2016 08:54AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Hi! This is very
good. Thank you for sharing. I know there are many who will enjoy this. -P.V.-
May 23 2016 05:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Great Heartwings as
usual. today I was with a family whose mother...etc. graduated last
November and they scattered her ashes at sea today. It was beautiful and
they are a beautiful family. Love, -H.T.-
May 23 2016 11:02AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 725 - Graduation with Honor: "Your life is a
shining example of living your honorable generous kind values. Thank you
Dear Friend. oxox -B.J.-
May 23 2016 10:23AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "Thorns have roses! Love
this one. I also loved this "To regret the past is to cloud the present and
perhaps even tinge the future with unnecessary sadness." Beautiful words to
paint such a true picture." Glad we got to connect yesterday! -R.W.-
May 16 2016 7:30PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "Hi Tasha, One of my
grandfather's favorite pieces of doggerel went like this:
This old world we live in Is mighty hard to beat. For every rose we get a
thorn, But ain't the roses sweet.
I have also always enjoyed this ditty and I think that it's a pretty good
philosophy as well. It has helped me often. Your column this
week reminded me of it, and expresses much the same sentiment. -A.H.-
May 16 2016 5:39PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "Tasha Halpert was my
neighbor, friend and teacher for many years when my children were growing
up. I think you both would enjoy and appreciate her thoughtful and
compassionate Heartwings Love Notes. For years and years she has done them
and loves to send them out to friends." Gratefully, -P.D.-
May 16 2016 4:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "Good morning! This is a
wonderful way to begin my day! Just a reminder I need." Blessid be! I would
like to blog this. Would that be ok? -P.V.-
May 16 2016 3:31PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "Dear Tasha, I read your
missives regularly. I enjoy them and find the often poignant. However, this
one in particular is timely due to some 'thorns' in my life. Thank you for
reminding me of the roses that I am blessed to have nestled among the
thorns." Gratefully, -P.T.-
May 16 2016 2:27PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "May your roses continue
to share their lessons with you....Love how you come up with poignant focus
on what matters with such beautiful succinct and meaningful words." Love, -R.Z.-
May 16 2016 2:24PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 724 - Thorns and Roses: "Dearest Tasha, Loved this
heart wings message. Having to go back to buffalo recently for some family
business. I went with an open heart & intentions of letting go of past
regrets and having a precious experience in the present moment with my
sisters and mother. The thorns were thicker & much sharper than I thought
possible and I came home angry with myself for putting myself in the
situation to be hurt. Also for being so overly optimistic that things could
be different. Coming back to my home and R. was wonderful & knowing my life
is filled with love & creativity that nurtures me and the people around me,
this acknowledgement took a lot of my past regrets away. These thorny
interactions are the experiences that helped me to attract my life as it is
now and I am most grateful for what has flowered from it." All my love to
you and Stephen. -C.R.-
May 16 2016 1:32PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 723 - I remember Mama: "Hello Tasha, we share some
common heritage! My maternal grandparents were from Germany, traveled across
the country to Kansas, grew chickens and vegetables. One special summer when
we visited, she had cleaned out the chicken coop so we could play in it. I
remember the Dr. Pepper on the back porch, the black walnuts my grandfather
drove over to hull, the root cellar and the 3 sided screen porch for summer
sleeping. . . . Thanks for the memories! I hope you had a lovely Mother’s
Day." -B.W.-
May 10 2016 12:44PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 723 - I remember Mama: "Women always have a full
plate and yet manage it well. Mother’s especially! God bless them all." -K.B.-
May 10 2016 11:12AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 723 - I remember Mama: "Hi Tasha, Wow! You
remember Mama! No one else I asked ever did. And I remember two things: a
daughter named Dagmar, and her making a new dessert---Frozen Alaska!" -J.H.-
May 10 2016 11:01AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 723 - I remember Mama: "Tasha, Your memories of
your Mom reminded me of my own Mom and Grandma canning vegetables for the
winter and cooking those Heavenly Sunday dinners after church. I miss them
both so much. I hope you had a blessed Mother’s Day my friend." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
May 10 2016 10:02AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 722 - Spring Has Truly Sprung: "As I am reading
this and other mail the birds are singing and the breezes are blowing. It is
a beautiful spring day and King Campbell and I are trying very hard not to
think about our allergies." LOL! -P.V.-
May 3 2016 2:134PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 722 - Spring Has Truly Sprung: "Tasha, Everything
you write is a treasure my friend." God bless you always. -J.M.-
May 3 2016 12:15 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 722 - Spring Has Truly Sprung: "Dear Tasha, I
enjoyed your thoughtful nod to the merry, merry month of May. Looks like
we're in for a rainy, rainy first week of the month for those baby April
flowers. Stephen's furry kids will probably want to stay inside." Hugs, -G.A.-
May 3 2016 11:12 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 721 - Dandelion Days: "How the heck do you know so
much about dandelions? I always left them in my lawn back at home, but they
did tend to get decapitated when I mowed the lawn ha ha. there is an old
tradition in England, that if you blow the seeds off a dandelion head, the
amount of times it takes to blow all the seeds off, is what time of day it
is. fun........but it always seems to be one o clock." -P.H.-
April 25 2016 8:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 721 - Dandelion Days: "My Pennsylvania Dutch
grandmother had a wonderful recipe for dandelion salad with hot bacon salad
dressing. Yum! PS: I will most likely make that wine--I will tell you how it
turns out!." -A.H.-
April 25 2016 8:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 721 - Dandelion Days: "Yes, thanks for the pro
dandelion message. Sent to few friends. Healthy Spring to you," -S.P.-
April 25 2016 8:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 721 - Dandelion Days: "I can't wait to try these.
If making the wine, can you just press a used cork in as far as you can, or
is there something I would need to purchase?" -S.S.-
April 25 2016 8:334 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 721 - Dandelion Days: "After reading I could feel
the yellow of dandelion blossoms like bright sunshine! " -L.L.-
April 25 2016 8:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 721 - Dandelion Days: "This is great, Tasha! The
family always used dandelion greens in season! " -H.T.-
April 25 2016 8:31 PM

Re: "Heartwings Love Notes - 720 Into the Next Room: "This is a lovely one
Tasha. Life is ever changing and I pray that I am able to accept the changes
with grace. I am grateful for the memories." Love -H.S.-
April 20 2016 4:36 PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes - 720 Into the Next Room: "Hi Tasha, What a tough
week you’ve had! I’m sorry for your losses. I’m finding the losses of loved
ones cumulative, bringing up the losses of other loved ones in years past,
adding to my grief. However, they are also making me value the loved ones I
do have even more." Peace & Health, -B.W.-
April 20 2016 3:42PM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes - 720 Into the Next Room: "This really hit my hot
button, Tasha! One of our Breakfast Bunch made her transition yesterday and
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that you compare that to stepping into the next room." -C.B.-
April 18 2016 10:32AM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes - 720 Into the Next Room: "What a comforting
thought at 82 I think and thank God that every day is a gift, dear Tasha
Halpert," -L.J.-
April 18 2016 10:14AM
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes - 720 Into the Next Room: "Well done. Dr.
Christiane Northrup in Goddesses Never Age and the new Fabulous Female Body
talks about we can get older but we never have to age. Sounds like you've
known this and just keep being an example of it.: -L.G.-
April 18 2016 10:03AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 719 - The Dailyness of Doing: "I agree with you.
Repetitive tasks most always bug me, but like you I agree that mindfulness
and the hear and now are what will keep you going." Great one as usual. -P.V.-
April 11 2016 03:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 719 - The Dailyness of Doing: "Thanks Tasha. I
know what you mean. Sometimes when I clean something I stare at it for a
minute just to appreciate it because I know it will be dirty again by the
end of the day." Wishing you every joy," -J.M.-
April 11 2016 01:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 719 - The Dailyness of Doing: "I totally love
this. You have a beautiful way of seeing the joy in the every day." -A.L.-
April 11 2016 11:01AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "This is an easy
recipe for chowder novices such as myself. Super comfort food, too. No
wonder New Englanders like it so much!" Hugs, -J.R.-
April 6 2016 08:48AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "Thanks, it sounds
very good and I will try it soon." Love, -E.S.-
April 6 2016 08:44AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "Thank you so much;
can't wait to make it." -S.D.-
April 6 2016 08:10AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "Looks delicious!!
You're such a wonderful cook!" Hugs, -A.K.-
April 4 2016 3:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "Sounds yummy. Think
I’ll keep this for future use." -P.V-
April 4 2016 1:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "I fell in love
years ago at the Andrea Hotel in Westerly with Rhode Island style clam
chowder made with broth NOT milk. This could work for other seafood as well.
Try it, It’s now a fave of mine!" Hope you guys are well and enjoying life…
April 4 2016 11:12AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "Thank you so very
much for that recipe! Sounds wonderful" =) -M.M.-
April 4 2016 9:35AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 718 - A Fine Seafood Chowder: "Sounds delicious my
friend. Thanks for sharing it." Have a joyous day. -J.M.-
April 4 2016 9:18AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 717 - A Basket of Easter Memories: "Tasha, What a
flood of childhood memories you awakened in my own mind: smelling those big
Easter dinners at my great-Aunts houses. The Easter bread, the cookies you
had to wait to eat so you sat on your hands, and those egg hunts with my
cousins. Keep up the great work." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 28 2016 9:30PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 717 - A Basket of Easter Memories: "Hi Tasha,
fabulous! I'd have loved to see a toy like that rabbit you describe. How
interesting. Never heard of such." Thanks for this. Nice to be sure. -P.V.-
Mar 28 2016 9:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 717 - A Basket of Easter Memories: "What a fun
read at the end of a wonderful day with family." -S.D.-
Mar 28 2016 9:05PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 717 - A Basket of Easter Memories: "Another good
one, I needed to hear and be reminded of! Thank you for sharing these jewels
of wisdom!" -B.W.-
Mar 28 2016 8:43PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 717 - A Basket of Easter Memories: "You have an
amazing recall of childhood memories. I felt like I was there in time
celebrating it with you. My parents hid the little chocolate foil wrapped
eggs in the house and plastic jellybean eggs out in the yard (3 acres with
lots of ivy). Easter is fun for the little ones." -J.R.-
Mar 28 2016 8:32PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 716 - Practicing Unconditional Love: "This is
extremely good. Thanks for posting. I think a lot of folks struggle with
this." Love much. -P.V.-
Mar 22 2016 9:45PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 716 - Practicing Unconditional Love: "Thanks for
always digging down to do the real work and making it
so accessible." -L.G.-
Mar 22 2016 7:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 716 - Practicing Unconditional Love: "Tasha, That
was beautiful my friend. One of your most heartfelt
stories ever. I think that even in adulthood we can feel unlovable if we
don’t get the love we need from those close to us. I think we
all need to focus on giving love then the love we need will come from within
us. Keep up the good work." God bless you always.
Wishing you every joy,
Mar 22 2016 6:06PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 715 - The Three Bite Rule: "This one made me think
of what I witnessed at dinner with my family this evening. I saw my nephew
walk over to his wife after dinner, kiss her and say, Thanks for helping me
with dinner. Nice.” -H.P-
Mar 14th 2016 06:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 715 - The Three Bite Rule: "Haha OMG 3 bites? I
used to make mine take ONE bite LOL.
Mar 14th 2016 03:05PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 715 - The Three Bite Rule: "There was one food
each of my children hated violently: My late son Matt hated all forms of
butternut squash and my daughter was really against eating liver! I
personally understand the liver thing! Keep writing and be happy! -K.M.-
Mar 14th 2016 03:03PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 715 - The Three Bite Rule: "YAY YOU! I also do not
own a microwave. I have no dishwasher. We are the last of a rare breed!" I
love you! x0 -C.K-
Mar 14th 2016 03:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 715 - The Three Bite Rule: "Thanks Tasha. I doubt
you ever made a bad meal my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J. M-
Mar 14th 2016 01:34PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 715 - The Three Bite Rule: "Thank you for a
joyful, creative lift to the morning, dear Tasha, your Heartwings notes are
always a pleasure to read - and it is through the manner of doing these so
called ‘little’ things that we nurture those around us." Thank you always!
With much love from us all, -J.W.-
Mar 14th 2016 01:23PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 714 - A Little at a Time: "Thank you for that
one!" Xoxo. -S.L.-
Mar 9th 2016 4:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 714 - A Little at a Time: "Tasha, I loved this
one, so full of great advice. The last line especially should be on a plaque
in everyone’s home: May you find joy in whatever you do, whenever you do
it." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 9th 2016 1:33PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 714 - A Little at a Time: "Great strategy for
brain injury survivors too! I plan to share this one with the group. Thank
you. I hope you can enjoy the sunshine and warmth this week!" -B.J.-
Mar 9th 2016 11:52AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 714 - A Little at a Time: "I LOVE LOVE LOVE
household hints because I am in love with the art of homemaking. I also love
YOU, Tasha! Great post. It hit my hot button! -C.B.-
Mar 9th 2016 11:35AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 714 - A Little at a Time: "Hi Tasha, I came to
realize the little bites method on my own---but it took me until I was 53!
Maybe "the journey of a 1,000 miles begins with a single step" proverb was
hibernating in my mind and I finally realized it's relevance to housework! I
told my (then) daughter-in-law about it and she looked at me like I had two
heads! Actually, I do enjoy doing housework, and I think you do, too. It is
soothing (if you're not in a hurry) and everything looks better and even
feels better." -J.A.-
Mar 9th 2016 11:30AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 713 Recipes Can Be Useful: "Hi Tasha.. I am
definitely going to try that recipe with the garlic and herbs! Sounds
delightful." Thank you for sharing. And enjoy. -M.G.-
March 2nd 2016 05:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 713 Recipes Can Be Useful: "That garlic eggs
recipe sounded pretty good to this Italian boy. Thanks my friend. Keep up
the good work." -J.M.-
Feb 29th 2016 10:31PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 713 Recipes Can Be Useful: "Dear Tasha, We have
similar tastes. But gotta check for stuff under those heavy magnets. Some of
them are moldy." Hugs, -G.A.-
Feb 29th 2016 10:29PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 712: The Politics of Fear: "This is another great
one Tasha. You should run it again closer to the general election. -J.M.-
Feb 22nd 2016 03:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 712: The Politics of Fear: "Very thoughtful and
timely. Thank you!" -B.M.-
Feb 22nd 2016 02:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 712: The Politics of Fear: "This is a good one."
Thanks! -P.V.-
Feb 22nd 2016 11:02AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 712: The Politics of Fear: "Thanks Tasha, I needed
that." -G.P.-
Feb 22nd 2016 11:00AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 712: The Politics of Fear: "Hi Tasha, My dad
railed against Roosevelt, too. You are right-on about Fear!"
Thank you! -M.R.-
Feb 22nd 2016 10:10AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 712: The politics of Fear: "So accurate: Fear is
the biggest cause of error, you are very wise. Stay well." -S.P.-
Feb 22nd 2016 10:08AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "What a beautiful piece
my friend. May all of your days be full of love and joy. -J. M.-
Feb 15th 2016 08:09PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "So sweet and so true,
wonderful reminders and so well expressed." Thank you! -B.W.-
Feb 15th 2016 06:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "Nice piece!" -L.L.-
Feb 15th 2016 04:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "Dear Tasha, I have
appreciated a lot your last Heartwings. Thank you for your loving messages."
Feb 15th 2016 04:11PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "You are blessed.
...this is beautiful." -A.K.-
Feb 15th 2016 02:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "Blessings to you &
Stephen! Your Love Story reminds me of mine in many ways." -S.S.-
Feb 15th 2016 02:01PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "I am going to print
this out and frame it and put it up somewhere so I can see it more often....
I guess I just wanted you to know how much I loved what you wrote today." -L.G.-
Feb 15th 2016 01:32PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 711 - My Always Valentine: "Very sweet and
moving." Happy Valentine's Day my dear one. Oxox -B.J.-
Feb 15th 2016 12:13PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 710 - The Last Jar of Honey: "Tasha, I am so sorry
for your loss my friend. I know, however, that the sweetness she brought to
your life will live on inside of you forever." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Feb 8th 2016 02:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 710 - The Last Jar of Honey: "Thank you! This one
was special to me." -B.L.-
Feb 8th 2016 12:22PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 710 - The Last Jar of Honey: "Dear Tasha, Your
Santina story is touching and resonates strongly with me. Funny how often I
use resonate with you." -G.A.-
Feb 8th 2016 12:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 710 - The Last Jar of Honey: "Dearest Tasha - I am
so sorry for the loss of your friend. I learned of her passing in late
September when I was in Franklin and on whim, remembering my visit to meet
"The Honey Lady" w/you, stopped by their farm. She is sweetly and lovingly
remembered. Her husband, in the brief time he and I spoke that day years
back, taught me much of beekeeping. Thank you for this touching, loving,
story - a eulogy really." -W.R.-
Feb 8th 2016 11:59AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 710 - The Last Jar of Honey: "Very nice; my tears
are flowing. I did not know her well, but her spirit was strong, and it
penetrated me." -V.B.-
Feb 8th 2016 11:45AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 710 - The Last Jar of Honey: "Oh Tasha, how sad. I
can't believe this newsletter today, I was just thinking of her and the
honey wondering if she still sells it, wow!!! She was a sweet lady, may her
soul rest in peace!" Great newsletter!!!! -L.T.-
Feb 8th 2016 11:44AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 709 - The Peddler Woman: "Happy Memories." -W.R.-
Feb 2nd 2016 10:44AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 709 - The Peddler Woman: "Lovely Memories." -M.L.-
Feb 2nd 2016 10:43AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 709 - The Peddler Woman: "I remember all that too,
but I was in Boston so we could shop, but pretty much everything was
delivered to the house. I remember oilcloth at the windows and car
headlights dimmed for the night. L. T.
Feb 2nd 2016 10:42AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 709 - The Peddler Woman: "Dear Tasha, We share
some of those same WW II memories. They're etched in my sense memory." Love,
Feb 2nd 2016 10:21AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 709 - The Peddler Woman: "I love how you took me
back in time with you my friend to a simpler, slower, more peaceful, and
trusting era. I will send this one on to my friends." Wishing you every joy,
Feb 2nd 2016 10:09AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 709 - The Peddler Woman: "Tasha, Your writings
need to be shared with rest of our citizens. I remember all of that, too,
but you have a special talent of capturing it for others to feel." Much
love, -S.D.-
Feb 2nd 2016 10:09AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 708 - Josie's Sugar Cookies: "Lovely! A nice
reminder of good things to do with children, now that I have grandchildren!"
Thank You! -B.W.-
Jan 25th 2016 10:15AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 708 - Josie's Sugar Cookies: "Hi Tasha, I have
fond memories of following the cook on my Japanese fishing ship into his
kitchen and watching him make a dish that I particularly liked. Like you, I
think I did pretty well by writing things down as he did them. He was very
helpful, and showed me each ingredient and said the name in Japanese. This
was helpful even though I don't speak Japanese, and the words were not
similar. But it gave me time to look and smell and guess, and I got it
right. I wrote the recipe down and later produced the dish successfully
myself. I look forward to making these cookies some time. Would you say that
they are more of a butter cookie or a sugar cookie?" Lots of love, -A.H.-
Jan 25th 2016 09:42AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 707 - Time and time Again: "Time has a way of
doing exactly what you say – goes fast or slow. I think about ‘time’ a lot.
Time well spent, time wasted, imaginary time(s), happy/sad times, The Now
time, time gone-by, and time(s) to come. I sometimes wish that there was no
such thing as ‘time’. However, we humans are always putting labels and
meaning to things which distracts us from spending time wisely. Time can be
a stealer of our mind and often puts us somewhere/sometime we should not be.
Then, we jump back to another time or the now to keep our mind off of it.
However, I would not want to NOT remember the past or hope for the future
because time is just that – the past, the present, and the future. It is the
stuff that hope is made of." -J.R-
Jan 18th 2016 08:42PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 707 - Time and time Again: "Tasha, I have those
same feelings about time. I still don't know when my children grew up. It
seems like only yesterday they were in grade school. Keep up the great work,
wishing you every joy today, tomorrow, and always." -J.M.-
Jan 18th 2016 08:40PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 705 - Me and My To Do Lists: "Brilliantly said.
Happy New Year! -L.G.-
Jan 5th 2016 09:10AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 705 - Me and My To Do Lists: "Yes, I loved this
sharing. Memory is a weird thing for sure. -S.D.-
Jan 5th 2016 09:04AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 705 - Me and My To Do Lists: "Tasha, I enjoyed
this one my friend. I too use lists to free up my mind from constantly
having to remember every detail that needs done that day. I agree these
thoughts are better used on beautiful, Heavenly, and Holy things." Wishing
you every joy, -J.M.-
Jan 5th 2016 09:01AM
(Jan 2015 Dec)

Quick links -
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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 704 - Gazing Back, Looking Forward: "Having looked
back with gratitude, I now look forward with optimism. Excellent line!!!"
Love to you... Bright Blessings, -D.K.-
Dec 28th 2015 09:49PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 704 - Gazing Back, Looking Forward: "Tasha, I just
read your thoughtful words, after a day spent going through old press lists
looking for radio hosts who might be interested in my new recording). As I
updated my list, I learned that a surprising number of hosts who had aired
my work have retired, moved on to other jobs or died. Much to ponder! But if
I want to continue to be out in the world, I'll have to meet new ones!
However, your words are helping me savor the help these hosts have given my
career." Best wishes for your new book and all your creative ventures this
year! And thanks! -J.S.-
Dec 28th 2015 09:46PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 703 - The Gift of a Smile: "The whole notion of giving
and receiving has changed so much over the years. I love your thoughts."
Merry Christmas with hugs!! -G.K.-
Dec 21st 2015 12:11 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 703 - The Gift of a Smile: "Thanks Tasha. I have
already shared this one with my friends. Like you I have gotten a smile and
kind word about some of my writings over the years. It never fails to
inspire me to keep loving, keep sharing, and keep writing. I hope you do the
same." Have a very Merry Christmas my friend. -J.M-
Dec 21st 2015 10:19 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 703 - The Gift of a Smile: "Lovely, I totally agree!"
Sending you a smile and a hug! -B.W.-
Dec 21st 2015 10:12 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 702 - Merry Christmas Recipes: "As always
Tasha..Thank you for Heartwings. It is lovely. I look forward to trying your
Jiffy Jam delights! Merry Christ-mass from all of us! Lots of love, -D.W.-
Dec 21st 2015 08:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 702 - Merry Christmas Recipes: "Thanks for sharing
the recipe Tasha. They sound yummy. All my recipes are in storage still so I
will try these. Enjoy the holiday season." Love and blessings. -H.K.-
Dec 14 2015 11:32AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 702 - Merry Christmas Recipes: "Sounds delicious.
Dec 14 2015 10:43AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 702 - Merry Christmas Recipes: "Hi: Printed out
the recipe. May try it out soon." Thanks, -A.L.-
Dec 14 2015 10:42AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 701 - Peace At Christmas: "This is just what we
needed today Tasha. Thanks so much my friend. I am passing it on to my
others too. Keep up the blessed work. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Dec 8 2015 10:05AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 701 - Peace At Christmas: "Thanks Tasha for all
your inspiring Heartwings Love Notes. This was a lovely one for the
Holidays! Thanks for sharing. -J.L.-
Dec 8 2015 10:01AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 701 - Peace At Christmas: "Lovely, Tasha.
A reminder to share compassion 365 days a week not just during these holidays."
Dec 7 2015 09:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 701 - Peace At Christmas: "Enjoy this a lot. I
have a friend who needs to see it, and I hope I can get it where it needs to
go via this phone." Thank you so much and have a blessed day. -P.V.-
Dec 7 2015 11:12AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 701 - Peace At Christmas: "Tasha--thanks for your
lovely message--Jo and I wish you and Stephen a sweet holiday. Our gift to
ourselves is a trip to NYC this week to see La Boheme at the Met--through
with collecting "things"...unloading them as fast as possible. It feels so
crucial in this age of terrorism and potential terror politics to do all
that you say in your Love Notes...especially breathe and be kind." Sending
kindness to you both, xoxo -G.L.-
Dec 7 2015 10:21AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 701 - Peace At Christmas: "Tasha, we are so very
fortunate to be in touch with this consciousness and understanding. It
certainly helps keep our balance." You write so beautifully. Peaceful
Dreams, dear friend. -S.D.-
Dec 7 2015 10:02AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Lovely Tasha! I
wish I was so wonderfully organized… Perhaps I will manage to follow your
lead next year… With loving thoughts and wishes for a very happy upcoming
celebration for Christmas!" As ever, -J.W.-
Dec 2 2015 8:12AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Great way to
start the Christmas season Tasha. Thanks my friend.
Wishing you every joy, -J.-
Nov 30 2015 8:42PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Very nice
Heartwings, Tasha! Thank you for the Thanksgiving card. I hope
you are both well and happy. Hope we see each other soon!" Love & Light. -D.W.-
Nov 30 2015 6:08PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Very nice
Heartwings,Tasha! Love & Light." -S.B.-
Nov 30 2015 5:35M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Fun! Christmas
twice!" -T.K.-
Nov 30 2015 5:18PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Smart, and good
practice!" -R.S.-
Nov 30 2015 5:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Hi Tasha, I, too,
like to "start early." And... mailing everything "early"
allows for less pressure and more spontaneity during The Season. Thank you
for this Love Note... and.... I hope you have a lovely
Holiday Season." -M.R.-
Nov 30 2015 5:00PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Very nice!"
Nov 30 2015 3:10PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "As always Tasha
you are spot on about gifts and really about life too.
Love, - L.S.-Nov 30 2015 2:24PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "I can't believe
how much you and I operate the same way. I shop all
year, that is if I see something that makes me think of someone on my list,
I buy it then. As a school teacher I used to always have
my shopping done for family and friends before school began in Sept. And I
spent most of today wrapping, and shall head to post
office in the morn. I send mostly books as book rate is best deal, but even
that has increased. Having you for a friend is all one
needs." Much Joy, -S.D.-
Nov 30 2015 2:21PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 700 - Time to Mail Those Gifts: "Heartwarming. I
feel you on this!" -S.G.-
Nov 30 2015 2:20PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 699:- An Attitude of Gratitude: "Tasha, What a
perfect Heartwings love note for Thanksgiving my friend. I have already
passed it on to other hearts needing its truth." God bless you always. Have
a blessed and beautiful Thanksgiving. -J.M.-
Nov 23 2015 10:54AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 699:- An Attitude of Gratitude: "Exceptional! True
blue you! I'm putting into practice." Lots of love, -V.Z.-
Nov 23 2015 9:46AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 699:- An Attitude of Gratitude: "Lovely story.
Thank you for sharing" -R.M.-
Nov 23 2015 9:33AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 699:- An Attitude of Gratitude: "Wishing you a
HAPPY THANKSGIVING and more and more reasons for
gratefulness." -R.Z.-
Nov 23 2015 9:32AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 698 - Living With Dying: "HI Tasha, This letter of
yours is especially important to me as two of my friends have been told to
expect to die within a certain amount of time. Richard was told "within
three years" and Miriam was told "within five years." Frankly, I am
flummoxed about the value of being told/not told.... but, I guess that it's
better to be aware and to prepare oneself." Best to you! -M.P.-
Nov 17 2015 9:46PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 698 - Living With Dying: "Thanks for sharing. I
couldn't agree more with these words :). I know this may sound weird but I'm
glad I got to experience being around death at such a young age (my brother)
and then actually watching Grandpa Charlie pass 10 years later when I was
only 14. Not to mention holding my cat while she died of old age in my arms.
Anyways I guess what I'm trying to say is I know these experiences have a
lot to do with why I live my life how I do. To enjoy each moment and cherish
the life I have because one day it will be no longer." Much love, -R.W.-
Nov 17 2015 8:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 698 - Living With Dying: "Tasha, this last
emailing of yours, beautiful!! Thank you!!" -P.R.-
Nov 17 2015 6:12PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 698 - Living With Dying: "Tasha, This was just the
story we all needed right now my friend. I have already
sent it on to my other friends. Keep up the fine work." Wishing you every
joy, -J.M.-
Nov 17 2015 5:42PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 698 - Living With Dying: "A funny, but true story.
My sister, who has been living with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for over 10 years
now and been at the brink of death more times than we can remember, was
asked by her minister if she had 15 minutes left what would she do. She told
him that she lives so that there is no unfinished business at the end of
each day, so there would be no frantic calls and that kind of thing. She
also does the things she enjoys doing within the limits all these years of
regular chemo allow, so there is really nothing she would want to do. What
she would do is eat an entire chocolate cake, which she cannot now do
because it makes her sick. She would enjoy every mouthful knowing she would
not have to face all the discomfort eating it would have brought. That is
pretty much how my family rolls!" -S.J.-
Nov 17 2015 5:23PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 697 - Apples: "I love this one, and I’ve heard of
the Apple Indian Pudding, and the Apple Bread Pudding too. Hadn't heart of
the Sauce Apple but sounds yummy. -P.V.-
Nov 12 2015 10:45AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 697 - Apples: "Sounds yummy Tasha, Love that you
put maple syrup in it. I have my mom's Fannie Farmer's from the 1920's I
think. It is packed away until I get to my small apartment in Exeter, NH..
Thanks for the ingredients. " Blessings." -H.P-.
Nov 12 2015 10:07AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 697 - Apples: "Dear Tasha, Thank you for the
apples recipes - Sound delicious will try them - and I hope
you had a lovely birthday." -FG.-
Nov 12 2015 10:02AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 697 - Apples: "Tasha, Boy am I ever hungry after
reading this one my friend. Nerd smile What a feast of
delicious treasures one simple fruit can bring us." Have a joyous and
blessed Thanksgiving my friend. -J.M.-
Nov 12 2015 10:00AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 696 - The Season of Goodbye: "As always Tasha you say it in the most beautiful way. I will remember this one". -l.S.-
Nov 3 2015 11:32AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 696 - The Season of Goodbye: "There’s another good
one. Great job." -P.V.-
Nov 3 2015 11:05AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 696 - The Season of Goodbye: "Tasha, Have I told
you how very much I love your writing style? You are a JOY to behold."
Nov 3 2015 11:03AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 696 - The Season of Goodbye: "Thank you Tasha for
sharing your positive way to say good bye to the summer and... other
situations, leaving nostalgia behind and seeing there the occasion for
welcoming the new." -M.F.-
Nov 3 2015 10:25AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 696 - The Season of Goodbye: "Tasha, I just love
your way of looking at things my friend. Keep sharing. I will pass this one
on." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Nov 3 2015 10:01AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 695 - Omens: "Great story for Halloween my friend.
May all of your omens point to great love and great joy ahead." -M.L-
Oct 26 2015 10:05AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 694 - Hospitality: "An interesting topic. My dad
loves to eat out but my mom prefers to eat in. In fact last night my dad
wanted to go out for dinner but my mom convinced us to stay in and we all
enjoyed preparing a delicious meal for his birthday. Today Mom was also
saying she doesn't like eating out because she would rather eat her own
cooking. I'd say I equally enjoy both eating out or in, for different
reasons." -R.W.-
Oct 19 2015 11:18AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 694 - Hospitality: "You weave a wonderful story!
Thank you for adding me to your mailing list. I'll enjoy the weekly infusion
of your warmth." -S.D.-
Oct 19 2015 9:45AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 693 - Fall Reflections: "Thanks Tasha. your words
are like a cool breeze in an endless desert of heat." -P.K.-
Oct 12 2015 3:15PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 693 - Fall Reflections: "Tasha, You have wise
words, a wonderful mind, and a Heavenly heart my friend. This was great and
I will be passing it on to my friends." Wishing you every joy, -J. M-
Oct 12 2015 1:17PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 693 - Fall Reflections: "Your stuff always seems
to come to me just when I need it, and once again this doesn’t disappoint."
Thanks so much. -P.L-
Oct 12 2015 1:14PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 693 - Fall Reflections: "Thank you for the
beautiful picture you portrayed!" Hope all is well and the very best wishes
for you and your book! -A.L.-
Oct 12 2015 8:45AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 692 - Watching The Pot: "I, too, have watched a
pot boil :)" I hope you are well! -S.L.-
Oct 6 2015 9:45AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 692 - Watching The Pot: "Thanks Tasha. My own
curiosity has been both a joy and a torment to me at
times." Wishing you every joy my friend. -J.M.-
Oct 6 2015 9:40AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 691 - Shine On Harvest Moon: "Dear Tasha, I have
greatly enjoyed this message about harvest.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me." Love -D.F.-
Sept 29 2015 8:40AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 691 - Shine On Harvest Moon: "The seasons change
but friendship is constant." Love, -G.A.-
Sept 29 2015 8:24AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 691 - Shine On Harvest Moon: "Tasha, This is a
rich harvest of wisdom here my friend. I will be passing
it on to others." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Sept 29 2015 8:05AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 690 - A Place of Peace: "I cannot tell you how
awesome it was for me to read this. It has come to me at a time where I
needed it much." Thanks so much! -P.V.-
Sept 21 2015 1:04PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 690 - A Place of Peace: "Tasha, May all of your
days be full of peaceful moments my friend. Thanks for another great
Heartwings." -J.M.-
Sept 21 2015 11:23AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 690 - A Place of Peace: "Delicious. I resonate
with you." -B.J.-
Sept 21 2015 10:11AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 689 - Me and My Subconscious: "Great one Tasha. My
brain needs all the help it can get." -J.M.-
Sept 15 2015 10:05AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 689 - Me and My Subconscious: "I love that!! So
well put...Thanks for the reminder :)" Love to you, -T.W.-
Sept 15 2015 10:03AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 688 - Gift of the Moment: "HI Tasha, I appreciate
your gentle reminders about positive thinking and being present in the
moment. It is easy to get caught up in doing, doing, doing." Thank you! -B.L.-
Sept 9 2015 4:44PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 687 - Death Is a Part of Life: "Thank you for all
your insights, for all our focus on what IS." Love, -R.Z.-
Aug 31 2015 10:30AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 687 - Death Is a Part of Life: "Thank you Tasha. I
feel your bright spot in my heart so I smile" ox -B.J.-Aug
31 2015 10:21AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 687 - Death Is a Part of Life: "The Inuit have a
wonderful perspective on this… They do not say someone dies, but rather a
body has been taken from life… life never ends" -S.W.-
Aug 31 2015 10:04AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 687 - Death Is a Part of Life: "Your writings are
so beautiful and from the heart my friend." God bless you always. -J. M.-
Aug 31 2015 09:56AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 687 - Death Is a Part of Life: "I enjoy your
Heartwings. You always talk about something interesting from your life and
can incorporate it into daily living. Thank you for your wisdom." Love and
hugs, -J. P.-
Aug 31 2015 09:40AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 686 - Tidiness: "Dear Tasha, Your insightful
Heartwings are always a pleasure to read. This one is specially important as
I have been having contractors redo my windows so my rooms have had to be
reorganized. This is a blessing
so that now I can feel happy about throwing away duplicates and useless
items while being able to find the important things which
are usually buried in a heap of unopened mail. My mother was the epitome of
an organized housekeeper. I unfortunately have the Tinney Family years of
taking on so many projects simultaneously that things of different types
pile up in unsightly and dangerous heaps. My filing cabinets are so stuffed
that a single sheet often won't go into its proper place! Yet do I need to
run down a treacherous cellar stair to retrieve the historical archives I am
often called upon to produce? Writing lists is a good habit - sometimes I do
it, but then forget to put the list where I can remember to take it with me!
So, I enjoyed your recent Heartwings and do hope we can get together again.
What project must I say "No" to? That would be a good subject for you to
address, if you haven't already. When do we just say 'no.'?" Love, -H.T.-
Aug 24 2015 10:04AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 686 - Tidiness: "I always enjoy your Love Notes.
Stan is more like you and I'm more like Stephen.
Oh my, but it seems to work-out here as well. We are all so blessed." Love
you, -S.D.-
Aug 24 2015 10:02AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 684 - The Persistence of Nature: "How much beauty
is to be found in out of the way places.. Thank you for your observations,
so very lovely." Much love, keep up the great work! -J.L.-
Aug 13 2015 4:02PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 684 - The Persistence of Nature: "Tasha, I loved
this one more than I can say my friend. I too love how the glorious life
force can make a daisy grow in a crack in the sidewalk. Here we can see who
hasn’t cleaned out their rain gutters in a while because flowers are growing
in them too. Yesterday too I had to dig my bird bath and sundial out of my
flower box in the yard. The moss was reclaiming them for its own. Just
kidding." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Aug 13 2015 2:13PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 684 - The Persistence of Nature: "You wrote, 'I
love the way Nature fills up empty spaces with greenery and flowers.' Lovely
expression! I visually enjoyed reading this issue of Heartwings." Very
vivid. -J.R.-
Aug 13 2015 2:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 682 - The Wish I Coulds: "I enjoy your love and
wisdom and the grace filled way you express it." Oxox -B.J.-
July 28 2015 4:43 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 682 - The Wish I Coulds: "Like you I have my
talents and limitations. Writing is easy for me, drawing is not. I am far
more shy in person than on the written page. And my bike wrecks have been
way worse than yours. One of them took me to the hospital to get my head
stitched up." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
July 28 2015 3:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 682 - The Wish I Coulds: "HUGS! You somehow manage
so very often to remind me of things in front of me or what I'm feeling. You
are as always, simply amazing, thank you!" Love and Blessings, -J.M.-
July 28 2015 2:34 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 682 - The Wish I Coulds: "Glad to know that
frailties that can seem small now are within your life story. Makes your
perfection more human :-)". -R.Z.-
July 26 2015 10:11 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 681 - My Outdoor Garden: " I loved this one Tasha.
I am always amazed at the number of flowers out there and how they each
serve their own unique purposes. What a blessed and beautiful world we live
in here." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
July 20 2015 05:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 681 - My Outdoor Garden: "How absolutely
delightful! Am sending it on to some of my friends who are into gardening
and brightening the world as you are." -S.D.-
July 20 2015 03:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 681 - My Outdoor Garden: "Lovely and informative;
your writings are amazing as are you. :) I remember your garden; it was also
lovely. Stay well, my friend. I so enjoy your writings. When I'm up to it, I
will call and give you a reading soon." HUGS -M.M.-
July 20 2015 01:11 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 680 - Wrinkles: "I think women in our generation
are, for the most part, accepting of the aging process. How tragic not to
be! Women in Europe, even big stars like Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, and
Vanessa Redgrave, don't bother trying to
hold back time. In my late 40s I began to lament that my looks were going,
but now I don't give a &+*!." -H.L.-
July 13 2015 10:16 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 680 - Wrinkles: "Thanks Tasha. This one was great.
I love all of my wrinkles. They are the evidence of a
million smiles." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
July 13 2015 10:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 680 - Wrinkles: "Very creative! Love it! I
remember having to iron a whole basket of stuff. Thank
goodness for fabric no-iron blends. (clapping) Life is better without having
to spend time ironing. Ugh." -K.L.-
July 13 2015 09:21 PM
Here, here!!! This is a great piece. And interestingly enough, I just took
out my iron and ironing board last week as I got a summer
dress on sale and it needed pressing. I press once a summer as I still enjoy
the feel of well pressed clothes. I shop at Good will
and find a lot of linen shorts and blouses for very little cost and they are
very cool in the summer, but linen needs pressed as well as
cotton. So I loved this... I don't really have time to iron, but I take a
little time in the evenings for about a week and do it all for the
summer. I actually enjoy ironing and find it very relaxing. Wrinkles on the
skin, so what, I agree with you, let them be as our badges of experience."
Great to read this! -J.P.-
July 13 2015 09:16 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 679 - Happy Anniversary To Us: "WISHING YOU A
HAPPY, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and continued loving, sharing and understanding.
The heartfelt wisdom in your writing shines through the spirit in your
insights. Your love must be the umbrella for all and may you contribute,
enjoy and continue in your path. Hope all you wish for yourselves is what
is." - R.Z.-
July 6 2015 3:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 679 - Happy Anniversary To Us: "Dear Tasha, You
ability to express and convey your thoughts and ideas is wonderful. This
message is a keeper, and so true. John and I were married for 45 years and
best friends as well. It is a strange new life without him, but I am
adjusting and blessed with family, friends, good health, and the ability to
be creative." -H.C.-
July 6 2015 11:26 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 678 - Celebrating Birthdays: "Brilliant!" -L.G.-
June 30 2015 11:16 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 678 - Celebrating Birthdays: "Now, THIS, Tasha, is
showing your wisdom. I'm sharing with others so thank you." -S.D.-
June 30 2015 11:11 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 678 - Celebrating Birthdays: "Hello Tasha I
enjoyed reading your love note on birthdays." -G.F.-
June 30 2015 10:43 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 678 - Celebrating Birthdays: "Happy Monday Tasha,
I really enjoyed this one. The last paragraph especially resonated with me.
I plan to use it and quote you in my brain injury survivor support group."
Thank you for sharing your wisdom. -B.W.-
June 30 2015 10:24 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 676 Smelling the Roses: "Tasha, I know how you
feel my friend. The fresh from the garden vegetables always tasted the best.
Also people seem to love those flowers that bloom only for the briefest of
times. Perhaps all these things help us to never take anything for granted."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
June 15 2015 2:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 676 Smelling the Roses: "Hello dearest Tasha, I
too enjoy the beautiful wild roses on my morning walks around Temple Hill..
“Fried eggs” they have been called, with their beautiful golden center!
There is still some lovely honeysuckle to scent the way and golden daises
dot the land… How lovely we live in such a magical world! Thank you for your
Heartwings reminder." With so very much love and gratitude, Tasha. -J.L- and
all the White Eagle family.
June 15 2015 1:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 676 Smelling the Roses: "I've so been enjoying
the scent of beach roses and lilacs as I ride around on my bike! Lilacs are
my favorite and yet have such a short season in bloom." -R.W-
June 15 2015 12:10PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 675 - Doing Without: "What a blessing this was
Tasha. You reminded me to keep my heart full of thankfulness. I will pass
this on." Wishing you every joy, -J.K.-
June 10 2015 6:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 675 - Doing Without: "Tasha, So sorry to hear that
you had dental surgery, but it did not make you speechless." Loved
your Heartwings. -L. M.-
June 10 2015 6:14 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 674 - A Light on the Subject: "You are so right,
but I try and remember which shelf I put stuff on good brain power." -L.K.-
June 2 2015 8:39 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 674 - A Light on the Subject: "Another great one
my friend, thanks for the illumination." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
June 2 2015 8:37 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 674 - A Light on the Subject: "Great idea re:
penlight to find something on the floor. When I am clumsy and drop a pill,
off it rolls to somewhere my ears tell me. The penlight would solve the
problem. There are two problems - those we need a spotlight on (focus) and
others, a flood light (big picture). The trick is deciding which is which.
(LOL!)." -J K.-
June 2 2015 8:31 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 673 - Lilac Time: "I, too, have grand memories of
our row of lilacs, but the last paragraph of yours is particularly touching.
Thanks for sharing." -S.D.-
May 26 2015 1:04pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 673 - Lilac Time: "Thanks Tasha. I will pass this
one on to my friends." Have a happy and blessed Memorial day my friend.
May 26 2015 9:02am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 672 - Friendship: "Re: Heartwings Love Notes 672 -
Friendship: "Thank you for being you! I cherish these emails and they always
touch me so much. It is like you read my mind!" Gods blessings.-F.W-
May 19 2015 3:07pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 672 - Friendship: "Hello from Heidelberg Germany,
I really like your Love Note about friendship for that how my life was when
I was young and later raising my three children." - F.G.-
May 19 2015 3:00pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 671 - Thinking About My Mom: "This was beautiful Tasha thank you." God bless you always. -Joe-
May 11, 2015 1:38PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 670 - Soaking: "Keep that wisdom coming. It always
perks me up. The photo looks other worldly!." Love to you. -M.M.-
May 5, 2015 4:53PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 670 - Soaking: "I love this one, Tasha! Patience
in all things, great and small. Usually, in the small household chores which
often require manual dexterity. As for patience in dealing with the family,
that's another matter."
Hugs, -G.A.-
May 5, 2015 4:51PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 670 - Soaking: "I loved this one my friend. Common
things so often lead us to wisdom." God bless you always. Wishing you every
joy, -J.M.- May 5, 2015 4:44PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 670 - Soaking: "Yes, I did read this! Good advice
that I have been trying to follow!" -L.L.-
May 5, 2015 4:42PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 669 - Rewards: "Lovely thoughts and good advice."
April 27 2015 09:23am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 669 - Rewards: "Tasha, You always have such gems
my friend. Keep giving yourself those pats on the back, you deserve them."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
April 27 2015 09:12am

