
The September energy as portrayed through astrology gathers around two main events: the direct motion of the planet Pluto on the 18th, and the square between Pluto and Uranus on the 19th. Leading up to and away from these are the monthly Moon events: New on the 15th and Full on the 29th. Various Mercury and Venus aspects interweave with the planets they dance with to provide opportunities. The square is a long term event that spreads out over most of the month, culminating but not concluding on the 19th.

Sun, Venus and Mercury change signs this month--Venus from sensitive, shy Cancer to Bright Leo, Mercury and Sun from analytical Virgo to gracious Libra. Mars remains fully in powerful Scorpio where it helps us make needed changes. This will be a month to clear out debris, those "weeds" and other debris in our personal lives or "gardens" that grew there during Augusts' lazy days. We can eliminate what is outgrown or outworn by ourselves or have it done for us. It is often easier in the long run to do it for ourselves.

Beginning the month, a Mercury/Neptune opposition suggests checking carefully before agreeing to requests. The 2nd and 3rd indicate the potential for a choice bringing extra responsibility or obligations. The 4th brings opportunities for peaceful change through communication. The 4th and 5th provide chances to reach out to be of help or reach a goal. The 6th Venus enters romantic Leo. A Sun/Jupiter aspect on the 6th and 7th warns of a potential for overindulgence.

Beware of trickery or misleading exaggeration the 8th; the 9th and 10th bring smooth mental sailing. The 12th and 13th provide unusual opportunities for fun. The New Moon in Virgo on the 15th brings analytical energy to help prepare for the new season: discard the old, purchase the necessary. The 16th, Mercury into Libra balances us. This leads into the 17th and 18th when Pluto makes its station and there is an intensification of energy for change. The 18th and 19th are days to be mindful as the vast energies of Uranus and Pluto collide.

The 20th too is a busy day, news flies through the air, change continues. The Autumnal Equinox on the 22nd when Sun enters Libra smiles on all. The 25th and 26th provide opportunities to make folks smile and restore peace. The 26th and 27th sees a mix-up of energy with opportunities for conflict. Eliminating what's no longer helpful then will also be of benefit when the Full Moon on the 29th starts a new energy cycle for cleansing and polishing, intensified by a strong Pluto aspect to the Sun.



Labor Day in the United States - (Sept 5th 2011)

- September 2012 -

It's FALL - Get out there and see the Foliage (Oct-Nov)

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Sat 1st Moon in compassionate Pisces points the way to giving to others. But be careful not to be deceived into giving inappropriately.
Sun 2nd Moon in fiery Aries can warm hearts or backside. Spontaneity rules.
Mon 3rd Labor Day - Be mindful of responsibilities today, however, don't overdo, either. Work toward moderation.
Tue 4th Communication helps you get to the bottom of things. Feel encouraged to ask questions.
Wed 5th Travel goes well as does communication of all sorts. The key is paying attention.
Thur 6th Venus moves into Leo and feelings of generosity can influence your choices. For today, Moon in reliable Taurus helps us stay focused.
Fri 7th Gemini Moon has us all chatting, while a Sun/Jupiter aspect could lead to extravagance and/or exaggeration.
Sat 8th The tendency to exaggerate or over do spending or eating continues and may surface in the media with perhaps news of the same.
Sun 9th National Grandparents' Day - Moon in Cancer brings nostalgia and thoughts of home. Tidy up your surroundings and feel good.
Mon 10th Good day for communications, especially if you plan an event or large party.
Tue 11th Communicate with those you love and cherish, those especially close relatives or friends.
Wed 12th Romance could be in the air, or just plain fun. Take time to play.
Thur 13th You could discover your soul mate or your best friend, look around, today's a day for surprises.
Fri 14th

Finish up old business before tomorrow's New Moon. Moon in meticulous Virgo helps.

Sat 15th New moon this evening suggests you spend the day clearing the way ahead for its energy. Focus your New Moon in virgo efforts on organizing.
Sun 16th Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year (begins sundown) - Mercury moves into sweet Libra, and with the Moon there as well this must be the sweetest day in a long time. Art flows.
Mon 17th Respect for the Aged Day in Japan - A good day to make adjustments. Analyze what needs changing and begin now. The next two days are powerful.
Tue 18th Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year (ends sundown) - Pluto makes its station and turns direct. An important secret matter may come to light and  lead to significant changes.
Wed 19th International 'Talk Like A Pirate Day' (see below) - Uranus and Pluto have been dancing a square dance for some time, and today they meet and do-si-do. Breakthroughs may be made if pursued with courage.
Thur 20th Communication goes wild! Sit tight and ride the waves. Don't believe everything you hear unless or until you have some kind of proof.
Fri 21st Moon in vigorous Sagittarius urges all to open the mind to new ways of perceiving and understanding.
Sat 22nd Autumn Begins - Fall Equinox (First Day of Fall) - Moon in vigorous Sagittarius urges all to open the mind to new ways of perceiving and understanding.
Sun 23rd Moon in practical Capricorn keeps us on track. Plan tasks
Mon 24th Work energy is strong for the daytime; evening brings a change of pace. Have fun with friends.
Tue 25th Yom Kippur (begins sundown) - Moon in friendly Aquarius has us meeting and greeting. Plan get-togethers now.
Wed 26th Yom Kippur (Ends sundown) - If you need to make persuasive speech, today is a day to plan it.  Conversations of all kinds bear fruit.
Thur 27th Mars and Venus are at odds. Not a good day to make any important choices or purchases. Decide tomorrow.
Fri 28th Rosh Hashanah Jewish New Year (begins sundown) - Moon in loving Pisces brings out compassion. Seek those who need help and give what you can.
Sat 29th Full Moon in Aries shines on all that is new and innovative. Use the energy to get projects into the air.
Sun 30th Full Moon energy prevails, put it to good use however you wish.

