The prevailing energies this month focus on the Solstice, the rest of retrograde Mercury, and a Lunar Eclipse of the Full Moon. Changes that have been in the wings for a while may make themselves known. There is no sudden rush, just a gradual awakening to what is happening or is already underway. The Solstice ushers in the reappearance of the light, which dawns a little earlier each day.
Today is: ( )
Day | Date |
Astrology |
Thur | 1st | World AIDS Day - Plan for changes; these can affect any choices to be made. |
Fri | 2nd | An energetic day, please be mindful and look before you leap. |
Sat | 3rd | Moon in Active Aries suggests restarting or rethinking any stalled projects. |
Sun | 4th | Much happens, busy day. Stay clear of arguments or conflicts. |
Mon | 5th | Sinterklaas (St Nicholas) Eve - Birthday of Santa Claus - Plan gentle, joyful activities. All goes well. |
Tue | 6th | Moon in earthy Taurus provides enjoyment of appetites. |
Wed | 7th | Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day - Shop to replace what you need or do beauty treatments. |
Thur | 8th | Plan to accomplish needed maintenance work. |
Fri | 9th | Moon in restless Gemini keeps us all on the move. Errands go well. |
Sat | 10th | Human Rights Day - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse suggests change is in the wind. This is reinforced by Uranus, so expect the unexpected. |
Sun | 11th | Moon in caring Cancer suggests planning visits or communicating with parents. |
Mon | 12th | Home repairs or reviews of meal plans go well today. |
Tue | 13th | Mercury turns direct today, though not until evening. Find last minute "re" things to do—restore, restock, repeat, remove, etc. |
Wed | 14th | Moon in hearty Leo makes for romantic feelings. Indulge your beloved. |
Thur | 15th | Generous giving brings good rewards. |
Fri | 16th | Moon in practical Virgo indicates time to focus on organization. |
Sat | 17th | Difficult choices may arise. Take your time deciding. |
Sun | 18th | Responsibilities may put you between a rock and a hard place. Do not put off necessary choices. |
Mon | 19th | A good potential exists for creating structure. Organize plans. |
Tue | 20th | Hanukkah/Chanukkah Begins (at sundown) 2011 - Venus into altruistic Aquarius suggests benefits from group interaction for a while. Today beware of overdoing or taking on too much. |
Wed | 21st | Unusual choices may come your way. Think before purchasing. |
Thur | 22nd | 1st day of Winter - Winter Solstice Begins - Today's Winter Solstice ushers in the renewal of light and fine day for hospitality and generosity. Also, expect the unexpected. |
Fri | 23rd | Moon into Sagittarius makes for hospitality and energetic action. |
Sat | 24th | Christmas Eve - New Moon in Capricorn suggests beginnings for business and politics. |
Sun | 25th | Christmas Day - Jupiter direct today can bring delayed rewards as well as expenses. |
Mon | 26th | Moon in altruistic Aquarius suggests being of help to the public. |
Tue | 27th | A good day to gather with friends. |
Wed | 28th | Hanukkah/Chanukkah Ends (at sundown) 2011 - make good connections with a volunteer organization. Change may be scheduled. |
Thur | 29th | A great day to make needed changes. |
Fri | 30th | Moon in compassionate Pisces says seek those in need and be of help. |
Sat | 31st | New Years Eve - Make two good resolutions and initiate ways to fulfill them. |
- December 2011 - |
Holidays & Other Interesting events happening in DECEMBER: |
Events for December: (A lot of events happening in
December 1st is World AIDS Day. |
December 2nd is National Day - Nationhood of United Arab Emirates. |
December 5th is Sinterklaas (St Nicholas) Eve - Birthday of Santa Claus in the Netherlands, (also called Sint Nikolaas in Dutch) is a traditional holiday figure in the Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles and Belgium, celebrated every year on Saint Nicholas' eve (December 5) or, in Belgium, on the morning of December 6. The feast celebrates the name day of Saint Nicholas, patron saint of, among other things, children. |
December 5th is Father's Day - Thailand (Kings Birthday) in Thailand. |
December 6th is Independence Day in Finland Saint Nicholas Day in Greece Constitution Day in Spain |
December 6th is St Nicholas Day in Greece. |
December 7th is Fukuoka Marathon in Japan held on first Sunday in December. |
December 8th is Día de la Madre en Panamá (Mother's Day) in Panama |
December 10th is Human Rights Day |
December 10th Nobel Prizes are awarded on the anniversary of Albert Nobel's death. |
December 9th in the Ásatrú religion, Egil Skallagrimsson's Day is a day of remembrance for the Viking hero. |
December 12th is Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe, or Day of the Virgin of Guadalupe, in Mexico |
December 12th 2010 is the Honolulu Marathon held on the second Sunday in December every year. |
Bill of Rights Day (United States). is December 15th. The Bill of Rights is a list or summary of rights that are considered important and essential by a group of people. The purpose of these bills is to protect those against infringement by the government |
Hanukkah/Chanukkah begins December 20th 2011 and ends December 28th at sundown (see also Judaism 101 - Chanukkah). |
Winter Begins - The Winter Solstice begins today December 22nd 2011. |
The Emperor's Birthday, a national holiday in Japan (December 23) |
December 24th is
Christmas Eve, the day before Christmas Day, a widely celebrated holiday
commemorating the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. It is a culturally significant
celebration for most of the Western world and is widely observed as a full
or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas. In Western culture, Christmas Eve is celebrated on December 24. However, the Coptic, Serbian, Russian, Macedonian, and Georgian Orthodox Churches, as well as the Greek Orthodox Church of Jerusalem, use the Julian calendar, which is currently thirteen days behind the Gregorian calendar, so Christmas Eve for the adherents of those Churches coincides with January 6 of the following year in the Gregorian calendar. |
December 25th is Christmas Day, in most parts of the world it is celebrated (December 25th) but varies in some countries, click on the link to find out more about the various celebrations worldwide. |
December 26th is National Boxing Day in Canada. Kwanzaa - Celebration of African Heritage (December 26 to January 1) Day of Goodwill |
Hanukkah/Chanukkah - Ends December 28th 2011 at sundown and began December 20th (see also Judaism 101 - Chanukkah). |
December 31st New Years Eve |
December is the twelfth and last month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with the length of 31 days |
December is the month with the shortest daylight hours of the year in the Northern Hemisphere and the longest daylight hours of the year in the Southern Hemisphere. |
December is Seasonal Depression Awareness Month. |
December is Love Your Neighbor Month ! |
In Latin, decem means "ten". December was also the tenth month in the Roman calendar until a monthless winter period was divided between January and February. |
Other Names for December:
December in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to June in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa. |
December always begins with the same day of the week as September. |
December's flower is the narcissus or the holly. |
December's birthstones are turquoise, lapis lazuli, zircon, topaz (blue), or tanzanite. |
More: | Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (December): ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks |
Jump to: Astrology this month - Jump to: Other Interesting Events |
Fire Signs | Earth Signs | Air Signs | Water Signs |
ARIES May 21-May 19 |
TAURUS May 20-May 20 |
GEMINI May 21-June 20 |
CANCER June 21-July 22 |
LEO July 23-Aug. 22 |
VIRGO Aug. 23-Sept. 22 |
LIBRA Sept. 23-Oct. 22 |
SCORPIO Oct. 23-Nov. 21 |
SAGITTARIUS Nov. 22-Dec. 21 |
CAPRICORN Dec. 22-Jan. 19 |
AQUARIUS Jan. 20-Feb. 18 |
PISCES Feb. 19-May 20 |
**For more information on Astrological Signs and what they all mean please (click here).
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