Re: Heartwings 668 - Robin's Garden: "Your actions and writings of Robin and
gardening take my breath away." -S.C.-
April 20 2015 12:05pm
Re: Heartwings 668 - Robin's Garden: "Dear Tasha, Thank you for this very
personal story of your gardening in honor of your son; I can relate to
gardening in honor of a loved one. In my own garden out back I have special
rocks and shells my mother in law collected; she lived with us 8 yrs toward
the end of her life. She loved nature and animals, so I have these pieces of
amethyst, fossils, petrified wood and trilobites! placed in various areas as
reminders of her." -E.B.-
April 20 2015 11:43am
Re: Heartwings 668 - Robin's Garden: "Dear Tasha, I really enjoy reading
Robin Garden - I do sometimes the same thing with carrots - I also put the
avocado seeds in a dish with water and they grow into beautiful trees by my
kitchen sink - I grow little trees with orange and lemons seeds and I also
cracked apricot pits and they will grow into little trees that I will plant
on my balcony." Dear Tasha I really enjoy reading your Love Notes and wish
you all the best. -F.L.-
April 20 2015 10:25am
Re: Heartwings 668 - Robin's Garden: "Tasha, What a beautiful and loving
tribute to your son my friend. It warmed my heart reading it. I know that he
must be smiling down on you right now. Have a blessed day, I will be sure
and pass this on." God bless you always. -J.M.-
April 20 2015 10:14am
Re: Heartwings 668 - Robin's Garden: "Thank you dearest Tasha.. for this
most poignant piece… dear Robin and the wonderful gift of poetry which
sprung from you after his passing….. This especially remains a special
piece.. “Feeling this love I know it as both his and mine, and him as one
with it. Not in his grave, but singing in the soil.” This has always been
very special to me and felt so deeply in the heart." Thank you again, dear
Tasha and great love and warm enfolding thoughts of you both. -J.W.-
April 20 2015 10:05am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 665 - The God Connection: "Tasha, that was an
especially beautiful and relevant Heartwings. Happy Easter!" love and hugs,
Mar 31 2015 10:04pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 665 - The God Connection: "I got a tremendous
amount out of this one ! Wonderful wisdom, Tasha." Lots of love. -M.M.-
Mar 31 2015 6:03pm
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 665 - The God Connection: "Tasha, I really
connected with this one my friend. It took me quite a while to always make
my prayer: "Your will be done." Life has been much better since I did too.
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 31 2015 1:01pm
Re: "Heartwings Love Notes 665 - The God Connection: "I always thought if
there was a god he had the same sense of humor as me. you've got to have a
funny god that would create a duck billed platypus in Australia, or spend
all that time with dinosaurs. but then I think why does love hurt so much
and why does it so rarely work? I probably mentioned that I'm an astronomer.
I've got huge astronomical binoculars. I can see the whole universe.
watching a nebula, or another galaxy it does make me think, that if there is
a good why did he make everything in the universe so far away that it's
impossible for us to ever reach it, but gave us the imagination to try? an
odd one that" - your friend - P.L.-
Mar 31 2015 11:02am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 664 - Spring Mood Swings: "This is nice. I, too,
am enjoying the slow coming of spring. New England has given me a new
appreciation of the seasons. Patience, too. Although I am not in the south,
and here, this spring, we are going thru a literal thaw, I can still sense
that 'the sap's risin'. I like the slowness, reminding me to slow down and
pay attention." - E.L.-
Mar 23 2015 10:01am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 663 - The Hands of Love: "Tasha, You are a
wonderful human being. I am blessed to have you in my world." -A.l.-
Mar 9 2015 10:15am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 663 - The Hands of Love: "Tasha, This is one of
your best my friends. Too often we rush through life without quieting our
hearts, centering our souls, and connecting to that glorious energy of love
that fills the universe. Thanks for your wonderful tips. I will pass this
one on." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 17 2015 10:15am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 663 - The Hands of Love: "Thank you, Tasha! I am
working on this as well!" Love, -S.S.-
Mar 17 2015 10:11am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 663 - The Hands of Love: "Very nice! i have been
working on mindfulness too." Peace! -J.K.-
Mar 17 2015 09:55am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 663 - The Hands of Love: "Beautiful Tasha!" -V.B.-
Mar 17 2015 09:44am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 663 - The Hands of Love: "Thank you." Wishing for
you, a beautiful week, -J.G.-
Mar 17 2015 09:14am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 662 - Smelling the lilies: "Tasha, Thank you for
these words. They are a needed reminder that we are of importance too. I was
raised much the same way and it took many many years before i saw that My
cup was always empty. That is no way to view oneself. God created us to Love
and be loved. I'm glad you have the lilies!" -M.G.-
Mar 9 2015 10:15am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 662 - Smelling the lilies: "True, Tasha, an empty
cup quenches no one's thirst." -W.B.-
Mar 9 2015 10:12am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 662 - Smelling the lilies: "What incredible wisdom
you express here, Tasha! But I have always valued your wisdom." Thank you
for sharing. -R.H.-
Mar 9 2015 07:40pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 662 - Smelling the lilies: "A lovely message,
Tasha! Thank you and love from us all. As White Eagle says, “Just be kind”….
One of the most important things to remember." Thank you and much, much
love," -J. L.-
Mar 9 2015 07:32pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 662 - Smelling the lilies: "Thanks Tasha, Always
take the time to smell the flowers my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 9 2015 07:15pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Thanks so
much! Love you, Tasha A very insightful Heartwings!" -A.S.-
Mar 2, 2015 3:42pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Very
beneficial to anyone and everyone. It is nature to react in a
way that in modern times harms only us... but how not to get triggered, ah,
that is the question. To focus instead on gathering all the
gratitude, looking at every moment instead of ON GUARD, but what is good
about this moment may be just the thing to not
automatically tumble down the cortisol path!" -K.L.-
Mar 2, 2015 2:02pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Hi Tasha,
This is fantastic. Thanks for the reminder of the
importance of this." xo -T.K.-
Mar 2, 2015 10:10am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Thank you,
my dear wise woman, keep warm." Hugs, -M.L.-
Mar 2, 2015 10:04am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Very timely
sweet Tasha." -T.P.-
Mar 2, 2015 9:42am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Well done.
Essential information!" -L.G.-
Mar 2, 2015 9:22am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 661 - The Importance of Mental Focus: "Tasha,
Great one today my friend. That last line was the perfect
way to sum it up." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 2, 2015 9:02am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "Sounds
delicious! Your cooking is amazing, thanks for sharing one of your treasured
memories and recipes!" Hugs, -A.J.-
Feb 24, 2015 2:04pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "This one
was great my friend. Thanks for sharing. It did make me a bit hungry though.
Time for lunch." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Feb 23, 2015 6:18pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "One of my
favorite dessert recipes that you gave me is called "Cranberry Pie." I first
had it when you went to Susan Gayle's potluck. It actually isn't a pie but I
suppose when you first discovered the recipe that was what it was called. In
the fall, when fresh cranberries make their all too short appearance, I
freeze several bags--for Cranberry Orange Nut Bread and Cranberry Pie."
Peace, -J.F.-
Feb 23, 2015 4:56pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "In these,
eared- cookbook because of its handwritten recipes from dear ones, now
passed on. It is just like a little visit with them and the times in which
they-and I lived. I enjoyed your writing, especially today." -M.L.-
Feb 23, 2015 2:15pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "I've always
enjoyed cooking Tasha. my beef and veg stews are legendary ha ha. if I get
out of the mess I'm in, I'll have to cook you dinner sometime. -P.L.-
Feb 23, 2015 2:14pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "Terrific,
and I plead ignorance...what is a parsnip "like"? Potato? As long as it
doesn't taste like kale, I'm good! -C.P.-
Feb 23, 2015 11:42am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 660 - Cooking With Love and Parsnips: "I too love
parsnips. I invented a very easy recipe for what turns out to be two
vegetables that taste great together. Slice parsnips and halve Brussels
sprouts. Saute with a splash of soy sauce and then add a little water and
cover to steam along until they’re fully soft. That’s it!" -K.D.-
Feb 23, 2015 11:08am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 659 - Love Begins With Me: "Your writings are so full of wisdom my friend. They are better than anything you see in bookstores these days."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Feb 16 2015 3:33pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 659 - Love Begins With Me: "This is a particularly good column, Tasha."
Feb 16 2015 12:04pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 658 - Conveying Love: "Hi Tasha, A lovely and special Heartwings,
thanks for sharing." Lots of love, D.W.
Feb 6 2015 2:34pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 658 - Conveying Love: "I loved that last line Tasha. God bless you always my friend." Wishing you every joy,
Feb 6 2015 12:14pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 658 - Conveying Love: "It is easy to forget a time before instant
access to communicate, scan, docusign for real estate transactions, Skype etc." Happy Valentine's Day!
Feb 6 2015 10:03am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 656 - In An Orderly Fashion: " Right on the nose,
again!" Thanks! -J.S.- Jan 26 2015 6:34pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 656 - In An Orderly Fashion: " Good morning Tasha,
thanks for the laugh! You describe my process perfectly. I too keep the
list, (or lists) on the counter. I have been very distracted lately as there
are so many things to accomplish to get ready to move. I will be happy when
I get there. As my 104 year old mother-in-law remarked one day "I do the
best I can, and can the rest" ... Stay safe in the coming snow storm. hugs -H.C.-
Jan 26 2015 6:15pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 656 - In An Orderly Fashion: " Thanks for another
goodie." Stay inside and keep warm! Hugs, -G.A.-
Jan 26 2015 5:44pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 656 - In An Orderly Fashion: " Yes, this is a
great description of every day I get to be at home and try to make headway.
You ordered this piece just right! So crystal clear." -L.G.-
Jan 26 2015 4:25pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 655 - The New Tablecloth: "Tasha, Life never fails
to surprise us my friend. It is best to take them all with a smile. God
bless you always." Wishing you every joy, -Joe-
Jan 22nd, 2015 10:14am

Re: Heartwings Love notes 654 - The Blessing of Simple Pleasures: "Tasha,
THANK YOU FOR THIS MY FRIEND. You reminded me of all the things I need to be
thankful for and have been taking for granted." God bless you always.
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
January 12th, 2015 9:03pm
Re: Heartwings Love notes 654 - The Blessing of Simple Pleasures: "Live by
this rule and it brings me joy. Eckert Tolle ...great teacher. Super Soul
Sundays with Oprah..." the best! -C.C.-
January 12th, 2015 7:12pm
Re: Heartwings Love notes 654 - The Blessing of Simple Pleasures: "Hi, my
thoughts as well..." -S.B.-
January 12th, 2015 6:02pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 653 - My New Year's Resolutions: "Yes Tasha, I
have always believe everyone does the best they can with the knowledge they
have and how the pattern into which they have woven that knowledge. Some
patterns are certainly convoluted from my point of view, but with a great
deal of patience and gently tugging on the correct thread, one can reveal a
new weave to them." -R.K.-
January 10th, 2015 9:56am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 653 - My New Year's Resolutions: ""My New Year's
resolution is to be more positive...this was an excellent reminder." -A.N.-
January 10th, 2015 9:40am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 653 - My New Year's Resolutions: "That is some New
Year's resolution." -C.W.-
January 10th, 2015 9:12am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 653 - My New Year's Resolutions: "Dear Tasha: Your
personal intention for the new year is beautiful (the one after the "Lemons"
book :) I know well about learning to see through the eyes of love and
compassion, and I've found it's a lot easier now that I am able to see
myself with such tenderness and understanding. I really believe the world
changes every time another one of us does our little part. And that's a fun
thought. Anyway, nice lady, brightest blessings to you and yours in 2015 and
beyond. Thanks for sharing your wise perspectives with folks like me." - J.R.
& C.-
January 10th, 2015 9:02am
(Jan 2014 Dec)

Quick links -
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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 650 - The Habit of Being Happy: "Simply wonderful
dear Tasha. You never stop to amaze me how timely your Heartwings are in my
life, as I suspect they are in the life of the many hearts you touch." -T.R.-
December 8th, 2014 11:42am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 650 - The Habit of Being Happy: "Tasha, Your
wisdom never fails to amaze me my friend. I have already sent this one on to
my friends." Have a blessed day full of happiness. -J.M.-
December 8th, 2014 11:23am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 649 - Indulgence Versus Overindulgence: "My
sisters and I would go through Sears and Penney’s
catalogs, saying what we liked, scribbling beards onto faces, and having fun
with them in general before they were thrown out. Ah
youth!" -K.L.-
December 1st, 2014 10:08pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 649 - Indulgence Versus Overindulgence: "Thanks
Tasha. You are the best my friend. May all of your
days be full of goodness and God." -J.M-
December 1st, 2014 10:00pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 648 - I am Thankful: "The perfect Thanksgiving
Heartwings my friend, I have already shared it with others. " God bless you
always. Have a very Happy Thanksgiving. -J.M.-
November 25th, 2014 09:05am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 648 - I am Thankful: "Hi Tasha, I guess you've
heard the saying 'Happiness is wanting what you have.' You and I are both
living it! My greediest time was in my twenties. Now I can live happily with
my old furniture and without electronic "toys". and savor the adventure of
finding nice clothes in second-hand stores!" Happy Holidays! Peace, -J.P.-
November 25th, 2014 09:02am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 648 - I am Thankful: "Oh, how thankful we are
THERE IS YOU, my friend! -C.B.-
November 25th, 2014 08:58am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 647 - Yesterday's Glasses: "Hi Tasha, My mother
used to say, "The more I know, the more I know there is to know." It fits
with what you are saying." Peace & Light, -L.C.- (:>o)
November 18th, 2014 10:21pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 647 - Yesterday's Glasses: "Very nice..." -T.Y.-
November 18th, 2014 10:15pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 647 - Yesterday's Glasses: "Tasha, This was one of
your best my friend. I will be sharing it with others. Keep on expanding
that heart and mind for all your life." Have a blessed day. Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
November 18th, 2014 10:03pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 646 - Birthday Reflections: "One of my
inspirations is to write with as much heart as YOU do." -C.V.-
November 14th, 2014 1:23pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 646 - Birthday Reflections: "Isn't life just an
amazing journey, and you dear friend, are aware of so many opportunities? I
admire you so. Am so glad our paths crossed." Love and Light, -S.D.-
November 14th, 2014 1:05pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 645 - The Dark Days Begin: "I've gone into
suspended animation until spring training!" Love, -G.-
November 3rd, 2014 10:11am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 645 - The Dark Days Begin: "Good stuff, Tasha! I
love you. I've been sharing your Heartwings with a woman from my writers
group and she enjoys them. You spread cheer everywhere, me love!" -C.K-
November 3rd, 2014 09:05am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 643 - Making Improvements: "Thank you Tasha! A
lovely message and one which will bring the world up another notch, bless
you for this." With much love from us all, -J.W-
October 20th, 2014 5:56pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 643 - Making Improvements: "Hello Tasha, Thank you
for sharing the story of your late son and the story of your friend, both
leaving gifts or blessings behind them. I am going to do that when leaving a
seat." With love, -M.F.-
October 20th, 2014 2:43pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 643 - Making Improvements: "This is sweet and
filling, my friend." Love to you from -J. and C.-
October 20th, 2014 12:10pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 643 - Making Improvements: "Tasha, You always
write such wonderful things my friend. I will be passing this one on." God
bless you always, Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
October 20th, 2014 10:00am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 643 - Making Improvements: "Hi Tasha, What gifts
would your son leave at the site of a fruit of vegetable he grew? I've been
trying to think of what it could be. I remember that a friend of mine and I,
while I was still in Calif., used to send blessings to everything we touched
while shopping so that anyone else who touched it would be blessed. We also
sent blessings to everyone we saw as me passed them, usually while riding in
a car. I also bless the hill anywhere I see a road that had to be dynamited
to make the road. I often send blessings to where an accident has taken
place." Peace & Light, -L.M.-
October 20th, 2014 9:24am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 642 -
Capturing the Moment: "Nice article and cool store!" -A..F.-
October 13th, 2014 2:56pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 642 - Capturing the Moment: "Hi Tasha, I enjoyed the pattern of words you used to describe the store. I
remember that many years ago, a friend and I used to bless each item we
touched so that whoever else touched it would get a blessing, when looking
at items at any store. Just thought you would like to know." Peace & Light,
October 13th, 2014 2:46pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 642 - Capturing the Moment: "What a sweet story and a gentle consideration. Reading it brought a smile to
my heart…" -K.M.-
October 13th, 2014 2:42pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 642 - Capturing the Moment: "Lovely! Thank you. Tasha! It read quite like I think I would have
experienced it!" enjoyment, wonderful! -T.J.-
October 13th, 2014 2:22pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 642 - Capturing the Moment: "Tasha, I have two jade Buddha's in my home as well my friend. Although, I
too am a Christian. You know that they say the five major religions on the
world are like five fingers all connected to the same hand and if you truly
follow them they lead you back to the same God and the same Love. God bless
you always." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
October 13th, 2014 2:16pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 641 - Keeping
My Eyes On the Road: "Nicely written, Tasha! I could imagine being among the
beauty of Fall in Grafton.
October 7th, 2014 2:56pm

Re: Heartwings Love notes 637 - The
Beauty Around Us: "Thanks Tasha. What a great Heartwings. I will try to
follow your advice too." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Sept 8th, 2014 3:32pm
Re: Heartwings Love notes 637 - The Beauty Around Us: "Lovely. thanks for
the timely reminder to breathe light~ was about to just 'push on thru some
things... they will go better for a ten minute light break first! love
you!!!" -K.H.-
Sept 8th, 2014 5:10pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 634 - The
Saving Conundrum : "Right now little by little I am giving things to people
I love who will enjoy them. My Guitar to a friend musician, my Buddha to my
dearest friend and I would rather give things away while I am alive then
later." -C.L.-
Aug 18th, 2014 8:32pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 634 - The Saving Conundrum : "When the time is
right for you to part with them, it will happen. Or, you can pass them onto
other family members to enjoy and later pass them onto someone else." -K.M.-
Aug 18th, 2014 3:45pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 634 - The Saving Conundrum : "Tasha, Thanks for
your newest heart wings my friend. I know many of us have the same problem
as you. Just remember that the only things that can travel with you when you
leave this life are the things you carry in your heart." God bless you
always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-Aug
18th, 2014 11:23am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What
Does It Mean To Be How Old: "I can SO relate!" -K.L.-
Aug 4th, 2014 4:13pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "Tasha,
This is one of your best yet my friend. I will be passing this on to my
friends of all ages. God bless you always. You truly are forever young."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- Aug
4th, 2014 4:12pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "This is
lovely, Tasha. I've always felt ageless, too. My son William calls me,
'forever young.' I find that the older I get, the younger I feel. Perhaps
that's because I'm learning every day, and discovering how much I don't
know. I like it that way--the mystery is such a grand adventure! Thanks as
always for sharing this beautiful piece for consideration." Love from -J.P.
and C.-
Aug 4th, 2014 3:53pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "The secret
to feeling young is to not look in the mirror." -H.V.-
Aug 4th, 2014 2:41pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "Really
liked this cute tale. It's so relative. Remember how we could not trust any
one over 30? I, too, am feeling ageless." - I.K.-
Aug 4th, 2014 2:35pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "Hello
Tasha, About age: I used to attend a meditation group which was held in a
room of a house that belonged to a 70 something woman. We met every Sunday
night. At one time she said she never thinks of herself as the physical age
her body was, but something else. Personally I never think of how old my
body is. I sometimes have been asked, and told them they have to do the
math, as I don't think about how old I am. But I will tell them my birthdate.
My mother used to say how old she was this way: 'I am as old as my little
finger and a little older than my teeth' When I was growing up, my
grandmother used to live with us, or sometimes in a cottage very near us.
She used to watch us while my parents worked. My perception was that my
grandmother was always old, but my mother never was old until she got
Alzheimer's. I think some people are old because of their attitude, or the
way they behave. I think that some people never get old no matter how long
they live." Peace & Light, -L.P.-
Aug 4th, 2014 2:03pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "Hi Tasha,
I'm going to share this with my mom who at 95, is indeed ageless! Thank you
for this wonderful work." -M.T.-
Aug 4th, 2014 1:34pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 632 - What Does It Mean To Be How Old: "My
thoughts exactly! I used to think people in their 50's when I was 30 were
ancient." LOL! -T.L.-
Aug 4th, 2014 1:33pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous
life 631 - Perspective Makes the Difference: "Dear Tasha, I am happy to know
you like your new place. Simplifying comes more naturally for most of us
when getting older. Moving is always a help to get rid of things, and it is
freeing. Then we discover how little we really need." Love, -E.S.-
Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Tash, That was a good one on house perspective. I really
enjoyed it." -Y.N.-
Jul 28, 2014 5:33pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Home is where the heart is. I think having a large home is
great if one has a family... after that it's wasted space and too much
upkeep. Upkeep is only fun if the body permits it otherwise it is a drain on
finances to have someone else do it for you. I wish we had a 'summer home'
to go to growing up, but my parents could not afford it. Great memories for
lucky you! I envied my best friend when I was a kid. They went to Rhode
Island to their summer home each summer and picked blueberries, beach, etc.
I had a pony which come to think of it was 365 days a year vs a week or two
so I think (even today) that I prefer the pony. My best friend wanted a
pony, but got the summer home instead. I think she would have traded it for
a pony, too." Hugs! -N.B.-
Jul 28, 2014 5:31pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Tasha, this was just the story I needed to hear today my
friend. Sometimes I don't enjoy the glorious blessings I have because I am
wishing for something different, something that God in His wonderful wisdom
knows would be worse for me. God bless you always my friend." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
Jul 28, 2014 5:24pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Tasha, you are speaking my language. My mom lived in a nice
apartment after living in the home she and Dad shared...finally she moved
into ONE ROOM in our home and was quite comfy. When the time came for her to
transition to a nursing home and live in HALF a room, with a room mate, she
did so with grace. I GET why people downsize now that I have been 33 for so
many years!" BTW, I love you over the moon. -T.K.-
Jul 28, 2014 5:17pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "I really get this myself Tasha…heading toward smaller spaces
and less things!" Love you!! -M.L.-
Jul 28, 2014 4:13pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Very nice." -L.L-
Jul 28, 2014 4:12pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Hi Tasha, I LOVE this! Thank you for sharing your insights." -R.K.-
Jul 28, 2014 4:08pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a joyous life 631 - Perspective Makes the
Difference: "Tasha! I agree... simplify... down-size! As a friend said (she
had put her house's belongings in storage and now, unencumbered, gone back
to school): "I have NEVER felt so FREE! BTW, life in a Burkina Faso village
helps to ponder this topic. And,in PC, I am living simply... as you can
imagine." Hugs, -M.P.- Jul 28, 2014 4:02pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 630 - Getting
Rich the Easy Way: "Hi Tasha! This is a lovely message! How very important!"
Lots of love and support, -D.P.-
7/21/2014 10:47:27 P.M.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 630 - Getting Rich the Easy Way: "Tasha, I love
your way of thinking my friend. God bless you always." Wishing you every
joy, -J.M.-
7/21/2014 10:17 P.M.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 630 - Getting Rich the Easy Way: "That's how Stan
and I shop, too! It's fun, huh?" -S.S.-
7/21/2014 10:14 P.M.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 630 - Getting Rich the Easy Way: "Just like Laurel
and Hardy!" -C.M.-
7/21/2014 10:07 P.M.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 630 - Getting Rich the Easy Way: "Nice Job." -P.F.-
7/21/2014 09:37 P.M.

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 629 - Hail To
Thee Blythe Spirit: "What a beautiful and glowing tribute to your friend
Tasha. I know that Jennifer is smiling down on you from Heaven right now."
Wishing you every joy, -J.N.-
7/13/2014 3:15 P.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 629 - Hail To Thee Blythe Spirit: "Bonjour Tasha,
from Burkina Faso!. Whenever I can, I read your Heartwings..... although
it's not often that I get online. With regard to today's message about your
sweet friend, Jennifer, you may communicate with her many times in the
future. I have messages from my three muses (two aunts and a best friend)
quite often. I am guided and supported/bolstered by their spirits." Love! -M.P.-
7/13/2014 3:12 P.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 629 - Hail To Thee Blythe Spirit: " Beautiful
tribute." -P.J.-
7/13/2014 3:05 P.M

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 628 - Letting
Go Is Never Easy: "This is wonderful! I really, really like this one this
week. :-) -C.B.-
7/1/2014 9:40 A.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 628 - Letting Go Is Never Easy: "Nice job of
letting go of the past. Remember, living in the Now is what is best. Someone
else will enjoy your treasures just as you have over the past years. I used
to hang onto flower petals, etc from special events in my life. Moving is
great in that it makes a person do an involuntary cleansing. I call it 'The
Purging' mentally just as the body purges physically by throwing-up. The
Purging is throwing-up/out things that are of the past. Memories fade and
these items are a reminder of something experienced, but that experience is
gone now and to be replaced with new memories. You put your memories into
writing and that is much easier to retrieve, less costly to store, and has
just as much meaning. I wish I had kept a journal all my life. I have
letters that I wrote my parents before computers came about so I have those
to read over for events, etc. Happy Summer...the sun shines with warmth and
goodness for all." Hugs, -J.D.-
7/1/2014 9:05 A.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 628 - Letting Go Is Never Easy: "Hi Tasha, I know
what you mean. I have six book cases and I've gone over them a dozen times
but I can't part with any of them (yet). I also have dozens of stuffed
animals. (They are not all on display at the same time--heaven forbid). I
have a box of letters from my son when he was in the army, and "must have"
knick-knacks" and seasonal decorations for all four seasons. I can do this
because, as you know, you can do that when you have a house. I guess when I
am terminal I can start divesting. This past year I have avoided church
fairs (love those white elephant tables!), yard sales, and second-hand
stores. I only visited my favorite clothing thrift shop 3 times this past
year, instead of almost weekly. I'm giving away a lot of clothes, though. I
really enjoy your love notes about divesting. I go through my belongings
after I read one. And now, if you'll excuse me (for this long letter), I
have to do a clutter sweep!" Peace, -J,T.-
7/1/2014 9:00 A.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 628 - Letting Go Is Never Easy: "Nice job of
letting go of the past. Remember, living in the Now is what is best. Someone
else will enjoy your treasures just as you have over the past years. I used
to hang onto flower petals, etc from special events in my life. Moving is
great in that it makes a person do an involuntary cleansing. I call it 'The
Purging' mentally just as the body purges physically by throwing-up. The
Purging is throwing-up/out things that are of the past. Memories fade and
these items are a reminder of something experienced, but that experience is
gone now and to be replaced with new memories. You put your memories into
writing and that is much easier to retrieve, less costly to store, and has
just as much meaning. I wish I had kept a journal all my life. I have
letters that I wrote my parents before computers came about so I have those
to read over for events, etc. Happy Summer... the sun shines with warmth and
goodness for all. Hugs, -J.D.-
July 1, 2014 9:16 A.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 628 - Letting Go Is Never Easy: "Hi Tasha, I know
what you mean. I have six book cases and I've gone over them a dozen times
but I can't part with any of them (yet). I also have dozens of stuffed
animals. (They are not all on display at the same time--heaven forbid). I
have a box of letters from my son when he was in the army, and "must have"
knick-knacks" and seasonal decorations for all four seasons. I can do this
because, as you know, you can do that when you have a house. I guess when I
am terminal I can start divesting.
This past year I have avoided church fairs (love those white elephant
tables!), yard sales, and second-hand stores. I only visited my favorite
clothing thrift shop 3 times this past year, instead of almost weekly. I'm
giving away a lot of clothes, though.
I really enjoy your love notes about divesting. I go through my belongings
after I read one. And now, if you'll excuse me (for this long letter), I
have to do a clutter sweep! Peace,-J.T.-
July 1, 2014 9:05 A.M

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 626 -
Fathering Is More Today: "One of your best yet. As a diaper changing,
toddler hugging, bed time reading father I loved it. Sadly, all mine are
grown up now. But I wait patiently to do grandpa duty when the time comes."
God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.P.-
Jun 17, 2014 8:22 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 625 -
Graduation: "Much love, Tasha… for such a lovely heartwarming story… oh, we
do wish your granddaughter very, very well! With hugs of love from us all, -J.J.-
Jun 10, 2014 9:06 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 625 - Graduation: "Only you would find a lovely
metaphor to describe Emila’s trip to adulthood. I am forever grateful to
have you not only as a relative, but a lovely friend that sees things and
objects in such a lovely way. You have enriched many lives. -K.L.-
Jun 10, 2014 9:05 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 625 - Graduation: "Hi Tasha, I'm having one of
those days and reading your Heartwings is settling, thank you. Thought you'd
appreciate this card, found and copied a few years ago - one can not be sure
of finding such again. Inside it says:
(keep on growing!)
Wishing you continued opportunities to learn and grow after high school!
enjoy" ~ -V.B.-
Jun 10, 2014 9:03 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 625 - Graduation: "Dearest Tasha,
Congratulations!! What a life marker for you too. I love reading your sweet
observations." -BN.-
Jun 10, 2014 9:02 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 625 - Graduation: "Another great story there
Tasha. I felt the same feelings when my own daughter graduated high school."
God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jun 10, 2014 9:02 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 624 - Home at
Last: "Dear Tasha, I am glad to know that you and Stephen are happy in the
house where you have just moved, and that so many friends helped you. I wish
you a happy a creative life in your new home." Love -D.F.-
Jun 3, 2014 10:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 624 - Home at Last: "You sound so happy in your
new home Tasha. I wish you many years of joy and contentment there. God
bless you always." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jun 3, 2014 10:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 624 - Home at Last: "Nice! You have been blessed."
Jun 3, 2014 10:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 624 - Home at Last: "Good positives. Hope it
continues to go well." - K.P.-
Jun 3, 2014 10:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 624 - Home at Last: "May you have only joy in life
and in your new home." -H.L.-
Jun 3, 2014 10:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 624 - Home at Last: "Congrats on your new place to
enjoy and be at peace once again. Glad the move went smoothly and you are
settling in to it. Regarding your nostalgia of things that you had to
discard/give away, etc. think of it as a blessing. It is less that you have
to keep track of, less your relatives/friends will have to clean out/move
when you pass onto the the great beyond, less to clean, and such. The great
beyond is not close be assured, but an inevitable 'event' for us all. When
we are babes/children were don't need much to entertain us and the same as
when we grow older. Less is more, living in the now is how." -T.P.-
Jun 3, 2014 10:43 PM

Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To
the Past: "Hi Tasha, I was feeling a bit down. Graduation is tomorrow for a
degree in human services. I've worked so hard and got high honors. I guess
what I'm saying is there is a lull. Almost a disappointment in the ending of
it. This reminded me of how the past must be put to rest and I need to move
on in life. I'm 56 years old and this is something I have wanted to
accomplish for decades. Now that it's done it's time for the future. Thanks
for this, it helped me through some of the feelings." Blessings -M.K.-
May 21, 2014 10:08 PM
Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To the Past: "Tasha, I loved your new
story my friend and am passing it on as well. My own home always looks well
'lived in' but I don't mind because I am too busy looking at my children's
smiles. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
May 19, 2014 10:57 PM
Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To the Past: "May your pot overflow with
happiness." oxox -B.P.- May 19, 2014 10:54 PM
Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To the Past: "My motto then as it is
now, it it's not going to matter a week from now. Who cares. When my
children were younger I coaxed them with a song, clean up, clean up... yeah
that went by the wayside when they turned 8, I cleaned up their messes and
didn't have a pristine house. I got paid well to make houses look pristine.
My house felt like a home because it was lived in. It was not on display to
see if others approved of my cleaning. I did not care of impressing others
in my home. I cared and impressed others instead. My reward was payment." -G.L.-
May 19, 2014 10:53 PM
Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To the Past: "This might be
insignificant for me to say, but I don't really think it's a big deal if
somebody's pot is all shiny and whatnot, just as long as its clean and there
aren't that many germs in it - to carry food. Some people are WAYYY to picky
about that sort of thing." -T.Y.-
May 19, 2014 10:53 PM
Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To the Past: ""I can relate to your
story... thank you for sharing." -R.Y-
May 19, 2014 10:52 PM
Re: Heartwings 623 - Saying Goodbye To the Past: "What a neat column and you
were a very loving, caring mother who encouraged each one of your children
to be themselves and find their own special talents. I am sure you take
pride in them." Love, -L.M.-
May 19, 2014 10:51 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 621 - I
Remember Mama: "This is eloquently put. They usually do the best they can.
And you share that in this poem." -S.P-
May 14, 2014 8:64 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 621 - I Remember Mama: "They also make mistakes
like everyone else." -T.L-
May 14, 2014 8:48 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 621 - I Remember Mama: "Spoken from the heart and
universal re: mothers ways. I miss mine, too despite our differences." -W.D.-
May 14, 2014 8:46 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 621 - I Remember Mama: "Great memories you shared
there Tasha. They made me think of my own memories of my Mom. They truly are
a treasure for the heart." God bless you always my friend wishing you every
joy, -JM-
May 14, 2014 8:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 621 - I Remember Mama: "Reading this story, I
realized that you never disappointed her in anyway. She disappointed herself
with expectations of you. She missed out on the bigger picture of life. Your
mom could have been so much happier, but chose not to. With that being said,
she did raise a beautiful woman , with a beautiful soul, who cooks from the
heart, loves from the heart, and adores life from the heart. I'm honoring
your mother for having you and raising you to be your own person with your
own thoughts and your beautiful wisdom." -C.K.-
May 14, 2014 8:34 AM

Re: Love Notes 620 - On The Move Again:
"Thanks Tasha, especially useful for me, since I tend to hold onto things
--- often mostly because I want to have the reminder of the 'true treasure.'
When do you move?" -M.T.-
May 5, 2014 9:07 PM
Re: Love Notes 620 - On The Move Again: "Happy sorting. Memories are where
it's at." -L. K.-
May 5, 2014 9:07 PM
Re: Love Notes 620 - On The Move Again:
"Great story Tasha. Memories are the one thing that will travel with us on
our final move from this life to the next. God bless you always." Wishing
you every joy, -J.M.-
May 5, 2014 11:25 AM
Re: Love Notes 620 - On The Move Again: "Yes! It is these exact feelings
that have allowed me to let go of things I used to hold on to. Less is more
while memories don't fade :)" -R.L.-
May 4, 2014 9:44 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 619 -
Complaining? Not I: "This gave me a new thing to meditate on. Thank you
Tasha and God bless." -M.C.-
May 2, 2014 11:59 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 618 - Easter
Is A Feast of Joy: "This is special, just like YOU!" -S.D.-
Apr 21, 2014 11:39 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 617 - We Met
Over a Hammer: "Tasha, What a beautiful story my friend. I have lost
neighbors over the years. Some moved away. Some moved on to Heaven. But they
all had a special place in my heart, I will pass this on." God bless you
always. Wishing you every joy, -J.G.-
Apr 16, 2014 9:15 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 616 - Seeds of
Joy: "Hi Tasha, When I have an especially busy day, especially when I have a
lot of housework to catch up on, I think of all the people who are helpless
to do these things themselves. Some days, even when my arthritis is
bothering me, I am reminded of how joyful it is to have a healthy body."
Peace, -J.S.-
Apr 7, 2014 10:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 616 - Seeds of Joy: "This is one of your best ever
my friend. I am passing it on. Know too that you are one of the things I am
thankful for in this life." Wishing you every joy, -J.L.-
Apr 7, 2014 10:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 616 - Seeds of Joy: "Harriet would be so taken
with this! We need to have our JOY Newsletter to forward this on. Thanks for
all the Seeds of Joy you continually plant, send a copy to Helene she'd so
love it.: -S.D.-
Apr 7, 2014 10:34 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 615: If I
Ruled the World: "We used to go over to our neighbors to watch TV. My dad
called the TV the 'boob tube'. We rented one during the January football
Rose Bowl, Orange Bowl, etc. games. So, we stayed up all night during those
times, ate gallons of ice cream loaded with peanuts, chocolate syrup,
cherries, etc. and watched Chiller, Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock.. etc.
It was fun!" -J.T.-
Apr 1, 2014 8:22 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 615: If I Ruled the World: "Tasha, That was
another great one my friend. Our best plans and intentions often lack the
foresight that only God has. Keep up the great work." God bless you always.
Wishing you every joy, -E.H-
Apr 1, 2014 8:18 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 615: If I Ruled the World: "Awesome advice!
Another great one, Tasha. I wish I had all your wisdom when I was younger.
It would have saved me a lot of confusion." -P.J.-
Apr 1, 2014 8:12 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 614 - Living a
No-Fault Life: "I have thought about this for a long time and came to the
conclusion that we all hurt each other for a variety of reasons. It is
important to trust that the hurt is not deliberate and then you can have the
conversations to come to a better understanding of each other. When the hurt
is deliberate, well, then I can simply hear that person better from way over
there rather than close up!" -S.C.-
Mar 24, 2014 10:38 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 614 - Living a No-Fault Life: "Your last line is
amazing." -T.K.-
Mar 24, 2014 10:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 614 - Living a No-Fault Life: "As always Tasha,
you add a perspective like this to remind us to 'see' collectively which
often allows us not to take something personally." -S.G.-
Mar 24, 2014 10:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 614 - Living a No-Fault Life: "Thank you Tasha for
this message which delivers and is far-reaching. It touches me because I
know how blaming myself or others can be hurtful and I like the way you
bring to day-to-day living this philosophical idea that we can only act
according to our nature." With love, -P.L.-
Mar 24, 2014 10:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 614 - Living a No-Fault Life: "Tasha, A no fault
life sounds like a great idea to me my friend. What a wonderful Heartwings
you shared today. I will pass it on." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 24, 2014 10:19 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 613 -
Communication Devices Then and Now: "Just returned from a St. Patrick's Day
Festival a la Dallas. It did bring people together and it was mostly with
folk who were of the older generation and enjoy the human touch of personal
conversation. We are used to that. The descendants are not invested in this.
Multitasking, speed, networking, the social media are the glue that keeps
them together. We miss what they have never known and could care less about.
I agree with you." -R.T.-
Mar 18, 2014 8:53 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 613 - Communication Devices Then and Now: "Oh my,
I do concur I also regret that commercial greeting cards have displaced-for
example, sympathy and anniversary notes. I look forward to reading your
lovely thoughts each week. sEE i DO WRITGE BETTER WITH A PEN THAN A
Mar 18, 2014 8:50 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 613 - Communication Devices Then and Now: "Tasha,
I loved this one and sent it on my friend. I still send letters through the
mail to my aunt and an older friend who has no computer. I find that I spend
more time on them, try to make them special, and put more care into them.
Thanks too for all those memories of county fairs, school parades, and other
Festivals that bring us all together." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 18, 2014 8:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 613 - Communication Devices Then and Now: "I
'hear' you! Though I do appreciate all forms of communication, and find that
emails, FB, or texts can sometimes be very useful. I adore mail and writing
by hand and hope it doesn't disappear, for certain. I love getting together
in person...though honestly I usually prefer writing to phone calls (though
much can possibly be lost without voice inflections and facial expressions).
I just don't really enjoy the phone so much especially now that harmful
waves are most likely going into our heads from the cell phones...but there
are some friends that it is just necessary and I appreciate very much!"
Happy Saint Patrick's to you and your beloved look into each other's eyes
and say, "Kim loves us!" xoxoxo -K.T.-
Mar 18, 2014 8:30 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 612 - Inner
Housekeeping: "I love how you are so aware and question all that you do. You
are indeed an inspiration." -H.L.-
Mar 15, 2014 10:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 612 - Inner Housekeeping: "Tasha, I loved this one
my friend and I passed it on too. Like you I feel energized by the Spring
weather and like you I tend to answer every e-mail I get. Thankfully, I have
started to bite off only what I can chew. It has made my life less stressful
and more joyful." Have a blessed day. Wishing you every happiness. -J.M.-
Mar 15, 2014 10:08 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 611 - Spring
Cleaning: "Tasha, Thank you my friend. After reading this one I went over
and kissed my washing machine." -S.K.-
Mar 4, 2014 11:41 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 611 - Spring Cleaning: "Yes, things are much
easier now. Swifter, Dirt Devil/Hoover, etc. :o) I would not have done well
with smoke and coal...too many allergies to the stuff. It must have taken a
village to spring clean in the old days. (ggls)." -K.T.-
Mar 4, 2014 9:34 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 610 - Spring
Is On the Way: "Tasha,
You are a ray of sunshine on a Spring day my friend. I agree so much with what you said here. I spent yesterday
in fact basking in the warm sunshine and this morning walking on the freshly fallen snow." Have a great Spring.
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Feb 25, 2014 10:15 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 610 - Spring Is On the Way: "I am sure many enjoyed this little notice in the midst of snowy days.
Here it has been in the 70s for the past week and now back to 60s. But the sun is shining."
Feb 25, 2014 10:02 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 610 - Spring Is On the Way: "This shares a good message. I
enjoyed reading it." -J.T.-
Feb 25, 2014 9:34 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 609 -
Mindfully Versus Automatically: "I think that being a person who sees
patterns very well is an interesting gift." Thanks for sharing this. -G.K.-
Feb 17, 2014 8:54 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 609 - Mindfully Versus Automatically: "This long
winter will soon be over and you arm will be healed and you both will start
a "new life" again in the spring." Take care, A.H.-
Feb 17, 2014 8:43 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 609 - Mindfully Versus Automatically: "Hello and
hope you heal quickly! Well written and a pleasure to read as always. Hope
all else is good and enjoy the new week." Love, -B.M.-
Feb 17, 2014 8:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 609 - Mindfully Versus Automatically: "You are
amazingly Mindful, Tasha. May the tear mend quickly. I should start using my
right hand while both are well." -S.D.-
Feb 17, 2014 8:34 AM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 608 - Love
Begins with Me: "Bless your heart,, Tasha. I guess I have ISSUES with
religion...*I've always swum upstream... because people are literally
programmed to feel guilt and shame and so on. No need to wallow in that but
it is a mighty struggle...more for some than others. I think it is really
important to learn not to judge and to learn to receive gracefully. I love
that you are so thoughtful in your little messages. Your goodness and light
ALWAYS shine thru each one of your offerings. I'm so happy to sit in your
circle, dear heart." Hugs -C.P.-
Feb 10, 2014 7:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 608 - Love Begins with Me: "Giving to other people
(friendship, happiness, material things or whatever) is a kind thing. A
person shouldn't really 'expect' return (even if they desire it). However, a
person shouldn't neglect themselves's maintaining a balance."
Hope you're doing well, Tasha. -S.K.-
Feb 10, 2014 7:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 608 - Love Begins with Me: "Tasha, Another great
story my friend. Always remember that God asks us to love ourselves and only
then to love our neighbors as ourselves." God bless you always, wishing you
every joy. -J.M.- Feb 10, 2014
7:44 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 607 - Right,
Left, Forward March: "Thanks so much for this sweet sharing--may your arm
heal quickly and completely…" Love from -J.C.-
Feb 4, 2014 10:41 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 607 - Right, Left, Forward March: "Sorry to learn
that you are having some difficulties with your hand, yet I admire how your
approach this with such a positive attitude!" All the best always, -R.L-
Feb 3, 2014 11:27 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 607 - Right, Left, Forward March: "You are so
right.. I mean, left! I fell on black ice seven winters ago and snapped my
right wrist, had surgery, titanium gizmos put in. Learned to dress, fix my
hair, put on make up and legibly write with my left hand. Even now I will
force myself to keep those learning pathways open by using my left, non
dominant hand." -C.R.-
Feb 3, 2014 11:22 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 607 - Right, Left, Forward March: "How great of
you Tasha to turn a painful challenge into an opportunity to learn and grow.
I do hope that your right arm heals up completely, but I also hope that you
continue to use the left as much as possible. My daughter is a lefty by the
way." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Feb 3, 2014 11:03 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 606 - The Pain
of Others: "This could really explain my headaches as well. How exactly did
you turn them off? Well done. Important piece." -P.L.-
Jan 28, 2014 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 606 - The Pain of Others: "This was a great
article for me, as I know empathy first hand. Yes, I do pray for all I can
and it does help somewhat! Thank you for sharing this with me and others who
have sorrow in their hearts for others!" -A.K.-
Jan 28, 2014 8:29 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 606 - The Pain of Others: "Thanks Tasha. You are
such a blessing my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jan 28, 2014 8:29 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 605 - Shining
the Light: "My husband always laughs when I say that. I can't see the
"beauty in everything" , ie: a rapist or a serial murderer. However, I do
understand that the brain is wired to predispose human beings' personality
before outside influences come charging in. It is a good discipline to have
positive thinking. As noted, the Chinese has practiced this discipline for
many centuries. It's time for the rest of the planet to catch up to such
wise philosophy. Love -C.P.-
Jan 21, 2014 8:25 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 605 - Shining the Light: "Loved this Heartwings.
We must be related :). I just got this txt from a friend: "Love you too, so
happy you're in my life, always such a positive presence."
Jan 21, 2014 8:21 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 605 - Shining the Light: "Over the Rainbow is also
one of my favorite songs. Seriously though why do so many people focus on
the negative!!?? I don't get it. Guess all we can do is keep shining light
since it comes naturally to us." Love you!!! -R.W.-
Jan 21, 2014 8:15 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 604 - An
Unusual Home Remedy: "It sounds like a really intriguing method. Thanks for
sharing this with me." -T.L.-
Jan 15, 2014 8:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 604 - An Unusual Home Remedy: "Dear Tasha, Your
Heartwings is as timely as ever. Thirty minutes ago I sent the order for my
daily teaspoon of Active organic Manukkah Honey 15. Now you gave me another
reason to use it. I had tried a drop of alcohol for my eyes and it also
worked. after stinging also. Redness disappeared, clarity appeared." Thanks
again, -R.Z.-
Jan 13, 2014 10:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 604 - An Unusual Home Remedy: "You are such a
fount of info, and I'm so glad they helped you." -C.N.-
Jan 13, 2014 10:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 604 - An Unusual Home Remedy: "That is very
interesting! Maybe I'll try it too." - S.L.-
Jan 13, 2014 10:46 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 603 - Button,
Button, Who's Got the Button: "Yes, don't we all have our buttons, &
naturally, meditation helps immeasurably." Peace & Love, -A.L.-
Jan 9, 2014 9:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 603 - Button,
Button, Who's Got the Button: "Good morning Tasha and Happy New Year. How
wise you are to come up with this type of love note. I enjoyed it and I do
have these buttons also! Maybe will always have these buttons in order to
accomplish what we came for to experience on earth." Love and blessings -E.L.-
Jan 7, 2014 9:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 603 - Button, Button, Who's Got the Button:
"Tasha, Impatience and anger are two of the things I am still working on
myself my friend. Know then that you are not alone. We are all works in
progress. Thankfully, God's love and forgiveness helps us in that work
everyday." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jan 7, 2014 9:02 AM
(Jan 2013 Dec)

Quick links -
Bottom or jump to Readers Comments
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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 600 -
Surprises: "Me 2~ I never looked." F.L.-
Dec 16, 2013 9:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 600 - Surprises: "I think curiosity usually got
the best of me as a child. But now surprises are a thrill!" -H.J.-
Dec 16, 2013 9:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 600 - Surprises: "Beautiful. I love what you said
about trust." -V.B.-
Dec 16, 2013 9:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 600 - Another Milestone: "
Congratulations Tasha on over
600 Issues
of Heartwings Love Notes."
Lots of Love -Doc D.-
Dec 16th 2013

