
The month of October is moderately active astrologically. However, unlike September with its Uranus/Pluto excitement, October's aspects are relatively well distributed amongst the various planets, presenting a variety of opportunities and challenges. Venus aspects are important, signaling the necessity to choose wisely and to be mindful of any commitment made as a result ot those choices. Venus travels through Virgo from the 3rd to the 28th, indicating that our choices will likely be of a practical nature.

Mars begins the month in Scorpio for the first week, intensifying any interest in working to get to the bottom of whatever issues are at hand as well as exposing mysteries that have heretofore been hidden. When it enters Sagittarius on the 6th, energy abounds as well as a sense of freedom of action. This could be reflected politically in more activity among those opposing restrictions and restraints as well as an effort to educate by example.

The New and Full Moons in Libra and Taurus on the 15th and the 29th each have other aspects prominent. The New Moon Mars/Uranus trine can enhance opportunities to try new ways of doing and accomplishing, while the full Moon Mercury/Neptune square cautions us to watch what we say and examine carefully what we think. As these aspects characterize the emphasis for the two weeks following the New and Full Moons, they will be more important than usual.

Saturn changes signs this month, moving into Scorpio on the 5th. Because Saturn represents responsibility and structure, it can help Scorpios recognize where in their lives they need to assume more of these and act accordingly. On an impersonal level it may indicate a strengthening of this sign's potential for rebirth and renewal. During the next two and a half years while it remains there, people may take more responsibility for self healing and for sexual behavior. Issues around sexual abuse might be in the news. In addition, there could be more regulation of insurance companies as well as of the stock market.

A few individual days for planning ahead: The 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th present a gathering energy that may culminate in greater focus on issues around healing and regeneration. The 7th may present trickery or deception, the 8th and 9th can be lucky days, be mindful on the 10th of what responsibilities you need to stick with. The 14th, 15th and 16th could bring a golden opportunity to make progress, though caution around excess is urged. The 23rd, 24th, and 25th suggest taking a good look at what is working and what is not and making adjustments. The 28th and 29th present a restless energy that needs a bit of reining in. Go slow and avoid snap judgments.



Halloween - (October 31st)

It's FALL - Get out there and see the Foliage (Oct-Nov)
- October 2012 -

Columbus Day U.S - (Oct 8th 2012)

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Mon 1st Moon in steady Taurus gives a strong start to the month. Continue as you have been and all goes well.
Tue 2nd A kindly aspect hovers over the day, urging us to look on the bright side.
Wed 3rd Venus moves into Virgo for most of the month and later signals our need to love ourselves more that we may have more love to give.
Thur 4th Jupiter turns retrograde today, heavy weather could be expected. Delayed rewards may now be collected. Later, take care to speak the truth.
Fri 5th International World Teachers Day (Fact The History of Teachers Day) - Mercury moves to Scorpio, Saturn does the same, but for two and a half years. Take time to get the most from any and all opportunities for change.
Sat 6th Mars moves into Sagittarius signaling emphasis on greater athletic activity as well as expansion of educational efforts.
Sun 7th Self deception is a potential. Be mindful around drugs and illusions.
Mon 8th Columbus Day (U.S) and  Thanksgiving (Canada) - Useful activities include eliminating illusions, while enjoying the potential for transformation. A happy mood prevails today and tomorrow.
Tue 9th Luck is available for those who deserve it: good karma time.
Wed 10th all structure for weak spots; for success think things through.
Thur 11th Moon in picky Virgo keeps us checking for mistakes.
Fri 12th Get things done efficiently then enjoy a relaxed evening.
Sat 13th Moon in pleasant Libra brings a peaceful, happy day to all.
Sun 14th Enjoy an art exhibit or take your camera for a walk. Sudden solutions suggest themselves.
Mon 15th New Moon in Libra signals two weeks of efforts toward beautification, balance and harmony. Breakthroughs are possible.
Tue 16th National Boss Day - Be mindful of a tendency to overeat or indulge, correspondence and communication go well.
Wed 17th Moon in philosophical Sagittarius suggests coming to terms with persistent problems.
Thur 18th goes well as do classes to expand the mind.
Fri 19th Opportunities abound for discussion and resolution.
Sat 20th executive Capricorn keeps us on our toes. Decisions are easy.
Sun 21st A businesslike Sunday is in the wind.
Mon 22nd Moon in quirky Aquarius makes for inventive solutions. Sun into Scorpio begins another lunar month.
Tue 23rd Take time to day to enjoy some music. Intuitive prompting helps us.
Wed 24th Moon in sympathetic Pisces shines the way toward compassionate actions.
Thur 25th Taking responsibility leads to happiness as well as hard work.
Fri 26th Early, sweet messages can be helpful and show love. Later, Moon in active Aries gets us up and moving.
Sat 27th Moon in Aries makes for a busy, active, day wherever we are.
Sun 28th Mother-In-Law Day (celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month) - Venus moves into Libra and shines the way to beauty and harmony. Today, good fortune attends those who reach for it.
Mon 29th Full Moon in Taurus makes everything taste better. Be mindful to speak the truth and to listen for what is untrue.
Tue 30th Opportunities abound, however you must see and reach for them.
Wed 31st Halloween - Take advantage of the last of the Taurus Moon in the morning then enjoy wandering under a peripatetic Gemini Moon.


