Heartwings Love Notes          



Heartwings Love Notes 751 - Full of Thanks and Grateful for It

Heartwings says, "Awareness of blessings generates a sense of thankfulness."

I wasn't always aware how important it was to be grateful. To be sure, I was brought up to say thank you when given a gift and often to write a letter of acknowledgment to the giver. However, having an actual attitude of gratitude, as the saying goes, was foreign to my thinking. I can remember my mother saying things like: "Finish your liver, there are children starving in China who would be happy to have it." Of course, the thought that goes with that is, well send it to them then, however that would have been considered a rude remark and would have merited disciplinary action.

As a child, like most I took my safety, my freedom from hunger and cold, and my warm surroundings for granted. I was sheltered from the knowledge of others' circumstances because the only outside source of information besides the newspapers was the radio. I knew much less about the world than do children today with access to TV and the Internet. Whether that makes one more or less apt to be grateful is moot. It might make an interesting study. It is very easy for children to take their blessings for granted. Most probably even today gratitude is something most become aware of as adults.

My change of heart began with a simple prayer I was taught by someone I met only briefly who had a profound effect on my life. In a conversation with her I was complaining about my circumstances when she corrected me saying that rather than bemoan what I did not have, I rejoice over what I did. Her suggestion was to repeat three times a day, "Beloved Lord I do greatly thank Thee for the abundance that is mine." The phrasing can be changed to suit those who have a different belief system to honor whatever higher power they may acknowledge--Divine Providence, the Goddess, Mother Earth and so on.

Oddly once I began to do that, my abundance began to grow and has continued to do so. On another occasion I briefly met a wise woman who among other things, told me to take nothing for granted. I took her advice to heart. As I have continued to be grateful even for simple gifts and to acknowledge my little blessings, they have continued to expand. Eventually I even learned to be grateful for difficulties and disappointments because of the opportunities to learn and grow they provided. At this Thanksgiving as always I will sit down at the table with a heart full of gratitude, and for this I am exceedingly grateful.

As you celebrate your Thanksgiving may you find much for which to be grateful.

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Blessings and Best Regards,
Tasha Halpert

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