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 599 - Good
Cheer: "Tasha, Ah, that was another beautiful essay my friend full of wisdom
and truth. I hope that you have a joyous Christmas." -J.M.-
Dec 10, 2013 1:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 599 - Good Cheer: "Though holidays can often
remind somebody of loss and whatnot, a person can still be happy. What helps
is to get rid of stress." -S.l.-
Dec 10, 2013 1:29 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 598 - Finding
the Joy: "What sound Joy Filled Advice." Bless you. -P.B.-
Dec 1, 2013 8:47 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 597 - Thanks
For the Harvest: "Dear Tasha, Such a wonderful Thanksgiving message!! Hoping
You enjoy the holiday and its legacy." Hugs! -G.A.-
Nov 25, 2013 10:14 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 596 - How Much
Is Too Much: "Tasha, Thank you once again for your wisdom. I did the same
about a week ago and still need to purge outdated or things I won't be
using. Thanks for the reminder! I love how timely your messages always are."
Blessings to you -J.W- Nov 19,
2013 8:41 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday
Thoughts: "Lovely! And you, my friend, do embody aging gracefully. -R.l.-
Nov 12, 2013 8:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "Thank you, dear Tasha,
for this beautiful and gentle piece of wisdom. With much love, -J.W-
Nov 12, 2013 8:39 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "Tasha, I LOVE this
week's column!" Peace, -J.T.-
Nov 12, 2013 8:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "Tasha, What a beautiful
story today my friend. I passed it on to all of my 'young friends. It
reminds me of the saying: 'Our forever young soul is always surprised at
what it sees when we look in the mirror' Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Nov 12, 2013 8:33 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "Interesting read here. I
think that as people get older, they are the same person and more.
Sometimes, they lose negative aspects of themselves as they become better
people. Isn't it true that anybody can strive to become a better person and
gain positive attributes? They can also learn new things and grow as people?
In other words, I agree with this. Also, as a nineteen year old, I feel like
I've been on this earth for a lot longer than nineteen years, but at the
same time, I also feel young in many ways too. This intrigues me. I feel
that time goes really slow at moments, but I also feel like I'm aging fast."
Nov 12, 2013 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "My Dear Tasha, Wishing
you a very happy birthday, revelation is ongoing." Blessings & love -C.C-
Nov 12, 2013 8:29 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "Just as beautiful as
ever. Lovely love note." -H.J.-
Nov 10, 2013 10:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "Tasha, How very
beautifully said and A VERY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY !!! You have given the
gifts of higher spiritual awareness & rich meaning to be found in so many
things in & of life to countless individuals - a good dharma indeed." Peace
& Love, -A.R-
Nov 10, 2013 09:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 595 - Birthday Thoughts: "I super much love this
one!" -A.L-
Nov 10, 2013 9:47 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 594 - A
Tribute To My Neighbor: "Hi Tasha, What a lovely story! I know you were
blessed to have such a woman as a friend and neighbor. Thank you for sharing
this with us. It makes me want to be more kind all the time, especially to
those young people who look to us for experience, strength and hope."
Blessings, -M.T.-
Nov 4, 2013 9:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 594 - A Tribute To My Neighbor: "Great Piece. You
brought her to life again. Especially when I just read an article about a
Bonsai having a NDE right before this one!" -A.E.-
Nov 4, 2013 9:29 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 594 - A Tribute To My Neighbor: "My darling,
Tasha. Your genuine writing talents always amaze me, but this love note
strikes me as one of your best. I feel as though I know your friend, and she
was so blessed to have you as hers as am I." -D.H.-
Nov 4, 2013 9:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 594 - A Tribute To My Neighbor: "This was a
wonderful note (as usual)." *big smile* -T.K.-
Nov 4, 2013 9:27 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 594 - A Tribute To My Neighbor: "Dear Tasha, I
really enjoyed what you wrote about your neighbor in your last Heartwing.
The world is full of brave and extraordinary people who are our neighbors.
It is very important to be able to recognize their value. We often don't pay
attention to what is very close to us and we look for things far from our
daily life." Thank you for your thoughts. Love -D.F.-
Nov 4, 2013 9:25 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 594 - A Tribute To My Neighbor: "Lovely Heartwings
Tasha. And YOU and Stephen also set a good example for others. In my book,
you always live each day to the fullest and see the best in it." -L.S.-
Nov 4, 2013 9:24 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 593 - The
Price for Efforting: "Good. You're right, there's a fine line between too
much effort and just enough. Yoga is like anything else. I'm sometimes
competitive with myself to the point where I'm obsessive, so I can relate to
that. What's important is that a person tries to do a good job." -S.D-
Oct 28, 2013 10:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 593 - The Price for Efforting: "Yes. well has taken me awhile to really embrace this as well, Tasha..I too
have that competitive thing with teaches us well if we are
good & faithful students." -K.U.-
Oct 28, 2013 10:05 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 592 -
Information Overloaded: "I like this...I like to research things too but
sometimes I like to give my mind to other's about focusing your
thoughts on whatever interests you. -C.L.-
Oct 21, 2013 11:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 592 - Information Overloaded: "Love this Tasha!"
Oct 21, 2013 10:38 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 592 - Information Overloaded: "I am with you on
that! Your attention is precious. I'm glad you allocate it with wisdom."
Love always, -Bev-
Oct 21, 2013 10:34 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 591 - Attitude
is Vital: "Thank you for this timely invitation to see more deeply. It is
always on my radar screen to view the unfolding circumstances of my life
through a wider lens. Especially at this time when many things are changing
in my world, it helps to be reminded of what is true. I am grateful to
receive this filling portion of wisdom on the wings of your heart." Have a
wonderful week, my friend. Love from -J&C-
Oct 15, 2013 8:14 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 591 - Attitude is Vital: "Hi Tasha, Did you write
this for me, hahaha! It certainly fits!" Love ya, -J.C.-
Oct 15, 2013 8:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 591 - Attitude is Vital: "I read it...It's
strange, because my dad is literally dying from cancer and he needs
treatment. (so he might not die) And yep...having a positive attitude helps
a person's situation get better. Thanks for the read. I hope you're doing
okay. -V.L.- Oct 15, 2013 8:10 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 591 - Attitude is Vital: "This is so true, Tasha.
And I realized that so many of my adult fears were rooted in my mother's
fears, and her overly dramatic way of expressing them. If she had not
unintentionally frightened me in those ways, I would not have become afraid
of some of these things on my own. And we see that as adults, when we have
the opportunity to either reassure someone gently but realistically, or
compound their fears with drama and speculation. We all really need to be
sensitive to the way others perceive what we are saying, and to the feeling
behind it. Advice should be given with love." -S.W.-
Oct 15, 2013 8:04 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 590 - My
Garden of Relationships: "Nice. thank you! good thoughts, words and
imagery..." -E.C.-
Oct 9, 2013 10:16 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 590 - My Garden of Relationships: "True
friendships!" -P.J.-
Oct 9, 2013 10:15 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 590 - My
Garden of Relationships: "Wonderful descriptive important words! I will send
them to my mother. She will love them as well!" -L.K.-
Oct 8, 2013 9:11 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 590 - My Garden of Relationships: "Tasha, This is
one of your best my friend. Thanks so much." God bless you always. -J.F.-
Oct 8, 2013 9:11 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and
my Clothes Collection: "I love this! Every day for me is 'dress up' day... I
too wore hand me downs, my cousin's. She was 10 years older than I! And
Thrift Shops shopping became a finely honed skill for me. Now I have way too
many very special clothes and have to figure out how to sell some of them...
too much money invested in really wonderful garments and I need money. Ahhhh! here I come!" -S.L.-
Sep 30, 2013 11:18 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "Cheerio, and
thanks." -P.R.R-
Sep 30, 2013 11:17 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "I love this
article! I feel the same way! Growing up not having much money, it was the
same, clothes made by my Grandmother or hand me downs and rummage sale
items. It was wonderful to read this and see myself in the article." Love
and Hugs! Anni
Sep 30, 2013 11:16 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "Dear Tasha, I
often think of clothes as collage or sculpture. You are given an armature
(your body) and then can produce a form around it. It is even kinetic." As
always, -J.W.- Sep 30, 2013 11:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "A great
article and I do almost the same thing. Even if I am I the house all day, I
will put on makeup, jewelry, and nice clothing! It makes me feel so good
about myself. Take care and thank you for this article that made smile!"
Love -L.K.-
Sep 30, 2013 11:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "Hi Tasha, I
can so relate to the clothing collections of best, which I recently
questioned myself. It's funny how people relate to 'stuff' in general. I'm
having a tuff time getting rid of nice stuff people have given me for gifts
over the years, like neat wooden boxes to put stuff into. So much stuff to
give away." -M.L.-
Sep 30, 2013 11:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "Tasha, Thanks
my friend. Nothing you could wear on the outside could ever match the beauty
that shines through from what's inside you." God bless you always. Wishing
you every joy, -J.M.-
Sep 30, 2013 10:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 589 - Me and my Clothes Collection: "I've got
stuff (nice clothes from working in a business environment) that I don't
wear anymore. Also, I can't wear them because I've gained a few extra
pounds. It's all good stuff so I hear you about not wanting to send it off.
Anyway, the newer clothes are too expensive and not made well anymore either
so I keep the older stuff, too." Hugs! -B.D.-
Sep 30, 2013 10:21 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 586 - Focus is
the Key: "This is very true and I'm glad to read this to remind myself of
its importance!" -C.C.-
Sep 10, 2013 9:17 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous
Life 585 - Getting the Message: "You hit the bull's eye on this subject
Tasha. I feel the same way. After my car accident that I was in two years
ago, left me unable to work at the hospital or work at all. It took me
almost a year to realize I had to start saying no to jobs, working around
the house, and at the church. I'm now putting one foot in front of the
other. Saying no to a lot of things." Bless you -D.D.-
Sep 11, 2013 9:57 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 585 - Getting the Message:
"Thanks my friend. Time is so precious in this life. We truly must make time
for the important things." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy,
Sep 11, 2013 9:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 585 - Getting the Message: "Life
definitely is a balancing act....I'd say you've done quite well." -R.R.-
Sep 11, 2013 9:54 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 585 - Getting the Message:
"Thank you Tasha. This is a lesson for all. Choices come and there is only
enough time to focus on the most important issues. Thank you for this
observation of life." Love, -H.K.-
Sep 11, 2013 9:19 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous
Life 585 - Getting the Message: "This is wild because I won't kill the
insects in my house. I get a glass and a card to cover the opening, set the
glass on the insect, and take him out and put him in the grass. I found a
moth in my bathtub seemingly drowned I thought id give him a try at the
possibility of reviving. I took him out to the grass, blew on him for a few
minutes and I was astounded to see his wings flutter, and I sat there until
he flew off. It was a marvelous thrill."
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 585 - Getting the Message:
"Tasha, I loved this one so much. I too am into catch and release with
insects in my home. Moths sneaking in at night when I walk my dogs are the
hardest to catch. They just keep going towards the light bulbs. One night I
just turned off all the lights in the house except the one by the open door
and it worked. The guy flew to freedom. Keep up the great writing. May all
of your days be blessed." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Sep 3, 2013 8:16 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 585 - Getting the Message: "This
was one of Eddie's favorite books when he was in seventh grade. Thanks for
the reminder. -J.N.-
Sep 3, 2013 8:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 585 - Getting the Message: "Hi
Tasha! - I read Kinship With All Life about 6 months ago. The dog's name was
Strongheart. Anyway, after reading about Freddy, I too, stopped swatting
flies. As for mosquitoes, what do they drink when we're not around? I ask
them this and ask them to please go suck on whoever or whatever that is, but
they don't listen and I have to go in the house. I always enjoy your weekly
communications." -H.L.-
Sep 3, 2013 7:26 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous
Life 584 - How it All Came About: "It is nice to hear that your dream came
true! -T.K.-
Aug 26, 2013 8:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 584 - How it All Came About:
"Tasha, Thanks my friend. Keep writing. You give more hearts wings than just
your own." God bless you always. -J.M.-
Aug 26, 2013 8:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 584 - How it All Came About:
"What a lovely tribute. Those of us who read you are so fortunate." -S.D.-
Aug 26, 2013 8:43 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A
Falling Leaf: "Hi Tasha, Your Heartwings Love Notes of 8/19 was important
and helpful to a client of mine who was dealing with letting go. Soon after
her session I read your column and forwarded it to her. She has read and
reread it and it has been a part of her releasing pain. We are a good team!"
Much love and appreciation for You, -B.J.-
Sep 11, 2013 6:35 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A
Falling Leaf: " People always say things like 'time heals everything' and I
can see that here... good work. Letting go and finding peace within yourself
about the situation is sometimes difficult." -S.L.-
Aug 21, 2013 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A Falling Leaf: " I am so sorry for your
loss my friend. This story touched my heart, soul, and mind is so many
ways." May your life always be blessed with love and joy, -J.M-
Aug 21, 2013 8:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A
Falling Leaf: "Beautiful, Tasha. Just the perfect thing for me to read and
consider in these times of letting go." Much love to you, and blessings
always... -S.L.-
Aug 20, 2013 8:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A Falling Leaf: "Wonderful, Tasha. I love
that sentence about grief enabling us to be more compassionate. Never looked
at it that way before." -K.S.-
Aug 20, 2013 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A Falling Leaf: "I feel your heart, Tasha.
It is also difficult letting go sometimes of those living, who for one
reason or another, need to be let go...this is an emptiness I have
encountered as of late. I love you and your wise, honest & caring words..."
Aug 20, 2013 8:31 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A Falling Leaf: "Indeed how beautiful... I
know you know I can relate!" -S.D.-
Aug 20, 2013 8:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 583 - A Falling Leaf: "Yup. Easy to talk about,
harder to practice... Would that it were not so... Would that these losses
came easily... But then we'd lose something else, some changing and
inventorying that we'd not have engaged in had they continued with us." -B.L.-
Aug 20, 2013 8:22 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 582 -
Gratitude and the Guidance of Good: "Tasha, One of your best stories yet my
friend. How I wish everyone could see and live life as you do. If they did
this world would be much closer to Heaven." Wishing you every joy, -J.G.-
Aug 13, 2013 9:10 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 582 - Gratitude and the Guidance of Good: "Good
piece of work. I like the part about the lemons." -H.L.-
Aug 13, 2013 9:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 582 - Gratitude and the Guidance of Good: "I carry
a grateful attitude with me, but you are much more conscious of the times
you say your gratitude aloud than I. I want to become more like YOU! Thanks
for setting such a high standard." My love always,
Aug 12, 2013 5:44 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 581 - A pinch
of Salt: "I know, for me, I keep nice things and don't use them because a
small part of me fears I'll never get nice things again and to use them
would ruin them. I grew up in a house where we couldn't sit in the living
room! Thanks for the thought provoking note." Love and light, -D.P.-
Aug 8, 2013 11:59 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 581 - A pinch of Salt: "Great story Tasha. There
were so great lessons here too." God bless you always. Wishing you every
joy, -J.G.-
Aug 8, 2013 11:51 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 581 - A pinch of Salt: "Dearest Tasha, Thank you
so much for this Heartwings, it is super !.. they all are.. Just wanted to
mention it." Much love and support, -D.D.-
Aug 8, 2013 11:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 581 - A pinch of Salt: "I LOVE how you see
different perspectives in the same piece. And you take risks weekly... Just
back from friends cabin hr. away in mtns. Was 20 degrees cooler there than
here. Such a lovely escape." -K.P.-
Aug 7, 2013 4:18 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human
Folly: "I never realized that you were a smoker... I don't remember you
doing so... "Butt", congratulations on over 25 years smoke free! This past
March, I celebrated my 20th smoke-free anniversary. I'm so relieved to have
finally been able to put them down. In spite of that, I occasionally enjoy
the smell of another's cigarette smoke, and miss the incredible
brain-stimulating and memory-enhancing effects of nicotine. People rarely
mention those positive aspects of smoking, as they're so far outweighed by
the negative. Something lost, and more gained." -B.B.-
Aug 2, 2013 11:39 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human
Folly: "Tasha, I am so glad that you were able to quit my friend. Both of my
Mom and Dad smoked. Mom died of cancer at only 55 and Dad has battled Cancer
now in his later years. I only wish they could have quit in time like you
did. I will pass this one on" Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jul 30, 2013 8:55 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human Folly: "Hi Tasha, My mother said that
she smoked for a while. When she realized that it took away her money for
ice cream and malteds, she quit. When I was in my teens, we had a neighbor
around my age who smoked. There were a group of us standing around in his
yard. Some of them started to smoke. I took a cigarette and someone lighted
it. I put it to my mouth and did the usual thing except I didn't inhale.
Someone pointed that out. I said I didn't want to inhale that stuff. So I
never did it again. I didn't inhale that time either." Peace & Light, -L.D.-
Jul 30, 2013 8:52 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human Folly: "I did the same thing you did
at the same age! I think it was part of growing up. I quit 10 years
ago...had an occasional cig...most people didn't even know I smoked since I
smoked so infrequently. My body hated what little I did smoke so I quit."
Jul 30, 2013 8:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human Folly: "Greetings from Ecuador! Thank
you for your words of wisdom! -T.C.-
Jul 29, 2013 8:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human Folly: "I admire you so for writing
this and think it will help others. My parents both smoked, like Dad about 3
packs per day and Mother one. It must be a very difficult addiction." -S.L-
Jul 29, 2013 8:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human Folly: "This is terrific!" -A.J.-
Jul 29, 2013 8:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 580 - Human Folly: "Good and honest work.
Addiction (not just with cigarettes) can be harmful. I will send this to mom
who is a smoker. Thanks for sharing. I hope you are having a good day." -T.L.-
Jul 29, 2013 8:04 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 579 -
Perspective: "I'm with you. Everyone looks way younger that they are. I was
concerned that if I were to be a witness at an accident or event, would I be
able to tell the police accurately how old the person was, etc. so I asked
my police friend. He laughed and said," We know your perspective when we get
the witnesses ages and then there is a sliding scale so the older ya are the
younger you think they are, and vice versa if the witness is young the scale
will slide upwards. I do hope that's true." -S.D.-
Jul 23, 2013 8:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 579 - Perspective: "Very good, very helpful" -A.C.-
Jul 23, 2013 8:22 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 579 - Perspective: "This was a good piece of work.
I think that perspective and influence go together, and the way you see is
the way you're able to measure the intensities and / or exactness of others.
Everybody sees something different, and what you see and 'realize' feels /
seems exact to you." -T.L.-
Jul 23, 2013 8:18 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 579 - Perspective: "I have a great perspective
story! When my son was six, he spent the summer with my sister and then met
me at the March on Washington in DC. He, at one point, suggested we walk
from the Washington Monument to the statue of Lincoln. “They are only this
far apart,” he told me, holding his fingers about 3 inches apart. I had to
think a minute and then realized someone must have identified these on his
plane ride to VA. I just said, “OK” and we started plowing out way through
those thousands of people. After a while, with the Memorial appearing no
closer, he asked me what had happened. What a teachable moment to explain
the perspective from far away vs close up!" -J.P.-
Jul 23, 2013 8:09 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 579 - Perspective: "How wonderfully true dear
Tasha, thank you for this beautifully written piece… sending love at this
magical time of the full moon!" Much love, -J.S.-
Jul 23, 2013 8:08 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 578 -
Celebrating: "Always good to celebrate success to balance out the other icky
things. I enjoyed reading it! -K.L.-
Jul 18, 2013 9:27 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 578 - Celebrating: "Hi Tasha, Thank you for the
latest Heartwings! It is great to celebrate! Happy Belated Anniversary! I
heard this in church today, and thought you would appreciate it!
'Life is short, and you will not have much time to gladden the hearts of
those who walk the way with you. So make haste to love and be swift to be
kind, and may the blessing of God be with you always.' Lots of Love, -T.C.-
Jul 15, 2013 9:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 578 - Celebrating: "A beautiful piece of
inspiration. I appreciate/d reading this, Tasha." -S.D.-
Jul 15, 2013 9:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 578 - Celebrating: "Tasha, Thanks so much my
friend. May everyday of your life be a celebration of love and joy." -J. M.-
Jul 15, 2013 9:44 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 577 - Freedom
and the Fourth: "BEE-YOU-TEE-FULL. I think about freedom a lot and all the
different things it can mean. Thanks for the thoughtful and inspiring essay
which helps me remember what is most important!" love and blessings from -J.J.-
Jul 11, 2013 10:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 577 - Freedom
and the Fourth: "Love this!" Thank you, -R.S.-
Jul 2, 2013 8:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 577 - Freedom and the Fourth: "Very nicely stated
on the comparisons on youth and older age. Never thought of it that way.
Happy 4th... both bitter and sweet. So many lives lost for our being free."
Jul 2, 2013 8:26 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 576 - Pebbles:
"Tasha, Oh, thank you! This is just what I needed to hear this night! I am
so busy with a million things. I actually spent an hour at the Abbey in
Spencer, just being calm, it was wonderful! And so focusing." Take care, and
blessings! -M.G.-
Jun 24, 2013 9:06 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 576 - Pebbles: "Tasha, This one was so full of
wisdom my friend. We all need to slow down and cherish the beauty all around
us. Have a blessed and beautiful week." Wishing you every joy, -J.R.-
Jun 24, 2013 9:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 576 - Pebbles:
"Lovely! Take time to smell the roses...and, feel the pebbles." -J.R.-
Jun 23, 2013 9:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 576 - Pebbles: "Oh so True! I often sit on the
floor or ground with my feline family and look around to see what they can
see. I get to their eye level and find a spider, a grasshopper, a chipmunk.
When my Sapphire sits in my garden, I go over to make sure she is
comfortable by bending over, pulling the grass or vegetables away from her
and just look down and around so I am at her level. With four cats, they
sure keep me peaking at things throughout the day. Then there is the other
end of the spectrum. Looking up. My wild birds and trees always get my
attention and I sometimes strain to look beyond my human vision to see what
they see in the sky. Many people are too busy to check their peripheral
vision to notice what God has given to us for free. Yes, we will look and
admire our freshly cut grass or the full moon and stars. But not many of us
will look that little extra beyond to see true splendor and miracles at that
lower or upper level." Love -C.A.-
Jun 23, 2013 9:50 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 575 - Happy
Father's Day Dearest Dad: "Hi Tasha Happy Summer almost! Wow, it's been
seventeen years since I moved down here to Florida. Enjoyed everyone one of
your "Heartwings Love Notes. Reading about your father gave me flashbacks of
when I was really young and was swimming at Nantasket Beach and going to
Paragon Park afterwards." Love and blessings -E.P.-
Jun 17, 2013 10:55
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 575 - Happy Father's Day Dearest Dad: "Tasha, What
a wonderful tribute my friend. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy,
Jun 17, 2013 10:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 575 - Happy Father's Day Dearest Dad: "How lovely
to know about your dear Dad, Tasha… so many memoires of our childhood.. and
also for our Founding Fathers of this great nation… all from the seed of the
Father in heaven – we are blessed! I hope you have a special, peaceful
week." Warmth and love from us all, -J.S.-
Jun 17, 2013 10:50 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 574: How Are
You Today: "Hi Tasha, When I was young ad went shopping with my mother, if
we saw someone washing windows, my mother would tell me how good the windows
looked, or make some comment about their work. Likewise, she would tell
someone how well they did, or something positive about it. So I learned that
people should be acknowledged." Peace & Light, -L.P.-
Jun 10, 2013 11:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 574: How Are You Today: "Tasha, Great story my
friend. It is amazing how things change over the years. I think any move
towards more kindness and friendliness is a move in the right direction."
Have a beautiful day. Wishing you every joy -J.K.-
Jun 10, 2013 5:39 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 572 -
Remembering To Remember: "As I recall their names and faces it is as though
I were watering a garden of fragrant blossoms that release their scent in
the form of joy. I particularly love the way you use the garden as a
metaphor, Tasha...wish u could smell the jasmine & gardenias down here now!
I know your reflections touch so many peoples hearts and help to give them
wings." ;) -T.H.-
May 30, 2013 7:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 572 -
Remembering To Remember: "I'm reviewing several Heartwings I had not yet
opened! I really like this week's - for Memorial day! All are so good.
Thanks for sharing ... I found them all uplifting. I especially liked the
thoughts about savoring honey (and the associated nice visit) and
mending/sewing - I have the same feelings about that! I will reread a few
more." -Y.D.-
May 28, 2013 8:38 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 572 - Remembering To Remember: "Tasha, What a
perfect edition for this memorial day my friend. I will pass it on." Wishing
you every joy, -J.L.- May 28,
2013 8:36 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 572 - Remembering To Remember: "What a wonderful
rendition my favorite being "as though I were watering a garden of fragrant
blossoms that release their scent in the form of JOY!" I definitely save
this one." -S.C.-
May 28, 2013 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 572 - Remembering To Remember: "Wonderfully
expressed." -P.L.-
May 28, 2013 8:30 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 571 - On Being
Retired: "Tasha, I especially appreciate what you said about cleaning.
Minimizing such, as I don't have the reason to keep things soo clean! BTW, I
have thrown out most recipes that call for more than four ingredients.
Except for the few items that are my ABSOLUTE favorites! :)" Cheers, -M.J.-
May 22, 2013 11:14 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 571 - On Being Retired: "Tasha, Great story today
my friend. You may be retired, but you definitely aren't "tired". May your
zest for life continue to touch all of your readers and people you work
with." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
May 21, 2013 11:31 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 570 - My
Mother Used to Say: "What a lovely Mother's Day tribute, my friend. Glad to
be on the receiving end of your life lessons. Blessings to you, and thanks,
-K.P.- JOY in the heartland!
May 12, 2013 9:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 570 - My Mother Used to Say: "Very nice. I like
the three little stories. Love! -L.L.-
May 12, 2013 6:53 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 570 - My Mother Used to Say: "Very sweet and fond
memories of your Mom. Happy Mother's Day to a wonderful mother!" Hugs, -A.B.-
May 12, 2013 6:51 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 569 - The
Cherish of Mending: "Tasha, Great story today my friend. Every contribution
we make to others is priceless when it is made in love." May God continue to
bless you in all you do. Wishing you every joy, -J.P.-
May 7, 2013 8:54 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 569 - The Cherish of Mending: "Wonderful, -A.C.-
May 7, 2013 8:44 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 569 - The Cherish of Mending: "Hi Tasha, This of
your notes was especial to me ~ as you know I sew a good deal. I learned
from both grandmothers and my mother who made our clothes for many years.
Here's a picture of my most recent quilt, a labyrinth maze - for my grandson
turning 7. After some consideration, it worked out well. Thought you may
appreciate the share... Thank you ~ Cheers ~ -R.L-
May 7, 2013 8:35 AM

Re: Heartwings 568 - A Taste of Honey:
"Wonderful read," -A.C.-
Apr 29, 2013 8:39 PM
Re: Heartwings 568 - A Taste of Honey: "Lovely thoughts Tasha, 'May you
find sources for joyful memories in your cupboard and in your heart.'
and I do.. Your writings are always inspiring!" -H.C.-
Apr 29, 2013 8:39 PM
Re: Heartwings 568 - A Taste of Honey: "Indeed, Tasha... what intricate and
beautiful, full lives we are living!" -T.L.-
Apr 29, 2013 8:38 PM
Re: Heartwings 568 - A Taste of Honey: "Well said and a wonderful reminder.
Thank you Tasha!" -W.G.-
Apr 29, 2013 8:35 PM
Re: Heartwings 568 - A Taste of Honey: "Such a lovely message Tasha… I see
my daughters sporadically … and so it was especially poignant for me.
Blessings my dear and thank you for your lovely messages." Much love, -J.H.-
Apr 29, 2013 8:31 PM
Re: Heartwings 568 - A Taste of Honey: "Tasha, I loved this one my friend. I
hope that all of your days are full of such sweet memories. May love and joy
go with you always." Wishing you every joy, -J.T.-
Apr 29, 2013 8:29 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 567 - The Bell
Tolls for Thee (Boston Marathon Tragedy): "Tasha, Beautiful words sharing beautiful thoughts my
friend. I will pass them on." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.T.-
Apr 23, 2013 9:06 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 567 - The Bell Tolls for Thee (Boston Marathon Tragedy): "Powerful
compassionate words from powerful compassionate woman. May we all remember
them." Blessed be ~ -S.S.-
Apr 23, 2013 9:02 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 566 - The New
Light of Spring: "And your little quips are always my Light!" -M.K.-
April 15, 2013 1:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 566 - The New Light of Spring: "Love this one,
Tasha. Thank you! :) Putting away my heavier sweaters today myself." -T.R.-
April 15, 2013 1:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 566 - The New Light of Spring: "P.S. I even posted
a piece of it on FB as a GREAT little quote! xoxo 'The belief in the fear is
what gives it power over us. Tasha Halpert." -D.F-
April 15, 2013 1:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 566 - The New Light of Spring: "Good reminders
about spring and what it brings." -P.K.-
April 15, 2013 1:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 566 - The New Light of Spring: "Nice column. great
word... querulousness!" xo -R.L.-
April 15, 2013 1:03 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 566 - The New Light of Spring: "Tasha, I passed
this on to my other friends. I hope that you have a wonderful Spring full of
love, laughter, and joy." -J.H.-
April 15, 2013 1:00 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 565 - Fear
Itself: "WOW, Tasha, this is just what I needed to hear today. Thank you so
much for sharing this treasure of the heart. I will read it again and again
to be sure it takes hold in my awareness!" Love to you from -J.H.-
Apr 9, 2013 8:51 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 565 - Fear Itself: "What SOUND ADVICE, and you
have an incredible way of showing it. I still believe in the Tooth Fairy.
She never let me down." Bless YOU! -S.D.-
Apr 9, 2013 8:51 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 565 - Fear Itself: "Tasha, This is another
treasure that I will be sharing with others my friend. I only wish everyone
could release their fears in this life. There would be so much more love and
joy in it if they did." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.R.-
Apr 9, 2013 8:51 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 564 -
Resurrection, Rebirth and Renewal: "Dear Tasha, Thank you for the beautiful
Heartwings message. It touched me deeply. I just went out side to see my
first crocuses getting buds, even if I have snow in my garden and the nights
are very cold. The hope of new growth makes my heart sing. I am sitting
outside until dark to enjoy nature in it's glory." Love you, -E.R.-
Apr 2, 2013 8:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 564 - Resurrection, Rebirth and Renewal: "Tasha, I
loved this one and will pass it on my friend. Like you my heart pops up with
the first flower out the ground each year and grows happy with each
blossoming tree." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.K.-
Apr 2, 2013 8:20 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 563 - Doing My
Best: "I'm sure you did great with the filming and I know for sure, you did
a lot better than I could have, anyway!" -W.M.-
Mar 26, 2013 9:50 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 563 - Doing My Best: "Thank you, Tasha! I have not
thanked you for sometime and am sorry for that! You are a great inspiration
to me." Keep up the great work! -M.T.-
Mar 26, 2013 9:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 563 - Doing My Best: "Yes, trying our best and
sometime having our fingers burned in the fire of effort. lovely piece. that
is how we get wiser, but trying our best and keeping on trying even when it
is very hard." Thanks -A.C.-
Mar 26, 2013 9:43 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 563 - Doing My Best: "Thanks, Tasha. I needed to
hear this today particularly. I am going to learn French to the best of my
ability and then when I get to Burkina Faso I have to learn another
language... the language of the village!! --OMG!" -M.H.-
Mar 26, 2013 9:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 563 - Doing My Best: "Tasha, I wish everyone had
your zest for life and delight in trying new things my friend." God bless
you always. -J.T.-
Mar 26, 2013 9:40 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 562 - A Feast
for the Heart and Mind: "I'm so glad you were able to go to the conference.
It sounds like you enjoyed it immensely and how wonderful to see someone
that you've known for a long time. To learn and grow is so important." Love,
Mar 19, 2013 4:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 562 - A Feast for the Heart and Mind: "Tasha, It
sounds like you had a great time my friend and that you nourished not only
your mind but your soul as well." God bless you always. Wishing you every
joy, -J.P.- Mar 19, 2013 4:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 562 - A Feast for the Heart and Mind: "How
Fabulous!" Love, -S.A.-
Mar 19, 2013 4:28 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting
Engaged: "How romantic, beautiful, meaningful & spiritual !" - A.C.-
Mar 5, 2013 8:56 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting Engaged: "I love the words you have
chosen to express your self on how you feel about yourself and Steven. After
thirty three years I believe this is just wonderful !" Love and blessings, -S.P.-
Mar 5, 2013 8:54 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting Engaged: "Tasha, I really loved this
one my friend. May all of your days be filled with love, forever and ever."
-J. K.-
Mar 5, 2013 8:49 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting Engaged: "Congratulations on your
engagement! 33 years is just the beginning of many more happy years
together...forever and ever. What a wonderful thing to have Steve's
grandmother's diamond...also a tribute to the ongoing nature of life from
generation to generation. In September we will celebrate our 50th
anniversary. We're still best of friends and still very much in love!"
Peace, joy and love, dear friend! -A.L.-
Mar 5, 2013 8:46 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting
Engaged: "JUST BEAUTIFUL!" -P.H.-
Mar 4, 2013 12:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting Engaged: "Thank you for sharing this
endearing story" :-) Congratulations! -B.N.-
Mar 4, 2013 12:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting Engaged: "CONGRATULATIONS for making
it happen." Hugs, -J.K.- Mar 4, 2013 8:30 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 560 - Getting Engaged: "Oh! That sounds beautiful!
I would love to see a picture of it! I like your wedding vows. I wish we had
said "forever and ever". But I know that is what I meant." -I.P.-
Mar 4, 2013 8:28 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 559 - Wouldn't
It Make Ya Tired!: "Sounds like a nice soup! I experience this sort of thing
just about daily... You always have the best perspective! I love you!" -S.J.-
Feb 26, 2013 11:53 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 559 - Wouldn't It Make Ya Tired!: "What a riot! I
had the same under sink experience last week and actually found stuff I
didn't know I had. So now that I found it I'm cleaning my grandmother's
silver to be ready for Easter." Loves ya -D.L.-
Feb 26, 2013 11:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 559 - Wouldn't It Make Ya Tired!: "Soup sounds
fabulous!! all those great ingredients." Thanks! -T.K.-
Feb 26, 2013 11:22 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 559 - Wouldn't It Make Ya Tired!: "Wonderful
piece. Truly special." -M.K.-
Feb 26, 2013 11:21 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 558 - We Need
Celebrations: "Well said and celebrations make the year go round, always
something to look forward to next, Holidays also can bring rituals. Rituals
give meaning to our lives no matter how trivial the act or event." -A.C.-
Feb 17, 2013 9:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 558 - We Need Celebrations: "Yes, I inherited my
sentimentality to my mother and grandmother. They never ever forgot a
holiday!" -S.R.-
Feb 17, 2013 9:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 558 - We Need Celebrations: "I just ordered Over
and Over for my granddaughters!" Thanks Love -L.T.-
Feb 17, 2013 8:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 558 - We Need Celebrations: "Dear Tasha, I truly
love holidays!!! It is wonderful to have you remind me and to reinforce what
I too believe in such an eloquent manner!! I will search for Over and Over
as a gift for my grandson!" Love and Gratitude, -L.P.-
Feb 17, 2013 8:34 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 557 -
Valentine Love: "Hi Tasha thank you for the beautiful meaning of Valentines
Day." Love and blessings to you and those you love. Always, -H P.-
Feb 14, 2013 11:05 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes
and Beams: "Hi Tasha, Thanks for all of your Heartwings.. This one as well
as all of your messages helps us all. I love the title of your new work: ”
Heartwings Lemonade Stand: How to Juice Life's Lemons.” Sounds super! Can't
wait until it is available." Lots of love and support, -D.W.-
Feb 6, 2013 8:52 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "Very sophisticated! Love
it." -V-
Feb 6, 2013 8:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "Tasha, That was a treasure
my friend. It was a great reminder to keep our eyes clear and our souls
bright. I look forward to your new book." God bless you always. Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
Feb 6, 2013 8:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "Tasha I don't know if you
ever read Richard Bachs 'llusions' but there was a line from it that I've
always remembered. it said 'We teach best what we most need to learn'. this
seems to be that same principle. hope you doing well. look forward to your
next publication." Love, -B.B.-
Feb 6, 2013 8:35 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "I have to admit that being
deadline free is one of the joys of my life. But then again, I'm not writing
a book, so I suppose that doesn't count. When are you aiming to publish? Let
us know!" -M.L.-
Feb 3, 2013 11:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "How very true!" -L.N.-
Feb 3, 2013 11:13 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "I liked today's
Heartwings" Love, -T.K.-
Feb 3, 2013 11:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 556 - Motes and Beams: "WOW! What a mouthful, and
you are so AWARE! I want to become more like you." -D.S.-
Feb 3, 2013 11:03 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 555 - On The
Right Track: "so true, Tasha~ and yes, it's always easier when we 'pick up'
on the signs sooner...I had a nice voice from the universe send a $10 bill
on the ground this a.m... on doggie walk~ thought it a sign that we were in
the right place at right time. I like when clocks double # as well as
12:34... that's a fun one too!" Love, -M.E.-
Jan 30, 2013 8:26 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 555 - On The Right Track: "Tasha,Thanks my friend.
I have always felt that coincidences are God's way of smiling at us from
Heaven. May your life continue to be full of wonderful ones." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.-
Jan 29, 2013 9:22 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 555 - On The Right Track: "Tasha, I thought this
was going to be one of your wonderful stories then stopped. It WAS a
wonderful story but you were sharing about one of those very familiar,
unglamorous things that occur in many families. Marilyn is the tech person
here and does what you do. Stephen and I are very lucky guys. You are very
right about those signals." Stay well and warm! Hugs! -G.L.-
Jan 29, 2013 9:12 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 554 - Sharing
Is Caring: "I really enjoy lighthearted things Tasha. With my ADD life
can be crushingly depressing from time to time. I find that things that take
one's mind off it all really helps one's attitude. Also focusing on what I
have to be thankful for really helps to change my attitude towards life.
Thanks for the uplift! :)" Have a great day! -M.C-
Jan 26, 2013 7:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 554 - Sharing
Is Caring: "Ahhh...the art of sharing...and to think some never learn
to do it! Thanks again for Heartwings." Love, -A.V.-
Jan 24, 2013 12:01 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 554 - Sharing Is Caring: "Tasha, What a beautiful essay on sharing my friend. May you
always share with the joyous heart." God bless you always. -J.M.-
Jan 21, 2013 8:41 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 554 - Sharing Is Caring: "Tasha, When Lu asks me
where I want to go out for dinner I tell him I want to go to the Mexican
restaurant nearby. He loves to eat there. It's such a small thing and it
makes him very happy. So I am happy that he enjoys himself so much. We both
enjoy it that way. :)" Thank you for sharing. -M.C.-
Jan 21, 2013 8:36 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 554 - Sharing Is Caring: "Hi Tasha, Thank you for
your message. I appreciate the heartwing notes." -T.C.-
Jan 21, 2013 8:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 554 - Sharing Is Caring: "I feel the same was
about sharing with loved ones. Thanks for sharing this with me." -B.L.-
Jan 21, 2013 8:21 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 553 - What Do
I Bring To The Moment?: "Am wishing us all good luck, but this is certainly
what we can strive toward. -S.D.-
Jan 14, 2013 8:35 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 553 - What Do I Bring To The Moment?: "Very
profound. Mindfulness, Zen, - yet life is what you say below. We are a
conglomerate where the past, future and present are one soup." Thanks, -R.T.-
Jan 14, 2013 8:30 AM
Happy new year, Tasha! Thank you for sharing your experience and reflections
through Heartwings Love Notes. Many of them speak directly to me, like the
one below." May the kindness you extend in our sharing come back manyfold to
you! -M.F.-
Jan 14, 2013 8:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 553 - What Do I Bring To The Moment?: "How you put
things into words!" Lots of love, -A.V.-
Jan 14, 2013 8:12 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 552 - Counting
My Blessings for the New Year: "Thank you for this beautiful Love Note!"
Wishing you peace and joy this New Year. -Pax, W.G.-
Jan 8, 2013 8:58 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 552 - Counting My Blessings for the New Year: "May
your new year be filled with wonderful opportunities to be grateful." Wishes
reciprocated with all my heart." -R.Z.-
Jan 8, 2013 8:56 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 552 - Counting My Blessings for the New Year:
"Gratitude definitely is where it is at! My heart is grateful for the likes
of you truly." -G.L.-
Jan 8, 2013 8:55 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 552 - Counting My Blessings for the New Year:
"Happy New Year to you! I have made ONE resolution.... and it has to do with
allowing gaps and silent periods in conversations. I've thought of it every
day. So... it's a good resolution for me. Although you have phrased yours to
NOT be a 'resolution' .... it actually sort of IS a resolution... in that
you'll continue to think, think, think about your gratefulness. :)" -M.R.-
Jan 8, 2013 8:53 AM
(Jan 2012 Dec)

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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 551 - Yule
Celebrations Kindle the New Light: "This message is indeed a model for a
wonderful year. Thanks so for being YOU!" -D.F.-
Jan 1, 2013 9:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 551 - Yule Celebrations Kindle the New Light:
"Love the Yule tide story Tash. For many years bringing in the New Year for
me was not to celebrate but surround me with a few friends. I really pay
attention to the people who start of my New Year with. Somehow I feel they
will be close all year. Happy New Year Tash as I look upon New Year’s Eve as
a sensitive and spiritual event." -C.L.-
Jan 1, 2013 9:35 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 551 - Yule Celebrations Kindle the New Light:
"Tasha, thank you for the Yule message and thank you for being a constant
bright spot in our lives." Hugs and Happy New Year! -G. and M.-
Jan 1, 2013 9:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 551 - Yule Celebrations Kindle the New Light:
"Thank you, Tasha. Your wise and informed words are wonderful! Happy New
Year! (I wish that I'd been able to spend holiday time on
the East Coast!)" -M.H-
Dec 31, 2012 10:26 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 548 - The
Lights of Christmas: "Yes, driving around and looking at all the Christmas
lights was a tradition at our house during my growing up years. The
Minneapolis paper would have a contest of decorated homes and then would
list the winners and all the rest in the paper. My folks would sit down and
plan out our route to see as many as possible. Then we'd come home to hot
cocoa and popcorn. It was a wonderful time. Enjoy your holiday season and
all the 'pitty lights'. It does have a way of lifting the spirits." Love,
Dec 10, 2012 9:21 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 548 - The Lights of Christmas: "GREETINGS, TASHA!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts now and always... I really like your
perspective on today's commercialism! such loving peaceful way of looking at
it." blessings to you and yours, -R.O.-
Dec 10, 2012 9:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 548 - The Lights of Christmas: "Dear Tasha, Your
message is uplifting. Thank you" -J.M.-
Dec 10, 2012 9:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 548 - The Lights of Christmas: "Thank you, Tasha!"
Wishing you light and brightness! Lots of Love, -T.C.-
Dec 10, 2012 9:10 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 547 - The
Gifts of Christmas: "Tasha yes it is the giving that counts. I am certain
money is easiest but think of the effort of the buying, deciding and
wrapping the gift. This only comes with someone really turned on by
Christmas. Like you say passing it on is good and I did know someone once
who actually gave a gift to someone and forgot to take out the original card
that came with the gift. So be it. It is Christmas after all. Have a Blessed
Christmas." Love Ya -C.M.-
Dec 3, 2012 8:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 547 - The Gifts of Christmas: "Again you trigger
sense memories, Tasha. Three or four years ago when my 2 brothers and I were
cleaning out my Dad's things we came across unopened Christmas presents. We
frowned and fretted. I thought awhile and then had an epiphany. Now, I am
wearing some of those gifts my Dad never opened. Part of him lives on his
oldest son." Hugs!! -G.P.-
Dec 3, 2012 8:23 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 547 - The Gifts of Christmas: "Thanks so much my
friend. Leo Buscaglia once said: 'There is no lesser or greater gift: if
the gift is love.' -K.P.-
Dec 3, 2012 8:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 547 - The Gifts of Christmas: "It is so true." -L.Y.-
Dec 3, 2012 8:21 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 546 - Winter
Thoughts: "Tasha so true. Just look at the animals and they flow with the
rhythm of the seasons. That is why I love Alaska in the summer as I love the
sunlight." -C.P.-
Nov 26, 2012 9:34 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 546 - Winter Thoughts: "This approach to time is
often called native or African time! I love it!" -T.S.-
Nov 26, 2012 9:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 546 - Winter Thoughts: "Thanks Tasha…we are even
feeling this way in Texas…it is getting dark between 530pm and 600pm..we
just want to tuck in at night…Thanks for sharing your Thoughts!" Lots of
love, -D.W.-
Nov 26, 2012 9:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 546 - Winter Thoughts: "Tasha, You completely
captured my own feelings about the dark winter nights my friend. I will pass
this one on. Have a blessed Christmas season." Wishing you every joy, -J.P.-
Nov 26, 2012 9:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 546 - Winter Thoughts: "Hi Tasha, You're speaking
of something very familiar! In the winter we feel like going to bed at
5:00PM.... whereas in the summer.... when it's 11:00PM we say: 'Let's go out
and work in the garden.' Happy Day! it's my 66th birthday today (11-25-46)
and I've had a good day!" Cheers from Fairbanks at -24*F. -M.K.-
Nov 26, 2012 9:06 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 546 - Winter Thoughts: "Hi Tasha, I agree with you
whole heartily, even with the weather down here in Florida. Right now, it's
47 degrees outside (and dropping). Even though the days can bring warmth of
maybe close to 70 degrees, but not for long. Sun sets just before 5:30PM
Most of the activity is between 10 AM and 5 PM . It all makes sense." My
love and blessings -E.L.-
Nov 26, 2012 9:04 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous
Life 545 - Expectations: "Thanks for the sound advice. This is actually
something I have noticed more recently that life is so much happier when you
can detach from the outcome of expectations if it doesn't go how you had
expected it too especially in relation to other people. It eliminates so
much unnecessary frustration that we ultimately have control over how it can
make us feel but we can't change other people so why all the fuss? :) -R.W-
Nov 21, 2012 9:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 545 - Expectations: "Dear Tasha,
I like this Heart wings. Thanks," -B.N-
Nov 21, 2012 9:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 545 - Expectations: "IMPORTANT
STUFF here , Sweetie. Expectations ruined my first marriage. What a painful
way to learn! I love you; love your messages. Thanky Hapsgiving! xoxo -C.K-
Nov 21, 2012 9:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 545 - Expectations: "Thank you
Tasha for the perfect timing of your Heartwings Joyous Life 545:
Expectations. Wishing you and yours a blessed day and a Holiday Season
filled with love and peace." -L.W.-
Nov 21, 2012 9:21 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 545 - Expectations: "How I love
synchronicity. This morn at the Oneness Center what we all talked about was
our Expectations and how they can get in our way, same type of deal." -S.D-
Nov 21, 2012 9:17 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 545 - Expectations: "Happy
Thanksgiving dearest Tasha. You are a gentle vibrant beacon of Devine Light.
I so admire your letting yourself shine with such honesty and beauty." With
great love, respect and gratitude, -B.J.-
Nov 21, 2012 9:14 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 545 - Expectations: "Great
article Tasha, Yes we are so hard on ourselves. In such times I take a deep
breath and look around me to see the beauty around me and remind myself I am
part of that. Have a lovely Thanksgiving and for once just eat what you
desire and enjoy the mouthwatering flavors of the season." -C.M.-
Nov 21, 2012 9:10 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 544 - Haste
Makes Waste: "Hi Tasha, Somewhere in there it reminded me of Alice in
Wonderland. Don’t remember the exact quote but it was something like this
'the more hurried I go the more backwards I get'. I loved your last sentence
for more opportunity and serendipity." -C.M.-
Nov 13, 2012 8:49 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 544 - Haste Makes Waste: "Your article is
beautiful and full of truth! I always hope you well!" -G.L.-
Nov 13, 2012 8:43 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 544 - Haste Makes Waste: "Once again, you are
right on target!! When I slip back into my 'reporter racing deadline' mode
just to get to an appointment or do something only moderately important, I
wind up running in circles LITERALLY at times. Marilyn usually tries to calm
me down. Haste not only makes waste -- it doesn't get you there any faster.
I also don't have the multi-task focus I used to have in my professional
years. I'm trying to come to terms with all of this and make life less
Hugs! -G.R.-
Nov 13, 2012 8:41 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 544 - Haste Makes Waste: "Many thanks for many
your many notes - do shine-on." -J.N.-
Nov 13, 2012 8:36 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 544 - Haste Makes Waste: "Tasha, What a treasure
this one is my friend. I will do my best to cherish each moment as it comes
and thank God for them all. I will also strive to take my time more. Hurry
is the enemy of happiness." Wishing you every joy, -J. P.-
Nov 12, 2012 8:36 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 543 - The
Perfection of the Flower: "This is so beautiful. Thank you so much for
sharing this one with me. It has touched my soul more than words can
express. You are a wonderful friend." Sending luv, hugs& smiles your way. -G.H.-
Nov 6, 2012 8:06 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 543 - The Perfection of the Flower: "Dear Tasha,
My Mom passed away very gracefully, surrounded by her family on Thursday,
November 1st. I just read your Amaryllis story and it really touched my
heart. Mom loved this flower and always gave each of her children one for
Christmas, so that we could have a lasting gift to enjoy as it grew from
bulb to beautiful flower. We did have hospice to help us all thru the death/
rebirth of our beautiful mother. Hope that you and Stephen are well, thank
you for your words of wisdom." Love -J.B.-
Nov 6, 2012 8:02 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 543 - The Perfection of the Flower: "How
wonderfully said" -A.C.-
Nov 4, 2012 8:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 543 - The Perfection of the Flower: "Wow! Top
notch!" -V.K.-
Nov 4, 2012 8:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 543 - The Perfection of the Flower: "We are, and
we are so blessed, huh? Beautiful analogy dear friend." -S.D.- Nov 4, 2012
8:20 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 542 - The
Honored Dead: "Tasha I feel the same as you. Our departed have passed over
to another frequency and are always glad to visit us and anxious to know we
miss them and yet not hold them back from their journey. Departed loved ones
are near us often and sometimes I sit and without even trying go into a
trance. That is when I know someone dear is near. Hurray! For Halloween and
for a time we can celebrate being with them. To me there are no barriers in
this world if we just understood more about frequencies and energy because
it is what we are minus our physical bodies. Or something of that nature.
Nice article to get us thinking." HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! -C.K-
Nov 1, 2012 8:27 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 542 - The Honored Dead: "I am writing also to tell
you that I liked what you wrote about Halloween. Also in Italy we had the
tradition of remembering the people we loved and that are not with us any
more, but they are present in our hearts. I remember the particular sweets
we had, dedicated to them, when I was a child. Nowadays Halloween is a
consumistic anniversary, devoid of the deep meaning it had before." Love
and hugs. -Donatella- Bologna, Italy
Nov 1, 2012 8:21 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 542 - The Honored Dead: "Hi, Tasha!, A very short
take on life after death because I'm still a little groggy after my drive
home from Long Island yesterday. My weekend visit with my two Brothers was
shortened because of "Sandy". I left here Saturday morning and returned by
yesterday evening. Not good for body or soul. But the brief time spent at
the old family home was very nice. There are dozens of family pictures
everywhere with loved ones -- almost all who are gone. But as I chatted with
my Brothers and gazed at the pictures, I thought of those relatives as when
they were alive and all the good times we spent together. Most of my
memories were from childhood and perhaps idealized but so what. I thought of
those loved ones during the horrific drive home. It made the drive a little
less frustrating." Hugs! -G.F.-
Nov 1, 2012 8:19 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 541 - I am
Grateful for Happy Memories: "I loved this! Thank You so much !" -J.Y.-
Oct 25, 2012 10:08 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 541 - I am Grateful for Happy Memories: "Tasha,
This is one of your best notes ever. It touched my heart and brightened my
soul. I will pass it on to my friends." May all the threads of your life
weave a tapestry of joy. -J.M.-
Oct 23, 2012 10:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 541 - I am Grateful for Happy Memories: "how well
said, time is illusive , all we have is the present moment." -A.C.-
Oct 23, 2012 10:09 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 541 - I am Grateful for Happy Memories: "Glad to
see a better use of binders instead of binders full of women! hee hee hee.
I did this too with the album of photos of where I first taught before I
returned last week. I so enjoy your Heartwings." Dance in the light of
spirit -S.G.-
Oct 23, 2012 10:04 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of
the Mind: "You are such an inspiration for me." Thank you and love, -K.J.-
Oct 15, 2012 10:09 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "I have always felt this
way about people . . . both fascinates and saddens me that so many folks
phrase things in the negative. I am so thankful that my Mom's glass is
always half-full, and that she imparted that sense in me. Very profound. Our
mind's emotions can cloud things for sure." -T.J.-
Oct 15, 2012 09:59 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "Big hugs," -A.H.- Oct
15, 2012 09:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "Tasha, What a wonderful
truth you have shared here. We so often in this life get what we expect. I
hope then that you always expect love, joy, laughter, and light to meet you
wherever you go my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J.S.-
Oct 15, 2012 09:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "Good thoughts Tasha,
It's like this, what ever your thoughts are they evolve into material or
physical things. Because thoughts are things. Have a good week Tasha and say
hello to Steven and give him a hug from me." Love and blessings -E.B.-
Oct 15, 2012 09:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "Brilliant as always.
thank you for sending these to me." Luv ya my friend!! :) -M.G.-
Oct 15, 2012 09:38 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "So true!" -K.L.-
Oct 15, 2012 09:37 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 540 - Power of the Mind: "This is really great,
Tasha! Thank you for this." -M.D.-
Oct 15, 2012 09:35 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning
To Do It My Way: "Tasha, It is amazing how much our
childhoods can shape us my friend, for good and for ill. I know that you
hold nothing against your parents for raising you how they thought was best.
I do admire your desire to grow beyond those limitations and fully express
yourself and share your light today. God bless you always." Wishing you
every joy, -J.G.-
Oct 10, 2012 8:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning To Do It My Way: "As so frequently
happens, Tasha, you've spoken to my concerns. Best wishes for attracting
attention (in a healthy way)!" J.P.
Oct 10, 2012 8:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning To Do It My Way: "Clear as a bell
and right on target as always!" Hugs, -A.P.-
Oct 8, 2012 9:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning To Do It My Way: "Self
sabotage!!!!!!!!!! I learned it too. Even our own mothers taught it to us,
because it was done to them. Ones own body holds patterns that do it on its
own, with a headache, stomach problems, etc. Good stuff tash." Lots of love,
Oct 8, 2012 9:41 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning To Do It My Way: "Wonderfully
profoundly written." -T.N.-
Oct 8, 2012 9:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning To Do It My Way: "Hi Tasha, I am
scared to death by public speaking. However, I never conveyed this to my
children. They both were speakers and acted in plays in high school. Ana was
a student representative. Maybe because I never shared that fear with them
they were able to be the best persons they could be. What they were, was
nothing like me. I was very hyperactive and painfully shy. You could find me
most often in my room reading. Alone. And that is where you can find me
today. :) You are a wonderful person Tasha and I appreciate you for who you
are." God bless, -M.C.-
Oct 8, 2012 9:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 539 - Learning To Do It My Way: "D. thought it was
great, too - she said that you have a way of putting things into words that
she may have observed but not formulated into concrete ideas." Hugs, -A.K.-
Oct 8, 2012 9:21 AM

Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively
Thinking: "Tasha—A great article. It is something I work hard at and
becoming aware of all that I say. Sometimes it is hard in the midst of
seeing people you love have problems and have to rise above that you don't
take on their karma. Certainly I need to go through a lot of things I have
collected and now I try to see who in my life has mentioned something they
like and if I am not using it I give it willingly. An old friend of mine and
myself met one day and I saw she had a lapis lazuli ring. Then I remembered
a beautiful pair of ear rings I had in my drawer that would match her ring
and the next time we me I gave them to her. She immediately put them on and
it was such a nice feeling to know the ear rings were finally being used by
someone who greatly appreciated them." -C.P.-
Oct 4, 2012 11:46 AM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "Tasha... Don't I identify w/this
one now!!! making lots of progress daily just doing what's in front of me...
Finding my yoga practice invaluably helpful as well as being properly
nourished! words of wisdom, as usual~ so helpful to know yer 'out there'
doin' it too!" xoxoxoxox -R.L.-
Oct 2, 2012 9:18 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "Thank you Tasha for that helpful
hint. Our feelings can and do run away with our mouths sometime." -S.T.- Oct
2, 2012 9:17 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "This is tough!" -P.G.-
Oct 2, 2012 9:16 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "My Dear Tasha (whom I love), All
of my ADD books say that if you have a large job that is intimidating or
daunting, break up the task into manageable segments. I 'm guessing that
many small bits don't seem so overwhelming. I break it up into 20 minutes to
an hour's worth of work. I get boxes and label and sort them into groups.
For instance office supplies, household items, craft items, candles, books,
towels, decorations, etc.- whatever. I work one hour or more if I want. Each
item goes in it's own box. You always can open to see how much is in each
box and seal them when they are full. You can go by what is in the front of
the storage unit and work towards the back, from one end to another, by the
square yard measure, or however you'd like to break it up. As you go along
you can have boxes for what you don't want or need, want to give away, Yard
Sale, throw away, use, or want to store for future use. Line them up around
you with the labels facing you. Then there is a place for everything. You
can label as you go. It is easier when things are grouped into categories.
And not so overwhelming. Slow and steady wins the race, and it will
eventually get done. Don't let it buffalo you. It can be done. :D Thinking
encouraging thoughts for you. You CAN do it, in your own time, or in your
own way." Love to you and Stephen, -M.C.-
Oct 2, 2012 9:14 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "It's a task all right. I actually
have reorganized our linen closet since arriving home and actually enjoyed
it. Congrats on how aware you are, dear One." -M.R.-
Oct 2, 2012 9:12 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "Dear Tasha, I try to take your
positive thinking to heart. Some days are better than others. We're not
talking any major crises. Just the daily chores which -- more and more --
fall to me because of Marilyn's physical problems. Our finances -- or lack
of -- are another subject you also must combat. I tend to grind my teeth and
have to remind myself of all that is good in our lives. It's good to have
friends like you to help me steer a truer course in life." Hugs! -G.H.-
Oct 2, 2012 9:10 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "Tasha, Well written my friend and
full of wisdom. We all need to see that our random thoughts aren't us. Not
everything you think is true and what you choose to think is what you choose
to become." Wishing you every joy, -J.S.-
Oct 2, 2012 4:56 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "Practical and useful!" Love,
Oct 2, 2012 4:56 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "Hi Tasha, Thank you for this
article. One of my main adages is this: "Say 'yes' before you say 'no.' In
other words, look for the positive possibilities first." Cheers....... we
had our first snow today. Gotta get those boots out! -M.S.-
Oct 2, 2012 4:56 PM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: ""Thanks for the reminder. I read
this to Donna just now on the Cross Sound Ferry." Hope you two are well.
Peace and love, -D.E.-
Oct 2, 2012 11:04 AM
Re: Love Notes 538 - Positively Thinking: "What an appropriate subject right
now. Thanks for the uplift and the guide to looking at a daunting task with
a positive attitude. I am making a serious effort to apply 'The Secret'."
Hope you are both well. -H.T.-
Oct 2, 2012 11:01 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 537 - Life
Persists: "Tasha, I loved this one and will pass it on my friend." Wishing
you every joy, -J.P.-
Sep 25, 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 537 - Life Persists: "Hi Tasha, I love that you
see these important messages all around us. What a beautiful image that
stump is!!! Thank you." -B.V.-
Sep 25, 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 537 - Life Persists: "Everybody in the world needs
to read this. Wow!" Blessings, -S.K.-
Sep 25, 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 537 - Life Persists: "Beautiful Tasha. The old
stump could be me. At this age many doors close as we lose friends and many
changes happen that for a moment we feel abandoned. Yet, like the turn of
the tide at it's ebb something new happens that would be like the small
healthy branches that spring up around the stump. -C.N.-
Sep 25, 2012 10:21 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 536 - Seeds
and Sprouts: "Just what i needed right now! Funny how that works." Thanks
and Hugs, --K.R.-
Sep 17, 2012 7:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 536 - Seeds and Sprouts: "Tasha--your article is
beautiful and it seems you plant your seeds all year long for many to take
notice. Sometimes what we say even in an off hand way is so important.
Everything we say and do can be so subtle we can't imagine the universal
importance because it is so subtle." -C.M.-
Sep 17, 2012 7:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 536 - Seeds and Sprouts: "Love love love love
this!" -S.W-.
Sep 17, 2012 7:35 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 536 - Seeds and Sprouts: "Lovely metaphors, Tasha.
I always enjoy these so." -J.W.-
Sep 17, 2012 7:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 536 - Seeds and Sprouts: "Tasha, Thanks for this
handful of seeds. I will drop them in a few friends' hearts and hope they
take root". Wishing you every joy, -J.P.-
Sep 17, 2012 7:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 536 - Seeds and Sprouts: "That is lovely" -J.M.-
Sep 17, 2012 7:12 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 535 - Summer's
End is Fall's Beginning: "I also have always thought of Fall as the
beginning of a new year, even though I am not in school anymore. Now that I
am a gardener, I see the death of my garden, but I know that perennials have
dormant roots and that the annuals have left their seeds behind for the next
season. -J.D.-
Sep 14, 2012 8:42 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 534 - Mouth
Versus Stomach: "Tasha so glad to hear you have adjusted to your new way of
eating your food. I always remember my old boss saying he had a lot of "ain't
that ashamed fat"--meaning he felt he had to eat leftovers. As for me I have
taken to just eating my food when I eat. No reading - no distracting -- only
enjoying each chew and sitting up straight and allowing myself to have a
relationship with the food I eat. It is hard sometimes as I used to read the
newspaper while I ate, but no more." -C.D.-
Sept 4, 2012 9:47 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 534 - Mouth Versus Stomach: "I am very familiar
with this subject. It still surprises me when I select, for instance, a
veggie pizza instead of my once favored pepperoni or sausage pizza. My
stomach has taught me some things are more acceptable than others these
days. Whenever I resist, I regret. I still remain adventurous in sampling
food but am much more careful".
Hugs! -G.J.-
Sept 4, 2012 9:47 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 533 - Special
Treats: "Tasha, I will count this as one of my own unique treasures for
today my friend. I will pass it on as well. God bless you always." Wishing
you every joy, -J.M.-
Aug 29, 2012 8:26 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 533 - Special Treats: "I dream to live in Maine
like Jessica Fletcher "Murder She Wrote"! If I could trade places she would
be the one I would pick!!! Thank you for the nice read!" -S.L.-
Aug 29, 2012 8:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 533 - Special Treats: "Tasha--Again a lovely
article. As goes the saying "Life passes us by while we are busy making
plans". Growing older also helps as we slow down and can enjoy the moment
and learn to live and love with the seasons and to eat all nature provides
as it is harvested. -C.B.-
Aug 29, 2012 8:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 533 - Special Treats: "Nicely said. Good to stay
present…. Or as the “Baba” said: “Be here now!” -B-
Aug 27, 2012 7:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 533 - Special Treats: "Reading your Heartwings
Love Note is such a special treat too." ox
Aug 26, 2012 9:48 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 532 - Enjoying
the Abundance of the Season: "Nice article Tasha! It is my favorite for food
and my favorite time of the season. Summer getting ready for a nights sleep
and Autumn getting ready to take its place. Though I do love the Summer and
all its colors and glory!!!" -L.B.-
Aug 19, 2012 8:02 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 532 - Enjoying the Abundance of the Season: "We
know what you mean. We went to two Farmer's Markets this morn and have now
eaten fresh Utah peaches and corn for our dinner." Blessed be! -S.D.-
Aug 19, 2012 7:55 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 531 - Giving
Up Giving Up: "Thanks Tasha! This is a great message!" -T.C.-
Aug 13, 2012 3:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 531 - Giving Up Giving Up: "Nice lesson here for
me too! thanks Tasha" xo -M.L.-
Aug 13, 2012 3:26 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 530 - The Best
Of Care: "Thanks for opening your heart to share this with us, Tasha! And so
glad you've come through safe and sound!" Good healing and health to you! -J.S.-
Aug 6, 2012 9:59 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 530 - The Best Of Care: "Hi Tasha, Glad to hear
all went well. I had that surgery about a dozen years ago. Keep those
healing thoughts!" -R.J.-
Aug 6, 2012 9:54 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 530 - The Best Of Care: "Dear Tasha, I have just
come back from a trip around Italy to visit my sister, brother and cousins,
and I am really happy to hear that you went through the gall bladder
operation so successfully. It is very helpful to be able to face everything
that happens in our life as an experience to learn from, as you always do.
For this reason I am so glad to be in touch with you and be your friend."
love -D.F.-
Aug 6, 2012 9:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 530 - The Best Of Care: "So Glad your surgery
turned out well and that your daughter was there for you along with the
staff. We are so fortunate to have loved ones with us and have some member
of the family near by. So many do not. I shall still send you healing light
in your days of recovery and hope you enjoy the rest of this summer." -C.P.-
Aug 6, 2012 9:49 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning
Up For Company: "I loved this my friend. I pray that all you do is done out
of love. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jul 25, 2012 8:07 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "I'm answering your
heartwings because thinking of you is a good and positive way to feel
grateful for the gifts i have and that motivates me to think of god. -V.C.-
Jul 25, 2012 8:05 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "We always try and
clean up a little more when guests are coming. I think everybody does. Maybe
it's a way we "tidy" our minds in advance. I find that often the chi is
moving more freely after rearranging and putting things away where they
belong. Things are done to the best of our ability in the time allotted.
That leads to a feeling of satisfaction and inner peace. Preparedness is the
word I would use. We are ready for anything. That makes me feel happy, and
satisfied that I have honored my guests in the best way I was able to. Then
we are ready to welcome company with open arms and hearts :)" -R.T.-
Jul 24, 2012 8:18 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "Excellent and how
so honest. LOL!!! You are awesome." Sending luv, hugs & smiles. -S.D.-
Jul 24, 2012 8:13 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "This was a really
cute one and I am so glad you enjoy your guests!!" -G.K.-
Jul 24, 2012 8:14 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "Good article
Tasha--and just like my home my gardening needs work. Tonight I sat down in
the garden to weed as bending over doesn't work any more. That meant another
bath tonight as my bottom and legs had all kinds of weeds and debris. Now I
can go into my loving bed and get under the sheets and have a good sleep." -C.M.-
Jul 24, 2012 8:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "Dear Tasha, Having
guests is an occasion for cleaning and tidying up for me too! For this
reason I smiled when I read your message. I know that this happens to
several friends of mine. Thank you for sharing bits of your daily life."
love from -D.F.-
Jul 24, 2012 8:11 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 528 - Cleaning Up For Company: "Another beautiful
Heartwing." -S.J.-
Jul 22, 2012 9:43 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 527 - A Lesson
In Detachment: "Tasha, I have to tell you a funny story. This weekend we
stopped at a garage sale and there were selling the larger Bennie Babies and
there they were the Pumpkin and Turkey. When I moved I had to throw them out
and it made me sad! So as you said, some things belong to you, they will
return back to you." This was an appropriate write for me to read and giggle
at." My love to you, -L.K.-
Jul 16, 2012 10:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 527 - A Lesson In Detachment: "Oh Tasha, you have
no idea how I needed this. Tears of reality are in my eyes while reading
this. Thank you so much for sending this to me." Luv & hugs. -M.G.-
Jul 16, 2012 10:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 527 - A Lesson In Detachment: "Tasha, I loved this
and can relate to it as well. Keep up the wonderful writing my friend." God
bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.B.-
Jul 16, 2012 10:23 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 527 - A Lesson In Detachment: "Hi Tasha, thank u
for the reminder. Time is long overdue for me to let go of old clothes, to u and Stephen." -S.B.-
Jul 16, 2012 10:21 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter
to my Heartwings Friends and Family: "Dear Tasha, As a very new reader I
just want to say that you too are very appreciated and as I get to know you
a little better it amazes me that our thoughts are inclined to be very
similar. I found your notes while researching the name of my home,
Heartzease. I thank you, dear one for your posts, I look forward to reading
them for a long, long time. You are a blessing in my life. Thank You ! " -S.L.-
Jul 9, 2012 9:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "Every week I print your weekly message and mail it to a friend who
lives in a retirement center in Charlton, Mass. She sends it on to a friend
of hers who lives in New Jersey. We love your Heartwings, Tasha Halpert!
Thank you! -P.B.- Jul 9, 2012
9:09 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "It's amazing how you can touch someone! I used to send my Thought
of the Day daily and then after a few years it felt more like a chore than a
labor of love. I went down to a few times each week, and have over 200
people on my Thought of the Day list. Every here and there send a similar
message. I sure do not want to be anyone's spam! Do know that I love your
writings and ideas and images, and read them thoughtfully each time. Thanks
for being YOU, -A.L.- Jul 9, 2012
9:01 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "Every week I print your weekly message and mail it to a friend who
lives in a retirement center in Charlton, Mass. She sends it on to a friend
of hers who lives in New Jersey. We love your Heartwings, Tasha Halpert!"
Thank you! -P.K.- Jul 9, 2012
9:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "Hi Tasha, I always take the time to read your emails, as I can
always count on them to give me a lift or a different perspective, or both."
Thanks for what you do, -W.L.-
Jul 8, 2012 7:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "Tasha, Heartwings Love Notes is always a favorite of mine and the
subjects you choose seem to fit in as every moment in your life relates to
something either in the here and now or in the past for me. It seems
amazing. Thank you for sharing this with me. I am pleased that you stay
positive in this world filled with critical people and anger let loose. I do
feel cherished and loved as your words resonate with the human spirit." Have
a great day. -H.T.- Jul 8, 2012
7:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "Dear Tasha, I may be a "lurker" and not respond to each of the
jewels that come into my Inbox as Heartwings. I may read a whole bunch at
once or wait in anticipation for one. However, know that your continued
creativity and insights are a joy to me and I am grateful that you are
continuing to express yourself for all. Regarding: It is my joy to write my column and I expect to continue to do so for a long
time. However, it is important to me that if you don't have the time or the
inclination to read my Love Notes that you let me know so I can take you off the
list. While I would be sad to see you go, I fully understand how busy life is
and how important it is to focus on what is best for you to be doing at the
time. NO, please do not take me off your
list! -R.P.- Jul 8, 2012 7:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 526 - A Letter to my Heartwings Friends and
Family: "I hope to be a part of your list for many many years to come my
friend. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jul 8, 2012 7:01 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 525 - Happy Birthday Time: "I never thought of the 4th as being the
least commercial of holidays, but how true & I am thankful for that. I can
see w/the Boston pops concert & folks come from miles & states beyond that
it may be the most 'spiritual' of celebrations/holidays - in listening to
the special music performed. IT is music w/more meaning, inspiring deeper
reflection - related to our great country. We definitely could use more of
that in today's culture of superficial values Happy 4th of July" Peace &
Love, -A.C.- Jul 2, 2012 9:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 525 - Happy Birthday Time: "One of my favorite
Holidays. A time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and, a
time to remember, amidst the cynics around us, we still have the BEST nation
in the world. It's not just about the fireworks!! " Thanks, -G.P.-
Jul 2, 2012 8:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 525 - Happy Birthday Time: "Oh Tasha, this is
wonderful!! thank you so much for sending it to me. Sending love & hugs.
Please be safe. :) -T.K.-
Jul 2, 2012 8:41 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 524 - The Lazy Days of Summer: "That is lovely Tasha" -B.L.-
Jun 25, 2012 5:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 524 - The Lazy Days of Summer: "Hi Tasha, it's
always a pleasure to hear from you
Summer is my favorite time of year. Less clothes to bother with, warm
breezes blowing on my challenged lungs, I can leave the windows open to hear
the summer rains to sooth my mind, & sit on the grass, and feel closer to
the earth -the ever so challenged earth - & consume the richness of it soil
with each breath. Love the summer!" peace & love to you. -S.B.-
Jun 25, 2012 5:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 524 - The Lazy Days of Summer: "Yay! Summer! I
dislike heat and humidity as well but i prefer it to the freezing cold.
Enjoy!" Much love to you, Tasha! -C.P.-
Jun 25, 2012 5:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 524 - The Lazy Days of Summer: "Nicely said, and a
good reminder. Like you, I have little tolerance for high heat and humidity
and here in VT, summer means a pretty good sized group of insects interested
in tearing your flesh, or drinking your blood. We've deer flies, which fly
directly at you at high speed, and bite you in a painful gulp. They're
incredibly aggressive and vicious. There are black flies, with a smaller
bite, but more of them. They get through the screens, and in through the
quickly opened and shut doors, finding you as you sleep. Likewise, the no
see ums. And of course, Mosquitoes Vermontus. I always wish for the late
summer and fall, when the insects' short life has gone (all but a few, and
the bees and wasps angrily flying around as winter approaches). Early
October is divine, there's no arguing it. But truly? I'm good from late
August until about February. As winter comes on, I like the clean, pollen
and insect free, crisp bite of the winter air. It all seems so pure and
beautiful. Still, when all is said and done, it's truly lovely to walk
outside without having to take the time to add multiple layers of clothing,
or to reverse the process when returning indoors." Thanks for the reminder.
Jun 25, 2012 5:37 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 524 - The Lazy Days of Summer: "Tasha, Like you I
love the light of summer but am no fan of the heat. Thanks for sharing this
wonderful Camping memory too." Have a wonderful day. Wishing you every joy,
Jun 25, 2012 5:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 524 - The Lazy Days of Summer: "I hate
summer...always have. I do not like heat and humidity!! Fall used to be my
favorite, but now it's spring with it's refreshment after often harsh's new life and hope. Ah well, I try to take pleasure in each
season where I find it." With lots of love and gratitude for our friendship.
Jun 25, 2012 5:31 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 523 - Gifts My Father Gave Me: "I remember Dad's return from World War
Two. He seemed ten feet tall in his Army dress uniform. The war left
invisible scars on Dad never discussed until a short time before his death
in '02. Dad rarely cried. He did once when putting me on the train to head
south for basic training in '59. He showed pride when I returned home on my
first leave in uniform. Dad internalized most of his emotions but was a very
proud man. After his death, we found several WW2 medals in an envelope
hidden away for decades. They were part of the horrors seen but never fully
discussed. Eulogizing my Dad, I talked about the sum of a man's life being
his legacy. So, here's to Dad on his day. -G.L.-
Jun 18, 2012 8:37 AM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 522 - That Great Teacher, Pain: "I hope that your life has little pain
and much joy my friend." Thank you. -J.P.-
Jun 12, 2012 8:08 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 522 - That Great Teacher, Pain: "Wonderful
message..." Thank you. -R.L.-
Jun 12, 2012 8:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 522 - That Great Teacher, Pain: "I wasn't brought
up with physical pain. I remember the one spanking my father gave me and I
see why but I didn't know better at the time. I was 7 or 8 and the cherry
tree outside the dining room window was covered with white blossoms when I
arrived home from school. I was thrilled; so gorgeous so I got the washtub
and filled it with the garden hose and proceeded to climb the tree and pick
every single flower and floated them in my "lily pond". When he came home
from work he was aghast; no cherry pies or cherry olives coming up. He was
as shocked as I was when he paddled me swiftly but lightly. And when I was
fifteen my mother slapped my mouth once and oh, did I deserve it! I never
said that again. Normally they'd just give me the look and I'd know better."
Jun 11, 2012 9:51 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 522 - That Great Teacher, Pain: "Ah, those good
old school days with inkwells atop wooden desks. So well remembered." Hugs!
Jun 10, 2012 7:57 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 521 - Entrainment: "A wonderful explanation of entrainment. I have
experienced it with most of my partners. I'm hoping that I may be able to
recognize it more quickly than in the past." Bright Blessings, Tasha! -D.W.-
Jun 3, 2012 9:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 521 - Entrainment: "Dear Tasha, I know I haven't
written lately and commented on your newsletters, but they are always
wonderful and I always enjoy reading them. I can always relate to them."
Thank you so much, Love and hugs, -J.M.- PS. Dieting and fixing meals
for someone who is not on a diet makes me fat
Jun 3, 2012 9:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 521 - Entrainment: "Good one my friend. It is
amazing how connected we all are to each other in this life." Wishing you
every joy, -J.H.-
Jun 3, 2012 9:43 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 520 - Remembrance: "Dear Tasha, This is a really lovely piece. Reading
your way of celebrating this day adds to the richness. Since I work all
holidays, they become somewhat blunted, so I appreciated sharing your
remembrance of loved ones. It helped enrich this weekend for me!" Trust you
are enjoying a lovely day, -E.L.-
May 29, 2012 10:43 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 520 - Remembrance: "Tasha my dear friend, this was
well written for this Memorial Day. They also who are in Spirit remember us,
and enjoy how we remember them." Love ,Peace and Harmony -E.P.-
May 29, 2012 10:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 520 - Remembrance: "Dear Tasha, Thanks for the lovely Memorial Day
missive. During my childhood and teen years, I spent a lot of time with my
maternal Grandfather. He was my surrogate Father during WW2 when my Dad was
serving overseas. Grandpa was born in 1887 in Barbados and served in the
Danish Navy in WW1. He was a living history teacher for me. I carry warm,
wonderful memories of the time we spent together." Hugs, -G.Y.-
May 28, 2012 9:41 AM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "I love this Heartwings so much. I asked a good
friend recently is it ok for a 56 year old widow to try to catch the bouquet
at a wedding. She said go for it. Sat night I did just that and caught the
bouquet. What a thrill. I danced all night with my 32 yr old daughter and
her friends and had a blast. Today my knees are so sore but it was worth it.
Thank you again for your inspiration." Love -L.M.-
May 22, 2012 6:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "Tasha, May you always feel
as young as your soul my friend." God bless you always. -J.J.-
May 22, 2012 6:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "Thanks, Tasha! I do a
pretty good job on the "outside" part of my body. It's the "inside" that
requires more and more tweaking but I've almost come to laugh at the sounds
I/we make getting up from the sofa, etc. When I was one and twenty...."
Hugs! -G.A.-
May 22, 2012 6:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "RIGHT ON!" Thank you,
again, Tasha! -M.K-
May 22, 2012 6:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "Hi Tasha, When I was a
child, My Grandma was old. She was always old to me. But my mother was never
old until she got Dementia. Some years ago I had a friend who was about 80.
She said she always felt in her mind that she was probably in her 20s. That
is different from what she felt in her body. Thank you for your sharing's."
Peace & Light, -L.J.-
May 22, 2012 6:19 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "Hi Tasha, What an apropos
Heartwings. Today I attended a 70th birthday. Ben is so young at heart that
we both forgot that we have known each other for the better part of 20
years. I met folks that had been at Belcourt parties years ago and we all
looked the same. So you are right. Age is a only what we think it is and
thinking youthfully keeps us healthy and able to deal with whatever life
rewards us with each day." -H.T.-
May 22, 2012 6:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 519 - How Old Is Old?: "Thank you for this
beautiful post." -W.G.-
May 22, 2012 6:02 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 518 - What My Children Taught Me: "Really great as well. Amazing
insights for any family member, especially for a mother. I hope your
gallstones don't cause too much grief. Sorry to hear you both aren't feeling
your best!" -L.G.-
May 15, 2012 9:56 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 518 - What My Children Taught Me: "I like you
learned so much from our sons, but I guess I was a slow learner for then I
had to teach school for 14 additional years so I could learn from 30 more
children each year. It's true that I learned much more than I taught, and
I've been very lucky in many of them staying in touch. This Thurs. eve we're
invited to another wedding reception of girl I taught when she was ten and
now she's 27. My cup overfloweth with JOY!" -S.D.-
May 15, 2012 9:54 AM

Re Heartwings Love Notes
517 - Belonging: "Tasha, What a great piece of wisdom my friend. I will
pass it on. Wishing you every joy," -J.M.-
May 7, 2012 7:42 PM
Re Heartwings Love Notes 517 - Belonging: "Tasha... this is so on-target

with most of humanity.
hive. What a great confirmation! We really are a herd/pack species so tend
to form groups and categories for placement so to speak. It is in our
nature. Organizations fill those needs somewhat on a social level. The
hierarchy is probably: Universe, World, Country, State, County, City, Town,
neighborhood, home, room. I guess it helps prevent chaos and finds its order
in things. In the end we are One and when we go to the great beyond,
boundaries are abolished....yay! The UN is an example of earthly
organization to unite the above, but it has gone amuck sadly so." -J.R.-
May 7, 2012 7:38 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 516 - Habits: "Very nicely written. I also started to eat less than I
used to...aging has some good sides...saves $. I had a gallbladder attack in
Feb. No more pizza for me." -J.R.-
May 2, 2012 9:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 516 - Habits: "This is so true of a lot of
things.....Love 'ya!" -A.W.- May 2, 2012 9:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 516 - Habits: "Tasha, I hope that your gall
bladder hasn't been troubling you much lately my friend. You are right
though, diet is a lifetime choice not a two week fad. I hope that you
continue to eat healthy and stay healthy." Wishing you every joy, -J.S.-
May 2, 2012 8:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 516 - Habits: "Thank you, Tasha." -R.D.-
May 2, 2012 8:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 516 - Habits: "How true, Tasha, I too, had a food
“enlightenment” last October when my doctor said I had Type 2 diabetes. My
A1c was at 7.5 (normal A1c is 5.5-5.9). I read all I could online and in
books. I found that the hospital diabetic dieticians were clueless as to how
to eat for “recovery”. They only tell you how to maintain or keep control of
diabetes. If one followed their advice it would eventually lead to severe
complications and the use of insulin.
What did I find out? That diabetes is reversible, curable, and it is easy to
do. IT IS NOT sugar that is the culprit, albeit sugar also is not a health
food. IT IS the “heart healthy grains” that are being pushed upon America
causing weight gain and sugar problems. Why? Because carbohydrates turn to
sugar quickly and cause high blood glucose and weight gain. I found that
even real oats for oatmeal made my sugar rise to OVER 220! So I began eating
no to low carb. What does that mean? NO WHEAT, OATS, BARLEY, etc etc NO
Pasta, no rice, no bread, no crackers, no cereals and even no potatoes or
starchy high glycemic veggies. I have been following in essence the Paleo
diet with a few tweaks and in 7 months have lowered my A1c to 6.0! Lost 15
pounds, still wish that were more. And cholesterol went from 267 to 198.
Still working on that. Thought you would find this interesting," Love -K.L.-
PS: Hope that darn gall bladder gets better or goes away!
May 2, 2012 8:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 516 - Habits: "Hi, Tasha, Sorry to hear of your
ailing gallbladder. Thanks for your thought-provoking missives! -Jacqueline-
May 2, 2012 8:09 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 516 - Habits: "Tasha! Sorry to hear about your
gall bladder problem! (I had mine removed about ten years ago.) Anyway, I,
too, have a new eating regimen....... Apples!
May I snail mail you a copy of the two page article... -M.E.-
May 2, 2012 8:08 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Great reminder to stay in the now." -J.P-
Apr 24, 2012 10:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Hi Tasha, Warm and loving
greetings to you from all of us. I love your Heartwings…always however this
one is extra special to me.: Thanks for all your lovely messages." Lots of
love, -D.W-
Apr 24, 2012 10:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Tasha, I think we have all
experienced that feeling at one time or another my friend. This was a great
one and I will pass it on." Wishing you every joy, -Joe-
Apr 24, 2012 10:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Tasha… I think sometimes it
is only when we are a little older that these realizations come and how
important it is to cherish those moment… and of the importance of indeed
‘being present’. Thank you so much for the reminder. I am going off on
vacation and it is a good and timely thought to hold." Thank you and so very
much love, -J.N-
Apr 24, 2012 10:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Ahhh, the sweet memories of
our children's young years. Yes, sometimes we don't savor them as we ought.
So, I'm trying to consciously savor time with our granddaughters." Love you,
Apr 24, 2012 10:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Beautifully stated, Tasha."
xo, -R.J-
Apr 24, 2012 10:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "I saw a huge white crane
(usually only see the grey/blue ones here) and a huge falcon or hawk this
morning on way to bus w/Pace....I thought them reminders helping me to pay
attention to the present :)" -W.K-
Apr 24, 2012 10:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "Amen!" -B.B-
Apr 24, 2012 10:02 PM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "This is beautiful, Tasha. Thank you for sharing
and reminding us how precious memories are." hugs -M.M-
Apr 23, 2012 1:28 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 515 - Hand In Hand: "It's all one memory of growth
and love." -S.G-
Apr 23, 2012 1:28

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 514 - Bring On the Clowns: "Tasha, I liked that one. God uses both
wisdom and foolishness to guide us on our way at times. Whenever I get too
serious in my own life I remember that laughter and love are both members of
the same family. Keep the great stories coming. Wishing you every joy, -J.S.-
Apr 16, 2012 9:43 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 514 - Bring On the Clowns: "How often these
wonderful coincidences move us in the right direction, Tasha! A lovely
story… and bless you for sharing as always." Much love, -J.C.-
Apr 16, 2012 9:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 514 - Bring On the Clowns: "Thank you for sharing your story, Tasha!"
Apr 15, 2012 10:08 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 514 - Bring On the Clowns: "I love it. Just this
morn I went to pick up Melody for church. She climbed in and was searching
her purse for her sunglasses. Yeah! yes it was bright after a week of rain.
She said, "Just a moment; I'll get them out of my car. She then found her
phone had fallen out of her purse last night and was in the car as well. She
looked on it, and she found the care center where her mother is had called
to tell her her mom had fallen. So good thing she had her phone. Nothing
happens by chance. Yes, let's do bring on those clowns." -S.D.-
Apr 15, 2012 10:05 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 513 - Nature's Easter Parade: "Times change; styles get updated...but
memories are the BESTEST. Great piece Tasha." Hugs cuz I love you so, -C.B.-
Apr 10, 2012 10:56 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 513 - Nature's Easter Parade: "Tasha, What a
glorious sharing my friend. I hope that you had a beautiful Easter. I will
pass this on too." God bless you always, wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Apr 10, 2012 10:54 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 513 - Nature's Easter Parade: "I am so glad you
could explain this to me. I found myself wondering what it was all about
today... I felt kind of like I feel during Xmas... but the way you described
this I could hear succinctly! I love the spring. I was here working on the
astrology piece all day... getting really stressed, a huge headache came
on... I pushed myself to go out for a walk and once out I saw flowers every
where I didn't see just a few days ago. Wonderful to come home to this from
you." xo -L.G.- Apr 10, 2012
10:50 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 513 - Nature's Easter Parade: "Ah, that brings
back memories!" -S.T.- Apr 10,
2012 10:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 513 - Nature's Easter Parade: "I was just thinking
about no one wearing big Easter hats much anymore. Special shopping for that
special Easter outfit. In the south, though, it is still a tradition, esp.
black women, to dress to the nines, for Sunday church going each week. It is
nice." -J.R.- Apr 10, 2012 10:36

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 511 - A Hello How Are You Kind of a Day: "Dear Tasha, I always enjoy
your loving heartwings that help to take care of our inner selves. I am
really grateful for all of them." Love -D.F-
Mar 28, 2012 8:57 AM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 511 - A Hello How Are You Kind of a Day: "Light is SO important for
everyone! Loved hearing about your early childhood experience." Sending you
lots of love and a big hug! -A.D.-
Mar 26, 2012 5:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 511 - A Hello How Are You Kind of a Day: "Tasha,
What a great piece my friend, I passed it on to all of my friends. Have a
glorious Spring." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Mar 26, 2012 5:43 PM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 511 - A Hello How Are You Kind of a Day: "My darling Tasha, I am
reading David Wilcock's book "Source Field Investigations" and he explains
how our bodies literally have LIGHT in them. WOW. How comforting is THAT? I
love you and your Heartwings!"
Hugs -C.B.-
Mar 26, 2012 8:46 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 511 - A Hello How Are You Kind of a Day: "Lovely,
Tasha" -B.W.-
Mar 26, 2012 8:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 511 - A Hello How Are You Kind of a Day: "It is so
true! I'm freaking out on the redbud, forsythia, pears, cherries, dogwoods &
colorful bulbs everywhere! I have been cultivating the practice of sun
gazing every sunrise and sunset that I can. I feel it feeds me in a
different way (sure is wonderful when living next to the ocean). My earliest
memory is of perceiving the light too, Tasha and is always present in most
young childhood memories. Your Heartwings is so lovely and inspiring, thank
you for all you do. " Love, -K.H.-
Mar 26, 2012 8:42 AM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 510 - The Jewels of Memory: "Beautiful! By the way, when you mentioned
the laundry on the lines, the sheets, I could at that moment see, smell the
beautiful laundry my mother did and I would compare hers to the neighbors.
My moms always won the prize in my eyes !" Thank you for the memory -K.L.-
Mar 21, 2012 8:38 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 510 - The Jewels of Memory: "Great metaphors!"
Mar 21, 2012 8:33 PM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 510 - The Jewels of Memory: "Tasha, I loved this one my friend and
will pass it on. I pray that all of your moments are precious and all of
your memories are joyous." -J.M.-
Mar 20, 2012 8:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 510 - The Jewels of Memory: "So true. I just
received some items from my grandmother's ring, my
grandfather's wedding tie, etc. They are pearls of happy memories." Bless
you my friend! -A.H.-
Mar 20, 2012 8:02 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 509 - Differently Abled: " I love you Tasha! I enjoy being in this
world with you. You bring joy into it. :)" -M.V.-
Mar 13, 2012 6:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 509 - Differently Abled: "AMEN !" -A.D.-
Mar 13, 2012 6:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 509 - Differently Abled: "Very thoughtful. I like
your wording "differently abled". I hope it catches on in the world. -J.K.-
Mar 13, 2012 6:30 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 509 - Differently Abled: "Thanks for your insight
Tasha!" -G.H.- Mar 13, 2012 6:08
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 509 - Differently Abled: "This is very good Tasha,
Thanks." -B.N.- Mar 13, 2012 6:06
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 509 - Differently Abled: "Tasha, I truly loved
this my friend. It was so wise and so true. I have two mentally disabled
sons, yet they have taught lessons in love and compassion to so many in this
world. They are forever a blessing. Keep writing. God bless you always.
-J.C.- Mar 13, 2012 6:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 509 - Differently Abled: "Thank you dear Tasha… We are completing a
retreat and our Board and Council meetings begin next week. This is a lovely
gentle note upon which to commence our meetings." Bless you and so very much
love, -J.S- Mar 11, 2012 8:17 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "Beautiful! I felt like a child
reading a story!" -T.R.- Mar 6,
2012 9:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "Tasha, I
really loved this one my friend and I passed it on to my friends." Wishing
you every joy, -J.B.- Mar 6, 2012
9:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "Thank you
Tasha ! This story is a delight." -C.P.-
Mar 6, 2012 9:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "Really nice!!
How about a children's book? You do great illustrations!!!" Love, -A.L.-
Mar 6, 2012 9:35 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "I love this
but miss your little blessing at the end!" Big hugs, -T.N.-
Mar 6, 2012 9:16 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "A neat fable,
thank you. If I were still teaching I'd read it to my class of fifth
graders." -A.H.- Mar 6, 2012 9:06
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 508 - The Great Big Heart, a Fable: "Well said.
this is what an American Indian would also say." Love -C.A.-
Mar 6, 2012 9:05 PM

Re: Heartwings Love
Notes 507 - The Reward of Virtue: "Tasha, Thank you my friend. Wise thoughts
there too. If you don't love yourself, how can you ever love your neighbor
as yourself? Keep loving God, yourself, and others my friend." Wishing you
every joy, -J.M- Mar 3, 2012
11:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 507 - The Reward of Virtue: "Tasha What a beautiful piece. I am so thrilled to read these words. It does my heart good to know it is ok to give myself credit when due." Thank you dear. I love you. -E.C.-
Feb 27, 2012 10:44 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 507 - The Reward of Virtue: "Tasha, your article can not be more on time. I also was brought up the same way and our parents and society meant well. It was how they were taught. I recently discovered that I am talented and do not need anyone but myself to pat me on the back. I do not allow walls to come up any more. This is all very new to me and I like it. I am happy to hear you feel the same way about yourself, as you are a very talented writer. Thank you for this article. It is not a
coincidence, but a confirmation that we are on our way to better things." Love you, -L.K.-
Feb 27, 2012 10:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 507 - The Reward of Virtue: "Yes! We should treat ourselves at least as well as we treat others around us!" Dance in the light of spirit. -S.G.- co-author of Psychic Children and Soulful Parenting
Feb 27, 2012 10:40 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 506 - A
Listening Ear: "You're right.... acknowledging others' pain." Thank you! -M.L.-
Feb 22, 2012 10:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 506 - A Listening Ear: "Today, I lost my Aunt Ruth
who lived in Florida. My father's younger sister. Alan knows her. Anyway,
because of YOUR Heartwings, I had a touching conversation with TWO people.
We talked of acknowledging others' pain, and how it is soo important to do
so. One had lost a favorite pet dog yesterday, and the other had recently
lost a pet dog. Tasha, this is a VERY VERY important topic.... ESPECIALLY
these days of being rushed and isolated. " -M.K.- Feb 22,
2012 10:03 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 506 - A Listening Ear: "Yes, my friend, you are so right." -J.T.-
Feb 19, 2012 12:54 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 506 - A Listening Ear: "Hi Tasha, thank you
for Heartwings. Some of them resonate so well with me! Here, I am
curious to know why you no longer offer help unless someone asks for it.
Some will never ask although they would be very happy and reassured if it is
offered, even if they do not accept it." With love, -M.B.-
Feb 19, 2012 12:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 506 - A Listening Ear: "Ram Dass said that
help is often just us trying to make people be what we think they ought
to be or giving them what we think they need without taking them into
consideration at all ! He and Paul Gorman wrote a wonderful book called,
How Can I Help? The listening ear is what I have had a hard time teaching
one of my sisters. Finally I found the words and told her I do not want a
conversation; I just want to talk about this. Since then she has been
a better listener. Am sure this Heartwings will help many!" -B.J.-
Feb 19, 2012 12:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 506 - A Listening Ear: "True wisdom is
yours...." -S.D.- Feb 19, 2012 12:44 PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 505 - What is Most Precious: "I love seeing and living life in the moment. So much to absorb, thank you, Tasha!" -G.A.-
Feb 17, 2012 8:34 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 505 - What is Most Precious: "Lovely, as usual :-)" -M.G.-
Feb 17, 2012 8:30 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 504 -
Angels Everywhere: "Angels in our midst. thank you, I've always been blessed
with angels and hope to be one too, there is nothing more fulfilling. thanks
for sending, a great story." -D.C.- Feb 7, 2012 8:33 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 504 -
Angels Everywhere: "So beautiful Tasha, thanks for this story." -P.L.-
Feb 6, 2012 8:52 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 504 - Angels Everywhere: "How lovely! Thank you
much, dear Tasha!" -C.L.- Feb 6, 2012 8:50 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 504 - Angels Everywhere: "A lovely story" -J.M.-
Feb 6, 2012 8:46 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 504 - Angels Everywhere: "Tasha, I love that
story." -B.H.- Feb 6, 2012 8:44 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 504 - Angels Everywhere: "That is beautiful!!!" -R.T.-
Feb 6, 2012 8:42 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 503 -
Skating: "Tasha, I was a slipper instead of a skater myself too my friend. I
never did learn to skate and glide across the ice. Don't feel bad, though.
One day in the greater life to come you will not only be able to glide
across the ice but also soar across the sky!" God bless you always. Wishing
you every joy, -J.D.- Jan 31, 2012 9:01 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 503 -
Skating: "Oh yes, I know about failed hopes. I am hoping (again?) that this
year will improve our lot. I meant to tell you how much I enjoyed last
week's Heartwings. As always, you really can relate!" Love and Hugs, -J.K.-
Jan 30, 2012 12:30 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 503 - Skating: "Oh I love this Tasha, we are so
much alike sometimes. There use to be a pond behind my grandma's house, (I
spent a lot of my years with her) and I would be given second hand skates,
and OH how I wanted to skate and I would go over by myself and try and try.
During school outings my ankles would not hold up either and I would be on
the side watching others. I always dreamed of being on the ice in the Ice
Capades..... was not to be and have not seen skates even though my son
and ex husband could skate like the wind, since he was a kid..... your right
when we learn our limits..... hard to take sometimes." Hope you are keeping
well. Hugs -S.M.- Jan 30, 2012 12:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 503 - Skating: "It is such a relief when we
finally recognize that we do have limits … just things that we can't do and
maybe don't really even WANT to do. Ice skating was like that for me, too.
And I really hated it. I knew I was supposed to like it and want to master
it, but my ankles always hurt and I was always falling and getting ice up my
butt. So when finally, I gave myself permission to stop trying, it felt
sooooo good! -M.K.- Jan 30, 2012 12:20 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 502 -
My Childhood Reading: "That is so beautiful Tasha. It effects all of our
childhoods, Thank you for being, Very lovely reminder of our free will to
create what is necessary for our time on earth. -B.H.- Jan
23, 2012 9:23 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 502 - My Childhood Reading: "Tasha, As a fellow
fan of Winnie the Pooh I can tell you that this one brought a lot of joy to
my soul. I think that all of us carry a hundred acre wood in our hearts
where love and kindness reign. Have a wonderful week. Wishing you every joy,
-J.M.- Jan 23, 2012 9:17 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 502 - My Childhood Reading: "I love this,
Tasha.... esp the last few lines from "I believe..." xo -M.L.-
Jan 23, 2012 9:16 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 502 - My Childhood Reading: "Yes, being read to is
the best give all children can be given. We were so blessed. -S.D.-
Jan 23, 2012 9:14 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 500 - A
I enjoy each one that you've created from your heart's song. This one is
special, too. It is #500! " 5's and 0's, such as 500 or 550 - An important
message that lets you know that your life changes are in Divine and perfect
order. They are a gift from God and in alignment with God's will for your
higher self." May you continue to encourage us and share these sweet tidbits
of your earthly wisdoms. -J.T.- Jan 10, 2012 4:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 500 - A Reflection: "Thank you for the
clarifications Tasha. You are so blessed with talent, insight and the
communicators gift - and I am blessed to be part of the recipients of your
bounty. However, I did not have all the details that you sent out with your
latest. So a BIG THANK YOU. Will check it all out and in the meantime, I
wish you continued great writing adventures in 2012 and all you wish for
yourself." With affection, admiration and appreciation. -R.T.-
Jan 10, 2012 4:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 500 - A Reflection: "Tasha, My friend let me just
say: "Hi Tasha, You may no longer give household hints, but you certainly give
hope-filled tips!" -R.J.- Jan 9, 2012 3:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 500 - A Reflection: "Tasha, My friend let me just
say: "Keep writing. Keep sharing. And keep making this world a little better
with the wings of your heart." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Jan 9, 2012 3:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 500 - Another Milestone: "
Congratulations Tasha on over
500 Issues
of Heartwings Love Notes."
Lots of Love -Doc D.-
Jan 9th 2012

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 499 -
New Year's Resolutions: "I could not have said it better. Nicely expressed
from your heart." -J.R.- Jan 2, 2012 10:57 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 499 - New Year's Resolutions: "Tasha! Wonderful!
You're sooooo spot on! Being grateful for all that we have." Warmly, -M.R.-
Jan 2, 2012 10:56 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 499 - New Year's Resolutions: "This is lovely,
too. I didn't make any resolutions per se, just to try to be fully
conscious" -S.D.- Jan 2, 2012 10:46 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 499 - New Year's Resolutions: "Happy New Year to
you too! And thanks for the reminder about resolutions." -D.W.-
Jan 2, 2012 10:44 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 499 - New Year's Resolutions: " Hi Tasha, Very
Nice!! Happy New Year to you and Stephen!! I always enjoy your thoughts!"
Love and hugs, -J.M.- Jan 2, 2012 10:42 AM
(Jan 2011

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Re: Heartwings Love notes 498 - A
Child's Heart: "To me this perhaps is the most beautiful piece you've ever
written. It has touched me deeply. L&L, -S. D.- Dec 27,
2011 11:15 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 498 - A Child's Heart: "Tasha, this one was so
beautiful and heart touching my friend. I lost my own Mother 25 years ago
but my memories of her are like they just happened yesterday. I will surely
pass this on to my many friends. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Dec 27, 2011 11:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 498 - A Child's Heart: "Dear Tasha, Thank you for
the Christmas missive. Once again, it resonates strongly here. Here's to a
new year full of good health and happiness for you and Stephen." Hugs! -M.
and G.- Dec 27, 2011 11:06 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 498 - A Child's Heart: "Beautiful memory to have
of your mother... it is wonderful how as we grow older, we are blessed to
see the Truth with Love. -O.G.- Dec 27, 2011 10:57 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 498 - A Child's Heart: "Thanks Tasha, I've been
experiencing all those wonderful childhood Christmas memories this season
(as I always do) -J.M.- Dec 27, 2011 10:56 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 498 - A Child's Heart: "Dear Tasha, I always enjoy
your readings and this one especially resonated with me. Thank you! -J.S.-
Dec 27, 2011 8:59 PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 497 -
Breathe In the New: "Thank you Tasha for bringing inspiration to my life
through your lovely Heartwings. God Bless you and have a joyous Christmas
and a Very Happy New Year. -L.N.- Dec 22, 2011 8:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 497 - Breathe In the New: "That was beautiful and
so thoughtful! Thank you, Tasha! Merry Christmas to you and Stephen! -C.S.-
Dec 22, 2011 8:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 497 -
Breathe In the New: "Thanks for this heartening message!" Blessing to you
both during this special season. our family is gathering in Florida this
time! -D.F.- Dec 20, 2011 4:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 497 - Breathe In the New: "How beautiful that
perception!!! Happy beginnings and endings, dear Tasha!" -zozozomE-
Dec 20, 2011 4:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 497 - Breathe In the New: "Hi Tasha, Thanks so
much! Very helpful…." Lots of love, -D.M.- Dec 20, 2011 4:46

