Heartwings Love Notes          



Heartwings Love Notes 818 - Dark and Light

Heartwings says, "Without contrast how can we see clearly?"

When I first learned to read I fell in love with the printed word. After that I devoured as many books as I could get my hands on. Like many children, once in bed at night after I was supposed to be sleeping, I hid under the covers and read by flashlight. Reading wherever I was every chance I got, I accumulated knowledge and stimulated my imagination, giving me a rich childhood and a good basis for expansion as I grew older. I still love to read however I no longer use a flashlight under the covers nor fear the approaching footsteps of a parent suspicious of my eagerness to go to bed.

As I have grown older, darkness has taken on more impact for me. Winter hours mean I sleep more. However nowadays I need more light to see by. With the onset of Daylight Saving and then the Equinox that is on its way, I will enjoy the longer hours of light. I appreciate being able to see more clearly later and later in the day. Yet were it not for the contrast of darkness or the shadows cast by the light, it would be more difficult for me to perceive the size, shape, and outlines of objects around me. Too, without the dark hours of winter the trees and perennials would not get the rest they need to rebirth themselves in the spring. As do I, nature needs both dark and light.

Darkness is as necessary to us as light. It is what helps us define and manage the world around us. Early in their development as we attempt to shield our children from making mistakes we teach them about right and wrong. Sometimes this is a tricky proposition. I have often thought about how it is we teach children and young adults not to kill or cause harm or hurt to others. Then perhaps they join the armed services and find themselves with a gun to aim at someone who is called the enemy. In that instance killing is right or so they are told now. Could that have something to do with why so many individuals return from combat with troubled minds?

The Equinox presents us with equal hours for day and night. After March 20th until the process reverses with the Solstice in June the days will be longer than the nights. Meanwhile the world around us begins to wake from its long winter sleep in the dark. Balance in all things and the achievement of that balance is one of the important goals of the natural process of growth and decay. We too participate in this process, shining the light of our understanding on the darkness of ignorance as we learn and grow our way through life. It is the contrast together with our moral compass that guides us toward the wholeness that is made up of both sun and shadow, darkness and light.

May you find inspiration in the light and solace in the dark.


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Blessings and Best Regards,
Tasha Halpert

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