National Grandparents Day is (Sept 9th 2012)

- September 2012 -
Find out more information about September
(Click Here)

Rosh Hashanah - (Begins at sundown) Sept 16th 2012


Holidays &  Other Interesting events happening in SEPTEMBER:
Holidays and Other Cool Events brought to you by Doc Dingley

Month Long September Events: 
The German Oktoberfest and the Chinese August Moon festival (more correctly called the Mid-Autumn Festival) both occur in September.
September is also Library Card Sign-Up Month.

Week Long Events in September:

Other Names For September:
  • In Croatian, September is called Rujan, meaning red month (leaves turn red before falling).
  • In Czech, September is called září, meaning glow or shine.
  • In Finnish, September is called syyskuu, meaning autumn month.
  • In Polish, September is called wrzesień, month when calluna flowers emerge.
  • In Tigrinya and Amharic, September is called meskerem which is also the month when the yellow flowers of the same name blossom marking the beginning of the New year according to the ancient Christian orthodox calendars of Eritrea and Ethiopia as well as the start of the greatest harvest season in most parts of both countries.
  • In Turkish, September is called Eylül, (arabian - eylûl), syriac-arabian 'aylûl' means 'Grape'. Thus the meaning might be "Grape Month". Another, more likely, possibility might be from the hebrew month Elul.

September is the ninth month of the year in the Gregorian Calendar and one of four Gregorian months with 30 days

In Latin, septi means "seven" and septem means "seventh"; September was in fact the seventh month of the Roman calendar until 153 BC

September begins on the same day of the week as December, every year

In Australia and New Zeland, Father's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of September. (September 2nd 2012)

In Venice, on the first Sunday of September the Regata Storica is held, a parade as prelude to the rowing contests known as regattas. (September 2nd 2012)

Labor Day is observed on the first Monday in September in the United States and Canada (spelled Labour Day). (September 3rd 2012)

National Grandparents' Day takes place on the first Sunday after Labor Day in the United States and Canada. (September 9th 2012)

In the United States, Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15th to October 15th.

In Mexico, Independence Day (Grito de Dolores) is celebrated September 16th

Rosh Hashanah (begins at sundown) Sunday September 16th 2012 and (ends at sundown) Tuesday September 18th 2012

In Japan, Respect for the Aged Day is a national holiday celebrated annually to honor elderly citizens. Beginning in 2003 Respect for the Aged was changed to be celebrated on the third Monday of September of each year. (This year it is celebrated September 17th 2012)

September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day 'Arhhh' or as Capt Jack Sparrow says - 'Savvy ?'
Some notable Audio clip quotes of Capt Jack Sparrow from the movie (Pirates of The Caribbean).

The name is: 'Captain Jack Sparrow - Savvy?'
Capt Jack on - 'Dishonest Men'
Capt Jack on - 'The Black Pearl and Freedom'
Capt Jack confuses two soldiers - 'Truth'

Capt Jack asks Elizabeth - 'Why The Rum Gone?'

Click here for the Pirate Speak translator.

Autumn begins (First day of Fall). The Fall Equinox named the autumnal equinox in the northern hemisphere and the vernal or spring equinox in the southern hemisphere occurs on dates varying from 22 September to 25 September (in UTC). This year it is (This year it begins September 22nd 2012 10:49am EDT) in the northern hemisphere.

This year Yom Kippur (begins sundown) (Tuesday October 25th 2012) and (ends sundown) (Wednesday October 26th 2012)

In the Netherlands the third Tuesday in September is known as prinsjesdag or the opening of the Dutch parliamentary year. The government presents its annual budget. The queen rides to the parliament in a gilded coach and reads the plans for the coming year to the Staten-general. (September 22nd 2008)

September is also the name of a female Swedish singer, author of the dance hit song "Satellites".

World War II started on September 1, 1939 with Adolf Hitler's invasion of Poland. It ended on September 2, 1945 with Japan's formal surrender

September in the Northern Hemisphere is the seasonal equivalent to March in the Southern Hemisphere and vice versa

September begins on the same day of the week as December every year

September's flower is the aster or morning glory.

September's birthstone is the sapphire
More: Bizarre & Unique Holidays for (September):
ThinkQuest.Org - Holiday Insights.Com - Brownie Locks


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