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 496 -
Celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas: "Lovely....I value the gift of
time with my friends." -R.S.- Dec 12, 2011 12:10 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495
Waiting 101: "Oh Tasha, what wonderful ideas! I love them! Thank you for
sharing your thoughts!" -J.G.- Dec 12, 2011 8:51 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495 Waiting 101: "We enjoyed an early morning
walk yesterday as we watched the lunar eclipse. And we exercise together for
fun.-S.N.- Dec 12, 2011 8:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495
Waiting 101: "Wonderful, as always. It is full of happy memories and ideas!"
-J.L.- Dec 6, 2011 9:18 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495 Waiting 101: "We were raised much the same
way, and I am so grateful. Holidays are Joyful to me; not stressful. We
always put up our tree Dec. 23, St. Lucia's Day in Sweden. Open gifts
Christmas Eve and stockings Christmas morn like you after our Belgian
Waffles. Here in 'Mormanville" they decorated the Fri. after Thanksgiving
and take it all down Dec. 26. We leave ours up until Jan. 6 when the Wisemen
arrived. It's all symbolic and I love it all! We light a Menorah as well
given to us by Jewish friends when we lived in Conn." -S.K.-
Dec 5, 2011 8:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495 Waiting 101: "You bought the memories
back... I totally forgot my dad, my brother and I would also go on the
morning of Christmas Eve shopping for a tree... 1. We didn't have a car so
we walked about 1-2 miles one way.. Trees on that day were marked down to
move fast... :-) We celebrated Christmas eve with 12 cold dishes <herring in
tomato, herring in sour cream, beet salad, etc etc> and at 11 pm we'd open
gifts.. Then Christmas midnight mass... again walk one mile each way... can
remember numerous times it started snowing coming back from midnight mass...
We took down the tree after January 7th... following Eastern Rites <folks
from Lithuania> I am still amazed I sat through a long mass at such a young
age! Thanks for bringing back the memories.. blessings -R.D.-
Dec 5, 2011 8:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495 Waiting 101: "A great perspective during
these busy times." Thanks, Tasha. xo -J.W.- Dec 5, 2011 8:45
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495 Waiting 101: "Tasha, Thanks for this gift my
friend. I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas. -J.M.-
Dec 5, 2011 8:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 495 Waiting 101: "Thanks for the lovely
message!" -D.H.- Dec 5, 2011 7:44 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 494 - A
Walk Down Memory Lane: "Thank you my friend. May all of your life be full of
such loving memories." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- Nov 29,
2011 8:55 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 494 - A Walk Down Memory Lane: "Sounds like you
had a memorable AND enjoyable Thanksgiving, proving you CAN go home again."
Hugs! -G.A.- Nov 29, 2011 8:50 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 494 - A Walk Down Memory Lane: "Very nice
sentiments of special and loving times." -J.R.- Nov 28, 2011
8:47 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 494 - A Walk Down Memory Lane: "How
lovely.........I too took at trip down memory lane this Thanksgiving, but in
my mind. Nebraska was a great place to grow up and I was so close to my
grandparents, aunts and uncles and cousins without me having any siblings
plus I had time to entertain my own imagination and freedom to wander safely
anywhere." -S.D.- Nov 28, 2011 8:42 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 493 -
Thanks To Give: "Tasha, what a great meditation for this holiday my friend.
Thanks for sharing it with us. God bless you always." Wishing you every joy,
-J.M.- Nov 23, 2011 6:03 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 493 - Thanks To Give: "As always, hits with an
arrow to the heart with thoughts. The "Kids" are cooking Thanksgiving dinner
here. Guess we do clean up. Hope it's a very Happy Day for you and Stephen.
-G.L.- Nov 23, 2011 6:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 493 - Thanks To Give: "Tasha, As usual your words
of wisdom come in appropriate occasions and I get inspiration from them The
reference to honesty really hit home as I find myself making excuses for
every shortcoming and the many things left undone for the lack of a sense of
priorities." Have a very happy Thanksgiving. God bless you both. Love, -H.T.-
Nov 23, 2011 5:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 493 -
Thanks To Give: "Wonderful message, Tasha. Thank you and a joyful
Thanksgiving to you and Stephen. -R.S- Nov 21, 2011 9:58 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 493 - Thanks To Give: "Love this one Tasha. It's a
keeper. :) -M.C- Nov 21, 2011 9:52 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 492 - Saving Grace:
"To this day, I’m extremely grateful to my grandmother for teaching me how
to mend clothing and about recycling, reusing, altering things for other
uses." Hugs, -A.A.- Nov 16, 2011 6:15 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 492 -
Saving Grace: "Tasha, Wise words my friend. I will do my best to fix and save
all that I can." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- Nov 14, 2011
8:16 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 492 - Saving Grace: "Hi Tasha, I taught my children
to sew on buttons. One of my sons was the best one for that. He later got
some carpet samples, from a carpet place, that was being discarded. He made
pillows from them. There are some still around. My boys (4) each took sewing
in school. 2 made shirts. 1 made a vest. I don't remember the other one. I
learned from early on to make do with what we had." Peace & Light, -L.D.-
Nov 14, 2011 8:16 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 490 - A
Note of Appreciation: "We can relate - all of us, including Misty our kitty,
stayed warm in our bed when it went down to 50 degrees in the house!" Hugs
to all, -A.G.- Nov 1, 2011 7:50 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 490 - A Note of Appreciation: "Nothing like losing
what you have for a bit to teach you to appreciate it even more." Wishing
you every joy, -J.R.- Nov 1, 2011 7:41 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 490 - A Note of Appreciation: "Thanks, Tasha, for
reminding us to be grateful. I once heard of a guy who on the shortest day
of every year goes down into the basement and flips the main breaker of his
house, shutting off -everything- for 12 hours. Then to symbolize the
returning strength of the sun, he flips it back on. Maybe this storm is just
mother's way of preparing us for the winter." -A.H.- Oct 31,
2011 7:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 490 - A Note of Appreciation: "Another literary
gem, Tasha! I have been very concerned for you, and others of course, as I
read about the terrible weather you are having. A candle light dinner sounds
very romantic. And it's good to hear that your electricity is back on!" Love
and hugs, -J.M.- Oct 31, 2011 7:12 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 489 -
All I Have Seen: "Tasha, Thanks so much for this bit of wisdom my friend. I
passed it on too. I will try from now on to live everyday as an adventurer
of life." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- Oct 24, 2011 11:24 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 488 -
Dealing with Fear: "Great example! I'm forwarding this to my mom." thx! ox -B.J.-
Oct 17, 2011 9:00 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 488 - Dealing with Fear: "This happening sounds
very familiar in our household, and rather than go into panic I respond by
saying aloud, "Nothing is lost in the mind of God" and Yahoo, it comes to me
where to look and sure enuf find. Thank you, God." -S.D.- Oct
17, 2011 8:57 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 486 -
Sometimes That's Enough: "I've done plenty of volunteer work across the yrs.
here & there. & am willing to do more when I have the free time. stopping to
talk to someone & connect may be the best of giving, whether we give $ or
not." Peace & Love, -A.C.- Oct 5, 2011 9:03 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 486 - Sometimes That's Enough: "I have been faced
with this also and have done the same. Unfortunately we can not give them
money, for it only gets them into trouble. I buy the homeless food. I bring
them food shopping and cigarettes if they smoke. I myself have to be
reminded that we can not change the world, but can perhaps make it better
for some. Beautiful heart warming story!" Love to you always, -L.S.-
Oct 5, 2011 8:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 486 - Sometimes That's Enough: "How sweet and
caring this is - you touch me - thank you! One day, many years ago, I passed
a woman with a sign "will work for food" long before this was commonplace. I
crossed my fingers and prayed that she would still be there after I sped off
to the market and brought back two bags laden with healthy and practical
food. Thank God she was there, and she was almost as touched as I was. I
will never forget this day. -A.P.- Oct 5, 2011 8:39 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 485 - Am I Talking To Myself ?: "Thank you for the reminder of the attitude of gratitude. There are many blessings every day. Your words of wisdom are much appreciated - I read your book "Heartwings" whenever there is something of which I need to remind myself - especially gratitude. Naming the car is quite common - and giving thanks for the things that function as they are intended - including my fingers, toes, arms, legs, etc. works." Love, H. T.
Sep 27, 2011 10:15 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 483 -
Paying Attention: "Good article, Tasha. We need to listen to that voice is our divine guidance." -R.S.- Sep 14, 2011 8:25
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 483 -
Paying Attention: "Some things are touching to me, others are your words
that I know will touch others as well. I do love you and your perspectives!"
-A.C.- Sep 13, 2011 8:26 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 483 - Paying Attention: "More echoes of my youth
which I try to pass on to Grand daughter Kaitlin. Thanks so much." Hugs! -G.A.-
Sep 13, 2011 8:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 483 - Paying Attention: "This is a good one. Thank
you for the reminder. :)" Hugs, -K.R.- Sep 12, 2011 8:57 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 483 - Paying Attention: "Dear Tasha, That write
was enjoyable. Imagine how lucky they were when the angels whispered
listen!!" Love -L.W.- Sep 12, 2011 8:52 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 -
Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "Hi Tasha, yes I can relate....and I share
your approach to being emissaries of peace in our everyday lives. Bringing a
little more light just with a considerate comment, a thank you, some
recognition of a job well done. Recently I was checking out and the checker
was carefully bagging an elderly woman's groceries for here as she had a
flight of steps to walk up. When she finished I let her know how nicely she
handled that and complimented her on how carefully she placed the fruits and
vegetables after weighing them. Those little touches mean so much to both
people. It is just our way of raising the energy in the world around us. YOU
know! Always lovely to read your missives...have a lovely Fall day." Warmly,
-E.L.- Sep 11, 2011 3:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "You always
give something to remember and be grateful for. Thank you, Special One. Yes,
interacting with a clerk is so much nicer than automation everywhere." hugs,
-M.M.- Sep 6, 2011 5:02 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "Shared
memories of smells, sights, sounds and first name exchanges when grocery
shopping." Thanks, -G.S.- Sep 6, 2011 5:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "Tasha, I
couldn't agree with you more my friend. I would far rather interact with a
person than a machine. A machine can't share a smile, a laugh, or a word of
kindness. Keep up the wonderful work my friend." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Sep 6, 2011 5:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "Love it! With
your permission, I will use it with my ESL students." -D.F.-
Sep 6, 2011 4:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "Hi Tasha, I'm
with you 100% on this. Smile and say 'Good Morning' and 'hello' as much as
one can. Interact with the store clerks.... even tell jokes! Your childhood
memories of asking clerks behind counters to fetch cans and food etc. is
reminiscent of the olden days.... Here in Fairbanks, one of those shops
existed until about a year ago. Hardware store." Thank you, as always, for
your column. Brief interlude. Nice ponderings. :) -M.S.- Sep
6, 2011 4:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "That one
brought back memories of shopping with my mother. Thanks!" -L.A.-
Sep 5, 2011 8:57 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 482 - Sociality Versus Efficiency?: "Tasha, I
enjoyed this particular write. All of your stories are very well written,
but this one brought back memories. I agreed with you, everyone is in a
rush. The new fangled check out stuff will snuff out the art of
conversation. Just one of many technology snafus. Not a fan of check out
yourself counters!" Have a good evening and happy dreams, -L.W.-
Sep 5, 2011 8:54 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 481 -
Riding Out The Storm: "Tasha, Thank you my friend. This Heartwings filled my
own present moment with happiness." God bless you always. Wishing you every
joy, -J.M.- Aug 29, 2011 10:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 481 - Riding Out The Storm: "Yeah...what a lot of
fearful projections, as usual. I do like your positive twist on that,
though, and will also strive to see things in that useful light!" love and
infinite blessings always. -K.H.- Aug 29, 2011 10:43 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 480 -
Winkles: "Thank you for the reminder. When the mirror shows more than we
wish in the way of wrinkles. I shall see them as a road-map of smiles and
concerns and remember to keep smiling!" Blessings, dear Tasha. -J.S.-
Aug 26, 2011 9:36 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 480 - Winkles: "Yes, you have a lot to say about
how to stay beautiful." -W.F.- Aug 25, 2011 7:34 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 480 -
Winkles: "My new progressive lenses must be defective because they make me
look like the area around my eyes have a lot more, uh, "character"! It is
infuriating to see women's magazines, especially those dedicated to an older
audience, with photo shopping used as a matter of fact, and advertising
pages of freeze 'n' fill products. I will admit to using Olay ProX and
liking the results, though. I've always said if I had enough disposable
income to have "work done" I would be better served by taking that money to
a travel agent and going to wonderful places in the world where my focus
will be on faces other than my own." -C.P.- Aug 20, 2011 8:41

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 479 -
Thinking of Mom: "Tasha, What a joy it was to read this my friend. I too
still share my triumphs and thoughts with my Mom even though she is in
heaven now, and yes many times I can feel and hear her response in my heart
and mind." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.M.-
Aug 15, 2011 2:48 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 479 - Thinking of Mom: "Very nice. I'm proud of
you, too!! My thoughts exactly about my mom. I miss sharing and chatting." -J.L.-
Aug 14, 2011 1:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 479 - Thinking of Mom: "Beautiful as always Tasha,
your writings inspire me always to try and be a better person. I did not
have the relationship with my Mother...she died when I was 20 and she was
45, I use to think she was just hateful the horrible things she said to me,
but with age I realize how much she must have been hurting, though it still
is something I work on to forgive. Anger only hurts us....and I think I show
it in my weight." Blessings and Hugs -S.J.- Aug 14, 2011 1:45
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 479 - Thinking of Mom: "Tasha that was lovely" -L.W.-
Aug 14, 2011 12:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 479 - Thinking of Mom: "Yes, it tis and I love
you. So there!" -S.D.- Aug 14, 2011 12:08 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 479 - Thinking of Mom: "I'm so sorry to hear of
your mom's passing... you were so fortunate, as you know, to have had her
for so long in your life. Losing one's mom is very difficult, and you never
get over it, I'm afraid. Mine has been gone for 15 years, and I still reach
for the phone to tell her something that I think would brighten her day and
make her smile. The memories are something that no one can ever take from
us." Love, -A.C.- Aug 14, 2011 12:00 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 478
Editing Life: "Tasha, like you I find the editing part of writing the
hardest. Often it takes longer to make the few corrections to make
everything just right than it did to write the entire piece in the first
place. Still, it is worth it to make it say what we need it to say. I loved
your idea of editing our thoughts and minds. It is a process I hope to
continue even if it takes the rest of my life to get it right." Wishing you
every joy, -J M.- Aug 9, 2011 5:08 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 478 Editing Life: "What an interesting
perception and twist!" -S.D.- Aug 8, 2011 9:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 478 Editing Life: "Nice mercury retrograde
piece!" -C.T.- Aug 8, 2011 9:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 478 Editing Life: "Thanks Tasha! I will enjoy
the editing process." Lots of Love, -TC- Aug 8, 2011 9:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 478 Editing Life: "Interesting Tasha. I often
feel the same way about refining and honing a painting. I just want to put
the initial 'thrust of it' out there and not have to work at developing it.
It is always rewarding when I do, though, of course. Life seems to have been
teaching me about a certain editing process in this last year-cleaning out
the apartments of people who move away (working for the property owners of
our house here in FL). It has been a lot of physical and psychological work-
sorting out and clearing 'stuff' that others just leave behind. I think I've
just realized something very symbolic and deep. I think I'm done doing this
now.." thank you -K.R- Aug 8, 2011 9:10 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 477 -
The Blessing of Now: "! forwarded this to many of my friends, such WISDOM!"
-SD- Aug 1, 2011 8:45 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 475 -
My Mother, Myself: "Oh, bless your dear and loving heart. I lost my mother
when she was 86 and I have never stopped missing her. Her birthday was in
August so to keep her memory alive and well I shall take a roll of quarters
to the local nursing home so they will have little prizes for Bingo, a game
she enjoyed in her later years. Thanks, Tasha, for another great read." Hugs
-C.B.- Jul 20, 2011 8:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 475 - My Mother, Myself: "Dear Tasha, I am sorry
for your loss of your mother. No matter how old they are -- and we are -- it
is a tough, life changing event to lose a parent. Having read your words, I
will cherish my mother more." Love to you and Stephen, -W.K.-
Jul 20, 2011 8:38 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 472 -
Goodbye Old Friend: "Tasha, I know that your friend is still smiling down on
you and watching over you. I think she would love this tribute to her too."
You are in my prayers. God bless you always. -J.M.- Jun 27,
2011 10:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 472 - Goodbye Old Friend: "I know your feelings so
very well. My heart is with you. Be of Good Cheer for what you know!" L & L,
-S.D.- Jun 27, 2011 10:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 472 - Goodbye Old Friend: "Tasha, This particular
entry of Heartwings was especially moving for me. I continue to both get in
touch with and release my deceased mother. This helped." -D.P.-
Jun 27, 2011 10:47 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 471 -
Fatherhood: "Dear Tasha, I so appreciate this piece on fathers. It has
definitely evoked so much within me, thanks so much!" Hugs, -L.D.-
Jun 20, 2011 5:57 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 470
Don't Shoot the Messenger: "Thank you so much Tasha… how very true,
everything can be gained by simply listening within – if we remember!" So
much love, -J.S.- Jun 13, 2011 8:54 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 470 Don't Shoot the Messenger: "Tasha, That is so
kind of you my friend. You are a real blessing. I really enjoyed this one
too. I will try to listen to my own body a little better from now on."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- Jun 16, 2011 8:58 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 469 -
Opening the Heart: "These are words to live by, my dear friend." -J.M.-
Jun 7, 2011 9:31 AM
Re: Heartwings 469 - Opening The Heart: "This was so well written it made me
cry! I will try to look at my mothers death differently now. Your Heartwings
made me face it instead of a quick prayer on Memorial Day." -S.E.-
May 30, 2011 8:36 PM
Re: Heartwings 469 - Opening The Heart: "Very touching, & thank you so very,
very much for all the heartwings you write & send. You are such a special
and spiritual person." -A.C.- May 30, 2011 8:32 PM
Re: Heartwings 469 - Opening The Heart: "What a beautiful message Tasha.
Thank you for sharing your love of life with us." -R.O.- May
30, 2011 7:14 PM
Re: Heartwings 469 - Opening The Heart: "What a special sharing. Thanks,"
-S.W.- May 30, 2011 7:02 PM
Re: Heartwings 469 - Opening The Heart: "Amen. thank you, so beautifully
expressed." -B.J.- May 30, 2011 6:34 PM
Re: Heartwings 469 - Opening The Heart: "Thank you for this dear Tasha…
thinking of you on this special day." With our love, -J.W.-
May 30, 2011 6:32 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 468 -
In Memory Of Those We have Loved and Lost: "Your sentiments are as mine.
Many more remembrances to 'embrace' our loved ones. As you say it
well...also, those who have shared their lives with ours this time around.
Nicely written for that special day." -J.R.- Jun 2, 2011 8:18

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 467 - A
Walk Down Memory Lane: "Tasha, that was another great story my friend. I
hope that your life is forever full of happy memories."
Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- May 23, 2011 6:06 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 466 -
Cherished Loveliness: "Ah Tasha, so very true. I find early May to be one of
the most beautiful times of the year. As you mention, the color, the
fragrances are all briefly ours to enjoy. As much as I love Autumn and the
colors of the leaves, the fragrances aren't there. We have to cook or do
things in our homes to bring in the spiciness associated with Autumn, unlike
Spring when the flowers share their fragrance with us. Thank you, Lovely
Lady, for teaching us to appreciate." Love and Blessings, -J.W.- May 17,
2011 8:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 466 - Cherished Loveliness: Tasha, Your wise words
of wisdom warm my heart my friend. I will cherish this Spring all the more
after reading this story of yours. I will pass it on too." Wishing you every
joy, -J.B.- May 17, 2011 8:32 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 465 -
Momma and Her Mangoes: "Tasha - I had a rare mango this week and was
pleasantly surprised at how wonderful it was. I cut all the meat off and
then sucked the seed clean with delight. I can just see your mother enjoying
one that way. Would like to see a Mango Fork however. As always thanks for
sharing and Happy Mother's Day to you." -B.B.- May 10, 2011
8:32 AM
"Re: Heartwings Love Notes 465 - Momma and Her Mangoes: Once again, vividly
resonates here. Mangoes were part of our lives during the time I spent long
ago in The Virgin Islands with family. Can still taste them in my sense
memory." Thanks! -G A.- May 10, 2011 8:26 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 465 - Momma and Her Mangoes: "Thanks for this
special Mother’s Day Heartwings…Happy Mother’s Day…Lots of love and
support." -D.W.- May 10, 2011 8:24 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 464 -
Childhood Innocence: "Thank you, that is so lovely!" Gods Blessings, -M. C.-
May 4, 2011 1:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 464 - Childhood Innocence: "This tickled me! I,
too, took many dandelions and violets to my mom!!!!! That's all we had
growing! Of course I got in trouble when I picked her few tulips in the
front once! Lol " -S. L.- May 4, 2011 1:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 464 - Childhood Innocence: "Thank you for the
lovely thoughts of an innocent childhood. I was young and innocent once ~
hahaha! And I have many happy memories of friends and family." -C.K.-
May 4, 2011 1:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 464 -
Childhood Innocence: "Thank you for the reminder !" -T.C.-
May 2, 2011 7:53 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 -
Rebirth and Renewal: "Always a blessing to receive your uplifting messages."
Thanks, Tasha! -J. W.- April 25, 2011 9:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 - Rebirth and Renewal: "Tasha, Thanks for
sharing that reminder. We all needed to hear it. God bless you always."
Wishing you every joy, -J. M.- April 25, 2011 9:33 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 - Rebirth and Renewal: "Dearest Tasha, I
always enjoy your writes, and when reading them, I believe at the moment,
this to be my favorite. I must make a confession: This Heartwings that you
wrote had my mind soaring. The pictures were so vivid! I am so happy for you
that your son gave you joy in such a special way only you would know. I can
not express enough how nature is a gift given from God. As you stated, no
matter what tragedy is upon each human, nature gives to us a glint of
happiness. For some, maybe a second, but it brings a smile to their faces. I
do not know what I would do without the beauty that surrounds us. I have
been in dark times and the gift of nature has pulled me out. For this I will
always remain grateful." Love Always, -L.P.- April 25, 2011
9:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 - Rebirth and Renewal: "Thank you and how
beautiful the reminder of renewal, simplicity, gratitude. As I watch Spring
bringing forth rebirth like on your road to your appt. I, too, feel these
things despite the chaos. xoxxo -M.E.- April 25, 2011 9:30 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 - Rebirth and Renewal: "Thank you Tasha!
Wonderful words of wisdom!" Lots of Love, -TC- April 25, 2011
9:21 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 - Rebirth and Renewal: "Dear Tasha, Sounds
like spring is in the air in your part of the country. It comes and goes
here with the wind. I am sorry to hear that you lost a son. My heart goes
out to you. You are such a good person. I will strive to be more like you."
Love and hugs, -J. M.- April 25, 2011 9:16 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 463 - Rebirth and Renewal: "Yes indeed. So
beautiful!" -Dr. B.J.- April 25, 2011 9:15 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 462 -
What Can I Do?: "Oh Tasha, as a nurse I can relate to the absurdity of this
and see this all the time. When something minor is heralded as major and the
simple overlooked. And then there is the complicated which is pasted off for
'just in your head'. I cant wait to retire and do the work I was meant for!
sigh... 2 more years?" -S.L.- April 22, 2011 9:11 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 462 - What Can I Do?: "Tasha. Many time as I'm
reading one of your Heartwings I think about what a blessing it is for you
to share them with me and others. It's love going out from you via e mail.
It comes into our homes and blesses us, and provokes us to thought. Anything
that gets my old lazy brain to shift gears is a "good thing". And it's good
to hear more about you through Stephen. It's a sunny and windy day,
dynamic and yet comforting. It seems as if God is vacuuming up there, moving
the clouds to clean underneath. :) It's a happy day for me, and I hope it is
for you as well. I had Cheesecake Factory cheesecake for breakfast and a
cold bottle of water for a beverage. It started my day off sunny- from the
inside out. :) God is so good. He's blessed me with cherry cheesecake and
you! Who would want more? Thank you for being there. You are a delight. Just
ask Stephen if you need confirmation. We are witnesses. :)" Love and hugs,
-M.C. - April 22, 2011 9:10 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 462 - What Can I Do?: "Hi Tasha, I love the line
below. Nice work, hope you are well. My best to you and Stephen. Then I
fill my mind with nature’s loveliness and rejoice in the healing power of
each day’s beauty." -S.K- April 20, 2011 10:08 AM.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 462 - What Can I Do?: "Tasha, I enjoyed this write
also. I totally agree with your stand. Personally I am not happy with the
way the world is going. As you stated sometimes, we can only stand there and
watch. Some people have to learn lessons on their own without interference.
Thank you for sharing this with me. As always, I wish you peace and joy in
life. Enjoy the holidays!" Love Always, -L.R.- April 20, 2011
10:06 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 462 - What Can I Do?: "Tasha, Thanks for the
wonderful essay my friend. We have created a society that fills our lives
with a million busy things but overlooks the few things that are truly
important like love, faith, family, friendship, and helping each other."
Wishing you every joy -J. M.- April 20, 2011 10:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 462 - What Can I Do?: "Tasha--so true. Lately I
had some health hurdles and refused some medication. I started taking
Probiotics and they have helped me immensely. When I went to the Dr's and I
couldn't walk I had x-rays and he put me on a Aleeve and told me to rest. I
asked him to send me to Physical Therapy which I went to twice a week for
two months. Did energy healing on the parts of my hip I could. I stopped
taking Aleeve and now I am walking much better and climbing stairs. I talk
to and thank my body every day and it literally guides me into making good
decisions." With warm wishes -C. H.- April 20, 2011 10:02 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 461 -
Special Days: "I really enjoyed this one my friend. What a wonderful family
you have." Wishing you every joy, -J.M.- Apr 11, 2011 5:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 461 - Special Days: "Another Heartwings that
brings tears to my eyes. I'm so happy for you." -C.B.- Apr
11, 2011 5:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 461 - Special Days: "Tash, What a nice story abut
your granddaughters in Vermont. I am sure it filled you up with love and
JOY!" -M.D.- Apr 11, 2011 5:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 461 -
Special Days: "Hi Tasha, Thanks so much for the lovely story. I enjoyed it
very much." Much love and hugs, -J.M.- April 11, 2011 10:30

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 460 -
Coming Home: "Good insight...thank you for sharing." -R. S.-
Apr 4, 2011 9:08 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 460 - Coming Home: "Wonderful story my friend. -J.M.
- Apr 4, 2011 8:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 460 - Coming Home: "Tasha, that was a warm write.
I enjoyed reading this particular Heartwings. Glad your home!" -L.W-
Apr 4, 2011 8:32 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 459 - A
Sense of Curiosity: "Tasha, Curiosity is one of our greatest strengths but
it too has to be disciplined so we have time to do what we need to do in
this life. I myself never let myself even get online until the writing I am
working on is finished. I know how distracting the net can be these days."
Have a great day full of joy, laughter and love. -Joe- March
28, 2011 9:58 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 458 -
Memories: "Tasha, beautiful write. As I was reading this, I could
envision comforting things and there smells. The smell of lemon ice on a hot
August day will be with me forever!" Love -Laura Angel- March
13, 2011 9:49 pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 458 - Memories: "I wish you a safe and wonderful trip and visit with your
daughter! I loved this father was a pharmacist in Vt and
owned the drugstore which, yes! had a soda fountain! My mom made sandwiches
for the fountain area too and I even worked there a couple summers in my
teens as a real "soda jerk"!!!! I know well what you mean by smells! I also
have smell memories of MY grammas kitchen & the big wood stove! Fond
memories came rushing thru as I read this one!" Thank you! Be well and
return rested! xoxoxom -Sherri- March 14, 2011 8:14 am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 -
Fetch Wood Carry Water: "Tasha, Another great story my friend. Thank you for
sharing your journey with us all. I have long loved that Zen saying. To me
it means that is us who change with enlightenment. The chores and duties of
life remain the same, yet now we can do them joyfully rather than
grudgingly. Enlightenment to me means living always with a heart full of
love and a soul full of God. I haven't reached it totally yet, but like you
each day I seem to get a little closer." God bless you always. Wishing you
every joy, -J.M.- March 8, 2011 10:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 - Fetch Wood Carry Water: "Hi, To me
enlightenment means awareness. By being aware, in all that one does one
becomes enlightened. Mundane tasks become spiritual. Doing dishes is doing
dishes but also living in the moment." -K.M.- March 8, 2011
9:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 - Fetch Wood Carry Water: "This is so right
on!" -B.H.- March 8, 2011 9:24 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 - Fetch Wood Carry Water: " Hi Tasha, Thank
you! A wonderful message." Lots of love and support, -D.W.-
March 8, 2011 9:02 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 - Fetch Wood Carry Water: "If only all of
humanity looked at life this way." -S.H.- March 8, 2011 8:32
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 - Fetch Wood Carry Water: "Very nicely
written. Daily tasks are like the bones of a good house. Good habits make
for strong and beneficial life." -J.R.- March 8, 2011 8:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 -
Fetch Wood Carry Water: "Whenever someone tries to tell me I am important, I
often reply, 'Nope, I am the lady who cleans out the cat box and takes out
the trash!' Maybe it also means stay humble..." -S. R.-
March 6, 2011 11:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 457 - Fetch Wood Carry Water: "Very nice!" -L.L.-
March 6, 2011 10:48 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 456 -
Using What I Have: "Tasha, me love. This is SO timely. If I give you full
credit may I reprint it on my Food Stamps blog, please? I would greatly
appreciate it for it fits so well with my philosophy and it is so eloquently
stated." Thanks. Hugs -C.B.- February 28, 2011 2:28 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 456 - Using What I Have: "Tasha, I have been
thinking about you and Stephen much lately. Your book is an inspiration and
I see that with the changes coming in my life that being thrifty is a good
thing, as well as being independent. I need to learn how to be angry when
folks take advantage of me instead of being grateful for the blessings I
have and giving others license to steal. That is not a just attitude. If I
don't chastise those who did wrong, instead of just avoiding them, then I
have committed the crime as well. Love, -H.T.- February 28,
2011 1:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 456 - Using What I Have: "That's what we're doing
as well; raiding the pantry shelves." -S.H.- February 28,
2011 12:08 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 455 -
Is This Guilt Necessary: "Very well stated...guilt is a power unto itself.
Perhaps those who have no guilt are procrastinators types. I prefer knowing
people who have a 'guilty' conscience. It shows they are thoughtful of other
people's needs versus narcissism." -J.A- February 24, 2011
11:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 455 -
Is This Guilt Necessary: "Excellent lesson" -R.S- February 22, 2011 11:22 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 455 -
Is This Guilt Necessary: "In eternity we will have forever to study and read
with no rush. :-)" -KB- February 22, 2011 10:58 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 454 -
Selfish Love Versus Self Love: "Awesome!" Thank you for sharing. -T.C.-
February 14, 2011 4:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 454 - Selfish Love Versus Self Love: "I've gotten
good at doing paragraph 3 for myself. Like your way of looking at it. Thanks
for the perception." Oh, and Happy Valentine's Day -S.D.-
February 14, 2011 4:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 454 - Selfish Love Versus Self Love: "Lovely
thoughts." Thank you! -R. S.- February 14, 2011 2:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 454 - Selfish Love Versus Self Love: "Well said
Tasha... I also feel that negation of self very much holds the Piscean
attitude to life, rather than the Aquarian... so thank you for the
beautifully said 'reminder'.... love your neighbor as yourself - sometime
hard for us to remember!" Lots of love, -J.E- February 14,
2011 2:00 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 453 -
Being Your Own Valentine: "I went to a Catholic school from grades K through
6. That one line reminds my how tormented I was because I was too loud, a
busy body and a Miss know-it-all. I remember those horrible valentines that
were printed out by a nasty bubble gum company that the boys found so
popular. I received cards like: If your were the only girl in the world and
I were the only boy---- I'd hang myself. The boys thought that was funny. I
found it hurtful. I even received some from the girls. In todays world, I
would have been put on Ritalin or some other popular drug to "quiet me
down". I was a straight A student up unto grade 5 when I had a nun who
absolutely despised me because I was too smart. After that, I hated school
and only passed with B's and C's. My father wouldn't let me change teachers
because he said that I will meet people like her all my life and I had to
deal with it. It always left me with a sour taste in my heart. As I brought
up my 2 sons and my grandson, I told them to never say a girl was ugly or
stupid, etc. I told them, "That girl could become someone's mother
(grandmother) some day, like I am to you." I think they got the message. As
for Valentine cards, I remember cutting up note book paper with great pride,
shaping it into a heart and leaving it on my mother's pillow, saying I love
you. I sometimes get my husband a real tear jerker, then other years a
hearty chuckle card. I NEVER sent a hurtful card, ever, no matter who I
disliked. St. Valentine said-- to you I give my heart (in the name of God).
So to you my dear friend, who is now VERY popular--- I give to you my
heart." Love -Carol Ann- February 7 2011 7:40:37 P.M
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 453 - Being Your Own Valentine: "Thanks Tasha,
this is special and a very important message." Lots of love, -D.W.-
February 9, 2011 8:38 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 453 - Being Your Own Valentine: "Amen, Amen,
Amen!" -S.D.- February 7, 2011 11:18 AM
(Jan 2010

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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 434:
The Season of Food Is Upon Us: "I really enjoyed this one my friend. You are
right too. Sharing food is a special way that we also share our hearts and
come together as one." God bless you always. Wishing you every joy, -J.R.-
Nov 30, 2010 6:28 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 441 -
Family Love: "Very beautiful, Tasha. I can picture how content you were
after seeing them. -K.B.- Nov 16, 2010 8:39 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 441 - Family Love: "Love the image of 'a picture
album of the heart' It warms the cockles of mine as well. -S.D.-
Nov 14, 2010 10:44 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 439 -
Honoring the Seasons: "This is a good reminder to clean out my closets &
re-organize them before winter." Thanks, -A.C.- Nov 7, 2010
9:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 439 -
Honoring the Seasons: "Thanks for a little nourishment." -G.A-
Nov 1, 2010 7:34 PM.

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 438 - A
Glimpse of Yesterday: "Beautifully written Tasha, thank you for this
wonderful message." Blessings -S.M.- Oct 25, 2010 7:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 438 - A Glimpse of Yesterday: "I agree. The veil
is thinnest on Halloween. Whenever I miss a loved one, people or pet, I ask
them to visit me in a dream... they always do. Comforting." -K.R.-
Oct 25, 2010 7:27 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 438 - A Glimpse of Yesterday: "So sorry about your
son... and so glad for your strength and optimism. I lost my grandson a few
years back, and can somewhat commiserate. You wrote a good piece." -B.H.-
Oct 25, 2010 7:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 438 - A Glimpse of Yesterday: "Must be the season
for remembering, I just finished reading the newspaper account of a local
columnist's favorite uncle who just made the transition. These stories touch
my heart, for I miss those who have gone on before me. I look forward to
'catching up' with them in time to come. You ALWAYS hit my hot button,
Tasha." Hugs -C.B.- Oct 24, 2010 6:23 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 437 -
Dancing Together: "Great story. Body language is as important as spoken and
written words. The dance of the heart." -J.R.- Oct 18, 2010
9:23 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a
Joyous Life 436 - Moving On: "Good one, and hopefully useful - forwarded to
my other half...." -B.C.- Oct 14, 2010 9:58 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 436 - Moving On: "I shared your
latest Heartwings with Marg. She is in that process of elimination too. We
both found your words encouraging and giving us hope." -M.L.-
Oct 13, 2010 10:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 436 - Moving On: "Another good
one that resonates here." Hugs! -G.A.- Oct 12, 2010 3:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life 436 - Moving On: "I forwarded
this to one of my meditation friendw who at this very moment is going thru
this with her husband anticipating a move in the near future." Love to you,
-S.D.- Oct 12, 2010 2:22 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 435 -
Leisurely Behavior: "Such great thoughts, Tasha... Thank you! Always with
love, J.S.- Oct 4, 2010 11:08 PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes for a
Joyous Life 434 - Love and Honesty: "A truly beautiful message, Thanks
Tasha." Heartbeats, -E.W.- September 28, 2010 9:14 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 433 -
Finding What Is Lost: "Hello Dear Tasha, this will be quite useful for me. I
always seem to be looking for something somewhere somehow." Thanks! Love, -R.Z-
September 20, 2010 1:22 PM.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 433 - Finding What Is Lost: "Tasha, Of all things,
one week ago in church, the priest (a visiting one) quoted this prayer and
its use and gave an example of how it helped him find his missing contact
lens immediately before mass. It was part of a bigger message. So glad you
wrote this!" xo -M.L.- September 20, 2010 11:12 PM.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 433 - Finding What Is Lost: "Tasha, Today's Sunday
Globe has a story in the first section, starts on front page of this very
thing The Prayer of St. Anthony's." -L.S.- September 20, 2010
10:30 PM.
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 433 - Finding What Is Lost: "Oh Tasha I have used
that prayer countless times with success too!!! And I too do not question
but pray!" xoxxo -S.L.- September 20, 2010 10:23 PM.

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 432 -
Echoes and Reflections: "I too grew up on hand me downs from someone tallish
and rounder than me and it got very awkward after a while, but there was
definitely no choice in the matter. And tied shoes- I had forgotten all
about those, good for you feet tied shoes. Interesting post on wardrobe,
thanks for sharing." -C.T- September 14, 2010 9:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 432 - Echoes and Reflections: "Two of everything!
so if you stained one you got another chance! this is good only if you liked
it, right?" -L.C.- September 14, 2010 9:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 432 - Echoes and Reflections: "My mother made us
wear "ski pajamas." The were ugly and had elasticized bands at the ankles
and wrists, which I found uncomfortable. I vowed that when I grew up I would
only wear nightgowns--which I still do!" -J.A- September 14,
2010 9:03 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 432 - Echoes and Reflections: "That was really
beautiful dear Tasha...of course all are and i enjoy reading your heartwings...a
lot of wisdom comes through them. thanks a lot for all u do for us." lots of
love -C.D- September 14, 2010 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 432 - Echoes and Reflections: "Hi Tasha - Yes, I
too am finding that “less is more” lately. I have been paring down many
items in our household, including clothing, furniture, dishware, and pots
and pans…it feels GOOD to do so and is considered to be excellent Feng Shui!"
-K.C- September 14, 2010 8:30 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 431 -
When Less Is More: "Tasha, I am inspired by your less is more
philosophy! Now as I sort through my piles and boxes of stuff, I am
asking myself if these things add anything but stress to my life rather than
wondering if I might need them someday. Thank you! -J.S-
September 6, 2010 11:32 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 430 -
Breaking Old Patterns: "Most beautifully said, Tasha... you touched a most
valid core to help us look at our actions and reactions..." Thank you and
bless you always, we hope you have time to 'be' over Labor Day weekend. Lots
of love -J.S.- Aug 31, 2010 10:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 430 -
Breaking Old Patterns: "I admire your Authenticity! My favorite character
trait" -S.D.- August 30, 2010 3:03 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 430 - Breaking Old Patterns: "Hi Tasha, I agree
with your sentiments here. Well actually they are always a nice bite of
wisdom! But I gotta say, I still sometimes think those mischievous gremlins
from the other many dimensions enjoy their prank misplacement of stuff! And
at the very least, when I give in to "them", I lose the anger charge and
then the stuff generally shows up very shortly after." Hope all is well and
wonderful with you & yours. -S.S.- August 30, 2010 12:39 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 429 -
My Mothers Little Bureaus: "You would be good help tomorrow as we sort
through STUFF in our basement which will go OUT OUT OUT. FlyLady
teaches: If you do not use it and you do not love it get it out of your
house and out of your life. She suggests spending just 15 minutes each day
sorting and tossing. I didn't do that, quite. I am hours and hours behind
that schedule! Love your message; adore your HEART, Tasha." Hugs -C.B.-
August 22, 2010 10:30 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 428 -
The Swiftly Passing Days: "Dearest Tasha, I have also noticed the light and
you are right each day is a gift. Some gifts are meant to be opened with
much excitement and joy and fully enjoyed. Other gifts are open with quiet,
peace and contentment. The same gratitude flows from the heart from both." -K.V.-
Aug 17, 2010 9:10 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 427 -
The Joy of Giving: "Good for you. It is nice to give back. Love to you and
Stephen" -L.T.- Aug 11, 2010 7:51 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 427 - The Joy of Giving: "Hi Tasha, I think of you
often. This is a great Heartwings. Sounds like fun, handing out free raffle
tickets!" Take care, Love to you, -J.S.- Aug 10, 2010 7:44 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 427 - The Joy of Giving: "I can see your hand when
giving out a ticket to each person...a little heartwing was given also to
each receiver. Glad you both had a fun time!" J.R.- Aug 10,
2010 7:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 427 - The Joy of Giving: "To read about your
joining the Grafton Police citizens patrol. That was a nice thing I would
never think of, maybe no longer being in a small town, it seemed so "just
plain nice" in a world that seems crazy sometimes. I wondered what was the
raffle prize? yet I know the joy was in giving out the free tickets. It's
nice to know people like you and Stephen are in the world. " Much love,
-S.E.- Aug 9, 2010 8:52 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 426 -
The Joy of Poetry: "Lovely expression. :) thank you..." hugs, -J.W.-
Aug 3, 2010 8:33 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 426 - The Joy of Poetry: "Another excellent
Heartwings too!" Love and Light -D.W.- Aug 4, 2010 9:31 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 425 - Letting Go Can Be Difficult: "Thanks for this Tasha! Beautiful!" -M.P.-
July 27, 2010 8:32 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 425 - Letting Go Can Be Difficult: "Good thoughts in this issue. I spend those types of moments before I sleep on an imaginary farm tending a garden...horses... and looking at the Blue Ridge mtns over wide fields. It helps with restless thoughts." -J.K.- July 27, 2010 8:21 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 424 -
The More I struggle the Worse It Becomes: "Funny how life works and you and
I wind up on the same page... Our minister preached this AM about Martha and
Mary...Doing versus being and what Herculean effort it takes to be one or
the other... and is one wrong and the other right? etc. Our minister
suggested we simply listen for guidance and follow it in our own way. That's
a pretty good way to resolve troubling issues, huh?" You are dear to my
Heartwings, I love you madly ! -C.B.- July 19, 2010 4:17 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 423 -
Precious Tears: "Dearest Tasha, This is deeply meaningful for me. I sure
appreciate it. Plus, it is so nice to learn that tears release endorphins.
What a gift! Thanks for all you do Tasha." Much love and blessings, -D.W-
July 13, 2010 8:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 423 - Precious Tears: "Dear Tasha, This is a very
well-done Heartwings, filled with wise and helpful advice! We also wanted to
add about your column, that we especially like the way you wove scientific
research into your discussion. It is so interesting that science has become
one of our best allies in providing evidence for some of the emotional and
spiritual qualities of life that often seem to elude proof and yet feel so
true. You showed that beautifully in your column." Love, -A & A-
July 12, 2010 10:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 423 - Precious Tears: "I once wrote this:
A heart without a tear hasn't really, really ever lived
An eye without a tear hasn't really, really ever lived
-M.C- July 12, 2010 10:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 423 - Precious Tears: "Dear Tasha, How I enjoyed
reading this week's Heartwings as it is so good to remember the wisdom in
this truth. Thank you and Many Blessings and Love, -L.F- July
12, 2010 10:21 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 422 -
Witnessing: "Dear Tasha...the eternalness of the spirit always lives
on...your doing a sincere good job in sharing your insights...& the seeds
you plant have unknown limits. If we all try as you are this is the best
that can compliments to you for sharing your insights." -C. L.-
July 4th, 2010 11:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 422 - Witnessing: "So beautiful and authentic,
dear Tasha. You do make a difference." -S.D.- July 4th, 2010
11:12 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 421 - I
Choose Love: Tasha, I just wanted you to know that I'm getting back email
after email thanking me for sending your last Heartwings. It said so
perfectly how we must respond to the ills of the world and a new perception
about it all! Thank you soooo much!!! You are being spread wider in the
world beautiful heart of wisdom! xoxooxm -S.B.- June 30, 2010
10:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 421 - I Choose Love: "This is wonderful and I sent
it out everywhere!!!" Thank you!!!!! xoxoxom -S.B.- June 29,
2010 3:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 421 - I
Choose Love: "Excellent. So true... One of the only things we can do
consistently... and it has immediate results." -L.G.- June
28, 2010 4:58 PM
Heartwings Love Notes 421 - I Choose Love: "Once again, Tasha, you remind us
the importance and impact of love, instead of fear. Thank you for the
reminder." Love and blessings, -J.M.- June 28, 2010 4:35 PM
Heartwings Love Notes 421 - I Choose Love: 'Fear leads us to choose unwisely
while Love helps us see clearly what to choose' BEAUTIFUL! -K.B.-
June 28, 2010 4:08 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 420 -
Caring Is Sharing: "What a tribute to your father. Our 37 yr. old son in
Durango, Colo. just wrote a tribute to his dad. It's so beautiful, and Stan
was deeply touched." -S.D.- June 21, 2010 10:19 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 420 - Caring Is Sharing: "How lovely. My father
was also a man whose generosity and sense of service as a volunteer to his
coworkers, church, community, etc. was never-ending. I tell him often that
he is the best role model I could imagine. I give thanks for him many
times." Thanks for this special one... -P.B.- June 21, 2010
10:00 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 419 -
Yours, Mine and Ours: "Dear Tasha, It's awesome getting these updates in
your Heartwings are always such an inspiration. We will be
moving back into a much smaller space again too...I can So relate! Rick's
drums, my art supplies, Pace's toys, etc calling for lots of creativity and
patience and love! as always, thanks for the reminders to live up to my best
reflection!" -K. H.-June 16, 2010 6:13 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 419 -
Yours, Mine and Ours: "Very nicely stated Tasha." Thanks. -P.H.-
June 14, 2010 12:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 419 - Yours, Mine and Ours: "As Marilyn likes to
say, "From your mouth to God's ear".
Hugs! -G. A.- June 14, 2010 12:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 419 - Yours, Mine and Ours: "Dear Tasha..I didn't
realize you have moved...your Heartwings are very sincere...from success to
success" -C. S.- June 14, 2010 11:06 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 418 -
Finding Out The Hard Way: "Yes, they do kick ! My father made sure I knew
how to shoot a gun. Every weekend we went out target the
back of a cops house no less. You think a hand gun has a kick.....try a
double barrel shot gun !!! I do not recommend both barrels. One should be
enough to knock you on your butt and dislocate your shoulder ! There is how
ever a little hand gun known as the ladies gun. I think it is a Keuger. Very
small, fits in the palm of your hand. Called ladies gun because it is really
easy to shoot with no kick. Surprised your instructor did not let the ladies
use one. -D.D.- June 7, 2010 11:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 418 - Finding Out The Hard Way: "Good Morning and
Blessings on you Tasha for trying! I never imagined myself being involved
with firearms either until I went for a safety course on the handling of
Black Powder and firearms that use it. One of the lady’s who was there
at the course and is experienced, took me under her wing and felt that I
should at least try once to fire this little gun that she hand. It’s a
replica of a Queen Anne flintlock. She showed me how to load and fire it.
We were only going to be firing off blank paper cartridges. No bullets. I
was scared to death! That was a little over a year ago. I was stunned
to find that despite being fearful, the sound and the smoke was a bit of a
thrill. Not unlike being on a roller coaster. Little did I
realize that I was hooked. I ended up taking an official course
offered by the Lawrence Rod and Gun Club on Black Powder Safety and firearms
handling. Several of the crew members of the Black Rose II, attended as well. It was fun and enlightening in
many ways. I now own 2 flintlocks. They are working replicas of early
fire arms and I’ve come to be a lot more comfortable around them. At current
I’ve yet to fire a bullet, but several of us are looking into practicing at
a firing range. I never imagined this happening at all! As these are
single shot firearms, I think that’s the part that makes me most
comfortable. I don’t think I’d be very comfortable with anything like
you were shooting, where there are multiple bullets. I think that
would scare me silly. Kudos to you for trying! You are such a brave woman!"
Love and Hugs -A.T.- June 7, 2010 10:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 418 - Finding Out The Hard Way: "I fully
understand the gun thing! I finally did learn to use a rifle well and still
my father & brothers wouldnt take me hunting. But then I discovered I really
didn't want to shoot anything either! lol -S.L.- June 7, 2010
1:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 418 - Finding Out The Hard Way + some previous
downsizing Heartwings stories: "Hi Tasha, I loved this one, as I was taught
to shoot a shotgun when I was 10 yrs old by my uncle and dad. You are right
about being unaware of how different things may seem until we try them!
I am very comfortable now with shooting, and have always had a great respect
for firearms, and the proper way to use them. I am glad that you had this
I also have loved the stories of your becoming used to your new smaller home
quarters, and how much less you are able to get along with. We too are
talking about downsizing. I know it will be a task when we decide to do it,
so we are getting rid of extras now. We have a long way to go but every
little bit helps....*S*... I hope you are enjoying these lovely summer
days!" Hugs from -H.C.- June 7, 2010 11:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 418 - Finding Out The Hard Way: "That is a cute
story, Thanks for sharing. -K.B.- Jun 7, 2010 11:25 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 417 -
Remembering On Memorial Day: "Tasha, Thank you for the Memorial Day
Remembrance. I as most in this country hate war and all it stands for, but
when you're young you will do anything for the right to have freedom for
your family and friends including giving one's life. Always keep in mind,
it's not about the war, it's all about the warrior." -BD- May
31, 2010 7:33 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 417 - Remembering On Memorial Day: "That was
lovely. Cheers to your Heartwings. I think many people forget that Memorial
Day is a day of remembrance. People are too busy wheeling out their BBQs."
Love you! -C. R.- May 31, 2010 6:45 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 416 -
How Much Is Too Much?: "Love it! You are helping me downsize to that
glorious motor and retirement." Thanks, and love ya, -J. R-
May 24, 2010 11:39 PM.