Thanksgiving Canada - (Oct 8th 2012)

- October 2012 -
National Teachers Day - (Oct 5th 2012)
Find out more information about October
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Holidays &  Other Interesting events happening in OCTOBER:
Holidays and Other Cool Events brought to you by Doc Dingley

Month Long October Events: 

Cultural Celebrations

Health Observances

Other Names For October:
  • In Latin, October is called Octubre, or VIIIber (where VIII is the Roman number 8, in Latin "octo"). The name is due to the fact that it was the 8th month in the early Julian calendar beginning in March.
  • In Albanian, October is called Tetor
  • In Arabic, October is called tashrîn al-awwal in the Middle East and uktűbîr in North-Africa.
  • In Slovak, October is called október.
  • In Czech, October is called říjen. The origin of this name is in the deer's belling in this month.
  • A traditional Dutch name for October is Wijnmaand ("wine month") because the first wines of the year have ripened.
  • In Finnish, October is called lokakuu, meaning "month of dirt".
  • In German, October is called Oktober.
  • In Scottish Gaelic, October is called an Damhar, meaning "rutting time" (of stags).
  • In Hungarian, October is called Október.
  • In Irish, October is called Deireadh Fómhair, meaning "end of harvest-time".
  • In Italian, October is called ottobre.
  • In Turkish, October is called Ekim, meaning "sowing" because of the sowing of wheat.
  • In the old Japanese calendar, the 10th month was called Kannazuki (神無月? also pronounced Kaminazuki), literally meaning the godless month, due to an old belief that in that month, the gods gathered in one spot to discuss the affairs of the world. Thus, in that month, the gods were inaccessible. (It actually means, "month of the gods", however, as the "na" is actually a possessive particle and the 無 character is ateji.)
  • In Croatian, October is called Listopad, meaning leaves list fall pad.
  • In French, October is called "octobre".
  • In Spanish, October is called "octubre".
  • In Polish, October is called "Październik".
  • In Romanian, October is called "Octombrie"
  • In Russian, October is called "Октябрь"
  • In Lithuanian, October is called Spalis.
  • In Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch and German, October is called Oktober.
  • In Portuguese, October is called "Outubro".
  • In Welsh, October is called "Hydref", meaning "autumn".
  • In Icelandic, October is called október.
  • In Korean, it is called "Sib-weol" meaning the tenth month
  • In Chinese, October is called Shíyuč(十月)also meaning the tenth month.
  October Events and Holidays

October is the tenth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of seven Gregorian months with 31 days

In Latin, octo means "eight". October was also the eight month in the Roman calendar until a month less winter period was divided between January and February



In the nineteenth century, the month of October was dedication to devotion to the rosary in Roman Catholic countries

The month October has become famous as "Red October", due to the Russian October revolution of 1917, although in the modern Gregorian calendar, the revolution started in November

October is the most common birth month, along with July

International World Teachers Day is Celebrated October 5th (2012)

Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving (Canada) on the second Monday of October. This year that is October 8th (2012)

Columbus Day is celebrated on the second Monday of October. This year that is October 8th (2012)

National Boss Day is celebrated October 16th

Mother-In-Law Day is celebrated the 4th Sunday of the month, October 28th (2012)

Halloween is celebrated October 31st. Halloween is celebrated in several countries of the Western world, most commonly in Ireland (where it originated), the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, the United Kingdom, Japan, New Zealand, and occasionally in parts of Australia. In Sweden the All Saints' official holiday takes place on the first Saturday of November.

October begins on the same day of the week as January in common years and May in leap years

October's flower is the calendula or cosmos.

October's birthstone is the opal or tourmaline
More: Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (October):
ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks


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