First Snow
It almost feels like Christmas in the heart,
A child again, with joy I watch them fall,
Melting on still green grass, frosting the tall
Pines swaying welcome to the Winter's start.
First flakes of snow, first harbinger of white
That will one day remain for endless days
I may soon tire of this, soon cease to praise,
Yet now it's newness shines my heart up bright.
For winter brings its special gifts to me,
There's time to watch the world grow white and still.
Go walking briskly in the winter's chill,
Or take a golden opportunity
To put Fall's treasures in my memory chest;
But best of all, to take my time and rest.
Winter's Day
Brown leaves skitter in the street,
Little mice running in circles.
Bright blue skies rejoice my heart.,
Making it light in my chest.
Drawing scarf around neck,
I plunge hands into pockets
Making fists against the cold.
Snow is predicted, but I am glad to be outside
Experiencing the special brightness.
Trees in Winter
Bare trees stand revealed
Their true design
Writes their names against the sky.
Green leaves are lovely
Yet they are but one stage in the cycle.
Trees' sleep is a hibernation
A long Winter's night.
Looking closely I can see
Hints of buds already formed.
The promise of Spring in Winter's language.