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 415 -
Dealing With Feelings of Lack: "Hi Tasha! - How true your message is. Having
moved many times now, I have learned to travel light. My treasured, saved
items ready for that rainy day when I might need them, are gone. Oddly, I
feel lighter and more free without them. My rebellion against waste is
salved by donating as much as possible - even craft materials to church
Sunday schools are appreciated. I now carry with me only my favorite
furniture and books and important paperwork. My house is cleaner too!" Love
and miss you, -M. S.- May 21, 2010 8:23 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 415 -
Dealing With Feelings of Lack: "Blessings, Tasha... always a joy to read
such gently shared truths...." thank you and much, much love, -J. S.-
May 18, 2010 8:41 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 414 - I
love You Mama: "TIGHT HUGS dear Tasha. That was beautiful." Happy Mother's
Day to you, my friend. Love,
-Jennie- May 10, 2010 10:37 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 414 - I love You Mama: "TIGHT HUGS dear Tasha,
that was beautiful." Happy Mother's Day to you, my friend." Love, -J. W.-
May 10, 2010 10:17 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 414 - I love You Mama: "A nice mother's day
message" -A. C.- May 10, 2010 10:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 414 - I love You Mama: "This is a beautiful piece.
I'm sure she is smiling, seeing how well she taught you and how seriously
you paid attention and learned. L. G. May 10, 2010 10:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 414 - I love You Mama: "Amen! Happy Mothers' Day
to you. Thank you for embodying the Divine Mother and providing practical
spiritual wisdom to so many. I am grateful to be on the planet with you."
Love, -B. J.- May 9, 2010 9:24 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 413 -
Learning the Use of My Space: "Wonderful suggestions which are being put to
use!" Hugs! -G A- May 3, 2010 12:22 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 412 - A
place for everything and everything in its place: "Tasha, How did you know?
A week ago your Heartwings paralleled something with helping a friend who
didn't ask for it. And just before I opened your email, I was thinking about
how I wish I could get my entire house organized and to be done with the
unpacking. To have our new home in order would finally give me the freedom
to do things I really want to do." Thanks for your Heartwings! I so enjoy
them! And they always warm my heart! -Cat- April 26, 2010
9:07 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 - New Thoughts On An Old Subject: "Tasha, this is wonderful for my
Reiki students and me!!! You said it so well
and simply. Thank you dear lady! Passing this one along to many!" xoxoxom -S.L.-
April 20, 2010 10:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 - New Thoughts On An Old Subject and Heartwings in general: "Hi Tasha, Thanks for always sending me your
Heartwings. I always enjoy them. So often your stories make me think of similar things in my own life." -G.L-
April 20, 2010 9:18 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 -
New Thoughts On An Old Subject: "I needed this right now." Blessings! -L.T.-
April 18, 2010 10:43 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 - New Thoughts On An Old Subject: "Boy, do I
ever feel related to you. When to help and when is it enabling? That is the
question. Do we rob one another of our lessons? is another....." -S.D.-
April 18, 2010 10:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 - New Thoughts On An Old Subject: "AMen."
Love, -W. F.- April 18, 2010 10:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 - New Thoughts On An Old Subject: "You know
this happens to me a lot, Tasha. I love to help. Sometimes it comes back and
bite you in the ass. Lol. But most of the time, it is a wonderful thing! And
when I'm in need the universe always delivers. :) great Karma!!!! I've
learned that I can only help when I am asked. And only help people who know
what they want or need. I get in trouble most with people who don't know
what they want or people who are attention getters or manipulators. Those
are the people that come back and bite me in the ass. The dramas, I call
them. They rope you in and then shit on you. I stay clear of those people,
even if they are in dire need of something. Cause usually whether I help
this kind of person or not. They find a way to get someone to do stuff for
them. Funny, your Heartwings seem to follow my life patterns and twists and
turns." I love you so much! -C.L.- April 18, 2010 9:03 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 411 - New Thoughts On An Old Subject: "Thank you,
wonderful & wise Tasha. Your words often touch something deep within me,
reminding me of so many things, while Stephen's works make me smile and
laugh. It is so typical Stephen." Tight hugs to you both, Love, -J.P.-
April 18, 2010 09:00 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 410 -
Learning My Way: "You are so right..and so smart!!! We all have way too many
possessions...things...clothes...knick knacks that we just don't need! You
have opened my eyes to this, and when I soon begin the chore of putting away
the winter clothes and bringing out the summer ones, I plan on giving away
what I haven't worn recently. That is the plan...we'll see if I do it!
Thanks so much for your wonderful, insightful articles. Hugs and love, -A.
P. - April 12, 2010 9:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 410 - Learning My Way: "I agree with you. As time
goes by our life style changes, specially when we down size." -Rev. Marria-
April 12, 2010 7:51 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 409 -
Saying Yes To Life: "How beautiful, well-put and what many of us are
feeling!!!! thank you!" xoxoxo -S.H.- April 6, 2010 8:14 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 409 - Saying Yes To Life: "Good heavens the writing was pure poetry! Exquisite." -VZ-
April 4, 2010 9:22 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 408 -
Adjusting to Change: "Hi Tasha, I have lived in spacious homes and I have
lived for long periods of time in one bedroom apartments. For the past ten
years I've been in a smallish two bedroom. In a lot of ways, living in a
smaller space is more comfortable. I could provide lots of examples, but
here's one favorite: when I forget where I set down my cup of coffee, in
this place I can usually find it again before the coffee gets cold!" Best of
luck in your new, energy efficient digs! -Wendy- March 31,
2010 9:58 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 -
Time for a Change: " I don't envy you. I have done that twice in my moves to
Florida. I remember sitting and crying over having to get rid of many things
I had held onto for most of my life. I still packed up things I couldn't
part with. They have remained in the boxes up on a shelf. I guess I didn't
need to hold on so tight." Good luck with your move. -L.A.-
March 2, 2010 8:41 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "Sending you love,
blessings and energy" -L.T.- March 2, 2010 8:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "I don't envy you the
decisions you're making. Must be very difficult." -G. A.-
March 2, 2010 8:33 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "THINKING OF YOU AS YOU
doing the same. Maybe its especially hard when you see your ability to
forget and a thing becomes a touchstone for the love it represents. My heart
is with you. Interesting newsletter. Thanks for sending it." Love -E.C.-
March 2, 2010 8:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "Best of luck to you in
your new home...I'm sure that it is extremely difficult to make the move in
a short time again, however, as long as you have each other, this transition
will be smooth as silk, also, I'm sure!" -A.P.- March 2, 2010
8:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: " I found your Heartwings
very touching. Hey not my will but Thine. -M.M.- March 2,
2010 8:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "FlyLady always advises:
If you don't LOVE it, give it away or throw it away." March
2, 2010 8:27 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "Good advice. Not the
easiest advice to take, but worth considering." March 2, 2010
8:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 404 - Time for a Change: "We moved 1 year ago. O
my, such hard physical labor! I sooooooooooo relate. You'll get it all
sorted out and you'll make great memories in the process. And it IS a
process!" Hugs -C.K- March 2, 2010 8:02 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 403 -
Loving God: "OH Tasha, this rings so true and I did so much searching for
yrs find my truth inside! The depth of unconditional love is the
only way we can accept the beauty and the ugliness of this strange world we
are in for a short time. My "altar" is still inside as I talk to God and I
am given visions and answers to my questions. But I am always still
questioning, talking or listening! I truly believe it takes a much deeper
love than our human feelings in order to see the light in those or that
which looks so dark. I carry a "lantern of light" as i go into the darkness
and healing with many people. And it is rarely by knowledge but by faith and
love that people my heart and hands touch heal a part of their lives. You
give the love thru your experiences, words and they help heal! Bless you! I
just felt I knew you and you touched my insides with this heartwing note."
xoxoxo :) -M.E- February 23, 2010 7:47 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 403 - Loving God: "How truly beautiful your
Spirituality is, Tasha. S.D. February 23, 2010 7:42 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 403 - Loving God: "This is another really nice one
- thank you. It's one that touches me and as I pass it on to Sara and Devra
who are rather devout, will touch them as well." Big hugs always! -A. D.-
February 21, 2010 7:50 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 401 -
The Love of Friends: "Lovely wisdom and filled with love. So very fitting
for valentines day!" -J.R.- February 9, 2010 10:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 401 - The Love of Friends: "Thank you for your
weekly inspirations Tasha! I enjoy reading them." -C.E.- February 9, 2010
9:15 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 401 - The Love of Friends: "Tasha, another
wonderful Heartwings !" -A.C.- February 9, 2010 7:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 401 - The Love of Friends: "Oh, have my
deepest 'sympathy' because we have moved in the past year and still have not
recovered, what with stuff in storage, etc. But you will save so much energy
that can be poured into your creativity. And that's where you SHINE. I am
very happy for you two!" I love you a special much. Hugs, -C.K-
February 9, 2010 4:19 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 400 -
Expectations and Unconditional Love: "Dearest Tasha, Thank you again for
sharing…this is beautiful and very helpful…." Lots of love, -D.W.-
February 3, 2010 7:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 400 -
Expectations and Unconditional Love: "One of the Cayce Readings says
that may we have enough love not to be disappointed in things, people or
events... I have been working on living that for a long time and still have
a ways to go. A beautiful and important topic!" love to you -S.W.-
January 31, 2010 11:23 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 400 - Another Milestone: "
Congratulations Tasha on over
400 Issues
of Heartwings Love Notes."
Lots of Love -Doc D.-
Jan 30th 2010

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 399 -
The Flower Clock: "Thank you for always writing about things that make
wonderful sense, and phrasing them in the kindest most gentle way." -A.D.-
January 26, 2010 10:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 399 - The Flower Clock: "I believe our ancestors
did not need time pieces as we do today because they had one already. The
sun, you woke at dawn, and went to bed at dusk. You did not need a clock for
one simple reason. You did your task for as long as it took to do it right
and well. They knew when something was taking too long, simply because it
had been done for years the same way. Tradition was a time piece. And it was
handed down. Our life's would be so much better with out clocks. it only
makes us limit ourselves. Another restraint. Something to keep time of how
and who can be the fastest in this thing we call a rat race. Time pieces
have pretty faces, but it makes our faces ugly with wrinkles and frowns. We
put time on everything but the one most important thing....ourselves. Like
rabbits, we run around saying we're late, we're late. And when death comes,
we say its too early. Ecclesiastes says it best," there is a time for
everything." And try as we may, whether we turn back a clock, or push it
forward, time ticks true. Clocks tick like a heart beat. But, we no longer
hear the heart beat of the clock or that of our own heart." God bless, love,
-D.D.- January 26, 2010 9:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 399 - The Flower Clock: "Lovely! -J.W.-
January 26, 2010 8:58 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 399 - The Flower Clock: "What a wonderful
Heartwings again! I've always despised clocks. I only have a clock in
the bedroom. Otherwise they are banned from the rest of my house. Now that
everyone has a cell phone, if they really need to know the time, they can
keep track of it themselves. I love being free from time, being unaware what
the actual time is. So much of our lives are timed or scheduled, it's nice
to ignore that when I'm home and just be. I eat when I'm hungry, I go to the
bathroom when I need to, I walk the dog when she tells me she is ready, the
cats come to me when they want to play or to be pet." Love your writing! It
is always so thoughtful and insightful! -C. L.- January 26,
2010 8:45 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 398 -
Time Enough: "Tasha, Again an apropos subject!" Love, -H.T.-
January 18, 2010 6:13 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 398 - Time Enough: "I love your weekly
perspectives; always gives me much to place my attention on." -S. D.-
January 18, 2010 2:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 398 - Time Enough: "I made THREE promises to
myself as 2010 arrived:
Simplify, Focus, and Fun. You always have been good at reading my mind!"
Hugs -C.K- January 17, 2010 10:01 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 397 - A Present Moment Experience with the Past:
"Hi Tasha, Thanks for this Heartwings perspective on our new season New
year! It’s very helpful!" Love -Denise B.- January 13, 2010
1:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 397 - A
Present Moment Experience with the Past: "I love change! I've always loved
it. Change of homes, change of cities, change of friends, change of opinions
and tastes! I've always welcomed it. I loved this Heartwings, my husband and
my employer are the opposite of me. They detest and fear any change no
matter how miniscule or grandiose. It makes me giggle every time I propose a
change in their lives." Love you tons! -C.L.- January 12,
2010 1:18 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 396 -
It's About Time: "Thank you Tasha. I love it." -G. A.-
January 4th 2010 3:30PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 396 - It's About Time: "Thank you, Tasha, for
reminding me of how important it is to be grateful for everything given to
us! You are a joy to read and I am grateful to you!" Blessings, -Marie in
Spencer- January 4th 2010 2:23PM

(Jan 2009 Dec)

Quick links -
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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 395 -
The Difference Perspective Makes: "I love your image of the dresser... You
always have the nicest way of looking at things. No wonder I think that you
are so very special." -M.A.- December 28, 2009 11:02 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 395 - The Difference Perspective Makes: "What a
wonderful idea and title." Love and blessings, -B. J.-
December 28, 2009 10:52 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 -
Christmas Memories: "Wishes for a very warm and Merry Christmas from us all,
Tasha... Thank you for continuing your lovely work!" Blessings, -Jane L-
December 22, 2009 9:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 - Christmas Memories: "Dearest Tasha, Thank
you for sharing this warm message with us! We send you our love and warmest
wishes for a Blessed and Special Holiday season." Merry Christ-mass...Lots
of love and support, -Denise W.- December 22, 2009 9:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 - Christmas Memories: "Thank you for
rekindling some wonderful childhood memories." Hugs, -G.A.-
December 21, 2009 10:09 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 - Christmas Memories: "Wonderful!" -J.W.-
December 21, 2009 2:35 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 - Christmas Memories: "Dear Tasha, Thank you
so much for your Heartwings. I have some wonderful Christmas memories, as
well. The most wonderful memory I have (till next year) happened yesterday.
My most wished for dream came true!" Love always --Wishing you all the
happiness your heart can hold. -J. M.- December 21, 2009 1:32
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 -
Christmas Memories: "Nice feelings and images, Tasha... Myself, I like the
simpler times." Love You, -K.H.- December 20, 2009 8:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 394 - Christmas Memories: "Hi Tasha, It sounds
like you had a very happy childhood. I have very few memories, but most were
not heart warming. It's nice to hear that family's have such wonderful
memories, thanks again for sharing. Stay warm & I wish you many more warm
memories." Love, -S.W.- December 20, 2009 8:24 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 393 -
Writing Christmas Cards: "I believe I am the official "snail mail" or old
fashion Christmas card writer and sender in our family. So, your thoughts on
sending cards to those who would be most appreciative is very timely." -G.A.-
December 14, 2009 8:05 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 393 - Writing Christmas Cards: "I like you love to
take a trip down memory lane. We send out about 270 cards and each a such a
warm feeling; each one is a part of our lives. I tell people once we meet
and bond they're stuck with me either until I croak or they tell me to go
to! Seriously, friendships means so much. Having never met you two in
person, our bond couldn't be any stronger. Yes, my heart sings as I write
each a personal note." -S.D.- December 14, 2009 2:52 PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 392 -
Wrapped in Love: "I always enjoyed folding diapers for the same reason. I
found it to be meditative. As I folded each white, cotton rectangle, I would
think about what a gift it was for my baby to be wearing cloth diapers, and
also of the gift I was giving the environment by not using disposables.
Folding the diapers gave me the opportunity to appreciate the love inherent
in this simple act of caring for my family and mother earth. I feel sorry
for people who don't get to experience that." -DW-
December 11, 2009 4:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 392 -
Wrapped in Love: "Tasha, I too have noticed this and am also working at
really being invested in the Joy of the moment - whatever it may involve. I
must say, as a recipient of some of those gifts...that extra thought really
makes it through the postal system. Many thanks and love sent ya'lls way!!!
-K. H.-
December 8, 2009 10:06 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 392 - Wrapped in Love: "Hi Tasha, Thank you, this
is lovely…" Love, -D.W.-
December 8, 2009 9:27 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 392 -
Wrapped in Love: "thank you for the timely reminder." oxox -B. J.-
December 6, 2009 9:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 392 - Wrapped in Love: "Who was it that said you
can even find God in washing dishes? I am happy you have found that all
tasks can be done in the heart!!! -S.K.- December 6, 2009
7:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 392 - Wrapped in Love: "Beautifully written. I,
too, shop year round. If I see something that reminds me of that person, I
purchase it then, and as a school teacher it helped tremendously." -S.D. -
December 6, 2009 6:09 PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 391 -
Friends are a Blessing: "Thanks Tasha this is lovely! What a beautiful
Heartwings at this special time of year!" Love -D. L.-
December 2, 2009 10:01 AM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 391 - Friends are a Blessing: "That was beautiful
Tasha. Once again, your heart touches so many with your words. Thank you friend." Hugs and blessings, -J. A.- December 1, 2009 10:06
Re: Heartwings Love notes 391 - Friends are a Blessing: "Good one!" -B.C.-
November 30, 2009 5:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 391 - Friends are a Blessing: "Amen! -B.J.-
November 30, 2009 2:30 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 391 - Friends are a Blessing: "Thanks so much for
you 'Friends' piece." So very true. -G.A.- November 30, 2009
12:04 PM

Re: Heartwings Love notes 390 -
An Attitude of Gratitude: "This is so perfect for now - may I use some
of it for a Thought of the Day?" Lots of love, -Ame-
November 23, 2009 10:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 390 - An Attitude of Gratitude: "How beautiful and
how true. xoxoxxo S. L.
November 23, 2009 7:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love notes 390 - An Attitude of Gratitude: "Herein are some thought provoking truths, as
always!" -J.W-
November 23, 2009 11:21 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 389 -
Knowing That You Are Growing: "Thank you for this Tasha. It surely sounds
like your birthday celebration was wonderful!" -Allison P.-
November 15, 2009 10:48 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 388 -
Another Year Has Passed: "I also cast a vote for more spontaneity. A
wondrous idea." Hugs. -Garry A.-
November 10, 2009 5:45 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 388 -
Another Year Has Passed: "Dear Tasha, I just loved this Heartwings Love
Note...and am going to try it, myself!" XXOO -Naomi H.-
November 9, 2009 3:30 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 387 -
Remembering with Love: "Beautifully stated.." -Sheila D.-
November 2, 2009 9:01 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 387 - Remembering with Love: "Beautiful, Tasha!" I
hope you are well, -Monica C.- November 2, 2009 8:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 387 - Remembering with Love: "Wonderful!" -Garry
A.- November 2, 2009 8:30 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 386 -
Are You Ready?: "Hi, Tasha. As is often the case, this was a very
timely Heartwings message. These days I can’t seem to catch up with myself
-D.S.- October 30, 2009 8:30 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 386 - Are You Ready?: "Oh my gosh, Tasha!!! How did you know? I really needed to
read this Heartwings!!! I am fighting against time presently - everyday and
every week leading up to our move. Thanks for this Heartwings! It came just
in time to remind me - stop rushing just focus on the task at hand. baby
steps! -Cat- October 27, 2009 9:56 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 385 -
Reducing: "LOVE your new 'reduction campaign'" HUGS -Connie-
October 18, 2009 9:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 385 - Reducing: "Great article... Ken and I are
also eliminating a lot of things in the house to clean out the clutter...
we're also trying to diet, but it's HARD!" Hugs, -Abby R.-
October 18, 2009 5:04 PM
Heartwings Love Notes 385 - Reducing: "Congratulations on your industrious
efforts. The deletion of e-mail forwards and clothing closet cleanup merit
attention here." Stay warm and dry! -Garry A.- October 18, 2009
3:05 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 382 -
Foiling the Great Dictator: "Good advice for both of us hard-headed souls
here. Our dogs already follow your sage advice." Hugs, -Garry A.-
September 28, 2009 7:58 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 382 - Foiling the Great Dictator: "Natural time!
Nia principle # 2...How true!" -K.H.- September 28, 2009 6:35
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 382 - Foiling the Great Dictator: "I think the
worst thing man invented was a clock. By doing so he enslaved himself. Hmmm,
a slave to ones own devices. That's human nature for ya!" God bless, love,
-Donna D.- September 28, 2009 3:22 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 381 -
Young Or Youthful?: "Hi Tasha, That was an especially good piece. Thank
you!" -W.G.- September 22, 2009 9:30 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 381 - Young Or Youthful?: "We need more of this,
Tasha... How I heartily agree. Bless you on behalf of a legion of women with
youth inside and a few wrinkles on the outside! With love and blessings from
us all... -Jane S.- September 21, 2009 3:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 381 - Young Or Youthful?: "!when are people going
to get it! the look comes from within one self, not a jar!" God bless and
love, -Donna D.- September 21, 2009 2:12 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 381 - Young Or Youthful?: "Hi Tasha...3 cheers for
this one!!! Always love your Heartwings." Hugs -Hannah C.-
September 21, 2009 1:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 381 - Young Or Youthful?: "One of the first things
I ever fell in love with about you was the lovely lines on your face...and
often when I am noticing lines forming on my face I think of you and
something you said to me once about remembering to smile and create happy
lines rather than sad or worried or helps me often to shift my
expression and attitude! I like what Depak says about choosing what age you
would like to reflect...also I imaging being as beautiful and lovely as you
are when I'm your age!" love you so, -Kim R.- September 21,
2009 10:40 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 381 - Young Or Youthful?: "AMEN, AMEN, AMEN !
-Sheila- September 21, 2009 10:27 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 380 -
Dreams: "Hello Tasha, I thank you so much for this and thank you for your
constant friendship." -Barbara- September 14, 2009 10:21 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 380 - Dreams: "YOU ARE ONE NEAT, NEAT LADY, MISS
TASHA! I'm so glad I stumbled on your Heartwings years ago, and wrote
to you. You have been an unseen counselor to me through the years as your
healing, helpful, thought-provoking words put patches on many bruised and
sore spots of my ego. Sometimes your stories just bring up comforting times
in my own past, and remind me of how loved I was as a child. Yesterday was
the 14th anniversary of my mother's death, and I still get teary-eyed at
times. I'm just feeling a bit down today.
I, too, used to have dreams of writing, when I wrote poetry in high school,
MANY years ago, and edited our literary magazine. I never pursued it, but
through some quirk of fate, I find myself writing a weekly newsletter now
for some 400 people. I run our weekly summer farmers' market here in our
city, through my job as the Visitors Center Coordinator, and the newsletter
is all about the doings at the market. I also find myself now losing this
job I've had for 8 years, (through someone else's political agenda causing
the Visitors Center to close soon due to withholding our funding), and I
question whether I have any skills useful in finding another job. Today's
Heartwings from you helped me to realize that I guess I did accomplish a
long ago dream of writing, even if small and temporary. Thank you, God bless
you." -Dottie- September 14, 2009 6:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 380 - Dreams: "Dear Tasha, I always enjoy your
Heartwings, but this one especially spoke to me. How nice to see your dreams
comes true! Not only for you, but for me to read about it! I am happy for
you! And your words are inspirational, as always. I have had many dreams in
my lifetime as well, and as I grow older I do see some of them turn to
reality. My first dream was to be a nun! But when I was 8 years old I can
recall coming to a life changing conclusion. I wanted children. So, I
decided I would get have to get married, and the dream of becoming a nun
faded away. My husband Dan is the best thing that ever happened to me!
I also wanted to become writer, like you, but I have never been published.
Although I did write a novel. I have several rejection slips. Oh well. I
have several more stories inside me that I need to put down on paper.
Although publication may not be in my future, it feels good for me to write
and get the story outside of me because they do kick and scream to come out.
I do love Steve McDonald's music, and have loved it since the first time I
heard it. Sometimes I am amazed that I am able to work with him, even if I
have never met him face to face, I feel we have special friendship. It is
indeed dream come true for me to run his fan club, and distribute his music.
Thanks for always sharing your Heartwings with me" Love, -Jackie-
September 14, 2009 1:10 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 379 -
Eyes to See: "Today, on our way to our church's Centennial celebration we
saw TWO young Eagles in a treetop! It was a greeting card from God. It was a
sight to behold! " HUGS, GREAT BIG BEAR HUGS -CK- September
7, 2009 1:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 379 - Eyes to See: "Hi Tasha, "God's in his
heaven- alls right with the world." by Robert Browning. Lovely Fall! Lovely
vignettes! and a lovely fall poem for you. Have a wonderful season, enjoy it
my dear." -Mary C.- September 7, 2009 11:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 379 - Eyes to See: "As always, very appropriate
and timely. Your message gave me an epiphany, focus on the positive! Thanks
in part to you, I am reminded to savor all the little things and our time
together. Very appropriate with our 19th anniversary coming up in just over
a week. Thank you so much!" -Garry A.- September 7, 2009 10:06
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 379 - Eyes to See: "Tasha, Have you ever seen the
movie called FERN GULLY? It is a children's movie, but, I love it. It tells
you that that there are worlds with worlds. We Humans are not conscious of
this unfortunately. The dogs and I love to sit out back in one of my gardens
and enjoy many of the world out there. The world of water: it has frogs,
bugs, fish, ducks, herons. The world of air: birds, clouds, the sun, seeds
blowing in the air. Earth: flowers, grass, bugs, trees, birds. And each one
of those things listed has a world." God bless, love, -Donna-
September 7, 2009 9:20 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 -
By the Sea: "Oh I remember horseshoe crabs and seagulls and seaweed...The
sounds, the smells, very inviting. I have many tapes with the sound of
waves. So soothing. Thank you for all your great writings!" -Amy-
September 5, 2009 10:08 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 -
By the Sea: "Thanks, Tasha! I'm right there with you curling my toes in the
sand!!!" -J.K.- August 31, 2009 8:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 - By the Sea: "Beautiful girl-- I love you,
and oh god, didn't get to the beach this year, and so need the water and
tides. I'm wearing the flannel shirt of yours that I wore all through that
time a while back. I've got muscles. I walk straighter. When I think of
you.. I love you. This one is beautiful Tasha. May you find your roots where
they are planted is so inspiring. With you as a friend, your roots go deep
into the ground and your spirit fly's in the great sky." -V.Z.-
August 31, 2009 4:22 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 - By the Sea: "Dear Tasha. Once again we seem
to be sharing sense memories. I was just searching some photo albums for a
project and came across old family pictures including a bunch from childhood
days at the beach. I must have been about 8 or 9, my middle brother, 3 or 4.
We were building sand castles. Mom and Dad, beautiful and handsome, looked
on in amusement. Across the years, I could again feel the sand between my
toes and hear the waves crashing in the background. It was sunny and warm
all day." Thank you very much, -G. A-. August 31, 2009 1:12
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 - By the Sea: "Lovely!" -Jen W.-
August 30, 2009 11:17 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 - By the Sea: "Lovely, as usual, my dear!"
-Connie Baum- August 30, 2009 10:05 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 378 - By the Sea: "Oh Tasha, we were just in Maine
a week ago in York beach (favorite spot since a child cause Vt had no
ocean!) It did me sooo much good also and I watched the gulls with the
delight of a child! and the ocean soothed me! Needed that to begin again!
Back to Ct, nursing and doing healing/teaching but renewed!" xoxox mE
-Sherri B- August 30, 2009 09:06 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 376 -
Watch the Birdie: "And I have the same at MY kitchen window and love the
show of beauty!" xoxo -Sherry- August 18, 2009 7:41

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 375 -
DOES TAKE US DOWN DIFFERENT PATHS doesn't it and we think different about
the weeds Ha!!. Take care my friend, maybe one day I'll be a writer Ha!!.. I
know I am a better story-teller in person." -John D.- August 10, 2009 9:41
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 375 - Serendipitous Gardening: "Dearest Tasha...
From my weedy garden to yours! There is great beauty in it. Thank you for
making me feel less concerned about the state of it." Much love! -Jane-
(from the White Eagle Lodge). August 10, 2009 9:01 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 375 - Serendipitous Gardening: "Nice piece" -Manu
M.- August 10, 2009 6:46 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 375 - Serendipitous Gardening: "I am going through
the same thing, Tasha. With my troubled hip, weeding is not happening this
year. My day lilies moved from the back of my house to the garden off the
porch. They found their own perfect space. I was told by my disability
lawyer that I cannot, must not, work & this includes yard work. She tells me
they send out spies to make certain I am telling the truth about my
disability. So I'm a bit stifled. I'm often amazed by Heartwings. Wise words
:)" Love, -Deb- August 10, 2009 8:20 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 374 -
Those Lazy Days of Summer: "A very timely reminder. With the tardy arrival
of summer, it's also low energy time but I remind myself of some of the
things I should do be faithful to my "partner", my body. I hope all's well
with you and Stephen. Thanks, -Garry A.- August 5, 2009 8:57
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 374 - Those Lazy Days of Summer: "Dear Tasha, It's
always so good to hear from you, and I always enjoy your Heartwings." Thank
you. Love, -Jackie- August 5, 2009 8:59 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 373 -
In Praise of Cleanliness: "This resonates with me. I am much happier and at
more at peace in a clean, uncluttered environment, but the more I clean, the
more I see that needs to be cleaned. So it is a double edged sword. Cleaning
is NEVER done! -Diana W.- August 4, 2009 9:10 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 373 - In Praise of Cleanliness: "Hi Tasha, I spent
a good portion of the weekend cleaning my home. I washed all the screens,
windows (inside and out) and I wash the exterior of the house too." -Rita
S.- July 26, 2009 10:28 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 373 - In Praise of Cleanliness: "Very nice and
thank you for always sharing your thoughts with us." Love -Khabira-
July 30, 2009 8:23 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 373 - In Praise of Cleanliness: "Thank you, Tasha.
Once again you brighten the day for me." -Garry A.- July 27,
2009 10:09 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 372 -
And The Day Came When I Believed Her: "Once again, thanks from MY heart!"
-Garry A.- July 22, 2009 10:23 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 372 - And The Day Came When I Believed Her: "Hi
Tasha, This comes with much love! Thank you for this week Heartwings Love
notes very illuminating…" With much love as always, -Denise-
July 20, 2009 10:42 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 372 - And The Day Came When I Believed Her: "Dear
Tasha, Many thanks for your heartfelt sharing dear friend" miss you see you
soon! -Laura F.- July 20, 2009 6:20 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 371 -
Simple Pleasures: "Pleasurable Indeed. Since we arrived home from Center for
Spiritual Living a young dove has been perched on our window sill for past
three hrs. She's napping at the moment. She has created a peace within
ourselves. -Sheila D.- July 14, 2009 10:08 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 371 - Simple Pleasures: "This was the basis for
our minister's sermon this morning as she talked about TIME and priorities.
We all feel as if we are crunched for time, so I wanted to share this. It
certainly resonated with me. Kathy, our minister, told us how she had the
Desiderata framed and hanging on the wall of her dorm in college. She said
it had been given to her; later she found the same writing in her mother's
things. Her mom passed had away when Kathy was very young. I hope it speaks
to you the way it did to me." Wishing You Well -Connie B-
Mother Connie July 14,
2009 5:02 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 371 - Simple Pleasures: "Thank you for reminding
me about the sights, sounds and smells of today and yester year we often
ignore or forget. One quick snapshot so well remembered from my youth:
Fireflies dancing across a clear summer night's sky." -Garry A.-
July 12, 2009 10:24 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 370 -
Joyous Years: "That was so beautiful and heart felt. I immensely enjoyed
this particular Heartwings. May you and Stephen be an inspiration to all
couples, I hope D. and I are lucky enough to grow and flourish as a couple
and as individuals in our relationship." Love u so much, Tasha. -C.L-
July 6th 2009 11:30am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 368 -
My Father's Daughter: "Dear Tasha, I just loved your piece honoring your
father. The person like that in my own life was my paternal grandmother, who
does live on through me. She taught me how to sew and gave me unconditional
love, the only place I have ever truly experienced that from another. I can
visualize your gardening; we share that as well. I am in heaven outdoors,
however, I do garden it is a lot of work which I take my time
with. It is a process rather than a goal..." Have a lovely and fragrant day
ahead! Warmly, -Elana- June 25, 2009 10:04 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 368 - My Father's Daughter: "What a nicely crafted
piece for Father's Day, Tasha. I, too, miss my father and I know he lives on
in me and in those traits I possess that I trust came from him." Thank you,
-Louise- June 24, 2009 8:24 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 367 -
Taming The Nameless Dread: "May I use this column in the newsletter? I will,
of course, provide the link to Heartwings with the article! " May we both
continue to carry on with our work! Dance in the light of spirit. -Susan
Gale- co-author of Psychic Children and
Soulful Parenting June 15, 2009 10:17 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 367 - Taming The Nameless Dread: "Dear Tasha, I
think it is very important what you say in your last Heartwings 'Taming the
Nameless Dread'." Thank you. -Donatella F.- Bologna, Italy
June 15, 2009 5:01 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 367 - Taming The Nameless Dread: "How true dear
Tasha... as the master says: '... For there is nothing either good or
bad, but thinking makes it so. Much wisdom comes when we can know this
inside!' Bless you as always for your good thoughts shared with so
many." Much love, -Jane S.- June 15, 2009 3:10 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 366 -
Small Treasures: "How wonderful. Wish you could have added some pictures of
them to share with your beautiful tribute to her work." -L.G.-
June 11, 2009 11:14 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 366 -
Small Treasures: "This reminds me of song we sang yesterday when we sang at
a care center, These Are A Few of My Favorite Things. That song always
gladdens me when I sing or hear it, and I think of my favorites, too. You
are so delightful." -S. D.- June 11, 2009 10:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 366 -
Small Treasures: "Dear Tasha, Thank you for always sharing your Heartwings
with me. I always get something special from your message that touches my
heart. I have been very busy the last few months, working 6 days a week, and
becoming a vendor, selling Steve's CDs, at the Scottish Festival in southern
California. Your Heartwings always gives me a lift when I am tired." Thank
you, always, -Jackie- June 10, 2009 9:32 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 365 -
Getting Out Of My Own Way: "Tasha, I’d like to offer an observation. I’ve
noticed that you’ve often returned to the theme of your propensity to make
mistakes, and have mentioned the ridicule you received from it as a child. I
think you may have a misperception about yourself on this one. I’ve known
you for a number of years now, and honestly, I can’t think of a mistake
you’ve made since I’ve known you. I don’t see you as mistake-prone at all.
Instead, I’ve observed that you thoughtfully assess a situation and
generally respond with a well-reasoned action. I don’t think of you as a
person who makes stupid mistakes, but rather as a person who behaves in a
careful and attentive manner." Love, -Jen- June 1, 2009 8:54

Re: Heartwings
Love Notes 364 - Memorial Day Memories: "Thank you for rekindling so many
memories. My maternal Grandpa who used to tell me colorful stories about his
days as a World War One Sailor in the Danish Navy. My Dad, a decorated Army
Sgt. who kept horrific stories about World War Two experiences to himself
until shortly before he died. Now I share memories with old Marine Corps
buddies. Generation after generation, we persevere." -Garry A.-
May 24, 2009 9:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 364 - Memorial Day Memories: "Memorial Day was
always special in my childhood, too. We decorated graves of loved ones with
whatever flowers were in bloom then from our gardens. After I was married
and moved from the plains of Nebr. and lived on one coast or the other, I
could not see enriching the floriest so instead I chose to make donations to
my favorite charities in their names to enrich the lives of those in need. I
can't see making morticians richer either nor florists at that time. I
preferred when it was celebrated for the right reasons on that day rather
than the three day week-ends we're guaranteed now." -Sheila D.-
May 24, 2009 6:04 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 364 - Memorial Day Memories: "How very lovely. As
a child, my parents would bring me downtown to see the parade on Memorial
Day. I never could understand why we celebrated "war" and the murder/killing
of so many innocent lives. The solders would march by, then the float of the
four solders who held the American Flag back up that mound on an island with
a name that I never could understand. We went to the same parade year after
year until I was a teen. Suddenly, I was married, having children of my own
and did not keep up the tradition of honoring war. I understand Memorial Day
represents all who died for their country. But if I were German or Jewish or
Japanese or French or Italian, I would be honoring that particular country
and those who died protecting their country and/ or religious beliefs. We
are all human beings. We all make choices. It's sad when any human being
dies. We are sent here to learn our lessons. Then we die and review those
experiences, for better or for worse. Memorial Day means to celebrate the
lives of all the human beings who truly wanted peace for their planet and
families, no matter where on Earth they lived and died. I celebrate human
life--for better or for worse." Love -Carol Ann T.- May 24,
2009 9:20 AM

Re: Heartwings
Love Notes 363 - Tidying Time: "Hi Tasha, Thank you for that. I've been the
biggest procrastinator in the past, I need this refreshing reminder of how
good I'll feel when decluttering sooner than later! I'm saying in the past
to keep it positive in the future!" Bless you. -Sherry- May
20, 2009 4:53 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 363 - Tidying Time: "Where there had been chaos I
had created order. There are few things that make me happier." Would you
enjoy doing my cupboards? ;) I am more than happy to share!" -Diana.W-
May 19, 2009 12:01 PM
Re: Heartwings
Love Notes 363 - Tidying Time: "Tasha, Oh, how I agree! Nothing is more
satisfying than creating organization out of chaos. Unfortunately, I do not
have the same energy as you to actually make it happen!" -Jen (White)-
May 18, 2009 11:49 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 363 - Tidying Time: "What a coincidence dear my day too has started with cleaning my kitchen's closets and
washing all utensils. and rearranging them...hopefully by afternoon I too
shall have the same feeling... Thanks again for your love notes." love and
regards -Chandini- May 18, 2009 11:04 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 362 -
Mother Love: "Dearest Tasha, My (late) mother is very present in a different
way. But I feel more exposed to suffering than I was before. I am not a
daughter anymore. I am happy that we are exchanging feelings and thoughts.
You are a very dear and creative friend. I liked your Heartwing about being
a mother, I found it very true. Thank you again." Love -Donatella- Bologna,
Italy May 18, 2009 11:52 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes
362 - Mother Love: "Dear Tasha, thanks again, this felt like I am reading my
own note...thanks again for being such a warm person and guiding me in life
through your Heartwings Notes. I am sure many must have appreciated
your presence on earth on mother's day. May God bless you always for the
light u spread for beings." love -Chandini - May 13, 2009
5:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes
362 - Mother Love: "Tasha, You have no idea of how very beautiful this is!"
L & L -Sheila D.- May 12, 2009 2:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 362 - Mother Love: "I will always appreciate
the unconditional love I have always received in your presence." Thanks!
-Will F.- May 12, 2009 12:10 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 362 - Mother Love: "So Rare"
(Music up full). So Appropriate."
Thanks, -Garry A.- May 12, 2009 10:16 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 361 - Ever Changing,
Ever Growing: "Tasha, this latest Heartwings was an esp. beautiful one. You
are waxing poetic woman. Beautiful imagery about they leave behind maps to
territory we will never explore." Love, -Michele- May 4, 2009
12:44 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 361 - Ever Changing, Ever Growing: "So beautifully
written." -CC- May 4, 2009 11:02 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 361 - Ever Changing, Ever Growing: "A beautiful
message. Today is my youngest son's birthday. We spent the afternoon at his
house. His fiancée had a nice party for him--BBQ, friends and family--I made
the cake (a pirate ship), and my husband, Dan, BBQ hamburgers and hot dogs.
I can't help but remember this day--28 years ago when he was born." -JD-
May 4, 2009 09:08 AM

Re: Heartwings
Love Notes 359 - A Walk Down Memory Lane: "Yes! in tough times, my mother's
old cards to me seem to fall out on the floor. There was so much love in
them! You can pretend that you got the card today." Love you beautiful lady!
-Vicki Zak- April 20, 2009 9:57 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 359 - A Walk Down Memory Lane: "Thanks for
sharing. Really brightens my day." -Garry A.- April 20, 2009
2:26 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 359 - A Walk Down Memory Lane: "You are loved from
Salt Lake City as well. Have a wonderful week." -Sheila D.-
April 20, 2009 2:22 PM

Re: Heartwings
Love notes 358 - The Web of Memory: "Such lovely memories. My dad always
bought my mom a gardenia for Easter and a small flower for me and we
lovingly straight-pinned them onto our Easter coats. When my sister was born
(I was 8 years, 8 months old) my father stopped buying the flowers as now he
had to buy an extra flower, and he just couldn't afford the extra flower
with an extra mouth to feed. He occasionally would buy my mom a flower for
her coat. After Dad died, my mom approached her 70th birthday. My sister and
I gave her a surprise birthday party and I ordered a gardenia corsage. I
asked my oldest cousin, who was dying with cancer, to do the honors and pin
it on my mother. Mom whispered to me "I know why you bought the gardenia".
That summer, mom and my oldest cousin went to an Alaskan cruise together and
8 weeks later, my cousin passed away. Traditions are wonderful memories, and
now my Mom has dad and her favorite niece to remember when I buy her another
gardenia. Love -Carol Ann- April 13, 2009 11:17 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes
357 - Taking Time for Spring: "Dearest Tasha, Happy present moment!" Love, -Bev-
(Dr. Bev. Joyce)
April 6 2009 4:01PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 357 - Taking Time for Spring: "Reading this
I am reminded again how much I take for granted our fairly mellow seasons...
I love the details, the senses you bring to the page." - Lisa G-
April 6 2009 2:11PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 356 -
Putting Off Pleasure for Work: "Good one, Tasha. It almost sounds like ME
speaking. I, too, had a German parent, my Dad, and he was a very hard almost
cruel taskmaster. Things had to be done on time, and done right- meaning HIS
way. I have always had trouble not living up to expectations...and
forgetting to do what is most important to me." -Kristy M.-
March 29 2009 10:01AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The
Mysteries of Perception: "That's just a lovely edition of Heartwings!" -Rev
Paul B.- The Rowan Tree Church and The Hermit's Grove
March 26 2009 10:14AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The Mysteries of Perception: "What a wonderful trip Tasha, loving and
healing and heartening! Thank you for sharing..." with love, -Jane S.- from
White Eagle Center.
March 24 2009 11:24AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The
Mysteries of Perception: "Thank you Tasha for that. I think sometimes
my own insecurities take over too. The need to feel useful or the need to
feel like I've contributed some how. It was nice to read, and it was a good
reminder." -Cat Lee-
March 24 2009 11:18AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The Mysteries of Perception: "How beautiful! thank you for sharing your
experience and journey." Hugs, -Bev J.-
March 23, 2009 11:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - "The
Mysteries of Perception: "Tasha, As we find out about how we are being it
shows up in our relationships, thanks for the reminder." Love and Peace
-Russell A.-
March 23, 2009 10:34 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The
Mysteries of Perception: "A lovely message." Thank you, -Rita S.-
March 22, 2009 8:47 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The Mysteries of Perception: "What a
wonderful story, I'm thrilled that you got to enjoy some wonderful days with
your loving family and your daughter knows how hard you work here, and
wanted you to enjoy your granddaughter and be pampered...what you truly
deserve!" Hugs and love, -Abby-
March 22, 2009 7:24 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 355 - The Mysteries of Perception: "I really like
your daughter.... this was a great moment for you and her. Bravo!" -L.G.-
March 22, 2009 4:42 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 354 - My
Mother's Kitchen: "Funny how we get our limbic systems triggered, isn't it?
I loved your story and ALWAYS look forward to your offerings, Tasha." Hugs
March 15, 2009 9:09 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 354 - My Mother's Kitchen: "Wonderful! I could see
and smell along with you." -B.J-
March 15, 2009 6:02 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 352 - Shaking Up
to Settle Down: "Dear Tasha, your new room sounds beautiful!! I am so happy
that everything worked out so well for you! You are such a lovely person, I
just know it will continue to do so!" Love you, -Jackie-
February 26, 2009 8:52 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 352 - Shaking Up
to Settle Down: "Thanks! Tasha, Such wisdom; same message at church today."
Love ya, -Sheila-
February 22, 2009 8:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 352 - Shaking Up to Settle Down: "Funny you should
mention this. Today's Sunday School lesson was about 'getting out of your
comfort zone and DOING something different!' My 6th graders are to call
me this week to tell me how that transpired. Nobody hopes for water damage;
we all just want things to be better. I guess we must BE the change we want
to SEE in the world, eh? We are in a shakeup---wanna come help us MOVE?
February 22, 2009 6:15 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 351 - The Gift
Of Love and Kindness: "As White Eagle says - and his teaching echoes the
Ancient Wisdom... 'above all things be kind.' Truly not always easy
to do, is it, Tasha, bless you for the loving reminder... and a belated
Happy Valentines Day! From us all, -Jane S.- White Eagle Lodge
February 16, 2009 3:28 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 351 - The Gift Of Love and Kindness: "As usual,
you make my heart sing, Tasha. You know that I love you, respect you, admire
you, and look forward to seeing you every Sunday evening! -Connie B.-
February 15, 2009 9:29 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 349 Resisting
Resistance: "I am so going to try to be 'supportive and non-committal' as
you suggested in Heartwings with my mother, a hypochondriac and control
freak, who complains constantly. It rips me apart that she is spending her
remaining time on earth in such a black hole. And no, she won't take
anti-anxiety or antidepressants. Supportive and non-committal. That's the
ticket." Love, -Candi P.-
February 3, 2009 2:06 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 349 Resisting
Resistance: "Once again, your incredible wisdom teaches me. Ahh Tasha, thank
you so much for being so wise and being my friend and sharing your wisdom
with me. I am so very BLESSED." -Jennie-
February 2, 2009 10:53 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 349 Resisting Resistance: "Tasha, This is SO
perfect for me this week. I had a very similar situation last week and
responded very similarly and later that day questioned whether I should have
'told my friend the hard truth,' which I ultimately was relieved that I
didn't when she softened and we continued to talk. Why crush her spirit and
why not just help her focus on all the wonderful positive qualities to pull
her bad time around? It's so great to hear your take and the way you handled
it all." -Monica- :)
February 2, 2009 09:49 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 349 Resisting Resistance: "And another short
one: Nice sharing, Tasha! How I relate." -Lynn- from Seeking out Light
February 1, 2009 3:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - 349 Resisting Resistance: "My entire personality
is me pushing the universe and each year as I grow a little older and a
little bit more wiser, I learned that in many situations I have to back off.
And in those moments when I realize this, everything works out in the end
and I saved myself from that horrible emotional roller coaster. Thank you
for that wonderful reminder. I am going through something now where I have
so much resistance and its driving me crazy." -Cat Lee-
February 1, 2009 3:23 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 348 - Watching
To See: "Oh no, Tasha. Why has your life been stressful lately? In all the
years of knowing you, I have never seen you stressed. I will send good vibes
your way and say a prayer for you." HUGE CYBER HUG just for YOU! -Cat-
Jan 26, 2009 9:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 348 - Watching To See: "I LOVE this one.
Brilliantly done." -L. G.-
January 26, 2009

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 347 - The
Goodness of Friends: "Hang in there and your attitude with it all is a
lesson to us all when faced with troubles!" Thank you!!! xoxoxxo -Sherri-
January 20, 2009 9:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 347 - The Goodness of Friends: "Wow!! I am sorry
about your plants and your basement! But I am glad you have friends to help
you, I hope all is well now. Thanks for always sending your Heartwings"
Love, -Jackie-
January 20, 2009 9:53 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 347 - The Goodness of Friends: "I am so sorry. -L
& L-, Another friend
January 20, 2009 9:19 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 347 - The Goodness of Friends: "Tasha, what an
ordeal!! My brother in Virginia had the same thing happen, but he’s also
suffering from Shingles at the moment. So, it could be worse! I’m glad you
were able to resolve the problem, this experience will make any ensuing
“relaxed creative days” all the sweeter!" -Jen-
January 20, 2009 9:15 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 346 - It's Not
The Way It Used To Be: "Yes, yes, YES! My mom's old television went out and
she always liked ours, so we gave it to her then went and bought a 40" flat
screen for our Christmas gift. As we left the store a woman tapped me on the
shoulder and said, "You sure are LUCKY". I said, 'Oh, we saved for a long
time for this; we waited for over a year'. She looked stunned and said
quietly, 'I should try that'. A few days later my husband and most of the
employees were laid off. Fortunately our frugal nature will carry us through
for the third time in eight years. We use, reuse, repurpose and I am truly
blessed to be married to an engineer/jack of all trades who can repair just
about anything, that saves a lot!" Love, -Candi-
Jan 13, 2009 8:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 346 - It's Not The Way It Used To Be: "This is so
true, Tasha. Sometimes I get lost with instant gratification or get caught
up in what I don't have. At the end of the day, it's just crap. When I lived
in Italy, I learned to live without. Happiness is not based on stuff and it
sure isn't fulfilling in any sort of way. I think people forget that
convenience is a luxury, not a fact of life. Thank you for such an eloquent
piece, I so do enjoy your Heartwings. Thanks again!" -Cat-
Jan 13, 2009 8:03 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 346 - It's Not
The Way It Used To Be: "Yes, we were fortunate indeed to be brought up the
way we were. We brought our sons up the same, and they're so glad they pay
their credit cards total monthly. I feel for others though." -Sheila-
Jan 11, 2009 8:34 PM

(Jan 2008 Dec)

Quick links -
Bottom or jump to Readers Comments
Browse By Selector
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 343 - Lighting
Candles: "Your Heartwings of the week really struck a chord with a Maori
proverb I coincidentally read earlier today: 'Turn
your face to the sun, and the shadows fall behind you.'
It is so wonderful to have so much about light around us on this day!" Merry
Solstice, -Jennifer-
December 26th 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 342 - Naughty or
Nice?: "To
portray him in that way is to bring forth the true spirit of Christmas
giving as it lives in the hearts of us all'.
Thanks for reminding me. We took my Grandchild to a party at Amvets and
Santa had the same message when leaving . We fall into how we were bought up
good and bad and spoiled. I will have to try harder to break the old ways of
thinking. I thought I loved without conditions but apparently I don't.
If only we could see all the time through the eyes of a child. Cory was so
excited about the party he stood their watching all others opening packages
than his name was called and got to sit on Santa lap and have a picture
taken. After getting down he didn't under stand the helper had his gift and
Cory started to walk away. The young boy (Santa's helper) bent down to Cory
and passed him the gift. He than came back to the table where we all were
sitting at, was told how to open and see what he was given. He pulled the
paper off looking with surprised big eyes at a toy. Hopefully he will learn
in time the joy of giving as well as receiving from the heart." Hugs
December 15, 2008 1:35 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 342 - Naughty or Nice?: "Tasha, Thank you for
helping me to not make people wrong and open my awareness to how it creeps
in even in a song." Love and Joy -Russell A.-
December 15, 2008 12:55 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 342 - Naughty or Nice?: "ONE of your gifts are
your precious offerings as a wordsmith. THANK YOU." Merry! Merry! xo -ck-
December 15, 2008 12:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 342 - Naughty or Nice?: "WOW! and that was my
favorite song when I was a kid at school programs. It's definitely not what
I think now." -S.D.-
December 15, 2008 10:35 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 341 - Junk Mail
Dilemma Solved: "Thank you Tasha! Sometimes I receive 20 or more a day...
However, all I need is to find the time to call them all! Lots of love and
wishes for a lovely peaceful Christmas..." Blessings from every one of us.
-Jane S.- White Eagle Lodge
December 8, 2008 11:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 341 - Junk Mail Dilemma Solved: "Tasha At last, a
rational way to begin to let go of this glut. Thanks so much!" Many
blessings -Ann K.-
December 8, 2008 11:38 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 341 - Junk Mail Dilemma Solved: "That's fabulous
so thanks." -Sheila-
December 8, 2008 11:41 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 341 - Junk Mail Dilemma Solved: "wonderful advice!
thanks much." -Phyllis Galde-
December 8, 2008 4:13 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 341 - Junk Mail Dilemma Solved: "Tasha, I think I
am the only woman on earth who does not get catalogues galore. Me thinks
it's cuz I rarely order anything from them. I like your approach, though. I
keep the newsprint circulars we get a dearth of... I use pieces of them to
drain bacon in place of using paper towels. I keep a stack of them in a
basket on my kitchen counter. Saves me a ton of cash. Your Sunday night
messages are something I REALLY relish receiving! It's like getting a cyber
hug." Merry Christmas wishing you well -Connie B./ Mother Connie
December 7, 2008 9:56 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 339 -
Inspiration for Thanksgiving: "absolutely beautiful, one of my favorites to
date" much love, -Deb-
November 23, 2008 9:03PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 339 - Inspiration for Thanksgiving: "Wishes for a
very Happy Thanksgiving, Tasha.... and so much love and gratitude for all your
inspiring work with Heartwings... -Jane S. and all the family at Saint John's-
November 24, 2008 6:02PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 338 - Sorting:
"Tasha, you make me giggle! We have THREE storage units full of STUFF we can't
use because we don't have room for it...we went from a 4 bedroom house with a
double garage and basement to a 2 bedroom house with a single garage and no
basement. TALK ABOUT STUFF! We are blessed beyond belief. We live an
embarrassment of riches but at least I have the good sense to notice. Well, to
be fair: it is HIS stuff; HER stuff; THEIR stuff. It is my mom's stuff, my
dad's stuff, his kids' stuff, stuff we accumulated together...etc. So it is
not as if we put it all on a credit card one year. I am giggling as I type.
You DO have a way of making my heart sing, I do love my life!" God bless you
and yours richly forever. -Connie B./Mother Connie-
November 16, 2008 10:41PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 338 - Sorting: "Tash, Good topic today. I sent a lot
of clothes and shoes and a winter coat from 1991! on to charity. I feel good
and still there is much more to get rid of. I like your word, do I cherish it.
That is my determiner."
Love and hugs, -Michele-
November 16, 2008 10:24AM

Heartwings Love Notes 337 - Birthday
Reflections: "Dear Tasha, Hi. Thanks, as always, for your Heartwings. I am
trying to feel positive now, as I read your Heartwings at 3:30 a.m. Having to
get up so early in the morning to go to work can put a damper on things,
hahaha. I never sleep well when I have to get up so early. Oh well. I am off
tomorrow and can sleep in. Thanks again. I always enjoy your thoughts." Love,
November 10, 2008 6:33 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 336 - Seeds of
joy: "Tasha, You are such a beautiful person for sharing and in your own way
teaching, reminding us of our own issues, with each of your Heartwings. I'm so
very glad I know you. Even though we don't talk often, you are in my thoughts
regularly. My mother was Scorpio and I didn't get along with her so believed
Scorpio wasn't good for me. Other Scorpios in my life have often confirmed my
thought, but you don't fit that scenario, thankfully. Perhaps because you
reveal so much of yourself in Heartwings rather than keeping everything a
secret. You let people know you intimately with your writings. Please
continue, friend." Hugs, blessings and love, -Jennie-
November 4, 2008 5:43 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 336 - Seeds of joy: "That was So beautiful and
HELPFUL! I know several people who are walking around with a wounded,
frighten, sad child inside them that they don't know how to deal with. Myself
included! But I've worked on "self-parenting" and it has had a powerful
effect. I know your story will help others. I will forward it to my friends.
Thank you so much for your lovely writings!" Take care, -Amy-
November 3, 2008 6:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 336 - Seeds of joy: "Aw, I wish YOUR inner child
could come play paper dolls with MY inner child. We could even have a tea
party." Love you, ck "Wishing you well..." -Connie B./Mother Connie-
November 3, 2008 7:08 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 336 - Seeds of joy: " Good Morning my dear friend.
WOW....did you strike a nerve this morning!!! We are so much alike it is not
even funny. I am your story also, I was also an only child which made life
very difficult. I cried through most of this, I was reading it to Paul and
crying and you are so right, I still struggle with loving that little child
inside of me.
Rejection and expectations are still a huge issue for me, when something does
not happen that I am looking forward to I am soooo disappointed. I bet this
could become another huge topic like the Grandma's Apron??? Bless you my dear
friend. I wish I lived down the street from you so we could have a cup of tea
together!!." -Sandi-
November 3, 2008 9:47 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 335 - A Loving
Friend: "Thank you, Tasha, I always look forward to your messages. You must be
a wonderful woman." Love, -Jackie-
October 26, 2008 11:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 335 - A Loving Friend: "Hello My Dear,Your
Heartwings does for me what your friend did for you in the garden. I get
lifted and find peace. Will be doing today's program with Shelly and look
forward to her energy. I am doing ok and continue the walk. Will be in
touch,In Joy," -Lois-
October 27, 2008 9:50 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 334 - Harvest Of
Joy: "I like the image of the Almighty Hand holding yours." Very nice. -Diana
October 25, 2008 4:18 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 334 - Harvest Of
Joy: "OH Tasha! I am just now delighting in the beauty of which I have just
read your Heartwings Oh Joy!! As I continue my own weeding and working in
Beauty's garden, I am so very grateful." Much love and blessings always,
-Laura F.-
October 21, 2008 10:17am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 334 - Harvest Of
Joy: "Once again, beautiful! Thank you so for sharing this with me. Beauty is
simply nature's magic I think. I'm so glad it's all around us, just waiting to
be noticed." Love, -Jennie-
October 20, 2008 2:13am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 334 - Harvest Of Joy: "Another Winner!" -Connie B.
Mother Connie-
October 20, 2008 8:20am

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My
Grandmother's House: "Thank you for Heartwings. I enjoyed meeting your
grandmother in her summer home and feeling the pleasant atmosphere you
experienced there. The beauty, the affection, the leisure..." -Marie France-
October 19, 2008 3:56pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My
Grandmother's House: "May you have happy memories of a grandparent to enjoy
and to share. I do have many happy memories of my grandparents. Specially my
grand mother on my mother's side. My father's mother was very special to as
well. They were two completely different people, however their love for me and
my brothers, was equal. My wish is for everyone to have happy memories of
their grandparents." -Marria St.M-
October 14, 2008 5:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My Grandmother's House: "Dear Tasha, I like so
much the letter you wrote about your grandmother that I forwarded it to my
daughter who is now 40 years old - she spent all her vacations with my mother
in France and moved after High School to my mother in order to attend the
American College in Paris." -Francoise C.-
October 14, 2008 4:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My Grandmother's House: "This is my former
daughter-in-law Tasha, I think you might be getting inspiration for a whole
new book maybe with the way things are in the world we just NEED this???
Note: forwarded message attached.
Friends live within my heart
May the Earth keep you safe
The Sun keep you warm
And the Moon help you to see any harm.
Till we meet again.
Hugs and Blessings -Sandi-
October 14, 2008 1:29 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My
Grandmother's House: "Hi Tasha, That was a sweet memory. My favorite was of
hot many pies cooling on the window panes every summer welcoming our visit to
the 100 acre farm along the wide river in Bow, N.H. My grandmom had a large
garden until I was about 10. She passed when I was a teenage I think. Anyways,
my aunt Aggie and my Nana were always very sweet. They lived together with my
grandfather for as long as I knew them. Your story is a good reminder for me
to enjoy my blue willow china set with my grandchildren instead of leaving
them packed in storage! Thank you again for sharing." -Sherry B-
October 14, 2008 12:27 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My Grandmother's House: "I have some precious
memories of my paternal grandmother and her home. She loved birds and designed
her tiny backyard to entice them. She could mimic their calls. She always made
us drink Apricot Nectar with breakfast. She saved rose petals. She sang funny
songs to make us laugh. She loved hiking and camping. We'd listen to Spike
Jones 45's in her attic. She called me "Amy Angel". Awwww.....!! I sure do
miss her. She was always thrilled when all 7 of us would show up after a long,
long drive. She was there when I was born! Beautiful woman. Thanks for you
lovely story." Love, -Amy-
October 13, 2008 1:00 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My Grandmother's House: "and may we be those
grandparents as well !! dance!" -Susan-
October 13, 2008 8:17 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My Grandmother's House: " I have a dear friend
who is in prison. He is a Native American who does pointillist art, he is a
genius. But that's not ALL the two of you have in common: The stuff each of
you creates makes me weep! This is a good thing; it just means that your art
forms SPEAK directly to my heart. I just can't wait to meet you one day and
give you a real hug. These virtual hugs:{{{}}} are okay but not quite as warm
as the real deal. Thanks. I have to fetch a tissue now." -Connie B. Mother
October 12, 2008 11:17 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My
Grandmother's House: "Thank you, Tasha, for your beautiful, warm loving
memories. And reminding me of my own warm, loving memories of my own
Grandmother. ::tight hug:: This Heartwings touched me deeply. Thank you."
Love, -Jennie-
October 12, 2008 10:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 333 - My Grandmother's House: "The one memory that I
have of my Grandmother, is when she would come to baby sit. That memory is
called Lawrence Welk and his bubble Machine. I also loved going to her
apartment in Willimantic. she used to work in a cotton mill and would often
have cotton plants in her house that she would give me. And her cats. She had
some HUGE fluffy cats. God bless, love, -Donna-
October 12, 2008 6:26AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 331 - Welcome to
the Rainbow Bridge: "Such great remindations, Heartwings... From -KH-
October 1, 2008 2:53PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 331 - Welcome to
the Rainbow Bridge: "Hi Tasha, Really enjoyed the uplift from your latest
Heart Wings! I'm on that Rainbow Bridge with you" Love, -Michele-
September 29, 2008 8:36 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 331 - Welcome to
the Rainbow Bridge: "How beautiful and somehow you said it better than 'The
Secret' ever did ! I love simplicity and gratitude builds more love into
everything. I will take heart into your vision and I will also pass it to many
others! Bless you and thank you Tasha!" xoxoxo -mE-
September 28, 2008 10:06 pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 330 - The
Inspiration of Cabbages: "How very touching! Such a beautiful story of love."
-Cat -
September 21, 2008 8:34 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 329 - Changing
Times: "Dearest Tasha, I am Joyously aspiring to a path looking similarly as
true to myself as you are to yours by the time I'm your age...if I
accomplished a quarter of what you have helping and inspiring others - I'd
have left a beautiful legacy....and that's what I have to say about that!" -KH-
September 15, 2008 5:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 329 - Changing Times: "Funny how times and ideas
about women's roles have changed since our grandmothers' days, isn't it? One
of my grandmothers used to bake pies and deliver them by horse drawn wagon. I
remember a pal telling about her grandmother's claim to fame: her 6 foot tall
husband neglected to dig a new outhouse in her time frame, so SHE, a 4' 9"
lady, dug one on her own and built the door to suit HER size! Ya gotta love
Yankee ingenuity and the differences that make us each unique! I
appreciated the word picture you painted of your grandmother.... keep those
Heartwings flapping, dear Tasha!" -Connie B. Mother Connie-
September 15, 2008 5:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 329 - Changing Times: "That was beautiful, Tasha,
thank you. You are a very special Lady." From one Lady to another, -Jennie -
September 15, 2008 5:11 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 328 - Present Moment Play: "Thank you for this from
a person who is too serious!" Love Lia B.-
September 13, 2008 12:16 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 327 - The Orange
Tool Box: "That was a really good heartwings. I agree. The memories triggered
by objects can be very special. Advise certainly lingers when people have
moved on. Thank you for that. Glad that you are still in my life - even though
it's through the internet. One day we will meet again. -Cat-
September 1, 2008 4:56 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 327 - The Orange Tool Box: "Thanks for these Tasha!
You do a super job and it's a great reminder of what really counts." -Monica
September 1, 2008 6:19 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 326 - Another
Day Another Lesson Learned: "A really wonderful message! Thank you Tasha."
Blessings and love -Annie. O'S-
Aug 18, 2008 12:36 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes in General: "Thanks again for brightening my days
with your words of wisdom from your every-day life experiences. I love how you
are such a positive thinker. Reading your emails often lifts my mood and
reminds me that I have many blessings in my life that sometimes I take for
granted or don't take the time to appreciate." Thank you. -A.S-
Aug 18, 2008 10:49 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 326 - Another Day Another Lesson Learned: "Tasha,
This is a beautiful message, one I need too. Thank you for writing these."
-Monica M.-
Aug 17, 2008 8:31 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 325 - Doing and Undoing: "BRAVO. This is so
important!" -Lisa G.-
Aug 10, 2008 10:54 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 324 - The Umbrella In The Car: "Excellent analogy."
Love -Carol Ann-
Aug 4, 2008 6:22 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 323 - An Odd Sort Of Blessing: "This was a wonderful
heartwings. I think all people have a tendency to focus on the negative and
the can't haves and the can't do's. And it is true that usually we have a long
list of can do's and can haves that we seem to chose to ignore. Thank you for
that reminder. -Cat L.-
Jul 28, 2008 5:57 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 323 - An Odd Sort Of Blessing: "Because of rising
food/fuel prices we have been 'restricted' to eating even MORE modestly...we
feel BLESSED because we are able to adapt and we have so many resources to be
grateful about.
Reading about your restrictions makes me know all over again that you and I
have much more in common than we have to separate us!" I'm so glad there is
you cuz I love you madly! ;-) "Wishing you well..." -Connie B. Mother Connie-
Jul 27, 2008 10:32 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 323 - An Odd Sort Of Blessing: "Dear Tasha, thank
you for this insightful informational story. I understand all too well when
you give negative energy toward something it comes back at you trifold, If you
give positive energy to something it flourishes outward and back. If you give
no energy to the situation it lies dormant. Have a wonderful day and let
everything today flourish :) " -Christine-
Jul 28, 2008 9:11 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 323 - An Odd Sort Of Blessing: "What a great story!
Thank you for sharing! I too, have many restrictions." -Granny Moon-Jul
27, 2008 6:09 PM

Heartwings Love Notes 322 - The Joy of Flowers: "Dear Tasha, Just wanted you
to know how much I enjoyed this colorful note. I, too, am a lover and grower
of flowers. I can imagine all these colors and wonderful flowers and people
you write about! Thanks also for your contribution to Daily Zen; we deeply
appreciate those of you who find it in your hearts to help us run this
service. I now am on my own deck looking out at the glorious purple clematis
and delphinium that are still blooming full. I divided my red and white
geraniums this spring and they are still in my plant nursery getting ready to
rebloom. Makes one's heart just sing with gratitude!" Have a continuing
colorful and fragrant summer ahead. In gratitude, -Elana-
Jul 13, 2008 7:55 PM

Heartwings Love Notes 321 - The Blessing of Forgiveness: "Hi Tasha, Great
message today....come to think of it my Nana always said you have such a
pretty face if only you would lose weight. (as she was baking another
chocolate lemon filled cake. I NEED to lose weight and have off and on all my
life. I lose it and gain it all back plus more. I am working on Forgiveness
and Anger and Loving myself it is quite the journey." Hugs and Blessings
-Sandi M.-
Jul 13, 2008 7:55 PM
Heartwings Love Notes 321 - The Blessing of Forgiveness: "Thank you, Tasha.
You are so wonderful to remind us of these things." HUGS -Jennie-
Jul 13, 2008 6:10 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 318 - Small Presents: "Hi Tasha....This one is
especially timely for me!! It is funny how we can relate to like
circumstances... 99% of the time I read your notes right away, but I put this
off until today as we have had prospective buyers looking at our property to
buy, so I have cleaning all week. We are hopefully moving back over nearer the
coast for a number of reasons.. Anyway, I really smiled when I did read this
just now, as yesterday I was cleaning places that had not been cleaned for a
long while, and grumbling a bit to myself....Then suddenly I stopped and had
my big moment of what you refer to as an "attitude of gratitude"...noting to
myself how fortunate I am to have places to clean (like window ledges full of
bugs and pollen between the windows and the screens.)....AND to have the
ability to clean them still!! ... You have a marvelous way of conveying your
messages, and it is so delightful when they totally coordinate with recent
real life happenings in my life too....Yeah for you!!!! I hope you continue to
discover the simple pleasures too..." Love and hugs -Hannah C.-
Jun 26, 2008 1:27 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 318 - Small Presents: "Thanks ! That's how I feel
last thing at night when I prepare the coffee-making for the following
morning. " -Bill C.-
Jun 22, 2008 7:25 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 318 - Small Presents: "I enjoy cutting up all my
veggies and thinking how good for me they are. I also have a feeling of
satisfaction hanging up clothes on the line." -Judy A.-
Jun 23, 2008 11:28 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 318 - Small Presents: "Dear Tasha, I want to tell
you that I have really appreciated your last message about an "attitude to
gratitude". It really helps. I am experiencing it now. In taking care of my
mother I am trying to transform this experience in something that can be good
also for myself. I will write write you again about this subject." Love and
hugs -Donatella F. Italy -
Jun 23, 2008 4:20 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 317 - Love Lasts: "Good Morning Tasha, I just read
your Heartwings article and I have to tell you, this was so touching, very
well written. You and I are both in this same rocky boat together at the same
time. Funny, when you spoke of your dad waving to you, I have to tell you that
my mother has been seeing my dad and asking the nurses where can my husband
stay. I know that she has to be visiting him while she sleeps. My mother is
showing signs, to me at least, that the transition has or is about to begin. I
just wanted to tell you how moving your newsletter was. EXCELLENT JOB !!!"
Love -Linda T-
Jun 17, 2008 7:45 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 317 - Love Lasts: "Tasha, This one is beautiful - it
made me cry. I'm so happy for the peace you have found with your Mother's
situation. And I pray that when her time comes that your Dad truly is there to
help welcome her to the other side, as I'm sure he will be. :-) God bless and
I hope to see you soon. Until then - know how thankful I am to be able to
share in your peace and wisdom." Love much, -Tara G.-
Jun 16, 2008 10:58 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 317 - Love Lasts: "Tash, You are so sweet to write
such a beautiful and wise sentiment about your mother and dad. I believe the
real communication does occur "in between the lines" sort of speak, such as
that thought of your dad. They say the veil is very thin in between worlds,
theirs and ours." -Michelle Mc.-
Jun 16, 2008 11:37 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 317 - Love Lasts: "Tasha, my sweet, if ever I can
read your offerings sans tissues I'll be sure to let you know. My own mother
and I were extremely close and I miss her every day but I also giggle every
single day about something or other that was meaningful to us. My special
needs son lives in a group home 2 hours away and we talk on the phone every
day. Not a day goes by but what one of us says to the other, "That's a Grandma
Pieper thing, isn't it?" Your connections with your family make my own seem
all the more precious. I love you, Tasha Halpert. And I am so glad there is
you." Hugs -Connie B. (Mother Connie) -
Jun 16, 2008 3:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 317 - Love Lasts: "Tasha, my mother is 91 and is in
a nursing home with extremely good care, as it is a local place. She too, is
not all there, and it just breaks my heart. You and I both must try to stay
strong, as this is one of our hard parts of life. I read somewhere that there
are two things that are the hardest of all. Birth and Death. Life is in
between. :) I just want you to know that I really enjoy your love notes and it
is obvious that they are from your heart." May God Bless you dear one. -Mary-
Jun 15, 2008 7:14 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 317 - Love Lasts: "That was beautiful, Tasha. Your
own inner beauty shines through your writings. I believe your father was there
with you, showing himself to you and sending you so much love. Yes, he's
waiting for your mother and yes, you will be visited often by both of them.
Many in spirit send you love for your kindnesses over the years." Much love
you to. -Jennie-
Jun 15, 2008 10:12 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 316 - Childhood Joys: "That's just beautiful.
Thanks, Tasha!" -Jen W.-
Jun 9, 2008 6:17 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 316 - Childhood Joys: "That was so charming. Thank
you! I'm going to pass it on to a few of my friends." -Cat-
Jun 9, 2008 1:12 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 316 - Childhood Joys: "Hi Tasha, your Heartwings is
very memorable, and heartwarming, as always." -Jackie B.-
Jun 8, 2008 9:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 315 - Having a Slow Day: "My take on this is that my
ancestors slaved so I could have this vignette. I feel guilty and I shouldn't.
I'm capable of more, this I know is true. But few people in this country are
putting on the breaks to what is madness and mania. I'm glad Stephen is
encouraging you to take this step. I hope you find value in the delight of
decision for desire's sake alone. I get that same feeling of well being when I
cross stuff off a list, but there is no comparison to the inspiration that
unfolds when I'm free to follow that which intrigues me in the moment." -Lisa
Jun 2, 2008 12:14 AM

Re: Your Book - Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life: "This weekend has
finally given me a bit of time to read leisurely and watch the birds. What is
so notable is that David saw your book and flipped through it and asked how I
got it :) I told him the story and maybe for the first time he realized that
you can make real friends here. Both of my girls know about you and love your
book. I hope that one day we can meet in person and share hugs and ideas. You
are a gem and I feel very blessed that you are in my world." Hugs -Ame-
May 26, 2008 9:50 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 314 - Eat The Strawberry: "Thanks for always putting
ripe berries in my path Tasha." Xo -Mary LR-
May 26, 2008 8:51 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 314 - Eat The Strawberry: "What a lovely message
Tasha... Bless you!" -Jane S.-
May 27, 2008 9:47 AM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 313 - Little By Little We Learn: "Hi Tasha, I had
the same cloth bag struggle! One day I saw "Envirosax" on an internet site and
ordered them. They're parachute fabric and five come in a tiny little pouch
that fit in my purse. The bags are quite large and hold at least the
equivalent of two plastic bags. I've carried them for almost two years and
have had so many people ask "where did you get those?" because of their bright
graphic prints. Now I use my cloth bags for library books and to hold all the
random items that are in my car. My son is going to get a set for his July
birthday. On the day after Thanksgiving my daughter-in-law, her mom and I went
out to the stores (crazy time!) and Jolene was charmed by the bags I kept
pulling out of my purse - "what are you, a magician?" she laughed! And you're
right - it's good to have a few plastic bags for other uses. Unfortunately I'm
seeing way too many people without cloth bags in the stores. I'm not sure
people are as committed to environmentalism as we were in the 'olden days'.
We're having a gorgeous spring. Hope you are, too." Love, -Candi-
May 29, 2008 7:30 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 313 - Little By Little We Learn: "You always touch
my heartstrings and cause my heart to sing...Thank you again. BTW, I have
joined a Book Lovers Club and I'm thinking your book needs to enjoy the
spotlight with a review. We are a tiny group and one of our most voracious
readers is 92 (she is our hostess). The others are retired. I guess the next
in age would be 86. I am the youngest at age 33!" Wishing you well. -Connie B.
aka Mother Connie-
May 22, 2008 10:08 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 313 - Little By Little We Learn: "Thanks,
Tasha...I'm about where you are with the water thing...yes - it's good to give
ourselves credit even when we remember a little late!" love, -Kim F.-
May 21, 2008 1:03 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 312 - My Mother Is Leaving: 'I also know that
regardless how far away she may drift she is anchored forever in my heart and
I will always love her.'
"I like very much how you said this. On mothers day I didn't want to go out
with my children I just wanted to visit my mothers grave. My son took me their
and we had the best time digging up the grass around the stone and making it
look cared for with planted flowers. We didn't go prepared with tools and
their was a man we thought was a worker on the cemetery and he loaned us
tools. After thanking him so much for the loan of them found he and his wife
were their doing the same thing. They came over and checked out our
affords and said it looked so much better. And they commented others
should remember those that are no longer with us to show you still care and
that they are forever in our heart." Blessing to You also Hugs -Elizabeth F.-
May 13, 2008 8:39 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 312 - My Mother Is Leaving: "Dear Tasha, You story
about your mother made me think back to the last couple of years of my
father’s life. It was eerily similar to what you describe about your mother.
He did not know us any more…even when we went to see him. But, he had not
forgotten to wag his finger at me and told me I had to be the best at whatever
I was doing. It’s the thing about my dad I remember the most…I was to be
perfect! Never did live up to his expectations and never will. Born in 1904,
he died before his birthday in 1996. Thanks for your emails. Sending my love
to you! -Adelle N.-
May 12, 2008 6:20 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 312 - My Mother Is Leaving: "Lovely message. i do
remember my grandmother fading just like that." -Cathy T.-
May 12, 2008 2:40 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 312 - My Mother Is Leaving: "Tasha, How beautifully
written!! This is how I feel sometimes with my husband. This is SO touching,
and wonderful. Thank you for writing it and sharing it. " Love, -Jeanie-
May 12, 2008 6:20 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 312 - My Mother Is Leaving: "That was truly a
beautiful thoughtful Heartwings." thank you -Cat-
May 11, 2008 11:01 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 312 - My Mother Is Leaving: "Tasha, I just got back
from visiting my mother, who is in a Nursing Home, and she is 91 yr. old. She
kept asking me how I had found her. She was there with me one day and the next
she was in another place. My heart cries for my mother to come back, but I
know she is on her journey, and I will just have to let her go. Why is life so
hard sometimes?" -Mary-
May 11, 2008 10:37 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 311 - Who Will Teach Us?: "Great words Tasha!!
....How true...... I have taught one grandson to knit and done quilting with a
granddaughter...She loves to sew her own clothes anyway...Luckily we had
opportunities to teach all of our kids skills to be pretty self-sufficient if
need be...building, repairing, veggie gardening etc.... My sweet 12 yr old
grandson who knits was so excited last summer when he could pick his own
carrots, and beans...My son and he had a tiny little garden about 6'by6', but
that's all it takes! Our daughter lives next to an organic sheep and cattle
farm so her kids can work and learn there. You are so right about handing down
skills to the next generation!!". love and hugs -Hannah C.-
May 5, 2008 6:06 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 311 - Who Will Teach Us?: "This is sweet,
Tasha...I'll always remember my friend's mother teaching me to hand sew and
tie knots when I was, oh 5 or 6 in our "Bluebird" group (pre campfire
girls!)...I loved it and have loved teaching my children too. Pace loves to
sew - he went to work with his dad today - much more interested in "real
stuff", like what we do all day than going to school and "doing the same
things over and over again"...balance, balance, balance..." love to you, -Kim
May 5, 2008 10:06 AM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 311 - Who Will Teach Us?: "I used to teach Rebecca
stitches with yarn and a plastic needle on the soft plastic trays meat is
packed on." Xo -Mary L.-
May 4, 2008 10:07 PM
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 311 - Who Will Teach Us?: "Interesting thoughts."
-Jen W.-
May 4, 2008 9:18 PM

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 310 - The Joy of Dandelions: "Tasha! Once again
"you're in my head"!
other day I was pulling handfuls of "Creeping Charlie" out of flower beds and
what lawn we do have...we minimize "real grass" and encourage domestic ground
covers. "Charlie" is so prolific and really, yes, very pretty with the
little round leaves and purple flowers. When I came inside I told my husband
that this weed probably contains the cure for cancer or another serious
disease, and who would know? We see it as undesirable, and that's that. This
is a neighbor's yard, prolific with wild violets and yes, those happy yellow
flowers." Enjoy this beautiful spring! Love, -Candi-
April 30th 2008 4:08pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 310 - The Joy of Dandelions: "I do love your
writing, Tash. ...the growth doesn't stop... Gotta get some dandelions for my
salads...." -Eileen J.-
April 29th 2008 9:16pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 310 - The Joy of Dandelions: "I too, adored
dandelions. And, my favorite memory is my neighborhood girlfriends, Viola,
Gladys, Venla, and I would pick tons each morn and float the blossoms in a
large metal washtub like a rose bowl effect, and then we'd take the stems and
make chain links and each summer we'd at least make a chain that would go
clear around the block on the sidewalk. We would feel such fulfillment, I know
not why?" -Sheila D.-
April 29th 2008 3:51pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 310 - The Joy of Dandelions: "I agree with you
wholeheartedly! The girls bring me vases full of them and I love it!" -Wendy
R.- April 29th 2008 6:02am
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 310 - The Joy of Dandelions: "I never knew all this
about dandelions! I have learned something new today! :) " -Judy-
April 28th
2008 3:45pm CDT
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 310 - The Joy of Dandelions: "Wonderful! The beauty
of the 'weed'!" -Jen W.-
April 28th 2008 2:46pm

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 308 - Just Breathe Light: "That was wonderful advice
you gave me Tasha whom I in turn shared it with a friend of mine who was
stressed about her in-laws who have money issues. Thank you again and I know
you'll be hearing a lot from this newsletter from other moms. Bless you
sweetie. You an angel in disguise. are just an angel that everyone
sees!!!" Love you. -Chris-
April 14th 2008 2:12pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 308 - Just Breathe Light: "That was a wonderful
Heartwings. Tough to execute in the moment but wonderful to be reminded. It is
one of my most difficult personality traits to resist. I tell myself in
moments of confrontation - "do not engage, do not engage." I hope someday I
will learn this and execute it without conscious thought." Miss you. Thank you
for your Heartwings. -Cat-
April 13th 2008 7:22pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 308 - Just Breathe Light: "I am always astonished at
the way your topics mesh with my life. Last week one of my husband's grand
nephews, 24, took his own life with no warning to anyone. We have been fairly
crushed and your note was just dear and hit my heart where I needed a Tasha
hug." THANK YOU. Hugs, -Connie B. aka Mother Connie-
April 13th 2008 6:37pm
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 308 - Just Breathe Light: "How very true. I've
learned the same thing over the years, but not always an easy thing to do."
-Daniel B.-
April 13th 2008 5:22pm

Re: Tasha's Guest Appearance on Rita Schiano's blog talk radio show 'Talk to
me': "I know that whatever you do with your writings, they will grow and
continue to touch many. I see several more books/CDs/etc." Hugz, -Julie R.-
April 10th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 307 - The Fountain of Joy: "This is so lovely. I
feel so moved by your writings." -Robyne-
April 8th 2008
Re: Tasha's Guest Appearance on Rita Schiano's blog talk radio show 'Talk to
me': "Dearest Tasha, I just listened to most of the talk...How wonderful! What
an inspiration you are and how dearly esteemed I hold you in my heart!!!"
Thanks for all you do Love -Kim F.-
April 7th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 307 - The Fountain of Joy: "Very well written!!!
bravo!" god bless. -Donna S.-
April 6th 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 306 - Dreams Can Come True: "HI, Tasha. I just
wanted to thank you for yet another timely Heartwings. As is usually, the
case, this one really hit the spot. My husband and I seem to be going through
midlife crises - at the same time! - and we're trying to figure out just what
it is we wish for our future, individually and for both of us together. Thanks
for the reminder to be patient and maybe even a little bit flexible :)" I hope
all is as well with you as it seems. -Donna S.-
Mar 31st 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 305 - The Message Is Love: "A wonderful message Tasha...I too
am so glad that spring is here....or in snowy NH almost here!!....We had the
tiniest member of the family here for Easter with her folks ....10th
grandchild who will be a year old in April....I am happy that your Easter was
special too...." Love and hugs -Hannah C.-
Mar 25th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 305 - The Message Is Love: "Dear Tasha, Thank you for your love
message. I am in vacation in Tunisia and I wanted to wish you a very Happy
Easter yesterday but could not access a computer." -Francoise C.-
Mar 24th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 304 - The New Light of Spring: "I have had a
VERY difficult week, full of tears, stress, fear, all manner of ugly. Your
cleaning essay was a balm to my sorry soul!" THANKS. -C.K- Mother Connie
Mar 16th 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 302 - The Gift of Food: "You absolutely turned my
mind around regarding food. I've said this before... Before you I had no
fascination for vegetables. You made healthy eating delicious. Something I'd
never known prior. Just wish your kitchen was around the block! I'm pretty
good but I'm more a creative salad person, a capable balanced meal
coordinator, but still seemingly allergic to recipes thus it's always the same
thing, over and over and over." -Lisa G.-
Mar 3rd 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 302 - The Gift of Food: "I, too, love cooking; so
glad Stan enjoys cleaning up! Had a marvelous time in California though not
much sunshine. Made our own..." -Sheila D.-
Mar 3rd 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 302 - The Gift of Food: "Hi Tasha, It’s interesting
how different people do or do not enjoy cooking. I think I’m more like your
mother though at times during my life I tried some things my mother ever did.
She was a mashed potato, meat and creamed vegetable kind of cook…very basic.
Only in her later years did she explore other recipes, etc. Now, I don’t care
about cooking much. My husband Steve, however loves to cook so I let him. We
work together on large meals for guests, etc. I enjoy making the salads and
baking the pies. Just a little commentary from the now “senior” Mrs. N.
Sending my love and wishes for a great week!" Hugs, -Adelle N.-
Mar 3rd 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 301 - Growing With Love: "Hello Tasha, Wanted to
take some time here to tell you how much I enjoyed reading this letter about
your son. What wonderful memories you have of him and how he lives on! I have
the same experience with my Grandmother's memory. She taught me so many
wonderful things, like how to sew, and I have a special family altar if you
will where her picture and my great grandmother reside. I lived with them both
for the first 2 years of life and have strong bonds with both of these strong
women. Just wanted you to know I vibed especially strong with your shared
story. Some people are just angels in our lives, are they not?" Warmly, -Elana-
Mar 1st 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 301 - Growing With Love: "Tasha, Thanks for this
lovely, lovely Heartwings message. Chris Arroll's birthday was also in
February. I am writing a poem for him to be published in "Spare Change"
newspaper. His mother is depending on me it seems to memorialize him or
coordinate some sort of service. I wish I could be as graceful with the heavy
changes in life as you are; particularly seeing the beauty in a loved one's
memory instead of suffering the loss with resentment, self-pity and all those
negative emotions. That has been my tendency. I tend to resist and, as I am
learning, the resistance only wears me down. Here's to memorializing our loved
ones in positive ways and making our own lives meaningful to others." Much
love at this time of remembrance and growth, -Julie-
Feb 24th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 301 - Growing With Love: "Precious...I'm going to
start a carrot top to remember him by. Blessings and love to you and Stephen.
He must have been a wonderful boy." Love, -Candi-
Feb 28th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 301 - Growing With Love: "Tasha... I remember part
of your poem, of which I have a copy, written at your son's anniversary which
I will never forget.....
"Feeling this love
I know it as both his and mine,
And him as one with it.
Not in his grave,
But singing in the soil....
Dear son, you loved the earth
With all your heart,
I never knew how much before.
Now I too share that love;
Thank you so very much, beloved son."
So beautiful. Thank you for sharing, Tasha... With love, -Jane S.-
Feb 27th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 301 - Growing With Love: "This is just so beautiful!
It really touched my heart being a mother of four adult kids myself. The pain
of losing one of them is too unbearable to even try to imagine so instead I
will call them and tell them how grateful I am and how much I love them."
Thanks again for touching my heart! Hugs -Cherie-
Feb 24th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 301 - Growing With Love: "The Angels are always in
charge of your messages. I just got word that one of my email buds' just had
two friends who were murdered. I fwded this to him in the hope that it will
help him find a place of healing." Did I mention I love you MADLY? Oh, yes,
dear Tasha. -Connie B.-
Feb 24th 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 300 - Another Milestone: "Congratulations on
#300!!!! Good for you. I save all of them in a special folder... Here's to
your many more!" hugs -Hannah C.-
Feb 19th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 300 - Another Milestone: "Dear Tasha, Heartwings has
come a long way! 300 issues, wow! I am so happy that you--and Heartwings--have
reached this milestone. Your many faithful readers no doubt concur!." Your
loving daughter, -Laura-
Feb 18th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 300 - Another Milestone: "Dear Tasha,
congratulations for your 300th Love Note and for your constance and
generosity. I enjoy your Love Notes, a warm a gentle presence in my life."
Angela told me that you are coming to Italy February-March, I am looking
forward to seeing you soon. -Donatella F.- Italy
Feb 18th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 300 - Another Milestone: "Yeah!, congratulations Mom
on number 300. We are getting on a boat tonight which will take us up the
Amazon river starting Tuesday afternoon. All is well, hope you have 300 more
Heartwings love notes in you at least. Love, -Chris and Gabrielle-
Feb 18th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 300 - Another Milestone: "I always value and look
forward to receiving Heartwings." Blessings, -Lynette T.-
Feb 18th 2008
Re: Heartwings: "Dear Tasha, We are glad you received positive feedback about
Heartwings. We hope you will never lose faith in your writing. It's rare to
hear much from readers except here and there--but you do good work and we
encourage you to keep it up!" Love, Dr's. Alex & Annellen Simpkins
Feb 18th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 300 - Another Milestone: "
Congratulations Tasha on over
300 Issues
of Heartwings Love Notes."
Lots of Love -Doc D.-
Feb 18th 2008

Heartwings Love Notes 299 - My Always Valentine: "This was such a neat
message! Neat because it is your lives. Neat because it is our lives. Oh, to
be with someone you can love unconditionally is fantastic. We too, disagree on
things and we word things so that we don’t hurt the other’s feelings. That
goes a long way in a relationship! My Stephen says your Stephen spells his
name correctly! We both enjoyed your send." Love and hugs, -Adelle N.-
Feb 10th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 299 - My Always Valentine: "That is absolutely
beautiful. The two of you have my undying admiration. Have a glorious
Valentines day!" Hugs -Cherie-
Feb 10th 2008

Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "Hi Tasha, Yes, I continue to receive and read Heartwings! I
always look forward to reading your wise insights into life, so keep me on the
list!" Love and Hugs, -Sherri M.-
Feb 7th 2008
Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "Dear Tasha, Yes I am receiving your weekly Love Notes and it
is with great pleasure that I am reading them." With all my best regards.
-Francoise C.-
Feb 6th 2008
Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "I am always wanting to receive Heartwings! Seems like I am
getting it regularly so it's all good here with me. Thank you for taking the
time to check up on me to see if it was getting here." I am truly grateful for
Heartwings! -Cherie-
Feb 6th 2008
Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "Please don't take me off the list! I love reading it every
week. It usually strikes a chord and always gives me insight." Much love &
light, -Deb W.-
Feb 6th 2008
Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "Hi Tasha,I get Heartwings, and love reading them! Thanks for
all your beautiful writing and warming thoughts and insightful sharing..."
Peace, -Susan W.-
Feb 6th 2008
Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "Hi Tasha! I so look forward to reading your Heartwings each
time they arrive and often forward them to others. Keep me on the list!" Love
to you -Melanie S.-
Feb 6th 2008
Re: Heartwings (A Question to readers about receiving emails and
subscriptions): "Yes we are receiving Love Notes and love it. On many a day it
is exactly what I need to adjust my outlook and mood and I am grateful to
receive them." Love, -Wendy R.-
Feb 6th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 298 - Loving Myself Enough: "Hello Wise one, another
wise passage..!" Love and Hugs, -Lisa-
Feb 4th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 298 - Loving Myself Enough: "Ah, healing stories, I
just love them. Being a nurse you know I have been around all degrees of
imbalance in health. What can I say? I am still seeking and studying the
elements that create and maintain health. I have had family members with such
challenging medical problems it has prevented me from coming to any
conclusions too quickly. Other than there is a unique healing process for each
person and elements that go into creating health. I have been humbled more
than once when what I thought would help actually made things worse. I should
have been a medical intuitive and things would have been much easier.... I
agree in essence the greatest thing we can do is to LISTEN to the body....and
heart...the keys are all there." Thanks for sharing this, Warmly, -Elana- The
Feb 4th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 298 - Loving Myself Enough: "Dear Tasha, I want to
thank you for your Heartwings. They are very special, and always speak to me."
Feb 3rd 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 297 - Tender Treatment: "Again - a parallel.
This time though your message came a few days before I found that similarity
and used your fine example. I woke up at 4 am with a vague discomfort in my
throat and stomach, then chills. Ordinarily I would have been in the office
for my ten-hour Wednesday but as I assessed my symptoms I remembered
Heartwings. Like you I fight discomfort! At age 61, though, my desk relatively
clean, 25 sick days a year blessedly unused, I picked up the laptop and sent
an email to the office. Snuggled in the bedcovers, good dogs warming me, I
slept until 11:30. Dennis left coffee in the microwave for me to heat up. An
email from work brought a message of concern and hope for quick healing. And
now, dear Tasha, I think it might be time for another nap!" Blessings and
love, -Candi-
Jan 30th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 297 - Tender Treatment: "Hi Tasha, I deeply
appreciated this issue of Heartwings. It is getting easier for me to access my
heart chakra. For many years I have struggled to feel deeply a connection
there. I need to spend more time in meditation with an emphasis on my heart
chakra. Your Heartwings reminded me this morning to pay attention and reach
out and acknowledge you for reminding me through your work." Thanks for all
you do! Peace, -Evan M.-
Jan 28th 2008
In Response to Tasha's Heartwings Needs You (Email) - Heartwings Love Notes
for a Joyous Life Book: "Tasha, I sent you a mail order for 3 books that you
should be getting shortly. I look forward to getting them and sharing with my
beloved friends." Keep up the great work. You are a blessing to many! -Brenda
Jan 23rd 2008

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 296 - Evidence of Friendship: "SO true…and sometimes
we forget there are a lot of friends out there who care and love us. You
always seem to hit on great topics in ways we can all understand. Thank you
for Heartwings…more importantly, thank you for your wonderful friendship."
Love and hugs, -Adelle N.- Jan 22nd
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 295 - Thoughts On Pomegranates: "Nice. I like some
of your new themes and current experiences. Keeps things interesting." Love,
-Laura L.- Jan 14th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 295 - Thoughts On Pomegranates: "So dear. Just like
you. I love the way you take the mundane and elevate it to life lessons. Can't
WAIT to get my book, replete with your precious energy!" Hugs n Kisses,
-Mother Connie- C.K.B
Jan 14th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 295 - Thoughts On Pomegranates: "Tasha, That was a
very amusing anecdote. I enjoyed it!" -Jen W.-
Jan 14th 2008

Heartwings Love Notes 294 - Is That What You Meant To Say?: "Dearest Tasha,
this is a great Heartwings entry, as always - so much wisdom to share with
everybody from your heart. - can't always believe everything we think!" Love,
-Kim F.- Jan 10th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 294 - Is That What You Meant To Say?: "What a
beautiful and wonderfully understanding message Tasha... Thank you..." With
our love, -Jane S.- Jan 7th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 294 - Is That What You Meant To Say?: "Tasha, Just
read your message and you are so right about code I will have to pay more
attention to what is really being said instead of the words being said. It is
not always easy to pay that much attention but you are right it is needed.
Only good can come from it." -Brittha B.-
Jan 7th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 294 - Is That What You Meant To Say?: "I had to
comment on that Heartwings, I felt it was the best you have ever written, I
knew you were very smart, but didn't realize how insightful you are!!! I loved
it, and now, when I hear something that doesn't make sense to me, and the
wording could upset me, I'll think about the way it was presented, and that
possibly there was another way to translate what someone has said to me.. and
I'll be careful what I say to others, also." Many hugs, -Abby-
Jan 7th 2008
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 294 - Is That What You Meant To Say?: "Dearest
Tasha, You are right on in this writing! We often don’t really say what we
mean or are thinking. Next time I’ll try to listen more closely to someone.
Thanks for all your wisdom and heart of gold!" Love, -Adelle N.-
Jan 7th 2008

Heartwings Love Notes 293 - Resolutions for 2008: "The light from those that
love you protects you from those that know not what they do." -Lady Fuschia -
Jan 1, 2008
(Jan 2007

Quick links -
Bottom or jump to Readers Comments
Browse By Selector
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 293 - Resolutions for 2008: "Thanks for sharing your
resolutions. Much food for thought here." -Shelia D.-
December 30th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 292 - Unwrapping The Christmas Present: "Nicely said.
Truly the present is a present." Merry and a joyful X-Mas -Bill C.-
December 26th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 292 - Unwrapping The Christmas Present: "So very true,
dear friend Tasha. It is so good for me to read this now." Merry
Christmas ! -Laura F.-
December 26th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 291 - The Season Of Peace
(this is a follow-up to message
immediately below): "Oh,
Tasha! I was able to share this with my guys in the Toastmasters Club
(Tecumseh State Correctional Institution) and they were VERY attentive. They
gave the piece long loud applause and as I returned to my seat one of the
prisoners asked if he could have a copy of it to send to his wife and children
for Christmas! Your words came at an auspicious time, considering some of the
issues that have popped up for the guys as they work on their skills in
speaking and leadership. You are a gift from God. I'm SO GLAD there is YOU."
Thanks again, Dear Heart. -Big Hugs from -Connie B.- and "my guys"-
December 17th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 291 - The Season Of Peace: "My Dear Tasha, I work with
prisoners at a State facility to mentor them in a Toastmasters, Int'l Club I
would like to take and share this with them. This is a message that will
resonate with each one of the men who participate in this endeavor." Love and
Hugs, Mother Connie -Connie B.-
December 16th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 291 - The Season Of Peace: "Excerpt from part of
Heartwings Love Notes 291 'Seeming
slights and insults may stem from misconceptions. Bitterness lodged in the
heart that influences perception may simply be old baggage left from
childhood, unknowingly carried with us as we have grown'.
Your wise words leave me quiet & contemplative." Thank you.... -Deb W.-
December 17th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 291 - The Season Of Peace: "Excerpt from part of
Heartwings Love Notes 291 'This
season revolves around the birth of the new and the letting go of the old. The
light that is born in the darkness returns. It brings life to the frozen
ground; it rekindles the spirit of joy in every heart. As I fill my heart with
peace I prepare a place for the light to dwell. The old unfulfilled
expectations now no longer cloud my vision. I greet with love and joy the
child who brings us the season of peace'.
It is such a shame that we can not do this on a daily basis. To wait a full
year, well, what a waste of time. -Donna-
December 17th 2007
Heartwings New Book - Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life: Synopsis of
correspondence between Tasha and Joan Wester Anderson. "Dear Tasha, I finally
had the pleasure of sitting down with your book, and I really liked it. It’s
so many different things, a book of poetry and dreaming, along with practical
guidance and an air of comfort all around it. You did a good job! It’s on my
night stand, especially when I need to do deep breathing; thanks so much for
sharing it." -Joan-
December 9th 2007.
Joan Wester Anderson is a best selling
author and lecturer of several books such as Guardian Angels, Forever Young,
please visit her website and read more about her at:

Re: Tasha's Writings - Heartwings Website,
and books: "Hi Tasha, Thanks for your email, I visited your site, and
found it beautiful. I'll look for your books. I invite you to visit my blog, and to take a look at the two
guest writer appearances (C.M. Mayo and PK Allen)... I'd love to have a guest
appearance from you--any aspect of writing that you'd like to write about. I
can't pay you for your words, but can provide a link from the blog to your site.
Anyway, I wish you well and more success with your writing career... you seem to
be doing very well indeed! " Best wishes, -Roy Sorrels-
December 3rd, 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 289 - A Death In The Family: "Hello, how very
appropriate today. This is the 10th anniversary of my mother's passing. Always a
sad day, but more so on a rainy day in the cemetery, I suppose. I have
also forwarded your Love Notes to one of our groups within GoddessSchool.
Merry Part. I felt it was an important group,
many of us being in the Baby Boomer generation, losing parents, spouses,
friends, to death, strokes, Alzheimer's etc. Something to help." Big
hugs!!! Blessed Be -Granny Moon-
December 3rd, 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 289 - A Death In The Family: "Tasha, What a way you
have with words. We've been to two Celebrations of Life in the last two weeks,
both unexpected, and your words are indeed true." -Sheila D-
December 2nd, 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 289 - A Death In The Family: "Thanks so much Tasha,
this one especially speaks to me." -Ann K.-
December 2nd, 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 288 - The Last of
The Gold: "Dearest Tasha, The leaves can go away but not our memory of them.
Insightful. There are many people/events/things in our lives that are gone yet
the memories of them keeps them alive." Thank you for Heartwings! Lots of love,
November 26th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 287 - Giving
Thanks for All: "As always your writing touches me and I love the way you
celebrate your humanity. While I've not let a pumpkin "go" I certainly have done
that with fruit. Oh, the banana that lay in the bottom of the bowl on top of the
refrigerator!! At least it's icky rot was contained while yours baptized your
kitchen floor!" Blessings and love, in thanksgiving for your talented and gentle
heart, -Candi-
November 20th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 287 - Giving
Thanks for All: "I am told that true art creates tears and goose bumps when it
resonates with the beholder. So, Tasha, dear, you really must consider
including tissues and sweaters with your precious offerings. I love you
4EVER." Hugs and Happy Thanksgiving, -Connie K-
November 18th 2007
Re: Heartwings New Book - Heartwings Love Notes for a Joyous Life: "Tasha, you
are truly an inspiration. I'm so excited to get my own copy of the book
soon. You have always been a beacon, shining through the thick fog and
turbulent waters of depression and fear, guiding us and reminding us that hope
remains eternal. I know that we all have times when we feel like a black hole
and have nothing to live for, let alone anything to give to others in need.
Yet that instant when we turn away from our darkness and summon up light and
love to help another, we see how foolish we've been, hiding inside ourselves,
ruminating over imagined flaws and weaknesses, and we open our eyes and our
hearts to one in need, we realize why we are here. Then the darkness vanishes,
leaving only light. and the immense power of love and caring. You taught me
this. A lesson that has improved my life in so many ways. It's a gift I will
always treasure. God Bless YOU!" With love and great appreciation, -Amy-
November 13th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 286 - Another Year Another Mile: "Wonderfully put!!!
Last night...or early this morning...when I couldn't sleep I began to think
about all the blessings I have. My thoughts were not that distant from how you
express it in Heartwings. And you are absolutely right . I appreciate how
having cloudy days help to make the sunny ones even better. Thanks, dear
friend. You are one of the blessings in my life!!!" Love and hugs, -Adelle-
November 12th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 285 - The New
Baby: "Congratulations, Tasha, on being a great grandma... hard to believe...
Very nicely written piece, too. I can feel the love you have for that little
guy, and your appreciation of your place of the generations in your family." All
my best, -Scott-
Nov 7th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 284 - The View
From My Window: "That was so nice, I just had to send it to a bunch of friends!
You write so beautifully. You can take a reader to a lovely place with your
descriptions and make us smile." Thanks so much for your creativity! Love,
Oct 29th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 283 - A String of
Pearls: "I love the comparison as each of your Heartwings Love Notes are
Pearls of Wisdom I add to my necklace of Life." -Julie R.-
Oct 26th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 283 - A String of Pearls: "Hi Tasha, Your Heartwings
writings are getting better an better! Thanks for the amazing pearls. You have
an elegant way of bringing the smallest parts of our lives to a thoughtful
learning moment." -Lia B.-
Oct 23rd 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 282 - A Mothers Love: "Hi Tasha, This was a very
nice Heartwings, as they all are. It brought back bittersweet memories of my
beloved Grandparents' last years. (Both of my parents died many years
ago--they were both in their 50's.) For the last several years my grandmother
didn't know who I was, and it was not only difficult to visit her and have a
conversation with her, but heartbreaking for me as well, because we had always
been so close. I think my Grandfather knew me, but he had had several strokes,
and couldn't talk, but he did react to me. My Grandmother was always very
sweet, and happy to see me, although she did not know me from one moment to
the next. But I know that we shall be together one day, and I look forward to
it. OK, enough of that, or I shall cry." -Jackie-
Oct 16th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 280 - Honoring The
Harvest: "Fall is, indeed, amazing...thanks for the well-written reminder !"
-Bill C.-
Oct 8th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 280 - Patience
Training: "AMEN to this one..." *smile* -Tara G.-
Oct 4th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 280 - Patience
Training: "I've been online only one minute expecting your Heartwings and here
it came. Always a treasure of inner wisdom that you've gained." L & L -Shelia
Oct 1st 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 280 - Patience Training: "Really especially wise
one, dear Tasha. Thank you!" Love, -Brenda L-
Oct 1st 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 279 - Fear is
false evidence appearing real: "LOVE this. I always think that fear is the work
of evil, trying to turn us away from the light." -Loveallcreation-
Sept 27th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 279 - Fear is
false evidence appearing real: "What a beautiful Heartwing ! I couldn't agree
more." -Cat-
Sept 26th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 279 - Fear is false evidence appearing real: "Tash, Such a needed antidote for all of this
stuff. Liked your points." Much love, -Michele-
Sept 24th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 279 - Fear is false evidence appearing real:
"Very nicely said. :>)" -Bill C.-
Sept 23rd 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 278 - A Little Rain: "Dear Tasha, As one who uses a
computer somewhat begrudgingly, I SO enjoyed your term, 'mechanical servant'
to describe what we seemingly cannot live without. As the oldest student in my
class here at grad school it is interesting to see how easily and
automatically the students fresh out of undergrad school use the computer...
one of those generational differences." Hope all is well. -Susan W.-
Sept 18th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 277 - An
Inadvertent Return To The Past: "Tasha I sent your Heartwings out to a few
people today and this was one of the responses I got... thought you would enjoy
seeing Shirley's response to your message." Hugs -Sandi M.-
Sept 10th 2007
"Hi Sandi - I really enjoyed the story of
"An Inadvertent Return to the Past". Grandmas house was the same - exactly
the same, until we could no longer afford the block of ice. Then perishables
went down into the cellar which was cool enough even in the summer to keep
butter semi firm and milk from curdling for a few days anyway. Leftovers were
certainly dealt with within a day (fried up-anything that was leftover, nothing
was wasted). When our own fridge went a couple of summers ago, naturally during
a heat wave I did exactly what the writer did and like her, was very glad when
our new appliance was delivered. I think what I most appreciate about modern
living is being able to turn on a tap and get hot water. Take a shower and a
bath-luxurious! As a child I had to haul water and heat it on the old
electric stove before dumping it into the bathtub. Oh and then you didn't waste
the bath water either. After me came Grandma to take her bath, then the water
was bailed out by hand and poured down a sink that drained into the ditch next
to the house. It's remarkable that we didn't get some kind of illness from what
they call to-day "grey water". We have so much to be grateful for, don't
we. Blessings -Shirley-"
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 277 - An Inadvertent Return To The Past: "Hi Tasha,
Thanks. What a nice nostalgic return to the past." Best Wishes, -Jackie-
Sept 9th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 276 - Soaking the
Pan: "Thanks, Wonderful message and again timely. You are just so in tune and
have a gift of flowing awareness. I love your writing and it is so healing."
Blessings, -Lois-
Sept 4th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 275 - Then and
Now: "You took the words right out of my heart! " -Carol Ann-
Aug 28th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 274 - What Do You
Believe?: "Hello dear Tasha, Examining beliefs is an exciting road to freedom.
How many are up to the challenge? Remember that phrase Question Authority? I
always wondered how many would question themselves as well. People often have
these sacred dysfunctional beliefs they hang onto and have a difficult time
letting go of. I share your approach that life is an adventure, a dance to
face with a smile, even when the challenges appear. They also disappear..."
Thanks for sending your reflections. Hope your week is tranquil and fun. With
care, -Elana-
Aug 25th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 274 - What Do You Believe?: "Beautiful words of
wisdom , Tasha... I particularly like the part about life being a joyous dance
partner...I forwarded to a couple of heartfelt friends!" Love your way!! -Kim
Aug 25th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes - (In General): "Dear Tasha, Thanks for sending
along your newsletters. I've enjoyed reading them, especially this one.
Sending joy out into the world will come back to us in some positive way.
Although I previously didn't think in terms like that, since being a single
'gal' again I have found a positive attitude towards my new life has really
made a profound difference. On a similar note, I read somewhere that if one
answers the telephone with a smile the caller can tell the difference!"
Fondly, -Susan W.-
Aug 24th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 274 - What Do You Believe?: "A'hh Tasha, such
incredible words of wisdom that resonated deeply within me. THANK YOU! You are
a very special person." Hug & blessings, -Jennie-
Aug 20th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 274 - What Do You Believe?: "Dearest Tasha, This
week's Lovenotes is such a wonderful reminder and I am sure it will serve me
well in the days and weeks ahead as a source of inspiration! " Love and
Blessings -Laura F.-
Aug 20th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 274 - What Do You Believe?: "YES Dancing is much
more fun than struggling, smile!!!" -Susan G.-
Aug 19th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 273 - Keeping On
Keeping On: "Wonderful wisdom - SO very timely for me also at this uncertain and
sometimes frustrating time. Yes - I am safe and secure and much to be thankful
for, too. The cali phos and walnut do help a lot! " :o) Hugz, -Julie-
Aug 14th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 271 - Appreciating
An Everyday Blessing: "Bravo Tasha!, Water conversation is everybody's business.
We take so many of our blessings for granted. This happens so frequently that it
becomes something we do without thinking. Pieces like yours give us pause and
are a great service to people everywhere. I like how your mind works. I have a
friend who is an Aquarius that thinks of the whole not just the individual. She
conserves water and is making an effort to curtail any use of chemical agents to
clean with. The Care2 site offers many alternatives to chemical use in the home.
We both enjoy it, Keep up the good work. :)" Warmest regards, -Mary C.-
July 30th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 269 - Can I Do
Better: "How true Tasha! Thank you for a compassionate and understanding
piece..." With love and blessings from us all, -Jane- White Eagle Lodge
July 15th 2007
Re: Heartwings In General: "Dear Tasha, you do have wonderful words in your
writings and I so enjoy them. I have found many lessons in your writings and do
cherish them." Thank you and many blessings to you also. -Renate-
July 15th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 268 - Making
Order: "How true for me too! I find the constant need to reorganize... Hey, I
didn't know your anniversary was the 5th - ours is the 7th. Some year we'll
all celebrate together!" Lots of love your way. -Kim F.-
July 11th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 267 - Doing The
Best We Can: "Dear Tasha, I feel such gratitude basking in your caring
wisdom.... I feel the same way as you do about bicycles with games involving a
ball and competitive teams... no need to ever go there, did it - learned from
it - basically hated it...and found other physical ways to express
physically... Dancing! Yoga! O'h the joys of this multifaceted life!" -Kim F.-
July 11th 2007

Re: Heartwings New Book - Heartwings Love
Notes for a Joyous Life: "Tasha, I bought 6 of your wonderful Heartwings books
for our five children, and one for myself. Your writings are inspiring,
and I find wise insight that relates to everyday tasks and living. Your book
is a joy, and one I will read often. I save all of your weekly email
newsletters in a folder also!" Love, -HC-
July 9th 2007

Heartwings Love Notes 266 - Life's Small Pleasures: "Good to be reminded of
the small pleasures.... right here in the present." Love, -Bill-
June 25th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 266 - Life's Small Pleasures: "Thank you so much for
this one. I love love love critters! It just gave my heart joy to read this."
Hugs -Cherie-
June 25th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 266 - Life's Small Pleasures: "Tasha, I know the feeling
of watching the animals that come to the feeders. We have woodpeckers here too
that have been a pleasure to watch. Thank you for reminding me of how special
it is to enjoy their antics." Hugs and Blessings, -Jennie-
June 24th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 266 - Life's Small Pleasures: "Sounds like my back
yard. I love them all." -Carol Ann-
June 24th 2007

Heartwings Love Notes 265 - Is This Really Progress: "Dear Tasha, I was so
amused to read this Heartwings! Your thoughts about the automatic checkout are
exactly the same as my own." -Marian-
June 19th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 265 - Is This Really Progress: "Ever walk into a
store, through an auxiliary entrance, thinking you'll save time entering the
store that way from the parking lot and then walk by some of the unattended
self-service checkouts in order to get to the rest of the store? Ultimately
none of them are being used when you walk by and then they all come to
attention (they're alerted by movement you know) usually Qty-4 of them and
they start speaking, loudly, in short delay of one another, each going through
it's spiel, telling you what they're about, how they can help you, and what
you should be doing next, repeating the what you should be doing next
statement as your startled, processing the high tailing it out of there. Makes
you feel perhaps just a tad bit embarrassed for not having walked around to
the front entrance of the store next time. Like - Halt!, Who Goes There.. Some
has entered the store by going the wrong (but not marked as such) way. Not by
one but all four of the machines.
Let alone the mechanics of operating one of them, should be simple right? Be
prepared shoppers - be on your game, others are now behind you with the same
idea of a quick, expedient checkout. Your timing or pace has got to be right
(I swear it's like a Candid Camera or store crew just having fun with you),
scanning the item correctly, then maybe "scan it again", guess what? it's got
no barcode- , Oops you waited to long "Attendant assistance" is now displayed
on the screen in front of you, now comes "place it in the bag", you think
about it h'mmm and say which bag - is this like Lets make a deal and which
door do I choose?, "place it in the bag - now please!!!" the machine declares
- Oops "remove the last item placed" - No wait that was me bumping of the
scale the bag was on by mistake - sorry!, Nope - "remove that last item now
please!", "Which method do you prefer to pay with", "Are you using a card?",
"which kind of card please? debit/credit", "which type of card please? visa/
master card/etc, "On what date did president Lincoln give the Gettysburg
Address?" What? - Why do you want to know that?, "Insert card please" Were?.
"Insert your card now please", OK - fine take my wallet also if you
want and you choose - just please stop asking me all these questions, "What? -
Wait a minute - You have coupons?", "Attendant assistance required" -
"Attention All shoppers" it announces across the store - "Attendant
assistance"... "Someone has messed up on automated-self-checkout machine
number ~~~" (as a picture of you now appears on all security monitors across
the store like a most wanted poster).
HELP! - Run, hide - leave the groceries, we can always shop again later but
this time use a cashier. Wait no, it's got my card and I'm being held hostage,
shoppers are now looking on - some thinking gee what's up with this person in
front of me? not realizing as yet and others thinking - Oh God could I be
next? - is there an open cashier?" A'hh Yes Progress! -Doc D.-
June 18th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 265 - Is This Really Progress: "I just had to tell
you that I agree and use the cashier for all the same reasons!" lol Loved it!
June 18th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 265 - Is This Really Progress: "This column is so
true! I absolutely agree that while there, these machines are no
substitute for human contact! Well written." :) -Judy- Teacher
June 18th 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 265 - Is This Really Progress: "Really liked this
one! Thanks. So darn true." -Ann- Author of The Vast Being
June 18th 2007

Heartwings Love Notes 263 - Lost and Found: "Dear Tasha, When we get lost we
call it a quest & I'm reminded that I may not really know where I'm supposed
to be going...the kids & I have had many an interesting experience looking at
it this way and, once or twice, have set off intentionally not knowing were
we'd end up. Thanks for reminding me of this on a dreary Monday morning." Much
love, -Deb-
June 3rd 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 263 - Lost and Found: "Reminds me of the time a
really good friend of mine in Camarillo and I decided to go up to Santa
Barbara for lunch on 101/1 freeway along coast thru Oxnard, Ventura, few
beaches, then Santa Barb but we were just yakking up a storm and somehow I
drove past all 8 exists to SB, and next thing we knew we were way up in
Buellton so went to famous Split Pea Anderson for soup, onion bread, and a
glass of Chardonnay. Neither of us had realized we'd gone way, way past SB.
That friend passed away with Ovarian Cancer 3 yrs. ago, so is a delightful
memory." Thanks! -Sheila-
June 3rd 2007
Heartwings Love Notes 262 - Remembering: "This is the most beautiful and moving
wisdom I have ever read. I wish you would write this to the Washington Post
and let them print it. Please, Tasha. Just forward it on to them - it needs to
be read by many.
Many people have put 'editorials' and columns in the Post recently re:
Memorial Day. They said it was not only as a remembrance for those who died
for our freedom via wars, but remembrance of others who died for our freedoms
in other ways. Whether defending moral freedom, freedom for speech, gender,
race, status, freedom from discriminations, freedom from poverty, the list
goes on..." -Julie-
May 29th 2007

Heartwings Love Notes 261 - Mothers Day Musings: "Wonderful musings, Tasha,
perhaps I'll clean mine soon too!" Love & light, -Deb-
May 22nd 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 261 - Mothers Day Musings: "Nicely Said" -Bob-
May 21st 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 261 - Mothers Day Musings: " That was one of the best
messages from Heartwings." How touching and lovely -Carol Ann-
May 21st 2007

Re: Heartwings New Book - Heartwings Love
Notes for a Joyous Life and Heartwings Love Notes 259 - Dance or March The
Choice is Yours:
"I ordered two copies of your book - WONDERFUL! Congratulations, Tasha! I'm
saving the extra for a friend's birthday and know she will love it too.
So often your Heartwings and my life coincide, and this time is no exception.
Last Sunday night we had Confirmation for 75 eighth graders. I did all their
certificates through a database program that I had used the year before. Ten
minutes before Mass began one of the parents came to me and said "the wrong date
is on the certificates". I immediately went to the microphone in the sanctuary
and announced to 1000 people that technology had made my job so much easier. In
the past I HAND LETTERED their certificates. This year, however, between pain
meds for a wrist fracture and general muzzy-60's-headedness I neglected to
change the date on the "report" feature of the database. Oddly I DID change the
year but not the date. I told everyone they would have their new certificates
within three days and they did.
Embarrassing, yes. We ALL do "bloopers". Here's my mantra: Will I be remembering
this on my deathbed? Not likely !
As always, thank you for your remarkable insights and beautiful writing. I still
compare you to another favorite, Anne Lamott!
Blessings and love,
Candi May 10th 2007

Re: Heartwings New Book - Heartwings Love
Notes for a Joyous Life - "Hi Tasha, I finally received and read your book.
Great job! Your book made the wait worth while. I thought Heartwings was both
inspirational and exceptional, especially the poems. Tasha, your expression of
love and beauty touched me deeply. Heartwings has become my daily read." Cheers,
-Doris- April 24th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 257 - Organized Chaos: "Loved that! I can FINALLY look
at that pot/pan cupboard of mine (which is like yours!) in a new light!" xoxoxo
-Sherri- April 23rd 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 256 - Seeds and Harvest: "My grandmother use to have a
saying watch how you sow your seeds cause you reap what you sew . You sow them
on sand or good soil or rock they may do just ok, but if your plan is to get
good fruit you must sew them with God words and Love."
16th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 253 - Strange Yet True: "Hi Tasha, yes, I've had this
happen to me to, and what's funny is I'll say something like Grandma that's not
funny, put it back or.. Your Mom is saying hi, to my Husband lol.. invariably it
shows right up. Once I had an entire set of house keys totally vanish.. Where
I'd dropped them into the yard even a metal detector could not find them, I
don't think they were ever found." Hugs, Love you so much Sis!
March 26th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 252 - Tough Luck:
"BOY! Can I ever relate to this one!" Thanks -Dottie-
March 24th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 252 - Tough Luck: "Thanks for the great message again
Tasha, I always enjoy them." -Charlotte-
March 20th 2007
Re: Heartwings and Welcome Home - "Dearest Tasha, I'm glad you are home safely,
and I just enjoy reading Heartwings. I feel like things in my own life are
calming down and hope to get back to regular visits with you. Hope you had a
marvelous trip!" Love, -Jan-
March 20th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 252 - Tough Luck: "This is such a good lesson, and
teaches us not to curse bad luck that is handed to us, but stop and say "yes" to
what the universe has to offer with its other hand!!" -Diana-
March 19th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 251 - All in the
mind: "Blessings indeed, Tasha... Such a true message always beautifully
expressed, thank you. A glorious spring morning here, the air filled with the
scent of blossoms and new green leaves reflected in the sun light." With hugs
and love from us all! -Jane-
March 19th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 251 - All in the mind: "Your Heartwings Love Notes are
always amazing and wonderful to read, how you come up with something different
each week surprises me, but I love reading them." I hope you are doing well....
Thank you for continuing to send them to me. -Abby-
March 19th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 248 - Finding Joy
Within Sorrow: "Hello Dear
Tasha, Congratulations for yet another milestone of yours!!! You are like a
mother figure to me...a lot of wisdom flows to me through your notes. I am
surely going to reserve a copy for self. I am happy to learn that you have
accepted the transition so wonderfully and have learned to derive you
inspiration of writing from garden to other source. Yes its all the game of
acceptance which makes the transition more smooth. Wishing you luck for coming
times may you share more with us and be loved by all as you are loved by
yourself." Hugs, joy and peace -Chandini-
March 7th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 248 - Finding Joy Within Sorrow: "Hi Tasha, How are
you? I read all your notes in Heartwings, many a times I have found answers to
my own queries and many a times I learn a great deal from them. Thanks for
sharing them with us. I truly admire you for having made Robin's loss as part of
creativity and fulfillment in your life. I am glad that you make him "Now" of
your life rather than past or of a future he could have given you. I am sure
whenever you are with him in that NOW you feel his presence the same way as you
had done when he was in his physical form with you. Joys and sorrows are
creation of our mind and with presence of this mind many a time we forget to
enjoy the moments of life." Love and hugs -Chandini-
Feb 21st 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 248 - Finding Joy Within Sorrow: "Hi Tasha, Just an
acknowledgement on your Heart wings about your son Robin. You speak so
eloquently and at peace about it. I know that has to be one of the most
difficult things for a parent to go thru. My friend Lilo from Germany also had
this happen. I honor your courage to face life's difficulties and teach what you
have learned." Much love. -Michele-
Feb 21st 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 248 - Finding Joy Within Sorrow: "Hi Tasha. Thank you
for continuing to send these messages. They are always an inspiration to me and
a guide that helps keep me on track." Love you! -Melanie-
Feb 19th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 248 - Finding Joy Within Sorrow: "Hi Tasha, Thank you
for those thoughts. I have a friend who may benefit from those words, and I am
passing it along to him." hug! -Wendy-
Feb 19th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 246 - Listening To
Ourselves: "Indeed - that inner voice guides the way, unfailingly..." Thank you
Tasha.. and always our love, -Jane-
Feb 6th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 246 - Listening To Ourselves: "What a well-crafted and
powerful message!" Thank you— Rev. -Eliza-
Feb 5th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 245 - Awareness of Now: "Nice reminder ! - Big wide
world full of everything out there, best experienced NOW. Hugs, -Bill-
Jan 29th 2007
Re: Heartwings New Subscription: A friend sent me a lovely e-mail last week from
you at Heartwings. It meant a lot to me and explained some things to me as well.
I am now interested in subscribing". Thank you. -Beverly- Texas
Jan 25th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 243 - The Joy of Familiar Tasks: "Oh, Tasha. You make
my heart sing. I love making a home and caring for it and every cell in my being
resonated with this message." THANK YOU SO MUCH. Hugs, Peace, & Love -Connie B.-
Jan 15th 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 242 - My Father's
Flowers: "I just loved this Tasha! You'd laugh, cause I find flowers at the
hospital that pts leave with the nurses (not wanting to take them all home!) and
before they're almost dead (sitting on top of the station desks!), I clip a rose
or whatever, bring it home and float it in little fish bowl by my sink! It lasts
so much longer & gives me such pleasure! Or I do the same thing with some & put
in our office to cheer us. Something about a flower or a rose puts beauty into
our little lives when we look upon it! You father knew! And so do YOU!" Nature
carries God's hand lest we forget! :) xoxoox -mE -
Jan 12th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 242 - My Father's Flowers: "Thank you for
sharing this. I needed to hear what you had to say. I used to buy flowers weekly
for much the same reason. They make me smile. A few years ago I moved out of a
large city and into a smaller community with no florist. Plus, I battle
depression. So, no flowers. I miss them." Thank you for reminding me -Windy-
Jan 7th 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 241 - Off with the Old, On with the New: "Tasha, your
messages bring me SUCH joy. You take the mundane and clothe it in fine splendor.
Not that it matters, but you might be pleased to know that my promise to me for
2007 is, "DO it NOW!" and not procrastinate about writing the letter, the check,
filing the papers, helping if there is a need..." I love you a special much.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!, May it be your best year yet." xo -Connie-
Jan 1st 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 241 - Off with the Old, On with the New: "Dear Tasha,
Thanks so much for sending me your love notes all year. I really enjoyed them,
particularly the most recent one. I especially love your motto for the new
year--that was then, this is now. I would love to pass it along, with a credit
to you and a link to your web site, to my readers." Blessings of the new year,
-Waverly- School of the Seasons.
Jan 1st 2007
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 241 - Off with the Old, On with the New: "Blessings
for the New year Tasha, as we ALL clean out the cob-webs of the past and clear
our minds (and our refrigerators! lol) for fresh beginnings again!" xoox
Jan 1st 2007

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 240 - Christmas
Magic: "Tasha, I always wait until I have plenty of quiet, uninterrupted time to
read the wonderful writings you send. I find those times to be very special, but
the things I read are priceless! I think about them all day and often go back
and read them again. With so much negativity and just plain stupidity in the
world, reading your gems take me to a little oasis where what I breathe in is
love and I'm wrapped in a warm fuzzy cloak of peace and happiness. Thank you so
very much for inspiring me and giving me hope! You are very much appreciated!"
Love always, -Amy-
Jan 1st 2007
(Jan 2006 Dec)

Quick links -
Bottom or jump to Readers Comments
Browse By Selector
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 240 - Christmas Magic: "Dearest Tasha, Thank you for
your Christmas magic wishes. It is true that we should keep in ourselves the
feeling of wonder of the Christmas festivities of our childhood. I think that
some of us are trying to do it, and you are a good help. I wish you a very
joyful Christmas and a happy new year." Love from - Donatella, Italy -
Dec 27th 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 238 - The Gift of Kindness: "Tasha, This is a really
good reminder. I have posted it where I can see it daily." Much Love, -Kim-
Dec 11th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 238 - The Gift of
Kindness: "Thank you for sharing those words with me. It is so true to give from
the heart, because you want to give...not because you expect something in
return...of any sort, word, deed, or gift". Thank you again -Pauline-
Dec 11th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 238 - The Gift of
Kindness & Tasha's New Book: "Thank you Tasha! - A lovely edition. We wish you
much success for the coming Heartwings publication - exciting news, and very
well deserved! Merry Christmas and wishes for peace of heart in the coming
year." With much love from us all, -Jane-
Dec 11th 2006

RE: Heartwings Love Notes 234 - A Full
Heart: "Your Heartwings notes are really wonderful. Thanks for sending
them to me. Yes you are right it does hurt when the people with whom you have
had good times and parting had to be on some misunderstanding or otherwise; it
does hurt but best way is to let it go after all; all souls have something to
give us...bad incidents too have something to teach us. I too follow this
philosophy...just be what you are, don't have to bother what others are...just
believe in, that all are good..." -Chandini-
Dec 5th 2006
RE: Heartwings Love Notes 237 - The
Happiness Within Me: "Regardless whatever else may be happening, may your
happiness be present and available in your heart", I have to smile. As I
commented once before, I love your way with words. I don't know if you intended
this, but with your choice of words above, it is as if you are saying,
"happiness is the present for your heart." As you are teaching, the intangible
gifts live with us forever. Thank you for this gift." -Love, Shell-
Dec 4th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 234 - A Full Heart
& Heartwings In General: "Aaaaaaw, I too just celebrated a birthday amidst a
move! Wow. Tasha, you inspire me to be a better person. Love your messages; keep
em comin." -Hugs Connie-
Nov 15th 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 233 - Ageless At
Any Age: "My 50th Birthday will be Nov 14th, I find the sentiments you expressed
in the essay so timely. Thank you so much for touching my life." -Cynthia-
Nov 9th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 233 - Ageless At Any Age & Tasha's New Book: "I am
looking forward to purchasing your book! Be sure to let us know when and where!
Since I'll be rolling over a "zero" birthday-wise next month, your column "hit
the spot". I've never regretted birthdays - those of us who had young people in
our lives leaves way too soon know how precious each day is. Bless you and your
work." -Love, Candi-
Nov 6th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 233 - Ageless At Any Age: "Dear Tasha, Thank you so
much for this! This has arrived at just the right time. I have a birthday this
week, and due to astrological pressures in my sign I have had a bit of a rough
ride lately, and have had to let go of a lot. You are so right, I had been
focusing on the age I am going to be and getting depressed about it, now I am
going to become ageless also. Just to say it feels so liberating! It gives me
permission to become whoever I want to be (without setting off a chronological
death knoll). I have never felt my age and for a long time I didn't look it. Oh
thank you so much for giving me this freedom. Thank you for the wonderful work
you do." -Love and Blessings, Elly- Wales, United Kingdom.
Nov 6th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 233 - Ageless At Any Age & Tasha's New Book: "Happy
Birthday Tasha! I am delighted to learn that you have compiled your Heartwings
notes into a book. I am a fan! I admire both the messages your bring, and the
skill with which you deliver this wisdom. Often, I reread a phrase you have
composed just to marvel at your way with words. It warms my heart to know that
your Heartwings will be in book form dispensing such uplifting guidance to many.
Please let me know when it becomes available." -Love, Shelley- Author
Nov 6th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 233 -
Ageless At Any Age: "How timely! This week I will celebrate my 33rd birthday.
Again. I think I prefer ageless, though. People are beginning to doubt my age as
33...gee, I wonder why. I love your messages; I love YOU. Happy Unbirthday to an
Ageless Wonder!" -Hugs, Connie-
Nov 5th 2006
Heartwings New Subscriber After receiving
confirmation from Tasha she has been signed up for the newsletter - "Thank you!
I was sent one of your notes which rang thru me and wanted to subscribe! From
one light worker to another...more" Love and Light! -Sherri :)-
Nov 2nd 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 231 - A Little At
A Time: "It's funny you wrote about this because I do the same thing. Right now
I am cleaning out my kitchen cabinets, one at a time. It gives me a feeling of
accomplishment, otherwise, as you said it seems daunting and then I tend to
procrastinate." -Jude-
Oct 23rd 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 230 - The Buddha By My Sink: "An inspiration, Tasha...
Thank You!" Many quiet and peaceful blessings from all of us here to you,
with lots of love -Jane-
Oct 16th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 229 - The Eye of the Beholder: "It sounds like you are
truely 'walking in beauty' a meditation I worked with this weekend. A friend
came from Ohio to do a weekend workshop and this was one of the themes". Thanks
for sharing -Cathy T.-
Oct 10th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 228 - Motivation Factor: "Good one Tasha, I like your
low calorie reward of time." Love, -Michele-
Oct 2nd 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 226 - The Lost
Art: "Well Said Tasha, I remember as a girl growing up on the farm in
Hubbardston, I so very much enjoyed receiving letters in the mail - sometimes
from pen-pals I never actually met, or from friends who moved away, or the many
post cards from my uncle who traveled w/his work. As a teenager, I loved the
many crazy, zany ones of all sizes & containing bits of dog food, laundry soap,
hair, or other funny stuff from wild & crazy friends of mine. As a young adult
the letters took on more serious & thoughtful tones, as different friends wrote
about their experiences from a poets' point of view. Later, still more serious
subjects were expressed - car repairs, illnesses, jail, deaths, births, but
happy experiences too - like parties, births, trips, happy meetings. Now
w/email, many don't seem to be too interested in personal electronic letters.
Letter writing has become a lost art. But they create history & give proof of
life being lived. I still keep a shoebox filled w/letters from yrs. ago, the
envelopes have pictures drawn on them by the senders, stickers, or sayings. How
wonderful it was to get them in the mail." Peace & Love, -Ann-
Sep 20th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 226 - The Lost
Art: "Hello dear Tasha, how right you are. We still write many letters, they so
often carry the loving essence of the writer and bring a sweetness to the reader
as the note is re-read many times... bless you for your lovely insights! With
love from us all at the Lodge..." -Jane.-
Sep 17th 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 223 - Laughing
Myself Happy: "Hi Tasha, How so very true your Heartwings is! Laughter can do so
much, when I'm not feeling well, a funny movie makes me feel much much better. I
tend to own more funny movies than anything else. One of my favorites is Auntie
Mame, her ability to turn things for the better with very humorous results is
something I've tried to emulate. Much love and laughter to you all!" Hugs,
Aug 28th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 221 - Manifesting
Wishes: "Thank you for this story today, I truly needed to read this, but for a
different reason." Blessings, -Susan-
Aug 14th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 221 - Manifesting
Wishes: "I have been doing this for years - with my job and relationship. When I
look at my former journals I am amazed at what I desired has manifested! I even
have that view of the mountains from my office that I have always wanted." XO
-Holly-, AZ
Aug 14th 2006
Re: Heartwings (New Subscribers Comment) - "Thank you for heartfelt
inspiration." -Linda-
Aug 9th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 220 - Hidden By
Habit: "Lovely insight, Tash! Once again it fits in with a few new things I've
discovered about 'self' in just the last 2 days! Synchronistic, yes?" Love, -S.Eileen-
Hidden Habit Discoverer Aug 7th 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 218 - Preparing
For the Journey: "Very timely dearest Tasha. I am just leaving to further sort
out my fathers house since his passing, so it will be a long journey and
not easy... but we know all is well and thank you for all the Heartwings as
always!" Blessings -Jane- July 23
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 218 - Preparing For the Journey: "Very nice! Thank you
for making me think about my own attitudes." Love -Amy-
July 23 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 216 - Seeing At Eye Level: "You bring abundance of joy
to my heart again. You are such a very special person, and I am very glad that I
receive Heartwings Love Notes." -Debbie S.-
July 11 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 216 - Seeing At Eye Level: "Hi there, Tasha. Thanks
for reminding me to look my kids in the eye - at their level - even when they're
driving me crazy :) " -Donna S.- July
10 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 216 - Seeing At Eye Level: "Seeing at eye level is
such a valuable skill and I hope to practice this daily starting today! Your
illustration of this was fascinating! You are surely showing me the way
through first hand experience. I have always felt that for most and whenever
possible hands on teaching is always the most effective way to ensure maximized
learning, myself included. Many many thanks for showing me The Way countless
times, whenever possible." Hugs -Laura-
July 10 2006

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 215 - The Glorious
Fourth: "Beautiful and evocative!". -Diana-
June 26 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 214 - Fatherly Love: "That's probably one of the
sweetest Heartwings I have ever read. Glad Stephen was thoughtful about the
garden. It's sweet, please give him a big hug from me." - Cat-
June 22 2006
Re: Tasha's new book Heartwings 'Love Notes for a Joyous Life' -
"Congratulations on the pending publication of Love Notes for a Joyous Life. Put
me down for a copy. I'll keep it in my waiting room. Perhaps clients will be
inspired to order one too." Much love and big smiles, -Bev-
June 5 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 212 - Looking At ourselves: "Thank you so much for
this. I have been going through a particularly barren time and it helped me
tremendously." Thanks! -Lynette- June
4 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 211 - Memorial Day Memories: "This was a very
emotional note laced with pure unconditional love. We often forget that both
sides of a war loses, no matter who won in the end. May God bless you for
sharing your memories." Love, -Carol Ann-
May 30th 2006

Re: Tasha and her new book - "Tasha is
extremely well versed in her writings and a skilled writer of the Craft. Her
writing style is a pleasure to read... beautifully descriptive, informative, and
personal. Her spiritual, yet down to earth manner, makes her writings
irresistible to readers of GrannyMoon's Morning Feast and to all that read her
works. I look forward to her new endeavor! Way to go Tasha!" -GrannyMoon- May 8th
Re: Subscription to Heartwings Love Notes - "Dear Tasha, I came across your
lovely site today and would be honored if you would add me to your subscriber
list. Thank You!" -Joan- May 6th
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 206 - Correct Timing Is Vital To Success: "Tasha, in
the midst of busy moving - I will have to take the time to read these with
attention later... Just reading the first sentence... 'Success depends upon
beginning in the correct way and also at the right time'. Saying Yes!
I took my first cello lesson yesterday, what joy great teacher! - Beginning
correct.... my new emerging garden is lovely - we're dealing with an electrical
permit - mom is dramatic and nervous - I'm detaching , I'm detaching - Loving,
Creating beauty, detaching....thank you for your beautiful wisdom that resonates
in my mind at crucial moments..." Love, -Kim-
(Teacher & Yoga Instructor) April 26th

"Tasha, your love reaches into my heart with
your messages and touches me so... I have such wonderful memories of my own
parents and this brings them all up for me. Michael is my adopted son, now
39, and each year for Easter we remember his now deceased social worker by
helping to provide Easter Lilies for our Sanctuary. This year was no
exception... ...thank you again for being so dear and sharing your 'rememberries'
with us. May God bless you and yours richly." Hugs -Connie-
April 17th
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 204 - Little
Miracles: "You helped me connect with many Easter memories of my own. Thanks..."
-Shelia- April 16th
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 204 - Little Miracles:
for St Anthony! I told a sixth grade student to pray to him to find his lost
billfold. He thought it was somewhere at school. A few days later, he was
playing inside ball with his dog and the ball rolled under the sofa. As he
reached underneath to find it, he touched his billfold instead!" Continue to
spread the good news about this remarkable saint and our faith in him!
Blessings, -Candi- April 10th
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 204 - Little
Miracles: "I Love it; I always say to myself, 'Nothing is lost in the mind of
God' and this has worked often for me and my sons. Wear your earrings
in joy." -Sheila- April 10th
"Heartwings Love Notes are like a breath of
fresh sunshine. Tasha has the gift of using everyday occurrences to reflect upon
and apply universal spiritual truths and emotional wisdom. I've sent her Love
Notes to clients, friends and family. The response is often, "That's just what
I've needed to hear. Thank you!" -Dr Beverly Joyce, Ph.D., licensed
clinical psychologist- April 6th

"Several years ago I had the wonderful
opportunity to work with poet and author Tasha Halpert in bringing her
Heartwings Love notes to a Internet community. Her collection, Heartwings:
Love Notes for a Joyous Life, is filled with beautifully written insights
that inspire peace, joy and fulfillment with life. Tasha’s heartwarming
observations capture the true essence of love, faith and friendship and provide
a tender reminder to us all that life is a blessing and celebration." - Eli Ney
- Web and Contemporary Digital Artist
April 5th 2006
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 203 - The Blessing
of Friendship: "Can I hug my Angel? Hope My drain never gets that bad." -N.-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 202 - Limiting
girl! We are doing the same thing, road-wise. I too am forcing
myself out of the comfort zone of taking the same route and have seen many
lovely things as a result!" - Blessings to you, and love -Candi-
"Congratulations on your Heartwing's publication! You and the Heartwing's
series is such a wonderful Blessing to me. Thank you for being an Angel in my
life! Please let me know where I can purchase a copy of your book once
it's published." -Much Love and Light... -Eli-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 201 - Speaking My
Truth: "Good morning Tasha, Love this piece on Truth. For me, being
truthful with myself is the first order of being truthful --I think my
imagination works well in moving beyond the obvious to a more detailed truth,
but also moves into the area of fiction. What is very important in what
you say is the part about the Loving heart. Thank you for these words of wisdom
and comfort." -Best, Elyse-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 201 - Speaking My Truth: "I Love Heartwings Quotes,
and your TRUTH. What an example you are." -L&L-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 201 - Speaking My Truth: "Hello Tasha, This reminds me
of the quote: 'There is no religion higher than the truth' indeed!. Much Love
and appreciation for all you do." Blessings -Jane-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 199 - My Little Mountain: "I'm climbing a mountain
right now, as well! I hadn't thought of it that way, but it gives the
desire to reach the top a concrete road...and clarifies my climb. Now with
the summit climb mapped out, I continue.", XXOO -S. Eileen-
"Dear Tasha, Thank you so much for your wonderful emails. They always make me
think, and usually make me smile." -Debbie-
Feb 6th 2006

(Jan 2005 and Earlier !

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Re: Heartwings Love Notes 196 - With Love
and Drippings: "Dear Tasha, Thanks for making certain I got 196. I've had many
similar experiences, some of my lost friends I have found anew with the
internet, some are simply gone forever. I found much meaning in this
Heartwings." -Rev Paul B.- The Rowan Tree Church and The Hermit's Grove
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 196 - With Love and Drippings: "Dear Friend, thank you
for this lovely story. It's giving people permission to let go and move on
without all the hard feelings that sometimes accompany a change in a
relationship. I know it's something I need to do! So, thanks for the
reminder." Love and hugs, -Adelle-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 195 - Minding the Habits of the Mind: "Very well said,
Tasha.. How often one wishes to pull another out of the pit - but we have
learned the only one who can do this is the person them self! So thank you
for this beautifully worded confirmation of 'dispassion'." Much love!
-Jane and all...-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 193 - The Importance of Forgiveness: "Hello,
my friend. Very well put! I've done a similar thing a couple different
times and there IS a sense of release and relief. Your point about the act
of forgiveness being an ongoing process is most definitely true for me.
Just when I think I've forgiven someone or myself....something happens and an
old resentment comes to mind. Then the process starts over again. Your
messages always challenge me to see a new perspective on life and I appreciate
them so much." Warm hugs, -Adelle-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 192 - Minding the
Mind: "Hi Tasha, I really liked this Heartwings Love Note. What you described is
something I have done, and have noticed others do. Your advice is very sound."
Thanks! -Louise-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 192 - Minding the Mind: "Tasha, This Heartwings was
wonderful, Thank you! You're so right about how we tend to block our own
vision with negativity and can't see what's right in front of us often when we
look for something. Thank you for your enlightenment, I truly appreciate
your teachings." Love and Blessings, -Jennie-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 191 - Looking Forward, Thinking Backward: "Tasha,
Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!!! Thank you for all of your Heartwings Love
Notes throughout the year. I greatly appreciate them and love the lessons and
observations that you share." Love, -Cat-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 191 - Looking Forward, Thinking Backward: "Tasha, My
online Edgar Cayce study group is discussing how to stay in the present moment.
I was thrilled to get your recent Heartwing, I took the liberty of forwarding it
to them." -Susan-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 191 - Looking Forward, Thinking Backward: "Tasha, I
love reading your musings they make me sit back for a moment and relax as well.
Happy New Year to you and Stephen, much joy in your new home" Love, -Margit-
"Dear Tasha - I think of you often...every time I read Heartwings :-) I don't
think I have ever told you how much I enjoy these treasures you bestow upon us.
A smile lights my features whenever I see your message waiting in my email box
because by the time I finish reading, I know my mind will be rearranged in some
positive way. Not only are your messages inspiring, but I often pause and marvel
at your delicious way with words. May you and Stephen enjoy the first of many
wonderful Christmas holidays in your new home!" Love, -Shell-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 186 - Keys:
"I loved your writing concerning the keys.
I am in three different rolls of
responsibility at the moment, and while
enjoying the positions, I long for some
freedom. I know, 'To whom much is given,
much is required'. I do give my
all in whatever is asked of me, but
rest has become a luxury instead of a
necessity. Thank you for your encouraging
words, a seed has certainly been planted
in my heart to search for a way
to cut down on some of my keys
as well. Please add me to your subscription, thank you" -Ruthie-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 185 - Polishing The Pitcher: "What a poetic peace.
Your writings always inspires and creates wonder. Thank you Tasha!" -Jen-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 183 - My Memory Album: "Dear Tasha, So well written!
And, of course, with my own recent move, I could envision my own mind's album of
pictures. What once was so precious is still in the mind. And I'm
already registering new pictures as I watch out onto the pond in the back. I'd
like to use this writing on my homepage and unless you feel otherwise, will
begin to look for graphics to accompany it." Sending love and hugs, -Adelle-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 183 - My Memory Album: "That was so beautiful, that it
brought tears to my eyes. How lovely of you to share." Love, -Carol
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 182 - Almost There: "Tasha, I remember telling you
that the last Heartwings I read was my favorite so far... but this one I feel
like saying the same thing. You keep getting better and better, I love seeing
how much people grow. Especially you, XCOCOCO" -Catherine-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 179 - The Joy of
Special Treats: "That's a very true observation. That was beautifully written,
Tasha. Thank you for sharing always." -Cat-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 177 - Lessons in The Attic: "Dear Tasha, Funny, just
before I opened this email (I have been so busy practicing for a very important
concert), I spent 2 hours sorting through old photographs from the last 10 years
or so. The main objective was to find good photos for my website in progress,
but in the process found maybe hundreds of memories hidden in my psyche, of
beautiful moments with family and friends, watched my son grow up in what seemed
like a slide show of events. And like you, I might have felt guilty spending so
long on what seemed a useless lapse of time, but was well worth the hours
sitting amongst the collage of colors and dreams." -Irene-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 177 - Lessons in The Attic: "Hi Tasha, just some
feedback. I read these lessons when you send them to me and have found myself
quoting them to others when comparable life situations come up. I appreciate
your emails and the wisdom they contain." -Love Mel-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 176 - Listening To Myself: "Thank you Tasha, you
helped me today!" -Jean-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 173 - What Can We
Learn: "Very nice, I liked especially the reference to scouring the selfishness
of the collective heart. There will be many blessings from this for people. I
believe we grow spiritually when people and things are taken from us not when
they are added to our lives, generally." Love to both, -Michele-
Re: Heartwings Love Notes 172 - Resolving A Dilemma: "Great idea!! And who
doesn't have ants on occasion anyway. I always learn something from your
articles." -Hugs - Abby
"Ah Tasha, Blessings to you. May the new buyers find your home
expeditiously. May you find travel or other forms of fun instead of waiting. How
about that great novel you wanted to write! Just as you get into it you'll
probably be interrupted by having to move so suddenly! Sweetness to you and
Stephen as your lessons are learned gracefully in due time! Much love and
compassion and respect for your honesty". -Dr Bev J-

Re: Heartwings Love Notes 169 - Lessons in
Living: "Dear Tasha, What a terrific description of the ordeal/growth involved
in the process of "downsizing". We are such a culture of consumption. If it is
possible to work it in, might you consider allowing me to publish your Love
Notes 169 lesson on my Real Estate website as a teaching to those considering
downsizing themselves after a multi decade relationship with their space?" - Ric
Tasha, "Just a quick note. It is always moving when you write so personally of
your life. I relate to much of what you wrote, having once had my own store
(about 2,000 square feet); having had to leave much behind as the Universe moved
me in my journeys which ultimately brought me here... And learning to place
things in the hands of the Universe..." Bless you, -Rev P.-

Tasha, "You are such an INSPIRATION to me!"
Tasha, "WHY AREN"T YOU PUBLISHED? I love reading your "Heartwings"! Much better
than those "Chicken Soup" stories and other ilk put out by big publishing
houses! -LoveallCreation-
Tasha, "You are great. I have so much appreciated the wisdom in your last few
Heartwings Love Notes." Blessings of the season -Waverly-
"Re: Heartwings Love Notes 150 - Making Peace with Suffering: "This comes at a
very poignant time. My uncle's mother died recently, additionally there has been
a 'break' in my own family. Suffering and loss are all too close at the moment.
However, at the same time I have always been a believer in 'Everything happens
for a reason'. What you wrote is comforting" -Elaine-
"What a dear heart you are - Someday I hope that I am blessed to meet you. Thank
you for the way you are able to make our world and lives more beautiful through
your Heartwings." Abundant blessings, -Stephanie-
"Once beauty is in the eye of the beholder, we find it everywhere! - Thank you
for helping us all to be more aware." -Jean-

"Thank you for your wise words and sense of
deep caring." Love, -J.L.-
"You are another Sun to spread light which illuminates the otherwise dark
corners of daily life. Keep up the Good Work!" Hugz, -J.R.-
"I emailed you a year ago. My father had died a year prior and I was very
depressed but your Heartwings were so helpful to me. Every time I feel down, I
go back and read them over and over again." -A.N.-
"I suppose you receive a lot of mail, but I wanted to let you know that you are
planting a lot of seeds. Thank you so much." -M.M.-
"Dear Tasha, your Heartwings messages have saved me in many times when i was
down and out. please keep up the great work that you do for all of us. Thank you
about your gardening advice brought me threw my period of divorce blues."
-M.B- Kewaskum, WI .

"You know sometimes someone comes along and
makes a real impact on a person's life. I was 19, unmarried, and pregnant in
1970. I met an old woman and her husband, she came to my house one day and found
me passed out on the floor from hunger. I woke up to her putting a face cloth on
my face and taking care of me. She took me to the welfare office and got me
commodities, then she asked me how far along I was. She said she would help me
find a doctor, well she did and helped me get Medicade. This wonderful women
hand sewed me baby stuff for my baby, at the time I didn't know it because she
told me the things were for one of her grandsons. When she gave me the baby
things I asked her how I was ever going to repay her? She said "Just pass it
on". Ever since then I have tried to do just that, I taught self defense in
Waterson College. One of the girls I taught saw me on the bus one day, she told
me some of the things I had taught her came in handy and without it she may have
lost her life. She was able to disarm a man with a gun and had him arrested. You
never know the kind of impact you will have on another person's life. Thanks so
much for the Heartwings, you have made an genuine impact and difference with my
life as well." -Phyllis-

"Dear Tasha, I suppose you receive a lot of
mail, and I do not need a response as this mail is only to thank you for your
thoughts and writing. I think you must be a very special person. You are
planting a lot of seeds." -Michelle M.-
"Thank you Tasha, I really enjoyed your Heartwings on using your time. It can be
so easy to get caught up in little details that just don't mean anything. Thank
you too!! Abundant blessings." -Stephanie-
"Please add me to your email list. What I have read so far in your archives is
wonderful food for the soul. Blessings." -Stregalibby-

"Hope you know how much joy your emails
create as the ripple effect continues. I look forward to each and everyone and
bless you for your contribution. Your fan" -Rosian.-
"Re: Heartwings Love Notes 145 - Loving Truly: "This was very helpful. I'm
feeling this way about my 96 year old grandmother. Tough to vocalize, but you
hit the mark perfectly." -Lisa G.-
"Thanks for the messages for my daughter. She is out in California on her own
right now, out of college, and trying to make a name for herself. She
sends me these and I am sure they help her tremendously." Thanks -
Her Dad
February 17,
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